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| hash160                                  | decoded text          |

| 0129c3398600239ca49a991a809fb80ce37e321cf98545ce32ea2999e0f0118b |
| 6f756e642068696d206e6f74206775696c747920 | ound him not guilty
| 6f6e20616c6c20636f756e74732e205768696c65 | on all counts. While
| 20707265706172696e6720666f72206869732063 | preparing for his c
| 6f6d656261636b20636f6e636572742073657269 | omeback concert seri
| 6573207469746c65642054686973204973204974 | es titled This Is It
| 2c204a61636b736f6e2064696564206f66206163 | , Jackson died of ac
| 7574652070726f706f666f6c20616e642062656e | ute propofol and ben
| 7a6f6469617a6570696e6520696e746f78696361 | zodiazepine intoxica
| 74696f6e206f6e204a756e652032352c20323030 | tion on June 25, 200
| 392c20616674657220737566666572696e672066 | 9, after suffering f
| 726f6d2063617264696163206172726573742e20 | rom cardiac arrest.
| 546865204c6f7320416e67656c657320436f756e | The Los Angeles Coun
| 747920436f726f6e65722072756c656420686973 | ty Coroner ruled his
| 206465617468206120686f6d69636964652c2061 | death a homicide, a
| 6e642068697320706572736f6e616c2070687973 | nd his personal phys
| 696369616e20436f6e726164204d757272617920 | ician Conrad Murray
| 77617320636f6e766963746564206f6620696e76 | was convicted of inv
| 6f6c756e74617279206d616e736c617567687465 | oluntary manslaughte
| 722e204a61636b736f6e27732064656174682074 | r. Jackson's death t
| 7269676765726564206120676c6f62616c206f75 | riggered a global ou
| 74706f7572696e67206f6620677269656620616e | tpouring of grief an
| 642061206c6976652062726f616463617374206f | d a live broadcast o
| 6620686973207075626c6963206d656d6f726961 | f his public memoria
| 6c20736572766963652077617320766965776564 | l service was viewed
| 2061726f756e642074686520776f726c642e202d | around the world. -
| 2057696b6970656469614d69636861656c4a6163 | WikipediaMichaelJac
| 6b736f6e2e6a70675c31383737303effd8ffe000 | kson.jpg\18770>
| 0000015061696e742e4e45542076332e352e3131 | Paint.NET v3.5.11
| 203623201e1e20422f3227364e4552514d454c4a | 6# B/2'6NERQMELJ
| 292a3435363738393a434445464748494a535455 | )*456789:CDEFGHIJSTU
| 565758595a636465666768696a73747576777879 | VWXYZcdefghijstuvwxy
| 35363738393a434445464748494a535455565758 | 56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWX
| 595a636465666768696a737475767778797a8283 | YZcdefghijstuvwxyz

| 1bd7c78e3bb04e12cb730d96d40dd53ae1923e7b7617ffee98b8c9d15b5c014e |
| 2f313333303a526f62696e204d634c617572696e | /1330:Robin McLaurin
| 2057696c6c69616d7320284a756c792032312c20 | Williams (July 21,
| 3139353120e28093204175677573742031312c20 | 1951 August 11,
| 32303134292077617320616e20416d6572696361 | 2014) was an America
| 6e206163746f722c20636f6d656469616e2c2061 | n actor, comedian, a
| 6e642066696c6d6d616b65722e20537461727469 | nd filmmaker. Starti
| 6e672061732061207374616e642d757020636f6d | ng as a stand-up com
| 656469616e20696e2053616e204672616e636973 | edian in San Francis
| 636f20616e64204c6f7320416e67656c65732069 | co and Los Angeles i
| 6e20746865206d69642d31393730732c20686520 | n the mid-1970s, he
| 69732063726564697465642077697468206c6561 | is credited with lea
| 64696e672053616e204672616e636973636f2773 | ding San Francisco's
| 20636f6d6564792072656e61697373616e63652e | comedy renaissance.
| 20416674657220726973696e6720746f2066616d | After rising to fam
| 65206173204d6f726b20696e2074686520545620 | e as Mork in the TV
| 736572696573204d6f726b2026204d696e647920 | series Mork & Mindy
| 2831393738e280933832292c2057696c6c69616d | (1978 82), William
| 732077656e74206f6e20746f2065737461626c69 | s went on to establi
| 736820612063617265657220696e20626f746820 | sh a career in both
| 7374616e642d757020636f6d65647920616e6420 | stand-up comedy and
| 666561747572652066696c6d20616374696e672e | feature film acting.
