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| 543cdd34593063cb8356005d11257242fe146d81239e162dbd78a6f4ae60894d |
| 5c323831333f536972204973616163204e657774 | \2813?Sir Isaac Newt
| 6f6e20505253204d502028323520446563656d62 | on PRS MP (25 Decemb
| 6572203136343220e28093203230204d61726368 | er 1642 20 March
| 20313732362f37292077617320616e20456e676c | 1726/7) was an Engl
| 6973682070687973696369737420616e64206d61 | ish physicist and ma
| 7468656d6174696369616e202864657363726962 | thematician (describ
| 656420696e20686973206f776e20646179206173 | ed in his own day as
| 206120226e61747572616c207068696c6f736f70 | a "natural philosop
| 68657222292077686f20697320776964656c7920 | her") who is widely
| 7265636f676e69736564206173206f6e65206f66 | recognised as one of
| 20746865206d6f737420696e666c75656e746961 | the most influentia
| 6c20736369656e7469737473206f6620616c6c20 | l scientists of all
| 74696d6520616e642061732061206b6579206669 | time and as a key fi
| 6775726520696e2074686520736369656e746966 | gure in the scientif
| 6963207265766f6c7574696f6e2e204869732062 | ic revolution. His b
| 6f6f6b205068696c6f736f706869c3a6204e6174 | ook Philosophi Nat
| 7572616c6973205072696e6369706961204d6174 | uralis Principia Mat
| 68656d61746963612028224d617468656d617469 | hematica ("Mathemati
| 63616c205072696e6369706c6573206f66204e61 | cal Principles of Na
| 747572616c205068696c6f736f70687922292c20 | tural Philosophy"),
| 6669727374207075626c697368656420696e2031 | first published in 1
| 3638372c206c6169642074686520666f756e6461 | 687, laid the founda
| 74696f6e7320666f7220636c6173736963616c20 | tions for classical
| 6d656368616e6963732e204e6577746f6e20616c | mechanics. Newton al
| 736f206d6164652073656d696e616c20636f6e74 | so made seminal cont
| 7269627574696f6e7320746f206f707469637320 | ributions to optics
| 616e642073686172657320637265646974207769 | and shares credit wi
| 746820476f74746672696564204c6569626e697a | th Gottfried Leibniz
| 20666f722074686520696e76656e74696f6e206f | for the invention o
| 662063616c63756c75732e0d0a0d0a4e6577746f | f calculus. Newto
| 6e2773205072696e636970696120666f726d756c | n's Principia formul
| 6174656420746865206c617773206f66206d6f74 | ated the laws of mot
| 696f6e20616e6420756e6976657273616c206772 | ion and universal gr
| 617669746174696f6e2c20776869636820646f6d | avitation, which dom
| 696e6174656420736369656e7469737473272076 | inated scientists' v
| 696577206f662074686520706879736963616c20 | iew of the physical
| 756e69766572736520666f7220746865206e6578 | universe for the nex
| 742074687265652063656e7475726965732e2042 | t three centuries. B
| 79206465726976696e67204b65706c6572277320 | y deriving Kepler's
| 6c617773206f6620706c616e6574617279206d6f | laws of planetary mo
| 74696f6e2066726f6d20686973206d617468656d | tion from his mathem
| 61746963616c206465736372697074696f6e206f | atical description o
| 6620677261766974792c20616e64207468656e20 | f gravity, and then
| 7573696e67207468652073616d65207072696e63 | using the same princ
| 69706c657320746f206163636f756e7420666f72 | iples to account for
| 20746865207472616a6563746f72696573206f66 | the trajectories of
| 20636f6d6574732c207468652074696465732c20 | comets, the tides,
| 7468652070726563657373696f6e206f66207468 | the precession of th
| 6520657175696e6f7865732c20616e64206f7468 | e equinoxes, and oth
| 6572207068656e6f6d656e612c204e6577746f6e | er phenomena, Newton
| 2072656d6f76656420746865206c61737420646f | removed the last do
| 756274732061626f7574207468652076616c6964 | ubts about the valid
| 697479206f66207468652068656c696f63656e74 | ity of the heliocent
| 726963206d6f64656c206f662074686520636f73 | ric model of the cos
| 6d6f732e205468697320776f726b20616c736f20 | mos. This work also
| 64656d6f6e737472617465642074686174207468 | demonstrated that th
| 65206d6f74696f6e206f66206f626a6563747320 | e motion of objects
| 6f6e20456172746820616e64206f662063656c65 | on Earth and of cele
| 737469616c20626f6469657320636f756c642062 | stial bodies could b
| 6520646573637269626564206279207468652073 | e described by the s
| 616d65207072696e6369706c65732e2048697320 | ame principles. His
| 70726564696374696f6e20746861742074686520 | prediction that the
| 45617274682073686f756c642062652073686170 | Earth should be shap
| 656420617320616e206f626c6174652073706865 | ed as an oblate sphe
| 726f696420776173206c617465722076696e6469 | roid was later vindi
| 636174656420627920746865206d656173757265 | cated by the measure
| 6d656e7473206f66204d6175706572747569732c | ments of Maupertuis,
| 204c6120436f6e64616d696e652c20616e64206f | La Condamine, and o
| 74686572732c2077686963682068656c70656420 | thers, which helped
| 636f6e76696e6365206d6f737420436f6e74696e | convince most Contin
| 656e74616c204575726f7065616e20736369656e | ental European scien
| 7469737473206f6620746865207375706572696f | tists of the superio
| 72697479206f66204e6577746f6e69616e206d65 | rity of Newtonian me
| 6368616e696373206f7665722074686520656172 | chanics over the ear
| 6c6965722073797374656d206f66204465736361 | lier system of Desca
