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| hash160                                  | decoded text          |

| cc38d740dc1999a803dbba0c48a82af994861e0767f6bcd7d6ceebe4e66b4678 |
| 0a41747461636b2d726573697374616e74206465 | Attack-resistant de
| 63656e7472616c697a65642074696d6520616e64 | centralized time and
| 206c6f636174696f6e2073657276696365732076 | location services v
| 6961204e616b616d6f746f0a636861696e20636f | ia Nakamoto chain co
| 6e73656e7375732e0a0a54696d65206973206f6e | nsensus. Time is on
| 65206f6620746865206d6f737420707265636973 | e of the most precis
| 656c79206d656173757261626c6520756e697473 | ely measurable units
| 2c20627574206166666f726461626c652074696d | , but affordable tim
| 650a6b656570696e6720746f6461792064657065 | e keeping today depe
| 6e6473206f6e207472757374696e672063656e74 | nds on trusting cent
| 72616c2074696d652073657276696365732e2054 | ral time services. T
| 686573652063656e7472616c0a74696d65207365 | hese central time se
| 727669636573206172652061626c6520746f2070 | rvices are able to p
| 6572666f726d2061747461636b73206279206d61 | erform attacks by ma
| 6e6970756c6174696e6720746865206170706172 | nipulating the appar
| 656e740a74696d6520746f207468656972206164 | ent time to their ad
| 76616e746167652e205468697320746578742064 | vantage. This text d
| 6573637269626573206120636f6d706c6574656c | escribes a completel
| 7920646563656e7472616c697a65640a736f6c75 | y decentralized solu
| 74696f6e20746f20746869732070726f626c656d | tion to this problem
| 2e0a0a546f64617920746865206d6f7374206163 | . Today the most ac
| 637572617465206166666f726461626c65207469 | curate affordable ti
| 6d6520736f6c7574696f6e206973206120475053 | me solution is a GPS
| 206469736369706c696e65640a6f7363696c6c61 | disciplined oscilla
| 746f722e204120475053444f20636f6d62696e65 | tor. A GPSDO combine
| 73206120737461626c65206372797374616c206f | s a stable crystal o
| 7363696c6c61746f7220287479706963616c2061 | scillator (typical a
| 6e200a4f76656e2d436f6e74726f6c6c65642043 | n Oven-Controlled C
| 72797374616c204f7363696c6c61746f72292061 | rystal Oscillator) a
| 6e642061204750532072656365697665722e0a0a | nd a GPS receiver.
| 416e204f58434f2070726f766964657320657863 | An OXCO provides exc
| 656c6c656e742073686f7274207465726d207374 | ellent short term st
| 6162696c6974792028757375616c6c7920626574 | ability (usually bet
| 746572207468616e2031652d3132206f6e207468 | ter than 1e-12 on th
| 65206f6e650a7365636f6e642074696d65207363 | e one second time sc
| 616c65292c207375627374616e7469616c6c7920 | ale), substantially
| 626574746572207468616e2061746f6d69632063 | better than atomic c
| 6c6f636b73202865737020696e657870656e7369 | locks (esp inexpensi
| 76650a727562696469756d20636c6f636b73292c | ve rubidium clocks),
| 2062757420626563617573652074686579206172 | but because they ar
| 652072656c6174697665206672657175656e6379 | e relative frequency
| 20736f757263657320726174686572207468616e | sources rather than
| 0a6162736f6c757465207468657920646f206e6f | absolute they do no
| 74206861766520676f6f64206c6f6e6720746572 | t have good long ter
| 6d2073746162696c6974792e20496e2061646469 | m stability. In addi
| 74696f6e20746f206265696e67206c6573730a65 | tion to being less e
| 7870656e7369766520696e697469616c6c792074 | xpensive initially t
| 68616e2061746f6d696320636c6f636b73206372 | han atomic clocks cr
| 797374616c206f7363696c6c61746f7273206861 | ystal oscillators ha
| 766520616c736f2068617665206d7563680a6c6f | ve also have much lo
| 6e67657220776f726b696e67206c697665732e0a | nger working lives.
