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| hash160                                  | decoded text          |

| 5c721b66f4c3465b63ac049e85e85eaee3acef6dbcff3b8d489e65bd42a9cbb3 |
| 4e6f746963652023333a2056616c756520657175 | Notice #3: Value equ
| 6976616c656e7420746f2024312f736861726520 | ivalent to $1/share
| 69732061636365707461626c652e0a4d79206269 | is acceptable. My bi
| 74636f696e207075626c69632061646472657373 | tcoin public address
| 2069733a20314e67316557564e6436634b335074 | is: 1Ng1eWVNd6cK3Pt
| 55466b31516d4462737134635150717566624d0a | UFk1QmDbsq4cQPqufbM
| 466f726d617420666f7220626c6f636b63686169 | Format for blockchai
| 6e207265636f7264696e673a0a41636365707420 | n recording: Accept
| 23333a2031303020736861726573206174202431 | #3: 100 shares at $1
| 20286f7220302e787820425443292066726f6d20 | (or 0.xx BTC) from
| 5b6d79436f6d6d6572636549445d2e0a4d792072 | [myCommerceID]. My r
| 6573706f6e73652c2061667465722064656c6976 | esponse, after deliv
| 657279206f662076616c75652077696c6c206265 | ery of value will be
| 3a0a52656365697665642023333a202431303020 | : Received #3: $100
| 66726f6d205b796f7572436f6d6d657263654944 | from [yourCommerceID
| 5d2e0a426c6f636b636861696e207265636f7264 | ]. Blockchain record
| 2077696c6c2070726f766964652070726f6f6620 | will provide proof