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| hash160 | decoded text |
| 91b9b44532e094522e905012c04f207df1bcad8d9df7232679cb16859a008bdd |
| 5469616e616e6d656e205371756172652c204265 | Tiananmen Square, Be
| 696a696e6720696e204a756e6520313938392e20 | ijing in June 1989.
| efbc88536f706869652052696368617264736f6e | Sophie Richardson
| 6c207468652054727574682041626f7574205469 | l the Truth About Ti
| 616e616e6d656e206f6e20416e6e697665727361 | ananmen on Anniversa
| 72790a0a52657072657373696f6e206f66205269 | ry Repression of Ri
| 6768747320617420506f73742d31393839205065 | ghts at Post-1989 Pe
| 616b20556e64657220507265736964656e742058 | ak Under President X
| 690a0a284e657720596f726b2920e28093205468 | i (New York) Th
| 65204368696e65736520676f7665726e6d656e74 | e Chinese government
| 2073686f756c6420636561736520697473206465 | should cease its de
| 6e69616c2061626f757420746865207374617465 | nial about the state
| e280997320726f6c6520696e20746865206d6173 | s role in the mas
| 7361637265206f6620756e61726d65642070726f | sacre of unarmed pro
| 2d64656d6f63726163792070726f746573746572 | -democracy protester
| 7320616e6420636974697a656e732061726f756e | s and citizens aroun
| 64204a756e6520342c20313938392c20616e6420 | d June 4, 1989, and
| 61636b6e6f776c656467652074686520676f7665 | acknowledge the gove
| 726e6d656e74e280997320726573706f6e736962 | rnment s responsib
| 696c69747920666f7220746865206b696c6c696e | ility for the killin
| 67732c20646574656e74696f6e732c20616e6420 | gs, detentions, and
| 7065727365637574696f6e206173736f63696174 | persecution associat
| 65642077697468207375707072657373696f6e20 | ed with suppression
| 6f66207468652070726f74657374732c2048756d | of the protests, Hum
| 616e205269676874732057617463682073616964 | an Rights Watch said
| 20746f6461792e0a0a5469616e616e6d656e2053 | today. Tiananmen S
| 71756172652c204265696a696e6720696e204a75 | quare, Beijing in Ju
| 6e6520313938392e200a0a4265696a696e672073 | ne 1989. Beijing s
| 686f756c642064656d6f6e737472617465207468 | hould demonstrate th
| 617420636f6d6d69746d656e7420627920696d6d | at commitment by imm
| 6564696174656c792063656173696e6720697473 | ediately ceasing its
| 20646574656e74696f6e20616e64206861726173 | detention and haras
| 736d656e74206f6620696e646976696475616c73 | sment of individuals
| 206d61726b696e6720746865206f63636173696f | marking the occasio
| 6e2c206d656574696e6720776974682073757276 | n, meeting with surv
| 69766f727320616e642074686569722066616d69 | ivors and their fami
| 6c79206d656d626572732c20616e642072656c65 | ly members, and rele
| 6173696e672059752053686977656e2c20616e20 | asing Yu Shiwen, an
| 61637469766973742068656c642073696e636520 | activist held since
| 4a756c79203230313420666f7220636f6d6d656d | July 2014 for commem
| 6f726174696e6720746865206d61737361637265 | orating the massacre
| 2e0a0ae2809c4368696e65736520617574686f72 | . Chinese author
| 6974696573206f776520612064656274206f6620 | ities owe a debt of
| 6a75737469636520616e64206163636f756e7461 | justice and accounta
| 62696c69747920746f207375727669766f727320 | bility to survivors
| 6f6620746865206d6173736163726520616e6420 | of the massacre and
| 74686569722066616d696c79206d656d62657273 | their family members
| 2ce2809d207361696420536f7068696520526963 | , said Sophie Ric
| 68617264736f6e2c204368696e61206469726563 | hardson, China direc