| 0a47505320697320612063656e7472616c6c7920 | GPS is a centrally
| 636f6e74726f6c6c65642074696d6520616e6420 | controlled time and
| 6c6f636174696f6e2073657276696365206f7065 | location service ope
| 7261746564206279207468652055530a676f7665 | rated by the US gove
| 726e6d656e742e2047505320697473656c662072 | rnment. GPS itself r
| 65636569766573206162736f6c7574652074696d | eceives absolute tim
| 696e672066726f6d206c617267652061746f6d69 | ing from large atomi
| 6320636c6f636b0a656e73656d626c6573206f70 | c clock ensembles op
| 6572617465642062792028676f7665726e6d656e | erated by (governmen
| 7420636f6e74726f6c6c656429207374616e6461 | t controlled) standa
| 72647320626f6469657320776869636820617265 | rds bodies which are
| 0a72656c6179656420746f20746865206f726269 | relayed to the orbi
| 74696e672073797374656d207669612067726f75 | ting system via grou
| 6e6420636f6e74726f6c2073746174696f6e732e | nd control stations.
| 0a0a427920686f6c64696e67206c6f636174696f | By holding locatio
| 6e20636f6e7374616e7420616e6420736f6c7669 | n constant and solvi
| 6e6720666f722074696d65207468652047505320 | ng for time the GPS
| 7265636965766572730a6172652061626c652074 | recievers are able t
| 6f2064656c697665722070726563697365207469 | o deliver precise ti
| 6d65206d6561737572656d656e74732e20486f77 | me measurements. How
| 657665722c206f72626974616c0a756e63657274 | ever, orbital uncert
| 61696e74792c206c696d69746564207374616269 | ainty, limited stabi
| 6c697479206f6620746865206f72626974696e67 | lity of the orbiting
| 2061746f6d696320636c6f636b732c206c6f6361 | atomic clocks, loca
| 74696f6e20616e642074696d650a737065636966 | tion and time specif
| 696320646966666572656e63657320524620696e | ic differences RF in
| 646578206f662072656672616374696f6e206f66 | dex of refraction of
| 2074686520696f6e6f73706865726520616e640a | the ionosphere and
| 61746d6f7370686572652c20616e6420696e7465 | atmosphere, and inte
| 6e74696f6e616c206465677261646174696f6e20 | ntional degradation
| 6f66207468652073797374656d20627920697473 | of the system by its
| 206f70657261746f72206c696d6974200a746865 | operator limit the
| 2073686f7274207465726d206163637572616379 | short term accuracy
| 206f662074696d696e672070726f766964656420 | of timing provided
| 6279204750532e0a0a4120475053444f206f7065 | by GPS. A GPSDO ope
| 7261746573206120636f6e74726f6c206c6f6f70 | rates a control loop
| 20776865726520746865206f6273657276656420 | where the observed
| 7068617365206572726f72206265747765656e20 | phase error between
| 7468650a4750532074696d6520616e6420746865 | the GPS time and the
| 206c6f63616c2074696d65206973207573656420 | local time is used
| 746f20647269766520746865206c6f63616c206f | to drive the local o
| 7363696c6c61746f7220746f77617264730a7468 | scillator towards th
| 6520636f7272656374206672657175656e637920 | e correct frequency
| 287479706963616c6c792062792061646a757374 | (typically by adjust
| 696e6720746865206f76656e2074656d70657261 | ing the oven tempera
| 7475726520696e20616e204f58434f292e0a5768 | ture in an OXCO). Wh
| 656e2070726f7065726c792064657369676e6564 | en properly designed
| 206120475053444f2073797374656d2070726f76 | a GPSDO system prov
| 6964657320657175616c206f72206d6f72652061 | ides equal or more a