| 0d0a0d0a4869732066696c6d2063617265657220 | His film career
| 696e636c75646564206163636c61696d65642077 | included acclaimed w
| 6f726b207375636820617320506f706579652028 | ork such as Popeye (
| 31393830292c2054686520576f726c6420416363 | 1980), The World Acc
| 6f7264696e6720746f2047617270202831393832 | ording to Garp (1982
| 292c20476f6f64204d6f726e696e672c20566965 | ), Good Morning, Vie
| 746e616d202831393837292c204465616420506f | tnam (1987), Dead Po
| 65747320536f6369657479202831393839292c20 | ets Society (1989),
| 4177616b656e696e6773202831393930292c2054 | Awakenings (1990), T
| 686520466973686572204b696e67202831393931 | he Fisher King (1991
| 292c20616e6420476f6f642057696c6c2048756e | ), and Good Will Hun
| 74696e67202831393937292c2061732077656c6c | ting (1997), as well
| 2061732066696e616e6369616c20737563636573 | as financial succes
| 736573207375636820617320486f6f6b20283139 | ses such as Hook (19
| 3931292c20416c616464696e202831393932292c | 91), Aladdin (1992),
| 204d72732e20446f756274666972652028313939 | Mrs. Doubtfire (199
| 33292c204a756d616e6a69202831393935292c20 | 3), Jumanji (1995),
| 546865204269726463616765202831393936292c | The Birdcage (1996),
| 204e6967687420617420746865204d757365756d | Night at the Museum
| 202832303036292c20616e642048617070792046 | (2006), and Happy F
| 656574202832303036292e204865206170706561 | eet (2006). He appea
| 72656420696e20746865206d7573696320766964 | red in the music vid
| 656f20666f7220426f626279204d634665727269 | eo for Bobby McFerri
| 6e277320736f6e672022446f6e277420576f7272 | n's song "Don't Worr
| 792c204265204861707079222e0d0a0d0a57696c | y, Be Happy". Wil
| 6c69616d7320776173206e6f6d696e6174656420 | liams was nominated
| 666f72207468652041636164656d792041776172 | for the Academy Awar
| 6420666f722042657374204163746f7220746872 | d for Best Actor thr
| 65652074696d657320616e6420776f6e20746865 | ee times and won the
| 2041636164656d7920417761726420666f722042 | Academy Award for B
| 65737420537570706f7274696e67204163746f72 | est Supporting Actor
| 20666f722068697320706572666f726d616e6365 | for his performance
| 206173207468657261706973742044722e205365 | as therapist Dr. Se
| 616e204d61677569726520696e20476f6f642057 | an Maguire in Good W
| 696c6c2048756e74696e672e2048652072656365 | ill Hunting. He rece
| 697665642074776f20456d6d7920417761726473 | ived two Emmy Awards
| 2c20666f757220476f6c64656e20476c6f626520 | , four Golden Globe
| 4177617264732c2074776f2053637265656e2041 | Awards, two Screen A
| 63746f7273204775696c64204177617264732c20 | ctors Guild Awards,
| 616e642066697665204772616d6d792041776172 | and five Grammy Awar
| 64732e0d0a0d0a4f6e204175677573742031312c | ds. On August 11,
| 20323031342c2057696c6c69616d732064696564 | 2014, Williams died
| 206f6620616e206170706172656e742073756963 | of an apparent suic
| 6964652061742068697320686f6d6520696e2050 | ide at his home in P
| 61726164697365204361792c2043616c69666f72 | aradise Cay, Califor
| 6e69612e202d2057696b697065646961526f6269 | nia. - WikipediaRobi
| 6e57696c6c69616d732e6a70673c31313130397c | nWilliams.jpg<11109|
| 4b47404645505a736250556d5645466488656d77 | KG@FEPZsbPUmVEFd emw
| 7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c | ||||||||||||||||||||

| 41f212136111254db588aeea46b6b617569e41b660626ae508f07b8f3af47c81 |
| 5c333738343e4d69636861656c204a6f73657068 | \3784>Michael Joseph
| 204a61636b736f6e20284175677573742032392c | Jackson (August 29,
| 203139353820e28093204a756e652032352c2032 | 1958 June 25, 2
| 303039292077617320616e20416d65726963616e | 009) was an American
| 2073696e6765722c20736f6e677772697465722c | singer, songwriter,
| 206163746f722c20616e642064616e6365722e20 | actor, and dancer.
| 43616c6c656420746865204b696e67206f662050 | Called the King of P
| 6f702c2068697320636f6e747269627574696f6e | op, his contribution
| 7320746f206d757369632c2064616e63652c2061 | s to music, dance, a
| 6e642066617368696f6e2c20616c6f6e67207769 | nd fashion, along wi
| 746820686973207075626c6963697a6564207065 | th his publicized pe
| 72736f6e616c206c6966652c206d616465206869 | rsonal life, made hi
| 6d206120676c6f62616c2066696775726520696e | m a global figure in
| 20706f70756c61722063756c7475726520666f72 | popular culture for
| 206f76657220666f757220646563616465732e0d | over four decades.
