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| THIBA - Things/Texts Hidden In Bitcoin Addresses      readme >>> |
| hash160                                  | decoded text          |

| ddf7d3044f85371df4cd67f05761eb370f1e536f742519ef6ed6b0d93696c39d |
| 0a0a466f726576657220616e6420416c77617973 | Forever and Always
| 0a502e502e5320496e636c7564696e6720746865 | P.P.S Including the
| 204f68207965616820616e64206f6f6e65206c61 | Oh yeah and oone la
| 20616e642049276d20736f20686170707920746f | and I'm so happy to
| 20616e64206675747572652067656e6572617469 | and future generati
| 20616e6420746865206d6f7374206c6f76696e67 | and the most loving
| 20636172642077696c6c206c69766520666f7220 | card will live for
| 20686f6c6420796f75722068616e6420616e6420 | hold your hand and
| 20746f2068656172206d6520736179207468616e | to hear me say than
| 207769666520612068757362616e6420636f756c | wife a husband coul
| 20776969746820796f752e0a0a4e6f20776f7264 | wiith you. No word
| 2c0a4d696b65790a0a42616461627573686b610a | , Mikey Badabushka
| 2e2e2120486f6c612066726f6d2032303138203a | ..! Hola from 2018 :
| 45264d2032352f30362f323031360a0a502e5320 | E&M 25/06/2016 P.S
| 49206a7573742077616e742065766572796f6e65 | I just want everyone
| 4974277320656e636f646564206f6e2074686520 | It's encoded on the
| 4f6e6520646179206f75722066616d696c696573 | One day our families
| 546f20456d6d610a0a492074686f756768742069 | To Emma I thought i
| 6173206c6f6e6720617320626974636f696e2c20 | as long as bitcoin,
| 6176652065616368206f746865722028746f2068 | ave each other (to h
| 61766520796f75292e0a0a486170707920323874 | ave you). Happy 28t
| 62657374206d756d20746f206f7572206b696473 | best mum to our kids
| 626c6f636b63636861696e207768696368206361 | blockcchain which ca
| 642065766572722061736b20666f722e0a0a4d61 | d everr ask for. Ma
| 6469736f6e2c20497361616320616e642049206c | dison, Isaac and I l
| 6520667269656e647320616e642066616d696c79 | e friends and family
| 6520696e206f75722066616d696c79206f722068 | e in our family or h
| 656172742e2049206c6f766520796f7520746f20 | eart. I love you to
| 68206269727468646179206d7920737765657468 | h birthday my sweeth
| 6865206c6f766520746861742077652073686172 | he love that we shar
| 686f7720636f6f6c2069732074686174203a4420 | how cool is that :D
| 6b20796f7520666f72206265696e672074686520 | k you for being the
| 6e206e65766572206265206572617365642e0a0a | n never be erased.
| 6e64203a44206861686168610a502e502e502e53 | nd :D hahaha P.P.P.S
| 6f636b636861696e206269727468646179206361 | ockchain birthday ca
| 6f6c20746f20777269746520796f75206120626c | ol to write you a bl
| 6f6e732077696c6c207265616420746869732c20 | ons will read this,
| 6f766520796f7520736f2076657279206d756368 | ove you so very much
| 6f77206c75636b792077652061726520746f2068 | ow lucky we are to h
| 7264203a290a0a54686973206269727468646179 | rd :) This birthday
| 732063616e2065766572206578706c61696e2074 | s can ever explain t
| 7365206d65737361676573206174207468652065 | se messages at the e
| 7368617265206c6966652773206a6f75726e6579 | share life's journey
| 7374207468696e672e2e2e204869206675747572 | st thing... Hi futur
| 7420776f756c642062652070726574747920636f | t would be pretty co
| 746865206d6f6f6e6e20616e64206261636b2120 | the moonn and back!