| 636375726174650a74696d656b656570696e6720 | ccurate timekeeping
| 746f20612073696e676c652061746f6d69632063 | to a single atomic c
| 6c6f636b20617420616c6c2074696d6520736361 | lock at all time sca
| 6c657320696e206120736d616c6c2c2072656c69 | les in a small, reli
| 61626c652c0a73797374656d207768696368206f | able, system which o
| 6e6c7920636f7374732061206665772068756e64 | nly costs a few hund
| 72656420646f6c6c6172732e0a0a556e666f7274 | red dollars. Unfort
| 756e6174656c792c207468697320736f6c757469 | unately, this soluti
| 6f6e20697320636f6d706c6574656c7920617420 | on is completely at
| 746865206d65726379206f6620746865206f7065 | the mercy of the ope
| 7261746f72730a6f662074686520475053207379 | rators of the GPS sy
| 7374656d1420746865792063616e206c69652061 | stem they can lie a
| 626f7574207468652074696d6520616e64206578 | bout the time and ex
| 697374696e672073797374656d730a77696c6c20 | isting systems will
| 62656c6965766520746865206c6965732e204d6f | believe the lies. Mo
| 72656f7665722c2074686520555320476f766572 | reover, the US Gover
| 6e6d656e74206578706c696369746c7920737461 | nment explicitly sta
| 74657320746861740a746865792077696c6c2064 | tes that they will d
| 656772616465206f722064656163746976617465 | egrade or deactivate
| 20746865204750532073797374656d2069662064 | the GPS system if d
| 6f696e6720736f2069732072657175697265640a | oing so is required
| 746f2061636869657665206d696c697461727920 | to achieve military
| 6f626a656374697665732c20616e642074686520 | objectives, and the
| 73797374656d2068617320666561747572657320 | system has features
| 6275696c7420696e20666f720a74686973207075 | built in for this pu
| 72706f736520616e642074686573652061747461 | rpose and these atta
| 636b732063616e2062652067656f677261706869 | cks can be geographi
| 63616c6c792074617267657465642e0a0a437572 | cally targeted. Cur
| 72656e7420475053444f732077696c6c20676c61 | rent GPSDOs will gla
| 646c792062656c69657665206576656e20746865 | dly believe even the
| 206d6f7374206f7574726167656f7573206c6965 | most outrageous lie
| 732066726f6d0a74686520475053207379737465 | s from the GPS syste
| 6d142069662c206166746572206d6f6e74687320 | m if, after months
| 6f66207265706f7274696e672074686520796561 | of reporting the yea
| 7220617320323031322c207468650a4750532073 | r as 2012, the GPS s
| 797374656d20636c61696d732074686174207468 | ystem claims that th
| 6520646174652069732032303039207468652047 | e date is 2009 the G
| 5053444f732077696c6c2068617070696c792072 | PSDOs will happily r
| 65706f72742069740a617320737563682e20416c | eport it as such. Al
| 74686f7567682074686520646576696365732063 | though the devices c
| 6f756c6420626520696d70726f76656420627920 | ould be improved by
| 73616e69747920636865636b696e67207468650a | sanity checking the
| 7265636569766564207369676e616c2c20746869 | received signal, thi
| 73206973206e6f74207265616c6c79206120736f | s is not really a so
| 6c7574696f6e2073696e636520612072656a6563 | lution since a rejec
| 7465642061747461636b0a7369676e616c20776f | ted attack signal wo
| 756c64206e6f206c6f6e6765722070726f766964 | uld no longer provid
| 652061206c6f6e67207465726d20726566657265 | e a long term refere
| 6e636520616e642074686520636c6f636b730a77 | nce and the clocks w
