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| 004dcf6d531011567e89b3facefadf817cd00e48c87d6f62de324efcc8b0b639 |
| 2f353839343c486f6e67204b6f6e672064656d6f | /5894<Hong Kong demo
| 63726163792070726f7465737465727320646566 | cracy protesters def
| 69616e74206f6e204e6174696f6e616c20446179 | iant on National Day
| 0d0a0d0a54656e73206f662074686f7573616e64 | Tens of thousand
| 73206f662070656f706c65206861766520626565 | s of people have bee
| 6e20626c6f636b696e67207061727473206f6620 | n blocking parts of
| 746865206369747920666f7220646179732e0d0a | the city for days.
| 0d0a54686579206172652064656d616e64696e67 | They are demanding
| 2074686174204368696e61207769746864726177 | that China withdraw
| 20706c616e7320746f207665742063616e646964 | plans to vet candid
| 6174657320666f7220746865206e657874206c65 | ates for the next le
| 616465727368697020656c656374696f6e20696e | adership election in
| 20323031372e0d0a0d0a43757272656e74206c65 | 2017. Current le
| 61646572204359204c65756e6720686173207572 | ader CY Leung has ur
| 676564207468652070726f746573746572732074 | ged the protesters t
| 6f20676f20686f6d652c20616e64204368696e65 | o go home, and Chine
| 736520507265736964656e74205869204a696e70 | se President Xi Jinp
| 696e672068617320726561666669726d65642042 | ing has reaffirmed B
| 65696a696e67277320696e666c75656e6365206f | eijing's influence o
| 6e20746865207465727269746f72792e0d0a0d0a | n the territory.
| 4f6e2054756573646179204d7220586920746f6c | On Tuesday Mr Xi tol
| 6420436f6d6d756e697374205061727479206c65 | d Communist Party le
| 616465727320696e204265696a696e6720746861 | aders in Beijing tha
| 742068697320676f7665726e6d656e7420776f75 | t his government wou
| 6c642022756e7377657276696e676c7920696d70 | ld "unswervingly imp
| 6c656d656e74207468652067756964656c696e65 | lement the guideline
| 73206f6620276f6e6520636f756e7472792c2074 | s of 'one country, t
| 776f2073797374656d732720616e642074686520 | wo systems' and the
| 4261736963204c61772c20616e64207374656164 | Basic Law, and stead
| 666173746c792073616665677561726420746865 | fastly safeguard the
| 206c6f6e672d7465726d2070726f737065726974 | long-term prosperit
| 7920616e642073746162696c697479206f662048 | y and stability of H
| 6f6e67204b6f6e6720616e64204d61636175222e | ong Kong and Macau".
| 0d0a0d0a4d72204c65756e672c20486f6e67204b | Mr Leung, Hong K
| 6f6e672773206368696566206578656375746976 | ong's chief executiv
| 652c206861732072656a65637465642063616d70 | e, has rejected camp
| 6169676e657273272063616c6c20666f72206869 | aigners' call for hi
| 6d20746f207374616e6420646f776e2e0d0a0d0a | m to stand down.
