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| hash160                                  | decoded text          |

| e71d15fa95180ff8c15704a4365a6e83e29264f184e73d977b0b3d28a10dd4ac |
| 626974636f696e732e53472061736b7320436872 | bitcoins.SG asks Chr
| 697320456c6c69732061626f7574206f6e65206f | is Ellis about one o
| 6620686973206f70656e20736f75726365206a6f | f his open source jo
| 75726e616c69736d20746563686e69717565730a | urnalism techniques
| 54696d657374616d70696e6720766964656f7320 | Timestamping videos
| 696e2074686520626c6f636b636861696e206163 | in the blockchain ac
| 68696576696e67202774727573742d6c65737320 | hieving 'trust-less
| 76657269666961626c65206e6f6e206164756c74 | verifiable non adult
| 65726174696f6e206f66206d65646961270a6874 | eration of media' ht
| 7470733a2f2f676973742e6769746875622e636f | tps://gist.github.co
| 6d2f4d7243687269734a2f626339343462373938 | m/MrChrisJ/bc944b798
| 36396238386165343431370a6432313566666462 | 69b88ae4417 d215ffdb
| 3261356630636637643065393064663166326138 | 2a5f0cf7d0e90df1f2a8
| 3564363463393033396364306539336562303332 | 5d64c9039cd0e93eb032
| 623566393839353337353434633339360a000000 | b5f989537544c396