| 0a0d0a54686520656967687468206368696c6420 | The eighth child
| 6f6620746865204a61636b736f6e2066616d696c | of the Jackson famil
| 792c2068652064656275746564206f6e20746865 | y, he debuted on the
| 2070726f66657373696f6e616c206d7573696320 | professional music
| 7363656e6520616c6f6e67207769746820686973 | scene along with his
| 2062726f74686572732061732061206d656d6265 | brothers as a membe
| 72206f6620546865204a61636b736f6e20352069 | r of The Jackson 5 i
| 6e20313936342c20616e6420626567616e206869 | n 1964, and began hi
| 7320736f6c6f2063617265657220696e20313937 | s solo career in 197
| 312e20496e20746865206561726c792031393830 | 1. In the early 1980
| 732c204a61636b736f6e20626563616d65206120 | s, Jackson became a
| 646f6d696e616e742066696775726520696e2070 | dominant figure in p
| 6f70756c6172206d757369632e20546865206d75 | opular music. The mu
| 73696320766964656f7320666f72206869732073 | sic videos for his s
| 6f6e67732c20696e636c7564696e672074686f73 | ongs, including thos
| 65206f66202242656174204974222c202242696c | e of "Beat It", "Bil
| 6c6965204a65616e222c20616e64202254687269 | lie Jean", and "Thri
| 6c6c6572222c2077657265206372656469746564 | ller", were credited
| 207769746820627265616b696e6720646f776e20 | with breaking down
| 72616369616c20626172726965727320616e6420 | racial barriers and
| 77697468207472616e73666f726d696e67207468 | with transforming th
| 65206d656469756d20696e746f20616e20617274 | e medium into an art
| 20666f726d20616e642070726f6d6f74696f6e61 | form and promotiona
| 6c20746f6f6c2e2054686520706f70756c617269 | l tool. The populari
| 7479206f6620746865736520766964656f732068 | ty of these videos h
| 656c70656420746f206272696e67207468652074 | elped to bring the t
| 68656e2d72656c61746976656c792d6e65772074 | hen-relatively-new t
| 656c65766973696f6e206368616e6e656c204d54 | elevision channel MT
| 5620746f2066616d652e20576974682076696465 | V to fame. With vide
| 6f7320737563682061732022426c61636b206f72 | os such as "Black or
| 2057686974652220616e64202253637265616d22 | White" and "Scream"
| 2c20686520636f6e74696e75656420746f20696e | , he continued to in
| 6e6f7661746520746865206d656469756d207468 | novate the medium th
| 726f7567686f7574207468652031393930732c20 | roughout the 1990s,
| 61732077656c6c20617320666f7267696e672061 | as well as forging a
| 2072657075746174696f6e206173206120746f75 | reputation as a tou
| 72696e6720736f6c6f206172746973742e205468 | ring solo artist. Th
| 726f75676820737461676520616e642076696465 | rough stage and vide
| 6f20706572666f726d616e6365732c204a61636b | o performances, Jack
| 736f6e20706f70756c6172697a65642061206e75 | son popularized a nu
| 6d626572206f6620636f6d706c69636174656420 | mber of complicated
| 64616e636520746563686e69717565732c207375 | dance techniques, su
| 63682061732074686520726f626f7420616e6420 | ch as the robot and
| 746865206d6f6f6e77616c6b2c20746f20776869 | the moonwalk, to whi
| 6368206865206761766520746865206e616d652e | ch he gave the name.
| 204869732064697374696e637469766520736f75 | His distinctive sou
| 6e6420616e64207374796c652068617320696e66 | nd and style has inf
| 6c75656e636564206e756d65726f757320686970 | luenced numerous hip
| 20686f702c20706f73742d646973636f2c20636f | hop, post-disco, co
| 6e74656d706f72617279205226422c20706f702c | ntemporary R&B, pop,
| 20616e6420726f636b20617274697374732e0d0a | and rock artists.
