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| THIBA - Things/Texts Hidden In Bitcoin Addresses readme >>> |
| hash160 | decoded text |
| 0b8e49f44f76d4ef5c901cf47255a252766ca65be20833bb83b7747d92f2c9ac |
| 3a313734357c4e65696c20416c64656e2041726d | :1745|Neil Alden Arm
| 7374726f6e67202841756775737420352c203139 | strong (August 5, 19
| 333020e28093204175677573742032352c203230 | 30 August 25, 20
| 3132292077617320616e20416d65726963616e20 | 12) was an American
| 617374726f6e61757420616e6420746865206669 | astronaut and the fi
| 72737420706572736f6e20746f2077616c6b206f | rst person to walk o
| 6e20746865204d6f6f6e2e204865207761732061 | n the Moon. He was a
| 6c736f20616e206165726f737061636520656e67 | lso an aerospace eng
| 696e6565722c206e6176616c2061766961746f72 | ineer, naval aviator
| 2c20746573742070696c6f742c20616e6420756e | , test pilot, and un
| 69766572736974792070726f666573736f722e20 | iversity professor.
| 4265666f7265206265636f6d696e6720616e2061 | Before becoming an a
| 7374726f6e6175742c2041726d7374726f6e6720 | stronaut, Armstrong
| 77617320616e206f66666963657220696e207468 | was an officer in th
| 6520552e532e204e61767920616e642073657276 | e U.S. Navy and serv
| 656420696e20746865204b6f7265616e20576172 | ed in the Korean War
| 2e20416674657220746865207761722c20686520 | . After the war, he
| 6561726e6564206869732062616368656c6f7227 | earned his bachelor'
| 7320646567726565206174205075726475652055 | s degree at Purdue U
| 6e697665727369747920616e6420736572766564 | niversity and served
| 206173206120746573742070696c6f7420617420 | as a test pilot at
| 746865204e6174696f6e616c2041647669736f72 | the National Advisor
| 7920436f6d6d697474656520666f72204165726f | y Committee for Aero
| 6e61757469637320486967682d53706565642046 | nautics High-Speed F
| 6c696768742053746174696f6e2c206e6f77206b | light Station, now k
| 6e6f776e206173207468652044727964656e2046 | nown as the Dryden F
| 6c696768742052657365617263682043656e7465 | light Research Cente
| 722c207768657265206865206c6f67676564206f | r, where he logged o
| 7665722039303020666c69676874732e20486520 | ver 900 flights. He
| 6c6174657220636f6d706c657465642067726164 | later completed grad
| 7561746520737475646965732061742074686520 | uate studies at the
| 556e6976657273697479206f6620536f75746865 | University of Southe
| 726e2043616c69666f726e69612e0d0a0d0a4120 | rn California. A
| 7061727469636970616e7420696e207468652055 | participant in the U
| 2e532e2041697220466f7263652773204d616e20 | .S. Air Force's Man
| 696e20537061636520536f6f6e65737420616e64 | in Space Soonest and
| 20582d32302044796e612d536f61722068756d61 | X-20 Dyna-Soar huma
| 6e207370616365666c696768742070726f677261 | n spaceflight progra
| 6d732c2041726d7374726f6e67206a6f696e6564 | ms, Armstrong joined
| 20746865204e41534120417374726f6e61757420 | the NASA Astronaut
| 436f72707320696e20313936322e204865206d61 | Corps in 1962. He ma
| 6465206869732066697273742073706163652066 | de his first space f
| 6c696768742c20617320636f6d6d616e64207069 | light, as command pi
| 6c6f74206f662047656d696e6920382c20696e20 | lot of Gemini 8, in
| 313936362c206265636f6d696e67204e41534127 | 1966, becoming NASA'
| 7320666972737420636976696c69616e20617374 | s first civilian ast
| 726f6e61757420746f20666c7920696e20737061 | ronaut to fly in spa
| 63652e204f6e2074686973206d697373696f6e2c | ce. On this mission,
| 20686520706572666f726d656420746865206669 | he performed the fi
