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| THIBA - Things/Texts Hidden In Bitcoin Addresses readme >>> |
| hash160 | decoded text |
| 6e184bb74d8bce1241420178cbf11a847f7f9523ae7d56b5ce30a3139811208b |
| 22313738313e5369722041727468757220436861 | "1781>Sir Arthur Cha
| 726c657320436c61726b65202831362044656365 | rles Clarke (16 Dece
| 6d626572203139313720e28093203139204d6172 | mber 1917 19 Mar
| 6368203230303829207761732061204272697469 | ch 2008) was a Briti
| 736820736369656e63652066696374696f6e2077 | sh science fiction w
| 72697465722c20736369656e6365207772697465 | riter, science write
| 722c20696e76656e746f722c20756e6465727365 | r, inventor, underse
| 61206578706c6f7265722c20616e642074656c65 | a explorer, and tele
| 766973696f6e2073657269657320686f73742e0d | vision series host.
| 0a0d0a48652069732070657268617073206d6f73 | He is perhaps mos
| 742066616d6f757320666f72206265696e672063 | t famous for being c
| 6f2d777269746572206f66207468652073637265 | o-writer of the scre
| 656e706c617920666f7220746865206d6f766965 | enplay for the movie
| 20323030313a2041205370616365204f64797373 | 2001: A Space Odyss
| 65792c20636f6e73696465726564206279207468 | ey, considered by th
| 6520416d65726963616e2046696c6d20496e7374 | e American Film Inst
| 697475746520746f206265206f6e65206f662074 | itute to be one of t
| 6865206d6f737420696e666c75656e7469616c20 | he most influential
| 66696c6d73206f6620616c6c2074696d652e2048 | films of all time. H
| 6973206f7468657220736369656e636520666963 | is other science fic
| 74696f6e2077726974696e6773206561726e6564 | tion writings earned
| 2068696d2061206e756d626572206f6620487567 | him a number of Hug
| 6f20616e64204e6562756c61206177617264732c | o and Nebula awards,
| 20616c6f6e6720776974682061206c6172676520 | along with a large
| 726561646572736869702c206d616b696e672068 | readership, making h
| 696d20696e746f206f6e65206f6620746865206d | im into one of the m
| 6f73742064697374696e67756973686564206669 | ost distinguished fi
| 6775726573206f6620746865206669656c642e20 | gures of the field.
| 466f72206d616e792079656172732068652c2052 | For many years he, R
| 6f62657274204865696e6c65696e2c20616e6420 | obert Heinlein, and
| 4973616163204173696d6f762077657265206b6e | Isaac Asimov were kn
| 6f776e2061732074686520224269672054687265 | own as the "Big Thre
| 6522206f6620736369656e63652066696374696f | e" of science fictio
| 6e2e0d0a0d0a436c61726b65207761732061206c | n. Clarke was a l
| 6966656c6f6e672070726f706f6e656e74206f66 | ifelong proponent of
| 2073706163652074726176656c2e20496e203139 | space travel. In 19
| 3334207768696c65207374696c6c206120746565 | 34 while still a tee
| 6e616765722c206865206a6f696e656420746865 | nager, he joined the
| 204272697469736820496e746572706c616e6574 | British Interplanet
| 61727920536f63696574792e20496e2031393435 | ary Society. In 1945
| 2c2068652070726f706f73656420612073617465 | , he proposed a sate
| 6c6c69746520636f6d6d756e69636174696f6e20 | llite communication
| 73797374656de28094616e206964656120746861 | system an idea tha
| 742c20696e20313936332c20776f6e2068696d20 | t, in 1963, won him
| 746865204672616e6b6c696e20496e7374697475 | the Franklin Institu
| 74652773205374756172742042616c6c616e7469 | te's Stuart Ballanti
| 6e65204d6564616c2e204c617465722068652077 | ne Medal. Later he w
| 6173207468652063686169726d616e206f662074 | as the chairman of t
| 6865204272697469736820496e746572706c616e | he British Interplan
| 657461727920536f63696574792066726f6d2031 | etary Society from 1
| 393436e28093343720616e6420616761696e2069 | 946 47 and again i
| 6b652077617320616c736f206120736369656e63 | ke was also a scienc
| 65207772697465722c2077686f2077617320626f | e writer, who was bo
| 746820616e206176696420706f70756c61726973 | th an avid popularis
| 6572206f662073706163652074726176656c2061 | er of space travel a
| 6e642061206675747572697374206f6620756e63 | nd a futurist of unc
| 616e6e79206162696c6974792c2077686f20776f | anny ability, who wo
| 6e2061204b616c696e6761205072697a65202861 | n a Kalinga Prize (a
| 7761726420676976656e20627920554e4553434f | ward given by UNESCO
| 20666f7220706f70756c61726973696e67207363 | for popularising sc
| 69656e63652920696e20313936312e2054686573 | ience) in 1961. Thes
| 6520616c6c20746f676574686572206576656e74 | e all together event
| 75616c6c79206561726e65642068696d20746865 | ually earned him the
| 206d6f6e696b6572202270726f70686574206f66 | moniker "prophet of
| 2074686520737061636520616765222e0d0a0d0a | the space age".
| 436c61726b6520656d6967726174656420746f20 | Clarke emigrated to
| 537269204c616e6b6120696e20313935362c206c | Sri Lanka in 1956, l
| 617267656c7920746f2070757273756520686973 | argely to pursue his
| 20696e74657265737420696e2073637562612064 | interest in scuba d
| 6976696e672e2054686174207965617220686520 | iving. That year he
| 646973636f76657265642074686520756e646572 | discovered the under
| 7761746572207275696e73206f66207468652061 | water ruins of the a
| 6e6369656e74204b6f6e6573776172616d207465 | ncient Koneswaram te
| 6d706c6520696e205472696e636f6d616c65652e | mple in Trincomalee.
| 0d0a0d0a436c61726b65206175676d656e746564 | Clarke augmented
| 206869732066616d65206c61746572206f6e2069 | his fame later on i
| 6e207468652031393830732c206279206265696e | n the 1980s, by bein
| 672074686520686f7374206f6620736576657261 | g the host of severa
| 6c2074656c65766973696f6e2073686f77732073 | l television shows s
| 7563682061732041727468757220432e20436c61 | uch as Arthur C. Cla
| 726b652773204d7973746572696f757320576f72 | rke's Mysterious Wor
| 6c642e0d0a0d0a4865206c6976656420696e2053 | ld. He lived in S
| 7269204c616e6b6120756e74696c206869732064 | ri Lanka until his d
| 656174682e20486520776173206b6e6967687465 | eath. He was knighte
| 6420696e203139393820616e6420776173206177 | d in 1998 and was aw
| 617264656420537269204c616e6b612773206869 | arded Sri Lanka's hi
| 676865737420636976696c20686f6e6f75722c20 | ghest civil honour,
| 537269204c616e6b616268696d616e79612c2069 | Sri Lankabhimanya, i
| 6e20323030352e41727468757243436c61726b65 | n 2005.ArthurCClarke
| 61696e742e4e45542076332e352e313100ffdb00 | aint.NET v3.5.11
| 2020234833362b3b554b5a58544b52515e6a8773 | #H36+;UKZXTKRQ^j s
| 363738393a434445464748494a53545556575859 | 6789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXY
| 5a636465666768696a737475767778797a838485 | Zcdefghijstuvwxyz
| 393a434445464748494a535455565758595a6364 | 9:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcd
| c6924069d8526ae2da2b9112c09423299f51641728c98bf6230b37b493581b3e |
| 3665313834626237346438626365313234313432 | 6e184bb74d8bce124142
| 3031373863626631316138343766376639353233 | 0178cbf11a847f7f9523
| 6165376435366235636533306133313339383131 | ae7d56b5ce30a3139811
| 323038627c3236345c3665313834626237346438 | 208b|264\6e184bb74d8
| 6263653132343134323031373863626631316138 | bce1241420178cbf11a8
| 3437663766393532336165376435366235636533 | 47f7f9523ae7d56b5ce3
| 306133313339383131323038620d0a6664636630 | 0a3139811208b fdcf0
| 6631343231643238643362633562633032306634 | f1421d28d3bc5bc020f4
| 3237306532376361636638643962353236646665 | 270e27cacf8d9b526dfe
| 656364656434396336653861373961623332350d | ecded49c6e8a79ab325
| 0a66363565363465323839623539393066373463 | f65e64e289b5990f74c
| 3031616436643961383161663761343232313863 | 01ad6d9a81af7a42218c
| 6432623936353739636165623738356338386137 | d2b96579caeb785c88a7
| 31303864300d0a30353539633137643536616461 | 108d0 0559c17d56ada
| 3036616261316163653439306136396165373135 | 06aba1ace490a69ae715
| 6132306337393563613136356335343363616236 | a20c795ca165c543cab6
| 66626464386435653966620d0a6e42696f557400 | fbdd8d5e9fb nBioUt