| 0d0a4a61636b736f6e2773203139383220616c62 | Jackson's 1982 alb
| 756d20546872696c6c6572206973207468652062 | um Thriller is the b
| 6573742d73656c6c696e6720616c62756d206f66 | est-selling album of
| 20616c6c2074696d652e20486973206f74686572 | all time. His other
| 20616c62756d732c20696e636c7564696e67204f | albums, including O
| 6666207468652057616c6c202831393739292c20 | ff the Wall (1979),
| 426164202831393837292c2044616e6765726f75 | Bad (1987), Dangerou
| 73202831393931292c20616e6420484953746f72 | s (1991), and HIStor
| 79202831393935292c20616c736f2072616e6b20 | y (1995), also rank
| 616d6f6e672074686520776f726c642773206265 | among the world's be
| 73742d73656c6c696e672e204a61636b736f6e20 | st-selling. Jackson
| 6973206f6e65206f662074686520666577206172 | is one of the few ar
| 746973747320746f2068617665206265656e2069 | tists to have been i
| 6e64756374656420696e746f2074686520526f63 | nducted into the Roc
| 6b20616e6420526f6c6c2048616c6c206f662046 | k and Roll Hall of F
| 616d652074776963652e2048652077617320616c | ame twice. He was al
| 736f20696e64756374656420696e746f20746865 | so inducted into the
| 20536f6e6777726974657227732048616c6c206f | Songwriter's Hall o
| 662046616d6520616e64207468652044616e6365 | f Fame and the Dance
| 2048616c6c206f662046616d6520617320746865 | Hall of Fame as the
| 20666972737420616e64206f6e6c792064616e63 | first and only danc
| 65722066726f6d20706f7020616e6420726f636b | er from pop and rock
| 206d757369632e20536f6d65206f662068697320 | music. Some of his
| 6f7468657220616368696576656d656e74732069 | other achievements i
| 6e636c756465206d756c7469706c65204775696e | nclude multiple Guin
| 6e65737320576f726c64205265636f7264733b20 | ness World Records;
| 3133204772616d6d792041776172647320617320 | 13 Grammy Awards as
| 77656c6c20617320746865204772616d6d79204c | well as the Grammy L
| 6567656e6420417761726420616e642074686520 | egend Award and the
| 4772616d6d79204c69666574696d652041636869 | Grammy Lifetime Achi
| 6576656d656e742041776172643b20323620416d | evement Award; 26 Am
| 65726963616e204d75736963204177617264732c | erican Music Awards,
| 206d6f7265207468616e20616e79206f74686572 | more than any other
| 206172746973742c20696e636c7564696e672074 | artist, including t
| 68652022417274697374206f6620746865204365 | he "Artist of the Ce
| 6e747572792220616e642022417274697374206f | ntury" and "Artist o
| 6620746865203139383073223b203133206e756d | f the 1980s"; 13 num
| 6265722d6f6e652073696e676c657320696e2074 | ber-one singles in t
| 686520556e697465642053746174657320696e20 | he United States in
| 68697320736f6c6f206361726565722c206d6f72 | his solo career, mor
| 65207468616e20616e79206f74686572206d616c | e than any other mal
| 652061727469737420696e2074686520486f7420 | e artist in the Hot
| 313030206572613b20616e642074686520657374 | 100 era; and the est
| 696d617465642073616c65206f66206f76657220 | imated sale of over
| 343030206d696c6c696f6e207265636f72647320 | 400 million records
| 776f726c64776964652e204a61636b736f6e2068 | worldwide. Jackson h
| 617320776f6e2068756e6472656473206f662061 | as won hundreds of a
| 77617264732c206d616b696e672068696d207468 | wards, making him th
| 65206d6f73742d61776172646564207265636f72 | e most-awarded recor
| 64696e672061727469737420696e207468652068 | ding artist in the h
| 6973746f7279206f6620706f70756c6172206d75 | istory of popular mu
| 7369632e20496e207768617420776f756c642068 | sic. In what would h
| 617665206265656e204a61636b736f6e27732035 | ave been Jackson's 5
| 326e64206269727468646179206f6e2041756775 | 2nd birthday on Augu
| 73742032392c20323031302c2068652062656361 | st 29, 2010, he beca
| 6d6520746865206d6f737420646f776e6c6f6164 | me the most download
| 656420617274697374206f6620616c6c2074696d | ed artist of all tim
| 6520696e204e6f6b6961204d757369632053746f | e in Nokia Music Sto
| 72652e204a61636b736f6e20626563616d652074 | re. Jackson became t
| 68652066697273742061727469737420696e2068 | he first artist in h
| 6973746f727920746f2068617665206120746f70 | istory to have a top
| 2074656e2073696e676c6520696e207468652042 | ten single in the B
| 696c6c626f61726420486f742031303020696e20 | illboard Hot 100 in
| 6669766520646966666572656e74206465636164 | five different decad
| 6573207768656e20224c6f7665204e6576657220 | es when "Love Never
| 46656c7420536f20476f6f642220726561636865 | Felt So Good" reache
| 64206e756d626572206e696e65206f6e204d6179 | d number nine on May
| 2032312c20323031342e204a61636b736f6e2074 | 21, 2014. Jackson t
| 726176656c65642074686520776f726c64206174 | raveled the world at
| 74656e64696e67206576656e747320686f6e6f72 | tending events honor
| 696e67206869732068756d616e6974617269616e | ing his humanitarian
| 69736d20616e6420696e20323030302c20746865 | ism and in 2000, the
| 204775696e6e65737320426f6f6b206f66205265 | Guinness Book of Re
| 636f726473207265636f676e697a65642068696d | cords recognized him
| 20666f7220737570706f7274696e672033392063 | for supporting 39 c
| 68617269746965732c206d6f7265207468616e20 | harities, more than
| 616e79206f7468657220617274697374206f7220 | any other artist or
| 656e7465727461696e65722e0d0a0d0a41737065 | entertainer. Aspe
| 637473206f66204a61636b736f6e277320706572 | cts of Jackson's per
| 736f6e616c206c6966652c20696e636c7564696e | sonal life, includin
| 6720686973206368616e67696e67206170706561 | g his changing appea
| 72616e63652c20706572736f6e616c2072656c61 | rance, personal rela
| 74696f6e73686970732c20616e64206265686176 | tionships, and behav
| 696f722c2067656e65726174656420636f6e7472 | ior, generated contr
| 6f76657273792e20496e20746865206d69642d31 | oversy. In the mid-1
| 393930732c206865207761732061636375736564 | 990s, he was accused
| 206f66206368696c642073657875616c20616275 | of child sexual abu
| 73652c2062757420746865206361736520776173 | se, but the case was
| 20736574746c6564206f7574206f6620636f7572 | settled out of cour
| 7420666f722061626f757420243235206d696c6c | t for about $25 mill
| 696f6e20616e64206e6f20666f726d616c206368 | ion and no formal ch
| 617267657320776572652062726f756768742e20 | arges were brought.