| 746f722e20e2809c506f6c69746963616c207265 | tor. Political re
| 7072657373696f6e2073696e6365203139383920 | pression since 1989
| 686173206e6f7420656c696d696e617465642079 | has not eliminated y
| 6561726e696e677320666f722062617369632066 | earnings for basic f
| 726565646f6d7320616e6420616e206163636f75 | reedoms and an accou
| 6e7461626c6520676f7665726e6d656e7420e280 | ntable government
| 9320696e737465616420697420686173206f6e6c | instead it has onl
| 7920636f6d706f756e6465642074686520506172 | y compounded the Par
| 7479e2809973206c61636b206f66206c65676974 | ty s lack of legit
| 696d6163792ee2809d0a0a417320696e20707265 | imacy. As in pre
| 76696f75732079656172732c20617574686f7269 | vious years, authori
| 746965732068617665206265656e206f6e206869 | ties have been on hi
| 676820616c657274206168656164206f66207468 | gh alert ahead of th
| 6520616e6e697665727361727920746f20707265 | e anniversary to pre
| 656d707420636f6d6d656d6f726174696f6e7320 | empt commemorations
| 6f6620746865206d617373616372653a0a0a496e | of the massacre: In
| 204368656e676475206f6e204d61792032382c20 | Chengdu on May 28,
| 323031362c20617574686f726974696573206465 | 2016, authorities de
| 7461696e6564204675204861696c75206f6e2073 | tained Fu Hailu on s
| 756276657273696f6e20636861726765733b2068 | ubversion charges; h
| 6520697320737573706563746564206f6620706f | e is suspected of po
| 7374696e67206f6e20736f6369616c206d656469 | sting on social medi
| 6120696d61676573206f66206c6971756f722062 | a images of liquor b
| 6f74746c65732077697468206c6162656c732072 | ottles with labels r
| 656c6174656420746f2074686520637261636b64 | elated to the crackd
| 6f776e2e0a4174206c6561737420666f7572206f | own. At least four o
| 746865727320e2809320706f6574204d61205169 | thers poet Ma Qi
| 6e6720696e204368656e6764752c20616e642061 | ng in Chengdu, and a
| 637469766973747320587520436169686f6e672c | ctivists Xu Caihong,
| 205a68616f204368616e6771696e672c20616e64 | Zhao Changqing, and
| 205a68616e672042616f6368656e6720696e2042 | Zhang Baocheng in B
| 65696a696e6720e28093206172652062656c6965 | eijing are belie
| 76656420746f20626520696e20706f6c69636520 | ved to be in police
| 637573746f647920666f7220636f6d6d656d6f72 | custody for commemor
| 6174696e6720746865206f63636173696f6e2c20 | ating the occasion,
| 6163636f7264696e6720746f20746865206e6f6e | according to the non
| 676f7665726e6d656e74616c206f7267616e697a | governmental organiz
| 6174696f6e204368696e6573652048756d616e20 | ation Chinese Human
| 52696768747320446566656e646572732e0a4175 | Rights Defenders. Au
| 74686f726974696573206861766520616c736f20 | thorities have also
| 70757420756e64657220686f7573652061727265 | put under house arre
| 7374206f72207265737472696374656420746865 | st or restricted the
| 206d6f76656d656e74206f662061206e756d6265 | movement of a numbe
| 72206f66206163746976697374732c20696e636c | r of activists, incl
| 7564696e672044696e67205a696c696e2c206120 | uding Ding Zilin, a
| 666f756e64696e67206d656d626572206f662074 | founding member of t
| 6865205469616e616e6d656e204d6f7468657273 | he Tiananmen Mothers
| 2c20616e642072657469726564205368616e646f | , and retired Shando
| 6e672070726f666573736f722053756e2057656e | ng professor Sun Wen
| 6775616e672e0a50726f6d696e656e74206a6f75 | guang. Prominent jou
| 726e616c6973742047616f2059752c2077686f20 | rnalist Gao Yu, who
| 696e204e6f76656d626572203230313520776173 | in November 2015 was
