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| hash160 | decoded text |
| a09f0c67cbcd806351116b431d7ade504cf2dad3a044179e61fc06212c44692d |
| 434445464748494a535455565758595a63646566 | CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdef
| 25f11718191a262728292a35363738393a434445 | % &'()*56789:CDE
| 464748494a535455565758595a63646566676869 | FGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghi
| d22f8f36b474893623eb9dda1850dfc40464064f37150a5731ada7acda7feeb8 |
| 3f333138342f4d6f68616e646173204b6172616d | ?3184/Mohandas Karam
| 6368616e642047616e646869202832204f63746f | chand Gandhi (2 Octo
| 626572203138363920e28093203330204a616e75 | ber 1869 30 Janu
| 6172792031393438292077617320746865207072 | ary 1948) was the pr
| 65656d696e656e74206c6561646572206f662049 | eeminent leader of I
| 6e6469616e206e6174696f6e616c69736d20696e | ndian nationalism in
| 20427269746973682d72756c656420496e646961 | British-ruled India
| 2e20456d706c6f79696e67206e6f6e76696f6c65 | . Employing nonviole
| 6e7420636976696c206469736f62656469656e63 | nt civil disobedienc
| 652c2047616e646869206c656420496e64696120 | e, Gandhi led India
| 746f20696e646570656e64656e636520616e6420 | to independence and
| 696e737069726564206d6f76656d656e74732066 | inspired movements f
| 6f7220636976696c2072696768747320616e6420 | or civil rights and
| 66726565646f6d206163726f7373207468652077 | freedom across the w
| 6f726c642e2054686520686f6e6f726966696320 | orld. The honorific
| 4d616861746d61202853616e736b7269743a2022 | Mahatma (Sanskrit: "
| 686967682d736f756c6564222c202276656e6572 | high-souled", "vener
| 61626c652229e280946170706c69656420746f20 | able") applied to
| 68696d20666972737420696e203139313420696e | him first in 1914 in
| 20536f757468204166726963612c20e280946973 | South Africa, is
| 206e6f77207573656420776f726c64776964652e | now used worldwide.
| 20486520697320616c736f2063616c6c65642042 | He is also called B
| 617075202847756a61726174693a20656e646561 | apu (Gujarati: endea
| 726d656e7420666f722022666174686572222c5b | rment for "father",[
| 345d202270617061222920696e20496e6469612e | 4] "papa") in India.
| 0d0a0d0a426f726e20616e642072616973656420 | Born and raised
| 696e20612048696e6475206d65726368616e7420 | in a Hindu merchant
| 63617374652066616d696c7920696e20636f6173 | caste family in coas
| 74616c2047756a617261742c207765737465726e | tal Gujarat, western
| 20496e6469612c20616e6420747261696e656420 | India, and trained
| 696e206c61772061742074686520496e6e657220 | in law at the Inner
| 54656d706c652c204c6f6e646f6e2c2047616e64 | Temple, London, Gand
| 686920666972737420656d706c6f796564206e6f | hi first employed no
| 6e76696f6c656e7420636976696c206469736f62 | nviolent civil disob
| 656469656e636520617320616e20657870617472 | edience as an expatr
| 69617465206c617779657220696e20536f757468 | iate lawyer in South
| 204166726963612c20696e207468652072657369 | Africa, in the resi
| 64656e7420496e6469616e20636f6d6d756e6974 | dent Indian communit
| 792773207374727567676c6520666f7220636976 | y's struggle for civ
| 696c207269676874732e20416674657220686973 | il rights. After his
| 2072657475726e20746f20496e64696120696e20 | return to India in
| 313931352c206865207365742061626f7574206f | 1915, he set about o
| 7267616e6973696e672070656173616e74732c20 | rganising peasants,
| 6661726d6572732c20616e6420757262616e206c | farmers, and urban l
| 61626f757265727320746f2070726f7465737420 | abourers to protest
| 616761696e737420657863657373697665206c61 | against excessive la
| 6e642d74617820616e64206469736372696d696e | nd-tax and discrimin
| 6174696f6e2e20417373756d696e67206c656164 | ation. Assuming lead
| 657273686970206f662074686520496e6469616e | ership of the Indian
| 204e6174696f6e616c20436f6e67726573732069 | National Congress i
| 6e20313932312c2047616e646869206c6564206e | n 1921, Gandhi led n
| 6174696f6e776964652063616d706169676e7320 | ationwide campaigns
| 666f7220656173696e6720706f76657274792c20 | for easing poverty,
| 657870616e64696e6720776f6d656e2773207269 | expanding women's ri
| 676874732c206275696c64696e672072656c6967 | ghts, building relig
| 696f757320616e64206574686e696320616d6974 | ious and ethnic amit
| 792c20656e64696e6720756e746f756368616269 | y, ending untouchabi
| 6c6974792c206275742061626f766520616c6c20 | lity, but above all
| 666f7220616368696576696e672053776172616a | for achieving Swaraj
| 206f722073656c662d72756c652e0d0a0d0a4761 | or self-rule. Ga
| 6e6468692066616d6f75736c79206c656420496e | ndhi famously led In
| 6469616e7320696e206368616c6c656e67696e67 | dians in challenging
| 2074686520427269746973682d696d706f736564 | the British-imposed
| 2073616c74207461782077697468207468652034 | salt tax with the 4
| 3030206b6d2028323530206d69292044616e6469 | 00 km (250 mi) Dandi
| 2053616c74204d6172636820696e20313933302c | Salt March in 1930,
| 20616e64206c6174657220696e2063616c6c696e | and later in callin
| 6720666f7220746865204272697469736820746f | g for the British to
| 205175697420496e64696120696e20313934322e | Quit India in 1942.