| 6f756c64206472696674206f7574206f66207379 | ould drift out of sy
| 6e632e2028616e6420697420776f756c6420706f | nc. (and it would po
| 74656e7469616c6c79206f70656e206e65772061 | tentially open new a
| 747461636b73140a652e672e20612073686f7274 | ttacks e.g. a short
| 207465726d206a616d6d696e67207369676e616c | term jamming signal
| 20636c61696d7320746865206770732074696d65 | claims the gps time
| 206973203230313420616e64207468656e0a6379 | is 2014 and then cy
| 6e6963616c20475053444f732072656675736520 | nical GPSDOs refuse
| 746f20676f206261636b776172647320746f2074 | to go backwards to t
| 686520636f72726563742074696d65290a0a486f | he correct time) Ho
| 77657665722c2077652063616e20757365204e61 | wever, we can use Na
| 6b616d6f746f20636861696e20636f6e73656e73 | kamoto chain consens
| 757320746f20646563656e7472616c697a656420 | us to decentralized
| 74686573652073797374656d732e0a0a41207061 | these systems. A pa
| 7274696369706174696e6720736574206f66206e | rticipating set of n
| 6f646573206d61696e7461696e20616363757261 | odes maintain accura
| 74652061646a75737461626c65206c6f63616c20 | te adjustable local
| 6672657175656e63790a7265666572656e636573 | frequency references
| 2e202054686579206d6561737572652074686520 | . They measure the
| 6f6666736574206265747765656e207468656972 | offset between their
| 206c6f63616c2074696d6520616e6420610a7265 | local time and a re
| 666572656e6365206f7363696c6c61746f722061 | ference oscillator a
| 7661696c61626c6520746f20616c6c206e6f6465 | vailable to all node
| 732e204166746572206d616b696e672061206d65 | s. After making a me
| 61737572656d656e740a74686579207772697465 | asurement they write
| 20612073746174656d656e742061626f75742074 | a statement about t
| 686973206f666673657420616e6420617474656d | his offset and attem
| 707420746f20736f6c7665206120504f570a746f | pt to solve a POW to
| 20657874656e642061204e616b616d6f746f2063 | extend a Nakamoto c
| 6861696e2e204e657720626c6f636b7320696e20 | hain. New blocks in
| 7468697320636861696e20617265206f6e6c7920 | this chain are only
| 61636365707465640a62792061206e6f64652069 | accepted by a node i
| 66207468656972206f6666736574732061726520 | f their offsets are
| 706c61757369626c652e20204e6f646573207468 | plausible. Nodes th
| 656e20706572666f726d2061206d656469616e0a | en perform a median
| 6f7065726174696f6e206f6620726563656e7420 | operation of recent
| 6f66667365747320746f2070726f647563652061 | offsets to produce a
| 20636f6e73656e737573206f6666736574206265 | consensus offset be
| 747765656e20616761696e73740a746865207265 | tween against the re
| 666572656e63652c20616e64207468656e207573 | ference, and then us
| 652074686174206f666673657420746f20647269 | e that offset to dri
| 766520746865206672657175656e6379206f6620 | ve the frequency of
| 74686569720a6c6f63616c20636c6f636b732069 | their local clocks i
| 6e746f2061677265656d656e7420776974682074 | nto agreement with t
| 686520636f6e73656e7375732e0a0a496e206566 | he consensus. In ef
| 666563742c207765206861766520612047505344 | fect, we have a GPSD
| 4f2d6c696b652073797374656d20627574207769 | O-like system but wi
| 7468206120636f6e73656e73757320636f727265 | th a consensus corre
| 6374696f6e0a6265696e67206170706c6965642e | ction being applied.