| 496e20323030352c206865207761732074726965 | In 2005, he was trie
| 6420616e6420616371756974746564206f662066 | d and acquitted of f
| 757274686572206368696c642073657875616c20 | urther child sexual
| 616275736520616c6c65676174696f6e7320616e | abuse allegations an
| 64207365766572616c206f746865722063686172 | d several other char
| 67657320616674657220746865206a7572792066 | ges after the jury f

| 4bb74478ebf01340dc82a60c04b49fc3da7b0bb75279b1d02c12e9adb0ece3e0 |
| 5c313333303f526f62696e204d634c617572696e | \1330?Robin McLaurin
| 2057696c6c69616d7320284a756c792032312c20 | Williams (July 21,
| 3139353120e28093204175677573742031312c20 | 1951 August 11,
| 32303134292077617320616e20416d6572696361 | 2014) was an America
| 6e206163746f722c20636f6d656469616e2c2061 | n actor, comedian, a
| 6e642066696c6d6d616b65722e20537461727469 | nd filmmaker. Starti
| 6e672061732061207374616e642d757020636f6d | ng as a stand-up com
| 656469616e20696e2053616e204672616e636973 | edian in San Francis
| 636f20616e64204c6f7320416e67656c65732069 | co and Los Angeles i
| 6e20746865206d69642d31393730732c20686520 | n the mid-1970s, he
| 69732063726564697465642077697468206c6561 | is credited with lea
| 64696e672053616e204672616e636973636f2773 | ding San Francisco's
| 20636f6d6564792072656e61697373616e63652e | comedy renaissance.
| 20416674657220726973696e6720746f2066616d | After rising to fam
| 65206173204d6f726b20696e2074686520545620 | e as Mork in the TV
| 736572696573204d6f726b2026204d696e647920 | series Mork & Mindy
| 2831393738e280933832292c2057696c6c69616d | (1978 82), William
| 732077656e74206f6e20746f2065737461626c69 | s went on to establi
| 736820612063617265657220696e20626f746820 | sh a career in both
| 7374616e642d757020636f6d65647920616e6420 | stand-up comedy and
| 666561747572652066696c6d20616374696e672e | feature film acting.
