<<< prev block block 474652 next block >>>
| THIBA - Things/Texts Hidden In Bitcoin Addresses readme >>> |
| hash160 | decoded text |
| 87aad85c6cd75a516789f364637d243c668e3424d031ae510e43c6edfe6ed206 |
| 556e69636f646520746573743a2060c38420c396 | Unicode test: `
| 0a0a416e206831206865616465720a3d3d3d3d3d | An h1 header =====
| 3d3d3d3d3d3d3d0a0a5061726167726170687320 | ======= Paragraphs
| 6172652073657061726174656420627920612062 | are separated by a b
| 6c616e6b206c696e652e0a0a326e642070617261 | lank line. 2nd para
| 67726170682e202a4974616c69632a2c202a2a62 | graph. *Italic*, **b
| 6f6c642a2a2c20616e6420606d6f6e6f73706163 | old**, and `monospac
| 65602e204974656d697a6564206c697374730a6c | e`. Itemized lists l
| 6f6f6b206c696b653a0a0a20202a207468697320 | ook like: * this
| 6f6e650a20202a2074686174206f6e650a20202a | one * that one *
| 20746865206f74686572206f6e650a0a4e6f7465 | the other one Note
| 2074686174202d2d2d206e6f7420636f6e736964 | that --- not consid
| 6572696e672074686520617374657269736b202d | ering the asterisk -
| 2d2d207468652061637475616c20746578740a63 | -- the actual text c
| 6f6e74656e742073746172747320617420342d63 | ontent starts at 4-c
| 6f6c756d6e7320696e2e0a0a3e20426c6f636b20 | olumns in. > Block
| 71756f746573206172650a3e207772697474656e | quotes are > written
| 206c696b6520736f2e0a3e0a3e20546865792063 | like so. > > They c
| 616e207370616e206d756c7469706c6520706172 | an span multiple par
| 616772617068732c0a3e20696620796f75206c69 | agraphs, > if you li
| 6b652e0a0a55736520332064617368657320666f | ke. Use 3 dashes fo
| 7220616e20656d2d646173682e20557365203220 | r an em-dash. Use 2
| 64617368657320666f722072616e676573202865 | dashes for ranges (e
| 782e2c20226974277320616c6c0a696e20636861 | x., "it's all in cha
| 70746572732031322d2d313422292e2054687265 | pters 12--14"). Thre
| 6520646f7473202e2e2e2077696c6c2062652063 | e dots ... will be c
| 6f6e76657274656420746f20616e20656c6c6970 | onverted to an ellip
| 7369732e0a556e69636f64652069732073757070 | sis. Unicode is supp
| 6865616465720a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0a | header ------------
| 0a4865726527732061206e756d6265726564206c | Here's a numbered l
| 6973743a0a0a20312e206669727374206974656d | ist: 1. first item
| 0a20322e207365636f6e64206974656d0a20332e | 2. second item 3.
| 207468697264206974656d0a0a4e6f7465206167 | third item Note ag
| 61696e20686f77207468652061637475616c2074 | ain how the actual t
| 65787420737461727473206174203420636f6c75 | ext starts at 4 colu
| 6d6e7320696e2028342063686172616374657273 | mns in (4 characters
| 0a66726f6d20746865206c656674207369646529 | from the left side)
| 2e20486572652773206120636f64652073616d70 | . Here's a code samp
| 6c653a0a0a2020202023204c6574206d65207265 | le: # Let me re
| 2d69746572617465202e2e2e0a20202020666f72 | -iterate ... for
| 206920696e2031202e2e203130207b20646f2d73 | i in 1 .. 10 { do-s
| 6f6d657468696e67286929207d0a0a417320796f | omething(i) } As yo
| 752070726f6261626c7920677565737365642c20 | u probably guessed,
| 696e64656e7465642034207370616365732e2042 | indented 4 spaces. B
| 7920746865207761792c20696e7374656164206f | y the way, instead o
| 660a696e64656e74696e672074686520626c6f63 | f indenting the bloc
| 6b2c20796f752063616e207573652064656c696d | k, you can use delim
| 6974656420626c6f636b732c20696620796f7520 | ited blocks, if you
| 6c696b653a0a0a7e7e7e0a646566696e6520666f | like: ~~~ define fo
| 6f6261722829207b0a202020207072696e742022 | obar() { print "
| 57656c636f6d6520746f20666c61766f7220636f | Welcome to flavor co
| 756e74727921223b0a7d0a7e7e7e0a0a28776869 | untry!"; } ~~~ (whi
| 6368206d616b657320636f7079696e6720262070 | ch makes copying & p
| 617374696e6720656173696572292e20596f7520 | asting easier). You
| 63616e206f7074696f6e616c6c79206d61726b20 | can optionally mark
| 7468650a64656c696d6974656420626c6f636b20 | the delimited block
| 666f722050616e646f6320746f2073796e746178 | for Pandoc to syntax
| 20686967686c696768742069743a0a0a7e7e7e70 | highlight it: ~~~p
| 7974686f6e0a696d706f72742074696d650a2320 | ython import time #
| 517569636b2c20636f756e7420746f2074656e21 | Quick, count to ten!