| 2072656c65617365642066726f6d20707269736f | released from priso
| 6e206f6e206d65646963616c207061726f6c6520 | n on medical parole
| 746f207365727665206f75742068657220666976 | to serve out her fiv
| 6520796561722073656e74656e63652061742068 | e year sentence at h
| 6f6d652c20616e6420666f726d657220746f7020 | ome, and former top
| 6f6666696369616c2042616f20546f6e672c2077 | official Bao Tong, w
| 686f2072656d61696e7320756e64657220656666 | ho remains under eff
| 65637469766520686f757365206172726573742c | ective house arrest,
| 2068617665206265656e20726571756972656420 | have been required
| 746f206c65617665204265696a696e6720666f72 | to leave Beijing for
| 20656e666f7263656420e2809c7661636174696f | enforced vacatio
| 6e732ee2809d0a53696e636520313938392c2074 | ns. Since 1989, t
| 6865204368696e65736520676f7665726e6d656e | he Chinese governmen
| 7420686173206b65707420746967687420636f6e | t has kept tight con
| 74726f6c206f7665722062617369632068756d61 | trol over basic huma
| 6e2072696768747320e280932070617274696375 | n rights particu
| 6c61726c792066726565646f6d73206f66206578 | larly freedoms of ex
| 7072657373696f6e2c20617373656d626c792c20 | pression, assembly,
| 616e64206173736f63696174696f6e2c20616e64 | and association, and
| 2074686520726967687420746f20706f6c697469 | the right to politi
| 63616c2070617274696369706174696f6e20e280 | cal participation
| 93206465737069746520697473206f626c696761 | despite its obliga
| 74696f6e7320756e64657220646f6d6573746963 | tions under domestic
| 20616e6420696e7465726e6174696f6e616c2068 | and international h
| 756d616e20726967687473206c61772e20496e74 | uman rights law. Int
| 6f6c6572616e636520746f776172642064697373 | olerance toward diss
| 656e742c20686f77657665722c20686173207265 | ent, however, has re
| 61636865642061206e6577207065616b2073696e | ached a new peak sin
| 636520507265736964656e74205869204a696e70 | ce President Xi Jinp
| 696e672063616d6520746f20706f77657220696e | ing came to power in
| 204d6172636820323031332e2054686520676f76 | March 2013. The gov
| 65726e6d656e7420686173206472616674656420 | ernment has drafted
| 6f722070726f6d756c6761746564206e65772073 | or promulgated new s
| 74617465207365637572697479206c6177732074 | tate security laws t
| 6861742070757420696e20706c616365206d6f72 | hat put in place mor
| 6520726573747269637469766520636f6e74726f | e restrictive contro
| 6c73206f76657220636976696c20736f63696574 | ls over civil societ
| 793b2066757274686572206375727461696c6564 | y; further curtailed
| 2065787072657373696f6e206f6e207468652049 | expression on the I
| 6e7465726e657420616e64206d656469613b2064 | nternet and media; d
| 657461696e656420616e6420696d707269736f6e | etained and imprison
| 65642068756e6472656473206f66206163746976 | ed hundreds of activ
| 6973747320696e20737563636573736976652077 | ists in successive w
| 61766573206f6620617272657374733b20746172 | aves of arrests; tar
| 676574656420666f722070726f7365637574696f | geted for prosecutio
| 6e207075626c6963206f70696e696f6e206c6561 | n public opinion lea
| 6465727320616e64206c69626572616c20746869 | ders and liberal thi
| 6e6b6572733b20616e6420616767726573736976 | nkers; and aggressiv
| 656c792070726f6d6f7465642074686520e2809c | ely promoted the
| 636f7272656374206964656f6c6f6779e2809d20 | correct ideology
| 6f662050617274792073757072656d6163792e0a | of Party supremacy.