| 0d0a0d0a4869732066696c6d2063617265657220 | His film career
| 696e636c75646564206163636c61696d65642077 | included acclaimed w
| 6f726b207375636820617320506f706579652028 | ork such as Popeye (
| 31393830292c2054686520576f726c6420416363 | 1980), The World Acc
| 6f7264696e6720746f2047617270202831393832 | ording to Garp (1982
| 292c20476f6f64204d6f726e696e672c20566965 | ), Good Morning, Vie
| 746e616d202831393837292c204465616420506f | tnam (1987), Dead Po
| 65747320536f6369657479202831393839292c20 | ets Society (1989),
| 4177616b656e696e6773202831393930292c2054 | Awakenings (1990), T
| 686520466973686572204b696e67202831393931 | he Fisher King (1991
| 292c20616e6420476f6f642057696c6c2048756e | ), and Good Will Hun
| 74696e67202831393937292c2061732077656c6c | ting (1997), as well
| 2061732066696e616e6369616c20737563636573 | as financial succes
| 736573207375636820617320486f6f6b20283139 | ses such as Hook (19
| 3931292c20416c616464696e202831393932292c | 91), Aladdin (1992),
| 204d72732e20446f756274666972652028313939 | Mrs. Doubtfire (199
| 33292c204a756d616e6a69202831393935292c20 | 3), Jumanji (1995),
| 546865204269726463616765202831393936292c | The Birdcage (1996),
| 204e6967687420617420746865204d757365756d | Night at the Museum
| 202832303036292c20616e642048617070792046 | (2006), and Happy F
| 656574202832303036292e204865206170706561 | eet (2006). He appea
| 72656420696e20746865206d7573696320766964 | red in the music vid
| 656f20666f7220426f626279204d634665727269 | eo for Bobby McFerri
| 6e277320736f6e672022446f6e277420576f7272 | n's song "Don't Worr
| 792c204265204861707079222e0d0a0d0a57696c | y, Be Happy". Wil
| 6c69616d7320776173206e6f6d696e6174656420 | liams was nominated
| 666f72207468652041636164656d792041776172 | for the Academy Awar
| 6420666f722042657374204163746f7220746872 | d for Best Actor thr
| 65652074696d657320616e6420776f6e20746865 | ee times and won the
| 2041636164656d7920417761726420666f722042 | Academy Award for B
| 65737420537570706f7274696e67204163746f72 | est Supporting Actor
| 20666f722068697320706572666f726d616e6365 | for his performance
| 206173207468657261706973742044722e205365 | as therapist Dr. Se
| 616e204d61677569726520696e20476f6f642057 | an Maguire in Good W
| 696c6c2048756e74696e672e2048652072656365 | ill Hunting. He rece
| 697665642074776f20456d6d7920417761726473 | ived two Emmy Awards
| 2c20666f757220476f6c64656e20476c6f626520 | , four Golden Globe
| 4177617264732c2074776f2053637265656e2041 | Awards, two Screen A
| 63746f7273204775696c64204177617264732c20 | ctors Guild Awards,
| 616e642066697665204772616d6d792041776172 | and five Grammy Awar
| 64732e0d0a0d0a4f6e204175677573742031312c | ds. On August 11,
| 20323031342c2057696c6c69616d732064696564 | 2014, Williams died
| 206f6620616e206170706172656e742073756963 | of an apparent suic
| 6964652061742068697320686f6d6520696e2050 | ide at his home in P
| 61726164697365204361792c2043616c69666f72 | aradise Cay, Califor
| 6e69612e202d2057696b697065646961526f6269 | nia. - WikipediaRobi
| 6e57696c6c69616d732e6a70673c31313130397c | nWilliams.jpg<11109|
| 4b47404645505a736250556d5645466488656d77 | KG@FEPZsbPUmVEFd emw
| 7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c | ||||||||||||||||||||

| ae92dc4c31943955ad6e3e45a4eb0067f488fdd9aecca65c946460dd2a85488d |
| 7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c | ||||||||||||||||||||
| 1a25262728292a3435363738393a434445464748 | %&'()*456789:CDEFGH
| 494a535455565758595a636465666768696a7374 | IJSTUVWXYZcdefghijst
| 262728292a35363738393a434445464748494a53 | &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJS
| 5455565758595a636465666768696a7374757677 | TUVWXYZcdefghijstuvw

| c60a5f452f298ccdd01b1e171c694a1996fadf2562592fc651b9e72ccb8d3755 |
| 5c313438373f4a6f686e20522e20224a6f686e6e | \1487?John R. "Johnn
| 7922204361736820284665627275617279203236 | y" Cash (February 26
| 2c203139333220e280932053657074656d626572 | , 1932 September
| 2031322c2032303033292077617320612073696e | 12, 2003) was a sin
| 6765722d736f6e677772697465722c206163746f | ger-songwriter, acto
| 722c20616e6420617574686f722c20776964656c | r, and author, widel
| 7920636f6e73696465726564206f6e65206f6620 | y considered one of
| 746865206d6f737420696e666c75656e7469616c | the most influential
| 20416d65726963616e206d7573696369616e7320 | American musicians
| 6f662074686520323074682063656e747572792e | of the 20th century.