| 0a666f72206920696e2072616e6765283130293a | for i in range(10):
| 0a20202020232028627574206e6f74202a746f6f | # (but not *too
| 2a20717569636b290a2020202074696d652e736c | * quick) time.sl
| 65657028302e35290a202020207072696e742069 | eep(0.5) print i
| 0a7e7e7e0a0a0a0a23232320416e206833206865 | ~~~ ### An h3 he
| 61646572202323230a0a4e6f772061206e657374 | ader ### Now a nest
| 6564206c6973743a0a0a20312e2046697273742c | ed list: 1. First,
| 2067657420746865736520696e6772656469656e | get these ingredien
| 74733a0a0a2020202020202a20636172726f7473 | ts: * carrots
| 0a2020202020202a2063656c6572790a20202020 | * celery
| 20202a206c656e74696c730a0a20322e20426f69 | * lentils 2. Boi
| 6c20736f6d652077617465722e0a0a20332e2044 | l some water. 3. D
| 756d702065766572797468696e6720696e207468 | ump everything in th
| 6520706f7420616e6420666f6c6c6f770a202020 | e pot and follow
| 207468697320616c676f726974686d3a0a0a2020 | this algorithm:
| 20202020202066696e6420776f6f64656e207370 | find wooden sp
| 6f6f6e0a2020202020202020756e636f76657220 | oon uncover
| 706f740a2020202020202020737469720a202020 | pot stir
| 2020202020636f76657220706f740a2020202020 | cover pot
| 20202062616c616e636520776f6f64656e207370 | balance wooden sp
| 6f6f6e20707265636172696f75736c79206f6e20 | oon precariously on
| 706f742068616e646c650a202020202020202077 | pot handle w
| 616974203130206d696e757465730a2020202020 | ait 10 minutes
| 202020676f746f20666972737420737465702028 | goto first step (
| 6f722073687574206f6666206275726e65722077 | or shut off burner w
| 68656e20646f6e65290a0a20202020446f206e6f | hen done) Do no
| 742062756d7020776f6f64656e2073706f6f6e20 | t bump wooden spoon
| 6f722069742077696c6c2066616c6c2e0a0a4e6f | or it will fall. No
| 7469636520616761696e20686f77207465787420 | tice again how text
| 616c77617973206c696e6573207570206f6e2034 | always lines up on 4
| 2d737061636520696e64656e74732028696e636c | -space indents (incl
| 7564696e670a74686174206c617374206c696e65 | uding that last line
| 20776869636820636f6e74696e75657320697465 | which continues ite
| 6d20332061626f7665292e0a0a48657265277320 | m 3 above). Here's
| 61206c696e6b20746f205b612077656273697465 | a link to [a website
| 5d28687474703a2f2f666f6f2e626172292c2074 | ](http://foo.bar), t
| 6f2061205b6c6f63616c0a646f635d286c6f6361 | o a [local doc](loca
| 6c2d646f632e68746d6c292c20616e6420746f20 | l-doc.html), and to
| 61205b73656374696f6e2068656164696e672069 | a [section heading i
| 6e207468652063757272656e740a646f635d2823 | n the current doc](#
| 616e2d68322d686561646572292e204865726527 | an-h2-header). Here'
| 73206120666f6f746e6f7465205b5e315d2e0a0a | s a footnote [^1].
| 5b5e315d3a20466f6f746e6f7465207465787420 | [^1]: Footnote text
| 676f657320686572652e0a0a5461626c65732063 | goes here. Tables c
| 616e206c6f6f6b206c696b6520746869733a0a0a | an look like this:
| 73697a6520206d6174657269616c202020202020 | size material
| 636f6c6f720a2d2d2d2d20202d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d | color ---- --------
| 2d2d2d2d20202d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0a39 | ---- ------------ 9
| 20202020206c6561746865722020202020202062 | leather b
| 726f776e0a31302020202068656d702063616e76 | rown 10 hemp canv
| 61732020206e61747572616c0a31312020202067 | as natural 11 g
| 6c6173732020202020202020207472616e737061 | lass transpa
| 72656e740a0a5461626c653a2053686f65732c20 | rent Table: Shoes,
| 74686569722073697a65732c20616e6420776861 | their sizes, and wha
| 742074686579277265206d616465206f660a0a28 | t they're made of (
| 5468652061626f76652069732074686520636170 | The above is the cap
| 74696f6e20666f7220746865207461626c652e29 | tion for the table.)