| 0a5768696c6520746865206c61737420696e6469 | While the last indi
| 76696475616c206b6e6f776e20746f2062652069 | vidual known to be i
| 6d707269736f6e656420666f722068697320696e | mprisoned for his in
| 766f6c76656d656e7420696e2074686520313938 | volvement in the 198
| 392070726f74657374732077696c6c2062652072 | 9 protests will be r
| 656c656173656420696e204f63746f6265722032 | eleased in October 2
| 3031362c206d616e792077686f20776572652069 | 016, many who were i
| 6e766f6c76656420696e207468652064656d6f6e | nvolved in the demon
| 7374726174696f6e7320616e642077686f20636f | strations and who co
| 6e74696e75656420746865697220616374697669 | ntinued their activi
| 736d2061667465722074686569722072656c6561 | sm after their relea
| 73652068617665206265656e2072652d696e6361 | se have been re-inca
| 72636572617465642e2059752053686977656e2c | rcerated. Yu Shiwen,
| 2077686f207370656e74203138206d6f6e746873 | who spent 18 months
| 20696e20707269736f6e20666f72206869732031 | in prison for his 1
| 39383920776f726b206f7267616e697a696e6720 | 989 work organizing
| 70726f2d64656d6f6372616379206566666f7274 | pro-democracy effort
| 7320696e204775616e677a686f752c2068617320 | s in Guangzhou, has
| 6265656e2064657461696e65642073696e636520 | been detained since
| 3230313420666f7220636f6d6d656d6f72617469 | 2014 for commemorati
| 6e6720746865206d617373616372652074686174 | ng the massacre that
| 20796561722e204f74686572207665746572616e | year. Other veteran
| 206163746976697374732c20696e636c7564696e | activists, includin
| 67204e6f62656c205065616365205072697a6520 | g Nobel Peace Prize
| 77696e6e6572204c6975205869616f626f2c2053 | winner Liu Xiaobo, S
| 69636875616e20616374697669737473204c6975 | ichuan activists Liu
| 205869616e62696e20616e64204368656e205765 | Xianbin and Chen We
| 692c20616e64204775616e67646f6e6720616374 | i, and Guangdong act
| 69766973742047756f2046656978696f6e672061 | ivist Guo Feixiong a
| 7265206569746865722073657276696e67206c6f | re either serving lo
| 6e6720707269736f6e2073656e74656e63657320 | ng prison sentences
| 6f722068617665206265656e2064657461696e65 | or have been detaine
| 64206f6e20706f6c69746963616c206368617267 | d on political charg
| 65732e0a0a4368696e65736520617574686f7269 | es. Chinese authori
| 74696573206f776520612064656274206f66206a | ties owe a debt of j
| 75737469636520616e64206163636f756e746162 | ustice and accountab
| 696c69747920746f207375727669766f7273206f | ility to survivors o
| 6620746865206d6173736163726520616e642074 | f the massacre and t
| 686569722066616d696c79206d656d626572732e | heir family members.
| 200a0a417574686f726974696573206861766520 | Authorities have
| 616c736f2070726576656e746564206469736375 | also prevented discu
| 7373696f6e732061626f757420746865206d6173 | ssions about the mas
| 736163726520627920626c6f636b696e67206f72 | sacre by blocking or
| 67616e697a657273206f662c206f722070617274 | ganizers of, or part
| 69636970616e747320696e2c2074686520313938 | icipants in, the 198
| 392070726f74657374732066726f6d2072657475 | 9 protests from retu
| 726e696e672066726f6d206f7468657220636f75 | rning from other cou
| 6e7472696573207768657265207468657920736f | ntries where they so
| 756768742072656675676520696e207468652061 | ught refuge in the a
| 667465726d617468206f6620746865206d617373 | ftermath of the mass
| 616372652e20466f726d65722073747564656e74 | acre. Former student
| 206c6561646572732057756572204b6169786920 | leaders Wuer Kaixi
| 616e642058696f6e672059616e2c20666f722065 | and Xiong Yan, for e
| 78616d706c652c2068617665206265656e20756e | xample, have been un
| 61626c6520746f2072652d656e74657220436869 | able to re-enter Chi