| 4f6e205765646e65736461792c20686520617474 | On Wednesday, he att
| 656e646564206120636572656d6f6e7920696e20 | ended a ceremony in
| 486f6e67204b6f6e67206d61726b696e67204e61 | Hong Kong marking Na
| 74696f6e616c204461792c2061207075626c6963 | tional Day, a public
| 20686f6c6964617920746861742063656c656272 | holiday that celebr
| 617465732074686520666f756e64696e67206f66 | ates the founding of
| 20636f6d6d756e697374204368696e6120696e20 | communist China in
| 313934392e0d0a0d0a54686520617574686f7269 | 1949. The authori
| 7469657320686176652063616e63656c6c656420 | ties have cancelled
| 612066697265776f726b7320646973706c617920 | a fireworks display
| 74686174207761732064756520746f2074616b65 | that was due to take
| 20706c616365206c6174657220696e2074686520 | place later in the
| 6461792e0d0a0d0a4d65616e7768696c65207468 | day. Meanwhile th
| 652055532072657374617465642069747320706f | e US restated its po
| 736974696f6e206f6e207468652070726f746573 | sition on the protes
| 74732c20736179696e6720746861742061206765 | ts, saying that a ge
| 6e75696e652063686f696365206f662063616e64 | nuine choice of cand
| 69646174657320696e2074686520656c65637469 | idates in the electi
| 6f6e20776f756c6420656e68616e636520746865 | on would enhance the
| 206c65676974696d616379206f66207468652063 | legitimacy of the c
| 68696566206578656375746976652e0d0a0d0a48 | hief executive. H
| 65617679207261696e20696e20486f6e67204b6f | eavy rain in Hong Ko
| 6e67206c617465206f6e20547565736461792066 | ng late on Tuesday f
| 61696c656420746f2064616d70656e2074686520 | ailed to dampen the
| 70726f746573746572732720656e746875736961 | protesters' enthusia
| 736d0d0a0d0a4359204c65756e67206861732061 | sm CY Leung has a
| 707065616c656420746f2070726f746573746572 | ppealed to protester
| 7320746f20676f20686f6d65202d20627574206d | s to go home - but m
| 616e792073617920746865792061726520746865 | any say they are the
| 726520666f7220746865206c6f6e67206861756c | re for the long haul
| 0d0a546865207374726565747320776572652072 | The streets were r
| 656c61746976656c79207175696574206f6e2054 | elatively quiet on T
| 756573646179206275742074686f7573616e6473 | uesday but thousands
| 20666c6f636b656420746f207468652070726f74 | flocked to the prot
| 6573742063616d7073206173206e696768742066 | est camps as night f
| 656c6c2e0d0a0d0a5468652064656d6f6e737472 | ell. The demonstr
| 61746f7273202d2077686f20696e636c75646520 | ators - who include
| 73747564656e74732c20737570706f7274657273 | students, supporters
| 206f6620746865204f63637570792043656e7472 | of the Occupy Centr
| 616c2067726f757020616e64206f746865727320 | al group and others
| 616e67657265642062792074686520706f6c6963 | angered by the polic
| 6520726573706f6e7365202d2073616964207468 | e response - said th
| 6579207765726520636f6e666964656e74207468 | ey were confident th
| 6174207468657920776f756c6420737465702075 | at they would step u
| 70207468652070726f7465737473206f6e205765 | p the protests on We
| 646e65736461792e0d0a0d0a2249207468696e6b | dnesday. "I think
| 2074686572652077696c6c2062652061206d6173 | there will be a mas
| 73697665207475726e6f75742c206f7665722031 | sive turnout, over 1
| 30302c3030302070656f706c6520746f6e696768 | 00,000 people tonigh
| 7420616e64206c656164696e6720696e746f204e | t and leading into N
| 6174696f6e616c204461792c22204f6363757079 | ational Day," Occupy
| 2043656e7472616c206163746976697374204564 | Central activist Ed
| 204368696e20746f6c6420414650206e65777320 | Chin told AFP news
| 6167656e63792e0d0a0d0a22576520617265206e | agency. "We are n
| 6f7420616672616964206f662072696f7420706f | ot afraid of riot po
| 6c6963652e2e2e2e2057652077696c6c206e6f74 | lice.... We will not
| 206c6561766520756e74696c204c65756e672043 | leave until Leung C
| 68756e2d79696e672072657369676e732c272720 | hun-ying resigns,''
| 73747564656e74206c6561646572204c65737465 | student leader Leste
| 72205368756d20746f6c64207468652063726f77 | r Shum told the crow
| 642e0d0a0d0a5468652070726f74657374732062 | d. The protests b
| 6567616e20617420746865207765656b656e642c | egan at the weekend,
| 20616e6420706f6c69636520726573706f6e6465 | and police responde
| 64207769746820746561722067617320616e6420 | d with tear gas and