| 0a0a496e20746865206361736520776865726520 | In the case where
| 746865207265666572656e6365205f69735f2074 | the reference _is_ t
| 6865204750532073797374656d20746865206162 | he GPS system the ab
| 6f7665206973207374696c6c0a686967686c7920 | ove is still highly
| 76756c6e657261626c6520746f2064656e69616c | vulnerable to denial
| 206f6620736572766963652062792063656e7472 | of service by centr
| 616c20617574686f726974696573202874686f75 | al authorities (thou
| 6768206e6f740a76756c6e657261626c6520746f | gh not vulnerable to
| 2073696d706c65206f666673657473292e20486f | simple offsets). Ho
| 77657665722c2077652063616e20696e73746561 | wever, we can instea
| 6420757320616e6f7468657220676c6f62616c6c | d us another globall
| 790a617661696c61626c65207265666572656e63 | y available referenc
| 65207369676e616c207768696368206973207374 | e signal which is st
| 726f6e676c792061747461636b20726573697374 | rongly attack resist
| 616e743a205468652073756e2e0a0a5061727469 | ant: The sun. Parti
| 6369706174696e67206e6f64657320776f756c64 | cipating nodes would
| 2073616d706c65205246206e6f697365206f6e20 | sample RF noise on
| 736f6d65206167726565642062616e6428732920 | some agreed band(s)
| 6265696e670a656d697474656420627920746865 | being emitted by the
| 2053756e20616e6420636f6e74696e75616c6c79 | Sun and continually
| 207265636f72642069742c207769746820746865 | record it, with the
| 69722073616d706c696e6720636c6f636b0a6265 | ir sampling clock be
| 696e672064726976656e20627920746865697220 | ing driven by their
| 737461626c65206c6f63616c206f7363696c6c61 | stable local oscilla
| 746f722e204e6f64657320776f756c6420746865 | tor. Nodes would the
| 6e207075626c6973680a74696d657374616d7065 | n publish timestampe
| 6420726563656e7420667261676d656e7473206f | d recent fragments o
| 662074686973207369676e616c2e205065657273 | f this signal. Peers
| 20776f756c64207468656e20706572666f726d20 | would then perform
| 610a63726f73732d636f7272656c6174696f6e20 | a cross-correlation
| 6265747765656e2074686520667261676d656e74 | between the fragment
| 7320616e64207468656972206f776e2074696d65 | s and their own time
| 7374616d706564207265636f7264696e67730a69 | stamped recordings i
| 6e206f7264657220746f2066696e642074686520 | n order to find the
| 6f66667365742e204f6e6c79206e6f6465732077 | offset. Only nodes w
| 686963682063616e20636f6e63757272656e746c | hich can concurrentl
| 79206f627365727665207468650a73756e206361 | y observe the sun ca
| 6e206163746976656c7920706172746963697061 | n actively participa
| 746520696e207468652061677265656d656e742c | te in the agreement,
| 20627574206265636175736520746865206c6f63 | but because the loc
| 616c0a6f7363696c6c61746f7273206172652072 | al oscillators are r
| 656c61746976656c7920737461626c6520746869 | elatively stable thi
| 732073686f756c64206e6f742070726576656e74 | s should not prevent
| 20676f6f64206c6f6e67207465726d0a73746162 | good long term stab
| 696c6974792e20284566666563746976656c7920 | ility. (Effectively
| 796f757220636c6f636b20776f756c6420626520 | your clock would be
| 636f7272656374656420696e2074686520646179 | corrected in the day
| 74696d6520616e640a667265652072756e206174 | time and free run at
| 206e69676874292e0a0a53756368206120737973 | night). Such a sys
| 74656d20636f756c6420616c736f2074696d6573 | tem could also times
| 74616d70206d756c7469706c6520726566657265 | tamp multiple refere
| 6e636520636c6f636b7320636f6e63757272656e | nce clocks concurren
| 746c790a736f2074686174206f74686572207265 | tly so that other re
| 666572656e6365207369676e616c7320636f756c | ference signals coul
| 642062652075736564207768656e20617661696c | d be used when avail
| 61626c652e0a0a286372617a7920737475666620 | able. (crazy stuff
| 7374617274732068657265290a0a546865206162 | starts here) The ab