| 2050616e646f6320616c736f20737570706f7274 | Pandoc also support
| 730a6d756c74692d6c696e65207461626c65733a | s multi-line tables:
| 0a0a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d20202d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d | -------- --------
| 2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0a6b657977 | --------------- keyw
| 6f7264202020746578740a2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d20 | ord text --------
| 202d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d | -------------------
| 2d2d2d2d0a7265642020202020202053756e7365 | ---- red Sunse
| 74732c206170706c65732c20616e640a20202020 | ts, apples, and
| 2020202020206f7468657220726564206f722072 | other red or r
| 6564646973680a20202020202020202020746869 | eddish thi
| 6e67732e0a0a677265656e20202020204c656176 | ngs. green Leav
| 65732c2067726173732c2066726f67730a202020 | es, grass, frogs
| 20202020202020616e64206f7468657220746869 | and other thi
| 6e677320697427730a202020202020202020206e | ngs it's n
| 6f742065617379206265696e672e0a2d2d2d2d2d | ot easy being. -----
| 2d2d2d20202d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d | --- ---------------
| 2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0a0a4120686f72697a6f6e74 | -------- A horizont
| 616c2072756c6520666f6c6c6f77732e0a0a2a2a | al rule follows. **
| 2a0a0a486572652773206120646566696e697469 | * Here's a definiti
| 6f6e206c6973743a0a0a6170706c65730a20203a | on list: apples :
| 20476f6f6420666f72206d616b696e6720617070 | Good for making app
| 6c6573617563652e0a6f72616e6765730a20203a | lesauce. oranges :
| 20436974727573210a746f6d61746f65730a2020 | Citrus! tomatoes
| 3a2054686572652773206e6f2022652220696e20 | : There's no "e" in
| 746f6d61746f652e0a0a416761696e2c20746578 | tomatoe. Again, tex
| 7420697320696e64656e74656420342073706163 | t is indented 4 spac
| 65732e2028507574206120626c616e6b206c696e | es. (Put a blank lin
| 65206265747765656e20656163680a7465726d2f | e between each term/
| 646566696e6974696f6e207061697220746f2073 | definition pair to s
| 7072656164207468696e6773206f7574206d6f72 | pread things out mor
| 652e290a0a486572652773206120226c696e6520 | e.) Here's a "line
| 626c6f636b223a0a0a7c204c696e65206f6e650a | block": | Line one
| 7c2020204c696e6520746f6f0a7c204c696e6520 | | Line too | Line
| 747265650a0a616e6420696d616765732063616e | tree and images can
| 20626520737065636966696564206c696b652073 | be specified like s
| 6f3a0a0a215b6578616d706c6520696d6167655d | o: ![example image]
| 286578616d706c652d696d6167652e6a70672022 | (example-image.jpg "
| 416e206578656d706c61727920696d6167652229 | An exemplary image")
| 0a0a496e6c696e65206d61746820657175617469 | Inline math equati
| 6f6e7320676f20696e206c696b6520736f3a2024 | ons go in like so: $
| 5c6f6d656761203d20645c706869202f20647424 | \omega = d\phi / dt$
| 2e20446973706c61790a6d6174682073686f756c | . Display math shoul
| 642067657420697473206f776e206c696e652061 | d get its own line a
| 6e642062652070757420696e20696e20646f7562 | nd be put in in doub
| 6c652d646f6c6c61727369676e733a0a0a242449 | le-dollarsigns: $$I
| 203d205c696e74205c72686f20525e7b327d2064 | = \int \rho R^{2} d
| 5624240a0a416e64206e6f746520746861742079 | V$$ And note that y
| 6f752063616e206261636b736c6173682d657363 | ou can backslash-esc
| 61706520616e792070756e6374756174696f6e20 | ape any punctuation
| 636861726163746572730a776869636820796f75 | characters which you
| 207769736820746f20626520646973706c617965 | wish to be displaye
| 64206c69746572616c6c792c2065782e3a205c60 | d literally, ex.: \`
| 666f6f5c602c205c2a6261725c2a2c206574632e | foo\`, \*bar\*, etc.
| 55706c6f616465642066726f6d20687474703a2f | Uploaded from http:/
| 2f63727970746f67726166666974692e696e666f | /cryptograffiti.info
| 20746f2064656d6f6e737472617465204d61726b | to demonstrate Mark
| 646f776e2072656e646572696e672e0a00000000 | down rendering.