| 7065707065722073707261792e20506f6c696365 | pepper spray. Police
| 206c6174657220776974686472657720616e6420 | later withdrew and
| 70726f7465737465727320686176652072656d61 | protesters have rema
| 696e65642063616c6d2e0d0a0d0a436172726965 | ined calm. Carrie
| 204772616369652c20424243204e657773204368 | Gracie, BBC News Ch
| 696e6120656469746f722c20486f6e67204b6f6e | ina editor, Hong Kon
| 670d0a2257652077616e742061207265616c2076 | g "We want a real v
| 6f74652220697320746865206368616e74206865 | ote" is the chant he
| 61726420696e20746865206865617274206f6620 | ard in the heart of
| 486f6e67204b6f6e672c20776869636820746865 | Hong Kong, which the
| 2070726f7465737465727320686176652072656e | protesters have ren
| 616d65642044656d6f6372616379205371756172 | amed Democracy Squar
| 652e20412063726f7764206d616e792074686f75 | e. A crowd many thou
| 73616e64732d7374726f6e672073747265746368 | sands-strong stretch
| 656420696e20657665727920646972656374696f | ed in every directio
| 6e2c207573696e67207468656972206d6f62696c | n, using their mobil
| 652070686f6e657320746f206372656174652061 | e phones to create a
| 20736561206f662064616e63696e67206c696768 | sea of dancing ligh
| 742e0d0a0d0a4974206973207468652074686972 | t. It is the thir
| 64206e69676874206f662070726f746573747320 | d night of protests
| 616e64207468652064656d6f6e73747261746f72 | and the demonstrator
| 73207765726520657868696c6172617465642062 | s were exhilarated b
| 7920666163696e6720646f776e2072696f742070 | y facing down riot p
| 6f6c6963652e20496e20612073686f77206f6620 | olice. In a show of
| 63697669632070726964652c206d616e79206861 | civic pride, many ha
| 64207370656e74207468652064617920736f7274 | d spent the day sort
| 696e6720727562626973682e0d0a0d0a4f746865 | ing rubbish. Othe
| 7273207061696e7465642064656d6f6372616379 | rs painted democracy
| 20736c6f67616e73206f6e2074686520756d6272 | slogans on the umbr
| 656c6c617320746861742070726f746563746564 | ellas that protected
| 207468656d2066726f6d20706f6c696365207065 | them from police pe
| 70706572207370726179206f6e2053756e646179 | pper spray on Sunday
| 20616e6420746861742068617665206e6f772062 | and that have now b
| 65636f6d6520746865206d6f74696620666f7220 | ecome the motif for
| 7468656972206d6f76656d656e742e0d0a0d0a43 | their movement. C
| 68696e612773204e6174696f6e616c2044617920 | hina's National Day
| 697320612074657374206f6620737472656e6774 | is a test of strengt
| 68207468617420616c6c2073696465732077696c | h that all sides wil
| 6c206265207761746368696e6720636c6f73656c | l be watching closel
| 792e20496620746865206e756d62657273206f6e | y. If the numbers on
| 207468652073747265657420616c6c6f77207468 | the street allow th
| 652070726f7465737465727320746f2073617920 | e protesters to say
| 74686579206861766520776f6e20746865206865 | they have won the he
| 6172747320616e64206d696e6473206f66207468 | arts and minds of th
| 652067656e6572616c207075626c69632c204265 | e general public, Be
| 696a696e672077696c6c206861766520746f2073 | ijing will have to s
| 74617274207468696e6b696e67206f6620612077 | tart thinking of a w
| 617920746f20656e642074686973207768696368 | ay to end this which
| 2061766f69647320656974686572206c6f737320 | avoids either loss
| 6f662066616365206f722076696f6c656e63652e | of face or violence.
| 6e730d0a486f6e67204b6f6e6720686173206120 | ns Hong Kong has a
| 706f70756c6174696f6e206f6620372e326d2061 | population of 7.2m a
| 6e642074686f7567682074686572652061726520 | nd though there are
| 6d616e792074686f7573616e6473206f66207065 | many thousands of pe
| 6f706c65206f6e2074686520737472656574732c | ople on the streets,
| 2074686520646567726565206f66206f76657261 | the degree of overa
| 6c6c20737570706f727420666f72207468652070 | ll support for the p
| 726f7465737465727320697320756e636c656172 | rotesters is unclear
| 2e0d0a0d0a536f6d65207265736964656e747320 | . Some residents
| 66656172207468652064656d6f6e737472617469 | fear the demonstrati
| 6f6e7320636f756c64206166666563742072656c | ons could affect rel
| 6174696f6e732077697468204265696a696e6720 | ations with Beijing
| 6f7220686974207468652065636f6e6f6d79206f | or hit the economy o
| 66207468652066696e616e6369616c206875622e | f the financial hub.