| 6e612e2054686569722072657065617465642061 | na. Their repeated a
| 7474656d70747320746f2072657475726e20696e | ttempts to return in
| 203230313320616e642032303134207765726520 | 2013 and 2014 were
| 72656a656374656420627920486f6e67204b6f6e | rejected by Hong Kon
| 6720617574686f7269746965732e0a0a54686520 | g authorities. The
| 4368696e65736520676f7665726e6d656e74e280 | Chinese government
| 997320636f6e74696e7565642064656e69616c20 | s continued denial
| 6f6620746865206d61737361637265206f662070 | of the massacre of p
| 726f7465737465727320616e6420686f7374696c | rotesters and hostil
| 69747920746f7761726420706561636566756c20 | ity toward peaceful
| 706f6c69746963616c2070617274696369706174 | political participat
| 696f6e20636f6e74726173742073686172706c79 | ion contrast sharply
| 207769746820646576656c6f706d656e74732065 | with developments e
| 6c736577686572652e20496e20686572204d6179 | lsewhere. In her May
| 203230313620696e6175677572616c2061646472 | 2016 inaugural addr
| 6573732c205473616920496e672d77656e2c2054 | ess, Tsai Ing-wen, T
| 616977616ee2809973206e657720707265736964 | aiwan s new presid
| 656e742c20766f77656420746f20e2809c666163 | ent, vowed to fac
| 65207468652070617374e2809d20627920736574 | e the past by set
| 74696e672075702061206e657720547275746820 | ting up a new Truth
| 616e64205265636f6e63696c696174696f6e2043 | and Reconciliation C
| 6f6d6d697373696f6e20746f20696e7665737469 | ommission to investi
| 207768696368206c696b656c7920726566657273 | which likely refers
| 20746f2074686520706572696f64206f6620706f | to the period of po
| 6c69746963616c2072657072657373696f6e206b | litical repression k
| 6e6f776e20617320746865205768697465205465 | nown as the White Te
| 72726f722e204166746572206669766520646563 | rror. After five dec
| 61646573206f66206d696c697461727920646963 | ades of military dic
| 7461746f72736869702c204275726d6120686173 | tatorship, Burma has
| 20626567756e2061207472616e736974696f6e20 | begun a transition
| 746f20656c6563746f72616c2064656d6f637261 | to electoral democra
| 63792e0a0a4261636b67726f756e643a20426c6f | cy. Background: Blo
| 6f647368656420696e20313938390a5468652054 | odshed in 1989 The T
| 69616e616e6d656e206d61737361637265207761 | iananmen massacre wa
| 7320707265636970697461746564206279207468 | s precipitated by th
| 6520706561636566756c20676174686572696e67 | e peaceful gathering
| 73206f662073747564656e74732c20776f726b65 | s of students, worke
| 72732c20616e64206f746865727320696e204265 | rs, and others in Be
| 696a696e67e2809973205469616e616e6d656e20 | ijing s Tiananmen
| 53717561726520616e64206f7468657220636974 | Square and other cit
| 69657320696e20417072696c2031393839206361 | ies in April 1989 ca
| 6c6c696e6720666f722066726565646f6d206f66 | lling for freedom of
| 2065787072657373696f6e2c206163636f756e74 | expression, account
| 6162696c6974792c20616e6420616e20656e6420 | ability, and an end
| 746f20636f7272757074696f6e2e205468652067 | to corruption. The g
| 6f7665726e6d656e7420726573706f6e64656420 | overnment responded
| 746f2074686520696e74656e73696679696e6720 | to the intensifying
| 70726f746573747320696e206c617465204d6179 | protests in late May
| 2031393839206279206465636c6172696e67206d | 1989 by declaring m
| 61727469616c206c61772e0a0a4f6e204a756e65 | artial law. On June
| 203320616e6420342c20746865206d696c697461 | 3 and 4, the milita
| 7279206f70656e6564206669726520616e64206b | ry opened fire and k
| 696c6c656420756e746f6c64206e756d62657273 | illed untold numbers
| 206f6620706561636566756c2070726f74657374 | of peaceful protest
| 65727320616e642062797374616e646572732e20 | ers and bystanders.
