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| hash160                                  | decoded text          |

| 675b06dbf9cf970447bf734fc1a8746545f87575ff82ea357dc3f6fdef0a6e2c |
| 2f323236333a4d6172696c796e204d6f6e726f65 | /2263:Marilyn Monroe
| 2028626f726e204e6f726d61204a65616e65204d | (born Norma Jeane M
| 6f7274656e736f6e3b204a756e6520312c203139 | ortenson; June 1, 19
| 323620e280932041756775737420352c20313936 | 26 August 5, 196
| 32292077617320616e20416d65726963616e2061 | 2) was an American a
| 6374726573732c206d6f64656c2c20616e642073 | ctress, model, and s
| 696e6765722c2077686f20626563616d65206120 | inger, who became a
| 6d616a6f72207365782073796d626f6c2c207374 | major sex symbol, st
| 617272696e6720696e2061206e756d626572206f | arring in a number o
| 6620636f6d6d65726369616c6c79207375636365 | f commercially succe
| 737366756c206d6f74696f6e2070696374757265 | ssful motion picture
| 7320647572696e67207468652031393530732061 | s during the 1950s a
| 6e64206561726c792031393630732e0d0a0d0a41 | nd early 1960s. A
| 66746572207370656e64696e67206d756368206f | fter spending much o
| 6620686572206368696c64686f6f6420696e2066 | f her childhood in f
| 6f7374657220686f6d65732c204d6f6e726f6520 | oster homes, Monroe
| 626567616e206120636172656572206173206120 | began a career as a
| 6d6f64656c2c207768696368206c656420746f20 | model, which led to
| 612066696c6d20636f6e747261637420696e2031 | a film contract in 1
| 3934362077697468205477656e74696574682043 | 946 with Twentieth C
| 656e747572792d466f782e20486572206561726c | entury-Fox. Her earl
| 792066696c6d20617070656172616e6365732077 | y film appearances w
| 657265206d696e6f722c20627574206865722070 | ere minor, but her p
| 6572666f726d616e63657320696e205468652041 | erformances in The A
| 737068616c74204a756e676c6520616e6420416c | sphalt Jungle and Al
| 6c2041626f7574204576652028626f7468203139 | l About Eve (both 19
| 353029206472657720617474656e74696f6e2e20 | 50) drew attention.
| 4279203139353220736865206861642068657220 | By 1952 she had her
| 6669727374206c656164696e6720726f6c652069 | first leading role i
| 6e20446f6e277420426f7468657220746f204b6e | n Don't Bother to Kn
| 6f636b20616e6420313935332062726f75676874 | ock and 1953 brought
| 2061206c65616420696e204e6961676172612c20 | a lead in Niagara,
| 61206d656c6f6472616d617469632066696c6d20 | a melodramatic film
| 6e6f69722074686174206477656c74206f6e2068 | noir that dwelt on h
| 6572207365647563746976656e6573732e204865 | er seductiveness. He
| 72202264756d6220626c6f6e6465222070657273 | r "dumb blonde" pers
| 6f6e6120776173207573656420746f20636f6d69 | ona was used to comi
| 632065666665637420696e207375627365717565 | c effect in subseque
| 6e742066696c6d7320737563682061732047656e | nt films such as Gen
| 746c656d656e2050726566657220426c6f6e6465 | tlemen Prefer Blonde
| 73202831393533292c20486f7720746f204d6172 | s (1953), How to Mar
| 72792061204d696c6c696f6e6169726520283139 | ry a Millionaire (19
| 35332920616e642054686520536576656e205965 | 53) and The Seven Ye
| 61722049746368202831393535292e204c696d69 | ar Itch (1955). Limi
| 746564206279207479706563617374696e672c20 | ted by typecasting,
| 4d6f6e726f652073747564696564206174207468 | Monroe studied at th
| 65204163746f72732053747564696f20746f2062 | e Actors Studio to b
| 726f6164656e206865722072616e67652e204865 | roaden her range. He
| 72206472616d6174696320706572666f726d616e | r dramatic performan
| 636520696e204275732053746f70202831393536 | ce in Bus Stop (1956
| 2920776173206861696c65642062792063726974 | ) was hailed by crit
| 69637320616e64206761726e6572656420612047 | ics and garnered a G
| 6f6c64656e20476c6f6265206e6f6d696e617469 | olden Globe nominati
| 6f6e2e204865722070726f64756374696f6e2063 | on. Her production c
| 6f6d70616e792c204d6172696c796e204d6f6e72 | ompany, Marilyn Monr
| 6f652050726f64756374696f6e732c2072656c65 | oe Productions, rele
| 6173656420546865205072696e636520616e6420 | ased The Prince and
| 7468652053686f776769726c202831393537292c | the Showgirl (1957),