| 0d0a0d0a4272697461696e2068616e6465642048 | Britain handed H
| 6f6e67204b6f6e67206261636b20746f20436869 | ong Kong back to Chi
| 6e6120696e203139393720756e64657220612066 | na in 1997 under a f
| 6f726d756c6120746861742067756172616e7465 | ormula that guarante
| 6573206c6962657274696573206e6f7420736565 | es liberties not see
| 6e206f6e20746865206d61696e6c616e642c2069 | n on the mainland, i
| 6e636c7564696e672066726565646f6d206f6620 | ncluding freedom of
| 73706565636820616e6420746865207269676874 | speech and the right
| 20746f2070726f746573742e0d0a0d0a4265696a | to protest. Beij
| 696e672072756c6564206c617374206d6f6e7468 | ing ruled last month
| 207468617420486f6e67204b6f6e672070656f70 | that Hong Kong peop
| 6c6520636f756c6420656c656374207468656972 | le could elect their
| 206e657874206c656164657220696e2032303137 | next leader in 2017
| 2c20627574207468652063686f696365206f6620 | , but the choice of
| 63616e6469646174657320776f756c6420626520 | candidates would be
| 7265737472696374656420746f2074776f206f72 | restricted to two or
| 2074687265652070656f706c652077686f206d75 | three people who mu
| 737420626520617070726f766564206279207468 | st be approved by th
| 65206d616a6f72697479206f6620612070726f2d | e majority of a pro-
| 4265696a696e6720636f6d6d6974746565202d20 | Beijing committee -
| 6d65616e696e6720746865204368696e65736520 | meaning the Chinese
| 676f7665726e6d656e742063616e206566666563 | government can effec
| 746976656c792073637265656e2063616e646964 | tively screen candid
| 617465732e0d0a0d0a5468652070726f74657374 | ates. The protest
| 7320617265207365656e20617320612064697265 | s are seen as a dire
| 6374206368616c6c656e676520746f204265696a | ct challenge to Beij
| 696e6727732067726970206f6e20746865207465 | ing's grip on the te
| 727269746f7279277320706f6c69746963732e0d | rritory's politics.
| 0a0d0a416e616c797374732073617920436f6d6d | Analysts say Comm
| 756e697374205061727479206c65616465727320 | unist Party leaders
| 61726520776f727269656420746861742063616c | are worried that cal
| 6c7320666f722064656d6f637261637920636f75 | ls for democracy cou
| 6c642073707265616420746f2063697469657320 | ld spread to cities
| 6f6e20746865206d61696e6c616e642e0d0a0d0a | on the mainland.
| 4e657773206f66207468652070726f7465737473 | News of the protests
| 206973206265696e672068656176696c79206365 | is being heavily ce
| 6e736f72656420696e206d61696e6c616e642043 | nsored in mainland C
| 68696e612e204d65646961206861766520626c61 | hina. Media have bla
| 6d656420227261646963616c206f70706f736974 | med "radical opposit
| 696f6e20666f726365732220666f722073746972 | ion forces" for stir
| 72696e672075702074726f75626c652e0d0a0d0a | ring up trouble.