| 496e204265696a696e672c20736f6d6520636974 | In Beijing, some cit
| 697a656e732061747461636b65642061726d7920 | izens attacked army
| 636f6e766f797320616e64206275726e65642076 | convoys and burned v
| 656869636c657320696e20726573706f6e736520 | ehicles in response
| 746f20746865206d696c6974617279e280997320 | to the military s
| 76696f6c656e63652e20466f6c6c6f77696e6720 | violence. Following
| 746865206b696c6c696e67732c2074686520676f | the killings, the go
| 7665726e6d656e7420696d706c656d656e746564 | vernment implemented
| 2061206e6174696f6e616c20637261636b646f77 | a national crackdow
| 6e20616e642061727265737465642074686f7573 | n and arrested thous
| 616e6473206f662070656f706c6520666f7220e2 | ands of people for
| 809c636f756e7465722d7265766f6c7574696f6e | counter-revolution
| e2809d20616e64206f74686572206372696d696e | and other crimin
| 616c20636861726765732c20696e636c7564696e | al charges, includin
| 672064697372757074696e6720736f6369616c20 | g disrupting social
| 6f7264657220616e64206172736f6e2e0a0a5468 | order and arson. Th
| 6520676f7665726e6d656e7420686173206e6576 | e government has nev
| 657220616363657074656420726573706f6e7369 | er accepted responsi
| 62696c69747920666f7220746865206d61737361 | bility for the massa
| 637265206f722068656c6420616e792070657270 | cre or held any perp
| 65747261746f7273206c6567616c6c7920616363 | etrators legally acc
| 6f756e7461626c6520666f7220746865206b696c | ountable for the kil
| 6c696e67732e2049742068617320726566757365 | lings. It has refuse
| 6420746f20636f6e6475637420616e20696e7665 | d to conduct an inve
| 737469676174696f6e20696e746f207468652065 | stigation into the e
| 76656e7473206f722072656c6561736520646174 | vents or release dat
| 61206f6e2074686f73652077686f207765726520 | a on those who were
| 6b696c6c65642c20696e6a757265642c20646973 | killed, injured, dis
| 61707065617265642c206f7220696d707269736f | appeared, or impriso
| 6e65642e20546865206e6f6e676f7665726e6d65 | ned. The nongovernme
| 6e74616c206f7267616e697a6174696f6e205469 | ntal organization Ti
| 616e616e6d656e204d6f74686572732c20636f6e | ananmen Mothers, con
| 73697374696e67206d6f73746c79206f66206661 | sisting mostly of fa
| 6d696c79206d656d62657273206f662074686f73 | mily members of thos
| 65206b696c6c65642c206861732065737461626c | e killed, has establ
| 6973686564207468652064657461696c73206f66 | ished the details of
| 203230322070656f706c652077686f2077657265 | 202 people who were
| 206b696c6c656420647572696e67207468652073 | killed during the s
| 75707072657373696f6e206f6620746865206d6f | uppression of the mo
| 76656d656e7420696e204265696a696e6720616e | vement in Beijing an
| 64206f74686572206369746965732e205477656e | d other cities. Twen
| 74792d736576656e207965617273206f6e2c206d | ty-seven years on, m
| 616e79206d656d62657273206f66207468652054 | any members of the T
| 69616e616e6d656e204d6f746865727320617265 | iananmen Mothers are
| 2061696c696e6720616e6420736f6d6520686176 | ailing and some hav
| 65206469656420776974686f757420736565696e | e died without seein
| 67206a757374696365206f72206b6e6f77696e67 | g justice or knowing
| 20707265636973656c7920776861742068617320 | precisely what has
| 68617070656e656420746f207468656972206661 | happened to their fa
| 6d696c79206d656d626572732e0a0a48756d616e | mily members. Human
| 205269676874732057617463682063616c6c6564 | Rights Watch called
| 206f6e20746865204368696e65736520676f7665 | on the Chinese gove
| 726e6d656e7420746f2075736520746865206f70 | rnment to use the op