| 20666f7220776869636820736865207265636569 | for which she recei
| 7665642061204241465441204177617264206e6f | ved a BAFTA Award no
| 6d696e6174696f6e20616e6420776f6e20612044 | mination and won a D
| 6176696420646920446f6e6174656c6c6f206177 | avid di Donatello aw
| 6172642e20536865207265636569766564206120 | ard. She received a
| 476f6c64656e20476c6f62652041776172642066 | Golden Globe Award f
| 6f722068657220706572666f726d616e63652069 | or her performance i
| 6e20536f6d65204c696b6520497420486f742028 | n Some Like It Hot (
| 31393539292e204d6f6e726f652773206c617374 | 1959). Monroe's last
| 20636f6d706c657465642066696c6d2077617320 | completed film was
| 546865204d697366697473202831393631292c20 | The Misfits (1961),
| 636f2d7374617272696e6720436c61726b204761 | co-starring Clark Ga
| 626c652c207769746820612073637265656e706c | ble, with a screenpl
| 6179207772697474656e20627920686572207468 | ay written by her th
| 656e2d68757362616e642c20417274687572204d | en-husband, Arthur M
| 696c6c65722e0d0a0d0a5468652066696e616c20 | iller. The final
| 7965617273206f66204d6f6e726f652773206c69 | years of Monroe's li
| 66652077657265206d61726b656420627920696c | fe were marked by il
| 6c6e6573732c20706572736f6e616c2070726f62 | lness, personal prob
| 6c656d732c20616e642061207265707574617469 | lems, and a reputati
| 6f6e20666f7220756e72656c696162696c697479 | on for unreliability
| 20616e64206265696e6720646966666963756c74 | and being difficult
| 20746f20776f726b20776974682e205468652063 | to work with. The c
| 697263756d7374616e636573206f662068657220 | ircumstances of her
| 64656174682c2066726f6d20616e206f76657264 | death, from an overd
| 6f7365206f66206261726269747572617465732c | ose of barbiturates,
| 2068617665206265656e20746865207375626a65 | have been the subje
| 6374206f6620636f6e6a6563747572652e205468 | ct of conjecture. Th
| 6f756768206f6666696369616c6c7920636c6173 | ough officially clas
| 7369666965642061732061202270726f6261626c | sified as a "probabl
| 652073756963696465222c2074686520706f7373 | e suicide", the poss
| 6962696c6974696573206f6620616e2061636369 | ibilities of an acci
| 64656e74616c206f766572646f7365206f722061 | dental overdose or a
| 20686f6d69636964652068617665206e6f742062 | homicide have not b
| 65656e2072756c6564206f75742e20496e203139 | een ruled out. In 19
| 39392c204d6f6e726f65207761732072616e6b65 | 99, Monroe was ranke
| 64206173207468652073697874682d6772656174 | d as the sixth-great
| 6573742066656d616c652073746172206f662061 | est female star of a
| 6c6c2074696d652062792074686520416d657269 | ll time by the Ameri
| 63616e2046696c6d20496e737469747574652e20 | can Film Institute.
| 496e20746865206465636164657320666f6c6c6f | In the decades follo
| 77696e67206865722064656174682c2073686520 | wing her death, she
| 686173206f6674656e206265656e206369746564 | has often been cited
| 20617320626f7468206120706f7020616e642061 | as both a pop and a
| 2063756c747572616c2069636f6e206173207765 | cultural icon as we
| 6c6c20617320746865207175696e74657373656e | ll as the quintessen
| 7469616c20416d65726963616e20736578207379 | tial American sex sy
| 6d626f6c2e20496e20323030392c205456204775 | mbol. In 2009, TV Gu
| 696465204e6574776f726b206e616d6564206865 | ide Network named he
| 72204e6f2e203120696e2046696c6d2773205365 | r No. 1 in Film's Se
| 786965737420576f6d656e206f6620416c6c2054 | xiest Women of All T
| 696d652e0d0a0d0a546578742043726564697473 | ime. Text Credits
| 3a2057696b6970656469612c2054686520467265 | : Wikipedia, The Fre
| 6520456e6379636c6f70656469612e0d0a50686f | e Encyclopedia. Pho
| 746f20437265646974733a20284d696c746f6e20 | to Credits: (Milton
| 477265656e65290d0a4d6172796c696e4d6f6e72 | Greene) MarylinMonr
| 332e352e313100ffe219fc4943435f50524f4649 | 3.5.11 ICC_PROFI

| 6bf9fcbc7b5f9b820ce9d5b512b980ba680dc0fdcdd4f9567a329691d42a619f |
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| 007465787400000000436f707972696768742041 | text Copyright A
| 70706c652c20496e632e2c203230313200000000 | pple, Inc., 2012

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