| 20416c74686f756768207072696d6172696c7920 | Although primarily
| 72656d656d6265726564206173206120636f756e | remembered as a coun
| 7472792069636f6e2c206869732067656e72652d | try icon, his genre-
| 7370616e6e696e6720736f6e677320616e642073 | spanning songs and s
| 6f756e6420656d62726163656420726f636b2061 | ound embraced rock a
| 6e6420726f6c6c2c20726f636b6162696c6c792c | nd roll, rockabilly,
| 20626c7565732c20666f6c6b2c20616e6420676f | blues, folk, and go
| 7370656c2e20546869732063726f73736f766572 | spel. This crossover
| 2061707065616c20776f6e204361736820746865 | appeal won Cash the
| 207261726520686f6e6f72206f66206d756c7469 | rare honor of multi
| 706c6520696e64756374696f6e20696e20746865 | ple induction in the
| 20436f756e747279204d757369632c20526f636b | Country Music, Rock
| 20616e6420526f6c6c2c20616e6420476f737065 | and Roll, and Gospe
| 6c204d757369632048616c6c73206f662046616d | l Music Halls of Fam
| 652e0d0a0d0a4361736820776173206b6e6f776e | e. Cash was known
| 20666f7220686973206465657020626173732d62 | for his deep bass-b
| 617269746f6e6520766f6963652c206469737469 | aritone voice, disti
| 6e637469766520736f756e64206f662068697320 | nctive sound of his
| 54656e6e6573736565205468726565206261636b | Tennessee Three back
| 696e672062616e642c206120726562656c6c696f | ing band, a rebellio
| 75736e65737320636f75706c6564207769746820 | usness coupled with
| 616e20696e6372656173696e676c7920736f6d62 | an increasingly somb
| 657220616e642068756d626c652064656d65616e | er and humble demean
| 6f722c206672656520707269736f6e20636f6e63 | or, free prison conc
| 6572747320616e642074726164656d61726b206c | erts and trademark l
| 6f6f6b2c207768696368206561726e6564206869 | ook, which earned hi
| 6d20746865206e69636b6e616d65202254686520 | m the nickname "The
| 4d616e20696e20426c61636b222e204865207472 | Man in Black". He tr
| 61646974696f6e616c6c7920626567616e206869 | aditionally began hi
| 7320636f6e636572747320776974682074686520 | s concerts with the
| 73696d706c65202248656c6c6f2c2049276d204a | simple "Hello, I'm J
| 6f686e6e7920436173682e222c20666f6c6c6f77 | ohnny Cash.", follow
| 656420627920686973207369676e617475726520 | ed by his signature
| 22466f6c736f6d20507269736f6e20426c756573 | "Folsom Prison Blues
| 222e0d0a0d0a4d756368206f6620436173682773 | ". Much of Cash's
| 206d75736963206563686f6564207468656d6573 | music echoed themes
| 206f6620736f72726f772c206d6f72616c207472 | of sorrow, moral tr
| 6962756c6174696f6e20616e6420726564656d70 | ibulation and redemp
| 74696f6e2c20657370656369616c6c7920696e20 | tion, especially in
| 746865206c6174657220737461676573206f6620 | the later stages of
| 686973206361726565722e204869732062657374 | his career. His best
| 2d6b6e6f776e20736f6e677320696e636c756465 | -known songs include
| 642022492057616c6b20746865204c696e65222c | d "I Walk the Line",
| 2022466f6c736f6d20507269736f6e20426c7565 | "Folsom Prison Blue
| 73222c202252696e67206f662046697265222c20 | s", "Ring of Fire",
| 224765742052687974686d2220616e6420224d61 | "Get Rhythm" and "Ma
| 6e20696e20426c61636b222e20486520616c736f | n in Black". He also
| 207265636f726465642068756d6f726f7573206e | recorded humorous n
| 756d62657273206c696b6520224f6e6520506965 | umbers like "One Pie
| 636520617420612054696d652220616e64202241 | ce at a Time" and "A
| 20426f79204e616d656420537565223b20612064 | Boy Named Sue"; a d
| 7565742077697468206869732066757475726520 | uet with his future
| 776966652c204a756e65204361727465722c2063 | wife, June Carter, c
| 616c6c656420224a61636b736f6e223b20616e64 | alled "Jackson"; and
| 207261696c726f616420736f6e677320696e636c | railroad songs incl
| 7564696e6720224865792c20506f727465722220 | uding "Hey, Porter"
| 616e642022526f636b2049736c616e64204c696e | and "Rock Island Lin
| 65222e20447572696e6720746865206c61737420 | e". During the last
| 7374616765206f6620686973206361726565722c | stage of his career,
| 204361736820636f766572656420736f6e677320 | Cash covered songs
| 6279207365766572616c206c6174652032307468 | by several late 20th
| 2d63656e7475727920726f636b20617274697374 | -century rock artist
| 732c206d6f7374206e6f7461626c792022487572 | s, most notably "Hur
| 7422206279204e696e6520496e6368204e61696c | t" by Nine Inch Nail