| 706f7274756e697479206f662074686520323774 | portunity of the 27t
| 6820616e6e6976657273617279206f66204a756e | h anniversary of Jun
| 6520342c20313938392c20746f20726576657273 | e 4, 1989, to revers
| 65206974732063757272656e7420706f73697469 | e its current positi
| 6f6e206f6e20746865206576656e742e20537065 | on on the event. Spe
| 6369666963616c6c792c2069742073686f756c64 | cifically, it should
| 3a0a0a5265737065637420746865207269676874 | : Respect the right
| 7320746f2066726565646f6d206f662065787072 | s to freedom of expr
| 657373696f6e2c206173736f63696174696f6e2c | ession, association,
| 20616e6420706561636566756c20617373656d62 | and peaceful assemb
| 6c7920616e642063656173652074686520686172 | ly and cease the har
| 6173736d656e7420616e64206172626974726172 | assment and arbitrar
| 7920646574656e74696f6e206f6620696e646976 | y detention of indiv
| 696475616c732077686f206368616c6c656e6765 | iduals who challenge
| 20746865206f6666696369616c206163636f756e | the official accoun
| 74206f66204a756e6520343b0a4d656574207769 | t of June 4; Meet wi
| 746820616e642061706f6c6f67697a6520746f20 | th and apologize to
| 6d656d62657273206f6620746865205469616e61 | members of the Tiana
| 6e6d656e204d6f74686572733b0a5065726d6974 | nmen Mothers; Permit
| 20616e20696e646570656e64656e74207075626c | an independent publ
| 696320696e717569727920696e746f204a756e65 | ic inquiry into June
| 20342c20616e642070726f6d70746c792072656c | 4, and promptly rel
| 65617365206974732066696e64696e677320616e | ease its findings an
| 6420636f6e636c7573696f6e7320746f20746865 | d conclusions to the
| 207075626c69633b0a416c6c6f77207468652075 | public; Allow the u
| 6e696d70656465642072657475726e206f662043 | nimpeded return of C
| 68696e65736520636974697a656e73206578696c | hinese citizens exil
| 65642064756520746f20746865697220636f6e6e | ed due to their conn
| 656374696f6e7320746f20746865206576656e74 | ections to the event
| 73206f6620313938393b20616e640a496e766573 | s of 1989; and Inves
| 74696761746520616c6c20676f7665726e6d656e | tigate all governmen
| 7420616e64206d696c6974617279206f66666963 | t and military offic
| 69616c732077686f20706c616e6e6564206f7220 | ials who planned or
| 6f7264657265642074686520756e6c617766756c | ordered the unlawful
| 20757365206f66206c657468616c20666f726365 | use of lethal force
| 20616761696e737420706561636566756c206465 | against peaceful de
| 6d6f6e73747261746f72732c20616e6420707562 | monstrators, and pub
| 6c69736820746865206e616d6573206f6620616c | lish the names of al
| 6c2074686f73652077686f20646965642e0ae280 | l those who died.
| 9c496e7374656164206f6620616476616e63696e | Instead of advancin
| 672c204368696e612068617320737461676e6174 | g, China has stagnat
| 65642c20616e64206576656e2072656772657373 | ed, and even regress
| 65642c20696e207465726d73206f6620706f6c69 | ed, in terms of poli
| 746963616c207265666f726d732073696e636520 | tical reforms since
| 313938392ce2809d2052696368617264736f6e20 | 1989, Richardson
| 736169642e20e2809c4265696a696e672063616e | said. Beijing can
| 206f6e6c79206d6f766520666f72776172642062 | only move forward b
| 7920666163696e6720757020746f206974732070 | y facing up to its p
| 61696e66756c20706173742c206173206f746865 | ainful past, as othe
| 72732068617665206861642074686520636f6e66 | rs have had the conf
| 6964656e636520746f20646f2c20616e64206173 | idence to do, and as
| 2070656f706c65206163726f7373204368696e61 | people across China