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| THIBA - Things/Texts Hidden In Bitcoin Addresses readme >>> |
| hash160 | decoded text |
| 60fc7c946c65d222c6f4f41f357f2346cd66b4ce3096e6c8397e983ea8031b1e |
| 5265766f6c7574696f6e617279204d696e646675 | Revolutionary Mindfu
| 6c6e657373200a4279204d617474205265616479 | lness By Matt Ready
| 0a0a41637469766973742c206172746973742c20 | Activist, artist,
| 7068696c6f736f706865722c20736f6674776172 | philosopher, softwar
| 6520646576656c6f7065722c20616e6420656c65 | e developer, and ele
| 6374656420706f6c6974696369616e204d617474 | cted politician Matt
| 2052656164792074616b657320796f75206f6e20 | Ready takes you on
| 61200a6a6f75726e6579207468726f7567682079 | a journey through y
| 6f757220636f6e7363696f75736e65737320746f | our consciousness to
| 20612062657474657220776f726c642e20426567 | a better world. Beg
| 696e6e696e67207769746820612073696d706c65 | inning with a simple
| 20616e642061636365737369626c652067756964 | and accessible guid
| 6520666f7220686f7720746f200a696e74656772 | e for how to integr
| 617465206d656469746174696f6e20616e64206d | ate meditation and m
| 696e6466756c20616374696f6e20696e746f2079 | indful action into y
| 6f7572206c6966652c2074686520617574686f72 | our life, the author
| 207468656e2073686172657320686f7720686973 | then shares how his
| 20706572736f6e616c206d696e6466756c206a6f | personal mindful jo
| 75726e6579200a6c6561642068696d20696e746f | urney lead him into
| 2074686520776f726c64206f6620616374697669 | the world of activi
| 736d20616e6420706f6c69746963732e20496e20 | sm and politics. In
| 612074696d65207768656e206f757220776f726c | a time when our worl
| 642069732065766f6c76696e6720617420616e20 | d is evolving at an
| 6578706f6e656e7469616c20726174652c206974 | exponential rate, it
| 206973200a6d6f726520696d706f7274616e7420 | is more important
| 7468616e20657665722074686174207765206173 | than ever that we as
| 206120736f6369657479206c6561726e20746f20 | a society learn to
| 6d696e6466756c6c7920776f726b20746f676574 | mindfully work toget
| 68657220746f2073686170652061206265747465 | her to shape a bette
| 7220776f726c6420666f7220616c6c206f66200a | r world for all of
| 75732e2057696c6c20796f752062652061207061 | us. Will you be a pa
| 7274206f66207468617420766974616c20616e64 | rt of that vital and
| 207472616e73666f726d617469766520776f726b | transformative work
| 3f0a0a287072696e74292068747470733a2f2f77 | ? (print) https://w
| 77772e63726561746573706163652e636f6d2f36 | ww.createspace.com/6
| 3733383338320a286b696e646c65292068747470 | 738382 (kindle) http
| 733a2f2f7777772e616d617a6f6e2e636f6d2f64 | s://www.amazon.com/d
| 702f4230314e3934555850480a0a4a6f696e2074 | p/B01N94UXPH Join t
| 686520486976653120416e616c797369733a2068 | he Hive1 Analysis: h
| 7474703a2f2f7777772e68697665312e6e65742f | ttp://www.hive1.net/
| 636f6e73656e73692e7068703f736569643d3333 | consensi.php?seid=33