| 72737420646f636b696e67206f662074776f2073 | rst docking of two s
| 7061636563726166742c20776974682070696c6f | pacecraft, with pilo
| 742044617669642053636f74742e0d0a0d0a4172 | t David Scott. Ar
| 6d7374726f6e672773207365636f6e6420616e64 | mstrong's second and
| 206c617374207370616365666c69676874207761 | last spaceflight wa
| 73206173206d697373696f6e20636f6d6d616e64 | s as mission command
| 6572206f66207468652041706f6c6c6f20313120 | er of the Apollo 11
| 6d6f6f6e206c616e64696e672c20696e204a756c | moon landing, in Jul
| 7920313936392e204f6e2074686973206d697373 | y 1969. On this miss
| 696f6e2c2041726d7374726f6e6720616e642042 | ion, Armstrong and B
| 757a7a20416c6472696e2064657363656e646564 | uzz Aldrin descended
| 20746f20746865206c756e617220737572666163 | to the lunar surfac
| 6520616e64207370656e742074776f20616e6420 | e and spent two and
| 612068616c6620686f757273206578706c6f7269 | a half hours explori
| 6e672c207768696c65204d69636861656c20436f | ng, while Michael Co
| 6c6c696e732072656d61696e656420696e206c75 | llins remained in lu
| 6e6172206f7262697420696e2074686520436f6d | nar orbit in the Com
| 6d616e64204d6f64756c652e20416c6f6e672077 | mand Module. Along w
| 69746820436f6c6c696e7320616e6420416c6472 | ith Collins and Aldr
| 696e2c2041726d7374726f6e6720776173206177 | in, Armstrong was aw
| 61726465642074686520507265736964656e7469 | arded the Presidenti
| 616c204d6564616c206f662046726565646f6d20 | al Medal of Freedom
| 627920507265736964656e742052696368617264 | by President Richard
| 204e69786f6e3b20507265736964656e74204a69 | Nixon; President Ji
| 6d6d79204361727465722070726573656e746564 | mmy Carter presented
| 2041726d7374726f6e672074686520436f6e6772 | Armstrong the Congr
| 657373696f6e616c205370616365204d6564616c | essional Space Medal
| 206f6620486f6e6f7220696e20313937383b2068 | of Honor in 1978; h
| 6520616e642068697320666f726d657220637265 | e and his former cre
| 776d617465732072656365697665642074686520 | wmates received the
| 436f6e6772657373696f6e616c20476f6c64204d | Congressional Gold M
| 6564616c20696e20323030392e0d0a0d0a41726d | edal in 2009. Arm
| 7374726f6e67206469656420696e2043696e6369 | strong died in Cinci
| 6e6e6174692c204f68696f2c206f6e2041756775 | nnati, Ohio, on Augu
| 73742032352c20323031322c2061742074686520 | st 25, 2012, at the
| 616765206f662038322c20616674657220636f6d | age of 82, after com
| 706c69636174696f6e732066726f6d20636f726f | plications from coro
| 6e61727920617274657279206279706173732073 | nary artery bypass s
| 7572676572792e0d0a0d0a4e65696c41726d7374 | urgery. NeilArmst
| 726f6e672e6a70672a31323635373cffd8ffe000 | rong.jpg*12657<
| 0000015061696e742e4e45542076332e352e3131 | Paint.NET v3.5.11
| 292a3435363738393a434445464748494a535455 | )*456789:CDEFGHIJSTU
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| 35363738393a434445464748494a535455565758 | 56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWX
| 595a636465666768696a737475767778797a8283 | YZcdefghijstuvwxyz
| 4f5b25fa8021c67235423930580e69121aa0d2c2bb779f75139bf442f8dc7297 |
| 4c656170466f724d616e6b696e642e6d70332f31 | LeapForMankind.mp3/1
| 21003033612d726f636b65745f65766f6c757469 | ! 03a-rocket_evoluti
| 6f6e2d6469792e6f757470757400434f4d000010 | on-diy.output COM
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| 0016004d5033526573697a65722076322e312e30 | MP3Resizer v2.1.0
| 2e353135434f4d00006800656e676954756e4e4f | .515COM h engiTunNO
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