| 732e2d2057696b6970656469614a6f686e6e7943 | s.- WikipediaJohnnyC
| 45542076332e352e313100323031313a31323a31 | ET v3.5.11 2011:12:1
| 27364e4552514d454c4a56617c69565c755d4a4c | '6NERQMELJVa|iV\u]JL

| d0440b68c9e5e012dc02594fbe17b2334c154682223f31beabec93ce6b19e926 |
| 3162643763373865336262303465313263623733 | 1bd7c78e3bb04e12cb73
| 3064393664343064643533616531393233653762 | 0d96d40dd53ae1923e7b
| 3736313766666565393862386339643135623563 | 7617ffee98b8c9d15b5c
| 303134653c3333307c3162643763373865336262 | 014e<330|1bd7c78e3bb
| 3034653132636237333064393664343064643533 | 04e12cb730d96d40dd53
| 6165313932336537623736313766666565393862 | ae1923e7b7617ffee98b
| 386339643135623563303134650d0a6464653861 | 8c9d15b5c014e dde8a
| 3163356236326131346138663161306638306335 | 1c5b62a14a8f1a0f80c5
| 3763333163336166633966363062633264363764 | 7c31c3afc9f60bc2d67d
| 333733336437353064336661643031663530390d | 3733d750d3fad01f509
| 0a33633733336565323136376239363135346536 | 3c733ee2167b96154e6
| 6338376161636137366636613838373139353430 | c87aaca76f6a88719540
| 6166623330343165643439333666663632396439 | afb3041ed4936ff629d9
| 63663630630d0a37636638366230653364383634 | cf60c 7cf86b0e3d864
| 3231386630666236636636373038633037353235 | 218f0fb6cf6708c07525
| 6431613833633761613666393264623464643866 | d1a83c7aa6f92db4dd8f
| 65306639313336613935370d0a32323336313035 | e0f9136a957 2236105
| 3962316531303830323165616338386439383562 | 9b1e108021eac88d985b
| 3765306662623866613965616430366235666438 | 7e0fbb8fa9ead06b5fd8
| 66623738383332643139613639366362640d0a00 | fb78832d19a696cbd

| dde8a1c5b62a14a8f1a0f80c57c31c3afc9f60bc2d67d3733d750d3fad01f509 |
| 7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c | ||||||||||||||||||||
| 1a25262728292a3435363738393a434445464748 | %&'()*456789:CDEFGH
| 494a535455565758595a636465666768696a7374 | IJSTUVWXYZcdefghijst
| 262728292a35363738393a434445464748494a53 | &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJS
| 5455565758595a636465666768696a7374757677 | TUVWXYZcdefghijstuvw

| f3b185bd932ef28cfd8e0d6891fa5af059a0446a1512e24461ddade4f1df0b53 |
| 3431663231323133363131313235346462353838 | 41f212136111254db588
| 6165656134366236623631373536396534316236 | aeea46b6b617569e41b6
| 3630363236616535303866303762386633616634 | 60626ae508f07b8f3af4
| 376338313a3436323e3431663231323133363131 | 7c81:462>41f21213611
| 3132353464623538386165656134366236623631 | 1254db588aeea46b6b61
| 3735363965343162363630363236616535303866 | 7569e41b660626ae508f
| 303762386633616634376338310d0a3031323963 | 07b8f3af47c81 0129c
| 3333393836303032333963613439613939316138 | 3398600239ca49a991a8
| 3039666238306365333765333231636639383534 | 09fb80ce37e321cf9854
| 356365333265613239393965306630313138620d | 5ce32ea2999e0f0118b
| 0a36623532363464316230363039643661323734 | 6b5264d1b0609d6a274
| 6337613566336666383466313965643431356565 | c7a5f3ff84f19ed415ee
| 6431356465626432643534303132653162346235 | d15debd2d54012e1b4b5
| 33653334380d0a31643837623330336235313138 | 3e348 1d87b303b5118
| 6163623936666665356238313164323163383261 | acb96ffe5b811d21c82a
| 6430636430363463353435343931363737353261 | d0cd064c54549167752a
| 37343565613566323135630d0a31333463383463 | 745ea5f215c 134c84c
| 6235616364373532373466386531386465393236 | b5acd75274f8e18de926
| 3964613038323833363134623666383364633165 | 9da08283614b6f83dc1e
| 38313861306533363063303234366332640d0a36 | 818a0e360c0246c2d 6
| 3138333331656166326236316262373430653239 | 18331eaf2b61bb740e29
| 6366663335633264333163323061316462303435 | cff35c2d31c20a1db045
| 3762666538373433393961346462386536633764 | 7bfe874399a4db8e6c7d
| 6534650d0a313232353037643437656336353830 | e4e 122507d47ec6580
| 6231666363303635316138323939373536323836 | b1fcc0651a8299756286
| 3532313832633636323334656638303863386532 | 52182c66234ef808c8e2
| 6433323837333063390d0a72505a6f576e354d00 | d328730c9 rPZoWn5M

| fcb6a7a4309ea2514ea93400692b688b44593a33b0c09ffbd15ff2b4e38b40b8 |
| 4445464748494a535455565758595a6364656667 | DEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefg
| f11718191a262728292a35363738393a43444546 | &'()*56789:CDEF
| 4748494a535455565758595a636465666768696a | GHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghij