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| THIBA - Things/Texts Hidden In Bitcoin Addresses readme >>> |
| hash160 | decoded text |
| d4bbe64e8abd41ab752e2d2df70a53bec943455c83c8d4da05bf04e302c9cb9d |
| 576861742068617070656e732061667465722079 | What happens after y
| 6f75206275696c642061206d616368696e652074 | ou build a machine t
| 6861742063616e2073656e6420796f752061206d | hat can send you a m
| 6573736167652066726f6d203234686f75727320 | essage from 24hours
| 696e20746865206675747572653f20200a596f75 | in the future? You
| 207475726e20746865206d616368696e65206f6e | turn the machine on
| 20616e64e280a661206d65737361676520617070 | and a message app
| 656172733a20200ae2809c4d6573736167652023 | ears: Message #
| 313a202053746f636b204e5646592077696c6c20 | 1: Stock NVFY will
| 636c6f736520617420322e35312c207570203338 | close at 2.51, up 38
| 2e363725e2809d20200a5468656e20796f752067 | .67% Then you g
| 6f207472616465206f6e206d617267696e20616e | o trade on margin an
| 64206d616b652061206665772068756e64726564 | d make a few hundred
| 2074686f7573616e6420646f6c6c6172732e2020 | thousand dollars.
| 5468656e20796f7520676f206261636b20746f20 | Then you go back to
| 746865206d616368696e6520616e642072656164 | the machine and read
| 20746865206e657874206d6573736167652e2020 | the next message.
| 49742073617973206e6f7468696e672e20200a54 | It says nothing. T
| 68656e2061667465722061206665772064617973 | hen after a few days
| 20697420736179732c200ae2809c53656e74204d | it says, Sent M
| 6573736167652023313a2020466c696768742058 | essage #1: Flight X
| 58582066726f6d20585858206372617368657320 | XX from XXX crashes
| 746f6461792e2020546f74616c206d6573736167 | today. Total messag
| 657320726563656976656420736f206661722028 | es received so far (
| 74e28099732068617665206120766f7465206966 | t s have a vote if
| 2077652061726520746f2072656c656173652074 | we are to release t
| 686520696e666f726d6174696f6e2074696d6520 | he information time
| 74726176656c206d616368696e65206465736967 | travel machine desig
| 6e20746f2074686520776f726c642e202053656e | n to the world. Sen
| 6420796f757220766f746520696e207468652066 | d your vote in the f
| 6f726d206f66205361746f736869732e0a596573 | orm of Satoshis. Yes
| 2d2072656c656173653a2020313771634a505731 | - release: 17qcJPW1
| 3357505142547673655348435437364276467476 | 3WPQBTvseSHCT76BvFtv
| 556a454c415a0a4e6f202d20646f6ee28099743a | UjELAZ No - don t:
| 2020314c566562344c6b6e507472524c75734541 | 1LVeb4LknPtrRLusEA
| 673932416b594450707155684e3241710a2d2053 | g92AkYDPpqUhN2Aq - S