| 546865205553206861732072657065617465646c | The US has repeatedl
| 792063616c6c656420666f722022726573747261 | y called for "restra
| 696e742220696e204368696e6127732072657370 | int" in China's resp
| 6f6e736520746f207468652070726f7465737473 | onse to the protests
| 2e0d0a0d0a4f6e20547565736461792c20737461 | . On Tuesday, sta
| 7465206465706172746d656e742073706f6b6573 | te department spokes
| 776f6d616e204a656e205073616b692073616964 | woman Jen Psaki said
| 207468617420536563726574617279206f662053 | that Secretary of S
| 74617465204a6f686e204b6572727920776f756c | tate John Kerry woul
| 642064697363757373207468652070726f746573 | d discuss the protes
| 74732077697468204368696e65736520466f7265 | ts with Chinese Fore
| 69676e204d696e69737465722057616e67205969 | ign Minister Wang Yi
| 207768656e207468652070616972206d65657420 | when the pair meet
| 6f6e205765646e65736461792e0d0a0d0a225765 | on Wednesday. "We
| 2062656c6965766520746865206c65676974696d | believe the legitim
| 616379206f662074686520636869656620657865 | acy of the chief exe
| 63757469766520776f756c642062652067726561 | cutive would be grea
| 746c7920656e68616e6365642069662074686520 | tly enhanced if the
| 6261736963206c6177277320756c74696d617465 | basic law's ultimate
| 2061696d206f662073656c656374696f6e206f66 | aim of selection of
| 2074686520636869656620657865637574697665 | the chief executive
| 20627920756e6976657273616c20737566667261 | by universal suffra
| 67652069732066756c66696c6c65642c22207368 | ge is fulfilled," sh
| 6520736169642e0d0a0d0a53657061726174656c | e said. Separatel
| 792c207468652068656164206f66207468652055 | y, the head of the U
| 532053656e61746520636f6d6d6974746565206f | S Senate committee o
| 6e20666f726569676e2072656c6174696f6e732c | n foreign relations,
| 20526f62657274204d656e656e64657a2c207772 | Robert Menendez, wr
| 6f746520746f204d72204c65756e672075726769 | ote to Mr Leung urgi
| 6e672068696d20746f2072657370656374207468 | ng him to respect th
| 65207269676874206f662070726f746573746572 | e right of protester
| 7320746f2064656d6f6e7374726174652e0d0a0d | s to demonstrate.
| 0a22546865207375707072657373696f6e20616e | "The suppression an
| 6420696e74696d69646174696f6e206f66207065 | d intimidation of pe
| 61636566756c2070726f746573746f727320616e | aceful protestors an
| 64206f70706f736974696f6e206d656469612e2e | d opposition media..
| 2e20696e64696361746573207468617420426569 | . indicates that Bei
| 6a696e67206861732072656e65676564206f6e20 | jing has reneged on
| 7468652070726f6d69736573206974206d616465 | the promises it made
| 20746f207468652070656f706c65206f6620486f | to the people of Ho
| 6e67204b6f6e6722204d72204d656e656e64657a | ng Kong" Mr Menendez
| 207361696420696e20746865206c65747465722e | said in the letter.

| 05d1393a0d8d58afe40216a1dd04090ca79c052811470bd2fd665d5e4618eeaf |
| 63726163792074696d656c696e650d0a31393937 | cracy timeline 1997
| 3a20486f6e67204b6f6e672c206120666f726d65 | : Hong Kong, a forme
| 72204272697469736820636f6c6f6e792c206973 | r British colony, is
| 2068616e646564206261636b20746f204368696e | handed back to Chin
| 6120756e64657220616e20313938342061677265 | a under an 1984 agre
| 656d656e7420676976696e672069742022612068 | ement giving it "a h
| 69676820646567726565206f66206175746f6e6f | igh degree of autono
| 6d792c2065786365707420696e20666f72656967 | my, except in foreig
| 6e20616e6420646566656e636520616666616972 | n and defence affair
| 732220666f722035302079656172730d0a0d0a32 | s" for 50 years 2
| 3030343a204368696e612072756c657320746861 | 004: China rules tha
| 742069747320617070726f76616c206d75737420 | t its approval must
| 626520736f7567687420666f72206368616e6765 | be sought for change
| 7320746f20486f6e67204b6f6e67277320656c65 | s to Hong Kong's ele
| 6374696f6e206c6177730d0a0d0a4a756e652d4a | ction laws June-J
