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| hash160                                  | decoded text          |

| 6b9cb0068bbbcf2ef62b77bd4d3bb9f1cccb2152bbed986bf764f3d22c672f64 |
| 3c33232323232323232323232323232323232300 | <3#################
| 2a30303030303030303030303030303030303222 | *000000000000000002"

| ac851bf32a1faa56efd6795566b4c7cf1ad5a5d2c200e30254430a179da729e9 |
| 3c3030303030303030303030303030303030327c | <000000000000000002|
| 3c33232323232323232323232323232323232300 | <3#################

| afa51c5a748981a075249592e74c8d7d9ff848c537e97b69e20a4f8c5f6f688d |
| 3f30303030303030303030303030303030303222 | ?000000000000000002"
| 3c33232323232323232323232323232323232300 | <3#################

| e385a902fd7d0ae491e3d1a219f95d44189f6cbaf26c6748ee5bda9d18f47dde |
| 7520746f20616c6c207468652043797068657270 | u to all the Cypherp
| 617070656e2c20616e642077686f20636f6e7469 | appen, and who conti
| 2f3030303030303030303030303030303138397c | /000000000000000189|
| 696e2e200d0a4120626967207468616e6b20796f | in. A big thank yo
| 206f66205468652050656f706c652e200d0a4b69 | of The People. Ki
| 756e6b732077686f206d61646520746869732068 | unks who made this h
| 6e756520746f2062652061207368696e696e6720 | nue to be a shining
| 6c6967687420666f722074686520667574757265 | light for the future
| 2041746f6d536561202323232323232323232300 | AtomSea ##########
| 486170707920426972746864617920426974636f | Happy Birthday Bitco
| 6e646573742052656761726473207e7e20546865 | ndest Regards ~~ The

| f8d06be250eea84f504c3acd6f361195e068468842e93b15880d7a14b27ed7d9 |
| 6e756520746f2062652061207368696e696e6720 | nue to be a shining
| 756e6b732077686f206d61646520746869732068 | unks who made this h
| 206f66205468652050656f706c652e200d0a4b69 | of The People. Ki
| 6c6967687420666f722074686520667574757265 | light for the future
| 7520746f20616c6c207468652043797068657270 | u to all the Cypherp
| 486170707920426972746864617920426974636f | Happy Birthday Bitco
| 617070656e2c20616e642077686f20636f6e7469 | appen, and who conti
| 2f3030303030303030303030303030303139315c | /000000000000000191\
| 6e646573742052656761726473207e7e20546865 | ndest Regards ~~ The
| 696e2e200d0a4120626967207468616e6b20796f | in. A big thank yo
| 2041746f6d536561200d0a232323232323232300 | AtomSea ########