| 6f76652073797374656d20636f756c6420626520 | ove system could be
| 657874656e64656420746f20616c736f2070726f | extended to also pro
| 76696465206c6f636174696f6e20736572766963 | vide location servic
| 652e0a417373756d696e67207468652070617274 | e. Assuming the part
| 696369706174696e6720286d696e696e6729206e | icipating (mining) n
| 6f646573206b6e6f77207468656972206f776e20 | odes know their own
| 6c6f636174696f6e732c20616e64207468617420 | locations, and that
| 0a74686569722072656365697665727320617265 | their receivers are
| 2073656e73697469766520656e6f75676820746f | sensitive enough to
| 207265636569766520626f7468205246206e6f69 | receive both RF noi
| 73652066726f6d207468650a73756e2061732077 | se from the sun as w
| 656c6c20617320746865207265666c656374696f | ell as the reflectio
| 6e73206f662074686973206e6f697365206f6666 | ns of this noise off
| 206d756c7469706c6520617374726f6e6f6d6963 | multiple astronomic
| 616c0a6f626a6563747320696e2074686520736f | al objects in the so
| 6c61722073797374656d207468656e2061206e6f | lar system then a no
| 646520636f756c6420657374696d617465207468 | de could estimate th
| 652064697374616e63650a6265747765656e2069 | e distance between i
| 7420616e6420746865736520766172696f757320 | t and these various
| 626f64696573207573696e67207468652063726f | bodies using the cro
| 73732d636f7272656c6174696f6e20776974680a | ss-correlation with
| 74686520646972656374207369676e616c206672 | the direct signal fr
| 6f6d207468652073756e2c20657373656e746961 | om the sun, essentia
| 6c6c79207468652073616d65206d656368616e69 | lly the same mechani
| 736d20757365640a627920706173736976652072 | sm used by passive r
| 616461722e20205573696e67207468657365206d | adar. Using these m
| 6561737572656d656e74732c20746865206e6f64 | easurements, the nod
| 652063616e20736f6c766520616e0a6f72626974 | e can solve an orbit
| 616c2064796e616d696373206d6f64656c20666f | al dynamics model fo
| 72207468652063757272656e74206d6f64656c2d | r the current model-
| 74696d65207468656e207075626c697368207468 | time then publish th
| 650a6d6f64656c2d74696d652028726566657265 | e model-time (refere
| 6e63656420746f20736f6c6172207369676e616c | nced to solar signal
| 20667261676d656e74732920696e207468652063 | fragments) in the c
| 6861696e20616e640a746865697220626c6f636b | hain and their block
| 732077696c6c206f6e6c79206265206163636570 | s will only be accep
| 746564206279206e6f6465732077686963682066 | ted by nodes which f
| 696e642074686520636c61696d0a706c61757369 | ind the claim plausi
| 626c652e200a0a41206e6f646520776869636820 | ble. A node which
| 646f6573206e6f74206b6e6f7720697473206c6f | does not know its lo
| 636174696f6e206275742077686963682063616e | cation but which can
| 206d616b65207468652073616d650a726164696f | make the same radio
| 207369676e616c206f62736572766174696f6e73 | signal observations
| 20616e642063616e206f62736572766520746865 | and can observe the
| 206861736820636861696e2063616e2061636365 | hash chain can acce
| 70740a74686520636861696e20636f6e73656e73 | pt the chain consens
| 75732074696d6520616e642064657465726d696e | us time and determin
| 652069747320706f736974696f6e2e0a0a287468 | e its position. (th
| 69732070617274206973206372617a792c207361 | is part is crazy, sa
| 646c79206265636175736520746865207265666c | dly because the refl
| 6563746564207369676e616c7320776f756c6420 | ected signals would
| 616c6d6f73740a6365727461696e6c7920626520 | almost certainly be
| 746f6f207765616b2c20616e6420746865206d65 | too weak, and the me
| 6173757265642064697374616e63657320746f6f | asured distances too
| 20696e616363757261746520746f206d616b650a | inaccurate to make
| 74686520746563686e697175652075736566756c | the technique useful