| 756c7920323031343a2050726f2d64656d6f6372 | uly 2014: Pro-democr
| 6163792061637469766973747320686f6c642061 | acy activists hold a
| 6e20756e6f6666696369616c207265666572656e | n unofficial referen
| 64756d206f6e20706f6c69746963616c20726566 | dum on political ref
| 6f726d20616e642061206c617267652072616c6c | orm and a large rall
| 792c20776869636820697320666f6c6c6f776564 | y, which is followed
| 2062792070726f74657374732062792070726f2d | by protests by pro-
| 4265696a696e67206163746976697374730d0a0d | Beijing activists
| 0a33312041756775737420323031343a20436869 | 31 August 2014: Chi
| 6e6120736179732069742077696c6c20616c6c6f | na says it will allo
| 772064697265637420656c656374696f6e732069 | w direct elections i
| 6e20323031372c2062757420766f746572732077 | n 2017, but voters w
| 696c6c206f6e6c792062652061626c6520746f20 | ill only be able to
| 63686f6f73652066726f6d2061206c697374206f | choose from a list o
| 66207072652d617070726f7665642063616e6469 | f pre-approved candi
| 64617465733b2061637469766973747320737461 | dates; activists sta
| 67652070726f74657374730d0a0d0a3232205365 | ge protests 22 Se
| 7074656d62657220323031343a2053747564656e | ptember 2014: Studen
| 742067726f757073206c61756e63682061207765 | t groups launch a we
| 656b2d6c6f6e6720626f79636f7474206f662063 | ek-long boycott of c
| 6c617373657320696e2070726f746573740d0a0d | lasses in protest
| 0a323031373a2044697265637420656c65637469 | 2017: Direct electi
| 6f6e7320666f7220636869656620657865637574 | ons for chief execut
| 6976652064756520746f2074616b6520706c6163 | ive due to take plac
| 650d0a0d0a323034373a20457870697279206f66 | e 2047: Expiry of
| 2063757272656e742061677265656d656e74730d | current agreements
| 0a0d0a736f757263653a20687474703a2f2f7777 | source: http://ww
| 772e6262632e636f6d2f6e6577732f776f726c64 | w.bbc.com/news/world
| 2d617369612d6368696e612d3239343330323239 | -asia-china-29430229
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| 5a636465666768696a737475767778797a828384 | Zcdefghijstuvwxyz

| f02afffc43dd74c0fa683deed98440d16148281d9a250c71a9a3b1a3464431a7 |
| d9486f6e672d4b6f6e672d7369676e2e6a70673a | Hong-Kong-sign.jpg:
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| 6430343039306361373963303532383131343730 | d04090ca79c052811470
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| 3430323236626639626139316630393966653336 | 40226bf9ba91f099fe36
| 3935353363306236623264623262326536353661 | 9553c0b6b2db2b2e656a
| 33616434630d0a66316665633465646237646538 | 3ad4c f1fec4edb7de8
| 6439323966353331396263663035613836666463 | d929f5319bcf05a86fdc
| 3432396463363234373732643039643237313632 | 429dc624772d09d27162
| 31383966616666396464630d0a31633864393630 | 189faff9ddc 1c8d960
| 6635343736653236646663646639663562303038 | f5476e26dfcdf9f5b008
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| 32326536653532646366376135326139370d0a65 | 22e6e52dcf7a52a97 e
| 3237383465636630326538336530386639623734 | 2784ecf02e83e08f9b74
| 3062623737616238393431343730343966356438 | 0bb77ab894147049f5d8
| 3664626432613037306666626264353662646461 | 6dbd2a070ffbbd56bdda
| 6261660d0a373136333130336161653965336330 | baf 7163103aae9e3c0
| 6638343966366430303630383938646134336637 | f849f6d0060898da43f7
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| 3961336231613334363434333161370d0a323535 | 9a3b1a3464431a7 255
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| 6263353033393662343466623533343862626635 | bc50396b44fb5348bbf5
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| 3432633165616364386638356537666535363234 | 42c1eacd8f85e7fe5624
| 356264373361626562633133660d0a3431306637 | 5bd73abebc13f 410f7
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| 0a3870796e6774565459576b68644e6f6b665a00 | 8pyngtVTYWkhdNokfZ