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| hash160                                  | decoded text          |

| 48e13a940dd77f1132185d896cec206ed46654fd515c651c05c0a8dc1698b95d |
| 5c323236363f4d6172696520536bc5826f646f77 | \2266?Marie Sk odow
| 736b612d4375726965202837204e6f76656d6265 | ska-Curie (7 Novembe
| 72203138363720e280932034204a756c79203139 | r 1867 4 July 19
| 33342920776173206120506f6c69736820616e64 | 34) was a Polish and
| 206e61747572616c697a65642d4672656e636820 | naturalized-French
| 70687973696369737420616e64206368656d6973 | physicist and chemis
| 742077686f20636f6e6475637465642070696f6e | t who conducted pion
| 656572696e67207265736561726368206f6e2072 | eering research on r
| 6164696f61637469766974792e20536865207761 | adioactivity. She wa
| 732074686520666972737420776f6d616e20746f | s the first woman to
| 2077696e2061204e6f62656c205072697a652c20 | win a Nobel Prize,
| 74686520666972737420706572736f6e2028616e | the first person (an
| 64206f6e6c7920776f6d616e2920746f2077696e | d only woman) to win
| 2074776963652c20746865206f6e6c7920706572 | twice, the only per
| 736f6e20746f2077696e20747769636520696e20 | son to win twice in
| 6d756c7469706c6520736369656e6365732c2061 | multiple sciences, a
| 6e64207761732070617274206f66207468652043 | nd was part of the C
| 757269652066616d696c79206c6567616379206f | urie family legacy o
| 662066697665204e6f62656c205072697a65732e | f five Nobel Prizes.
| 205368652077617320616c736f20746865206669 | She was also the fi
| 72737420776f6d616e20746f206265636f6d6520 | rst woman to become
| 612070726f666573736f72206174207468652055 | a professor at the U
| 6e6976657273697479206f662050617269732c20 | niversity of Paris,
| 616e6420696e203139393520626563616d652074 | and in 1995 became t
| 686520666972737420776f6d616e20746f206265 | he first woman to be
| 20656e746f6d626564206f6e20686572206f776e | entombed on her own
| 206d657269747320696e207468652050616e7468 | merits in the Panth
| 652077617320626f726e204d617269612053616c | e was born Maria Sal
| 6f6d656120536bc5826f646f77736b6120287072 | omea Sk odowska (pr
| 6f6e6f756e636564205bcb886d61726a61207361 | onounced [ marja sa
| 66736b615d2920696e205761727361772c20696e | fska]) in Warsaw, in
| 207768617420776173207468656e20746865204b | what was then the K
| 696e67646f6d206f6620506f6c616e642c207061 | ingdom of Poland, pa
| 7274206f6620746865205275737369616e20456d | rt of the Russian Em
| 706972652e205368652073747564696564206174 | pire. She studied at
| 20576172736177277320636c616e64657374696e | Warsaw's clandestin
| 6520466c6f6174696e6720556e69766572736974 | e Floating Universit
| 7920616e6420626567616e206865722070726163 | y and began her prac
| 746963616c20736369656e746966696320747261 | tical scientific tra
| 696e696e6720696e205761727361772e20496e20 | ining in Warsaw. In
| 313839312c20616765642032342c207368652066 | 1891, aged 24, she f
| 6f6c6c6f77656420686572206f6c646572207369 | ollowed her older si
| 737465722042726f6e6973c58261776120746f20 | ster Bronis awa to
| 737475647920696e2050617269732c2077686572 | study in Paris, wher
| 6520736865206561726e65642068657220686967 | e she earned her hig
| 686572206465677265657320616e6420636f6e64 | her degrees and cond
| 7563746564206865722073756273657175656e74 | ucted her subsequent
| 20736369656e746966696320776f726b2e205368 | scientific work. Sh
| 6520736861726564207468652031393033204e6f | e shared the 1903 No
| 62656c205072697a6520696e2050687973696373 | bel Prize in Physics
| 2077697468206865722068757362616e64205069 | with her husband Pi
| 6572726520437572696520616e64207769746820 | erre Curie and with
| 7068797369636973742048656e72692042656371 | physicist Henri Becq
| 756572656c2e2053686520776f6e207468652031 | uerel. She won the 1
| 393131204e6f62656c205072697a6520696e2043 | 911 Nobel Prize in C
| 68656d69737472792e0d0a0d0a48657220616368 | hemistry. Her ach
| 696576656d656e747320696e636c756465642061 | ievements included a
| 207468656f7279206f6620726164696f61637469 | theory of radioacti
| 76697479202861207465726d2074686174207368 | vity (a term that sh
| 6520636f696e6564292c20746563686e69717565 | e coined), technique
| 7320666f722069736f6c6174696e672072616469 | s for isolating radi
| 6f6163746976652069736f746f7065732c20616e | oactive isotopes, an
| 642074686520646973636f76657279206f662074 | d the discovery of t
| 776f20656c656d656e74732c20706f6c6f6e6975 | wo elements, poloniu
| 6d20616e642072616469756d2e20556e64657220 | m and radium. Under
| 68657220646972656374696f6e2c207468652077 | her direction, the w
| 6f726c6427732066697273742073747564696573 | orld's first studies
| 207765726520636f6e64756374656420696e746f | were conducted into
| 207468652074726561746d656e74206f66206e65 | the treatment of ne
| 6f706c61736d732c207573696e6720726164696f | oplasms, using radio
| 6163746976652069736f746f7065732e20536865 | active isotopes. She
| 20666f756e646564207468652043757269652049 | founded the Curie I
| 6e737469747574657320696e2050617269732061 | nstitutes in Paris a
| 6e6420696e205761727361772c20776869636820 | nd in Warsaw, which
| 72656d61696e206d616a6f722063656e74726573 | remain major centres
| 206f66206d65646963616c207265736561726368 | of medical research
| 20746f6461792e20447572696e6720576f726c64 | today. During World
| 2057617220492c207368652065737461626c6973 | War I, she establis
| 68656420746865206669727374206d696c697461 | hed the first milita
| 7279206669656c6420726164696f6c6f67696361 | ry field radiologica
| 6c2063656e747265732e0d0a0d0a5768696c6520 | l centres. While
| 61204672656e636820636974697a656e2c204d61 | a French citizen, Ma
| 72696520536bc5826f646f77736b612043757269 | rie Sk odowska Curi
| 652028736865207573656420626f746820737572 | e (she used both sur
| 6e616d657329206e65766572206c6f7374206865 | names) never lost he
| 722073656e7365206f6620506f6c697368206964 | r sense of Polish id
| 656e746974792e20536865207461756768742068 | entity. She taught h
| 6572206461756768746572732074686520506f6c | er daughters the Pol
| 697368206c616e677561676520616e6420746f6f | ish language and too
| 6b207468656d206f6e2076697369747320746f20 | k them on visits to
| 506f6c616e642e20536865206e616d6564207468 | Poland. She named th
| 65206669727374206368656d6963616c20656c65 | e first chemical ele
| 6d656e7420746861742073686520646973636f76 | ment that she discov
| 6572656420e2809320706f6c6f6e69756d2c2077 | ered polonium, w
| 68696368207368652066697273742069736f6c61 | hich she first isola
| 74656420696e203138393820e280932061667465 | ted in 1898 afte
| 7220686572206e617469766520636f756e747279 | r her native country
| 2e0d0a0d0a4375726965206469656420696e2031 | . Curie died in 1
| 393334206174207468652073616e61746f726975 | 934 at the sanatoriu
| 6d206f662053616e63656c6c656d6f7a20284861 | m of Sancellemoz (Ha
| 7574652d5361766f6965292c204672616e63652c | ute-Savoie), France,
| 2064756520746f2061706c617374696320616e65 | due to aplastic ane
| 6d69612062726f75676874206f6e206279206578 | mia brought on by ex
| 706f7375726520746f20726164696174696f6e20 | posure to radiation
| e2809320696e636c7564696e6720636172727969 | including carryi
| 6e672074657374207475626573206f6620726164 | ng test tubes of rad
| 69756d20696e2068657220706f636b6574732064 | ium in her pockets d
| 7572696e6720726573656172636820616e642068 | uring research and h
| 657220576f726c64205761722049207365727669 | er World War I servi
| 636520696e206d6f62696c6520582d7261792075 | ce in mobile X-ray u
| 6e6974732063726561746564206279206865722e | nits created by her.
| 202d2d57696b6970656469614d61726965437572 | --WikipediaMarieCur
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