| 727465732e0d0a0d0a4e6577746f6e20616c736f | rtes. Newton also
| 206275696c742074686520666972737420707261 | built the first pra
| 63746963616c207265666c656374696e67207465 | ctical reflecting te
| 6c6573636f706520616e6420646576656c6f7065 | lescope and develope
| 642061207468656f7279206f6620636f6c6f7572 | d a theory of colour
| 206261736564206f6e20746865206f6273657276 | based on the observ
| 6174696f6e2074686174206120707269736d2064 | ation that a prism d
| 65636f6d706f736573207768697465206c696768 | ecomposes white ligh
| 7420696e746f20746865206d616e7920636f6c6f | t into the many colo
| 757273206f66207468652076697369626c652073 | urs of the visible s
| 7065637472756d2e20486520666f726d756c6174 | pectrum. He formulat
| 656420616e20656d7069726963616c206c617720 | ed an empirical law
| 6f6620636f6f6c696e672c207374756469656420 | of cooling, studied
| 746865207370656564206f6620736f756e642c20 | the speed of sound,
| 616e6420696e74726f647563656420746865206e | and introduced the n
| 6f74696f6e206f662061204e6577746f6e69616e | otion of a Newtonian
| 20666c7569642e20496e206164646974696f6e20 | fluid. In addition
| 746f2068697320776f726b206f6e2063616c6375 | to his work on calcu
| 6c75732c2061732061206d617468656d61746963 | lus, as a mathematic
| 69616e204e6577746f6e20636f6e747269627574 | ian Newton contribut
| 656420746f20746865207374756479206f662070 | ed to the study of p
| 6f776572207365726965732c2067656e6572616c | ower series, general
| 69736564207468652062696e6f6d69616c207468 | ised the binomial th
| 656f72656d20746f206e6f6e2d696e7465676572 | eorem to non-integer
| 206578706f6e656e74732c20646576656c6f7065 | exponents, develope
| 64204e6577746f6e2773206d6574686f6420666f | d Newton's method fo
| 7220617070726f78696d6174696e672074686520 | r approximating the
| 726f6f7473206f6620612066756e6374696f6e2c | roots of a function,
| 20616e6420636c6173736966696564206d6f7374 | and classified most
| 206f662074686520637562696320706c616e6520 | of the cubic plane
| 6375727665732e0d0a0d0a4e6577746f6e207761 | curves. Newton wa
| 7320612066656c6c6f77206f66205472696e6974 | s a fellow of Trinit
| 7920436f6c6c65676520616e6420746865207365 | y College and the se
| 636f6e64204c7563617369616e2050726f666573 | cond Lucasian Profes
| 736f72206f66204d617468656d61746963732061 | sor of Mathematics a
| 742074686520556e6976657273697479206f6620 | t the University of
| 43616d6272696467652e20486520776173206120 | Cambridge. He was a
| 6465766f75742062757420756e6f7274686f646f | devout but unorthodo
| 782043687269737469616e20616e642c20756e75 | x Christian and, unu
| 7375616c6c7920666f722061206d656d62657220 | sually for a member
| 6f66207468652043616d62726964676520666163 | of the Cambridge fac
| 756c7479206f6620746865206461792c20686520 | ulty of the day, he
| 7265667573656420746f2074616b6520686f6c79 | refused to take holy
| 206f726465727320696e20746865204368757263 | orders in the Churc
| 68206f6620456e676c616e642c20706572686170 | h of England, perhap
| 7320626563617573652068652070726976617465 | s because he private
| 6c792072656a65637465642074686520646f6374 | ly rejected the doct
| 72696e65206f6620746865205472696e6974792e | rine of the Trinity.
| 204265796f6e642068697320776f726b206f6e20 | Beyond his work on
| 746865206d617468656d61746963616c20736369 | the mathematical sci
| 656e6365732c204e6577746f6e20646564696361 | ences, Newton dedica
| 746564206d756368206f66206869732074696d65 | ted much of his time
| 20746f20746865207374756479206f6620626962 | to the study of bib
| 6c6963616c206368726f6e6f6c6f677920616e64 | lical chronology and
| 20616c6368656d792c20627574206d6f7374206f | alchemy, but most o
| 662068697320776f726b20696e2074686f736520 | f his work in those
| 61726561732072656d61696e656420756e707562 | areas remained unpub
| 6c697368656420756e74696c206c6f6e67206166 | lished until long af
| 746572206869732064656174682e20496e206869 | ter his death. In hi
| 73206c61746572206c6966652c204e6577746f6e | s later life, Newton
| 20626563616d6520707265736964656e74206f66 | became president of
| 2074686520526f79616c20536f63696574792e20 | the Royal Society.
| 486520616c736f20736572766564207468652042 | He also served the B
| 72697469736820676f7665726e6d656e74206173 | ritish government as
| 2057617264656e20616e64204d6173746572206f | Warden and Master o
| 662074686520526f79616c204d696e742e0d0a49 | f the Royal Mint. I
| 736161634e6577746f6e2e6a70677c363032347c | saacNewton.jpg|6024|
| 3c3933383740485c4e404457453738506d51575f | <9387@H\N@DWE78PmQW_
| 626768673e4d71797064785c656763ffdb004301 | bghg>Mqypdx\egc C
| 6363636363636363636363636363636363636363 | cccccccccccccccccccc

| a1e782b5dfe59745a4b992464f9ffca0221766576b49fa05f0834c4d5769d44d |
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| 1a25262728292a3435363738393a434445464748 | %&'()*456789:CDEFGH
| 494a535455565758595a636465666768696a7374 | IJSTUVWXYZcdefghijst
| 262728292a35363738393a434445464748494a53 | &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJS
| 5455565758595a636465666768696a7374757677 | TUVWXYZcdefghijstuvw