| 2048652077617320696d707269736f6e65642066 | He was imprisoned f
| 6f72206d616e792079656172732c2075706f6e20 | or many years, upon
| 6d616e79206f63636173696f6e732c20696e2062 | many occasions, in b
| 6f746820536f7574682041667269636120616e64 | oth South Africa and
| 20496e6469612e2047616e64686920617474656d | India. Gandhi attem
| 7074656420746f207072616374697365206e6f6e | pted to practise non
| 76696f6c656e636520616e642074727574682069 | violence and truth i
| 6e20616c6c20736974756174696f6e732c20616e | n all situations, an
| 64206164766f63617465642074686174206f7468 | d advocated that oth
| 65727320646f207468652073616d652e20486520 | ers do the same. He
| 6c69766564206d6f646573746c7920696e206120 | lived modestly in a
| 73656c662d73756666696369656e742072657369 | self-sufficient resi
| 64656e7469616c20636f6d6d756e69747920616e | dential community an
| 6420776f72652074686520747261646974696f6e | d wore the tradition
| 616c20496e6469616e2064686f746920616e6420 | al Indian dhoti and
| 736861776c2c20776f76656e2077697468207961 | shawl, woven with ya
| 726e2068616e64207370756e206f6e2061206368 | rn hand spun on a ch
| 61726b68612e204865206174652073696d706c65 | arkha. He ate simple
| 207665676574617269616e20666f6f642c20616e | vegetarian food, an
| 6420616c736f20756e646572746f6f6b206c6f6e | d also undertook lon
| 6720666173747320617320746865206d65616e73 | g fasts as the means
| 20746f20626f74682073656c662d707572696669 | to both self-purifi
| 636174696f6e20616e6420736f6369616c207072 | cation and social pr
| 6f746573742e0d0a0d0a47616e64686927732076 | otest. Gandhi's v
| 6973696f6e206f662061206672656520496e6469 | ision of a free Indi
| 61206261736564206f6e2072656c6967696f7573 | a based on religious
| 20706c7572616c69736d2c20686f77657665722c | pluralism, however,
| 20776173206368616c6c656e67656420696e2074 | was challenged in t
| 6865206561726c79203139343073206279206120 | he early 1940s by a
| 6e6577204d75736c696d206e6174696f6e616c69 | new Muslim nationali
| 736d207768696368207761732064656d616e6469 | sm which was demandi
| 6e672061207365706172617465204d75736c696d | ng a separate Muslim
| 20686f6d656c616e6420636172766564206f7574 | homeland carved out
| 206f6620496e6469612e204576656e7475616c6c | of India. Eventuall
| 792c20696e2041756775737420313934372c2042 | y, in August 1947, B
| 72697461696e206772616e74656420696e646570 | ritain granted indep
| 656e64656e63652c206275742074686520427269 | endence, but the Bri
| 7469736820496e6469616e20456d706972652077 | tish Indian Empire w
| 617320706172746974696f6e656420696e746f20 | as partitioned into
| 74776f20646f6d696e696f6e732c20612048696e | two dominions, a Hin
| 64752d6d616a6f7269747920496e64696120616e | du-majority India an
| 64204d75736c696d2050616b697374616e2e2041 | d Muslim Pakistan. A
| 73206d616e7920646973706c616365642048696e | s many displaced Hin
| 6475732c204d75736c696d732c20616e64205369 | dus, Muslims, and Si
| 6b6873206d616465207468656972207761792074 | khs made their way t
| 6f207468656972206e6577206c616e64732c2072 | o their new lands, r
| 656c6967696f75732076696f6c656e6365206272 | eligious violence br
| 6f6b65206f75742c20657370656369616c6c7920 | oke out, especially
| 696e207468652050756e6a616220616e64204265 | in the Punjab and Be
| 6e67616c2e20457363686577696e672074686520 | ngal. Eschewing the
| 6f6666696369616c2063656c6562726174696f6e | official celebration
| 206f6620696e646570656e64656e636520696e20 | of independence in
| 44656c68692c2047616e64686920766973697465 | Delhi, Gandhi visite
| 6420746865206166666563746564206172656173 | d the affected areas
| 2c20617474656d7074696e6720746f2070726f76 | , attempting to prov
| 69646520736f6c6163652e20496e20746865206d | ide solace. In the m
| 6f6e74687320666f6c6c6f77696e672c20686520 | onths following, he
| 756e646572746f6f6b207365766572616c206661 | undertook several fa
| 73747320756e746f20646561746820746f207072 | sts unto death to pr
| 6f6d6f74652072656c6967696f7573206861726d | omote religious harm
| 6f6e792e20546865206c617374206f6620746865 | ony. The last of the
| 73652c20756e64657274616b656e206f6e203132 | se, undertaken on 12
| 204a616e75617279203139343820617420616765 | January 1948 at age
| 2037382c20616c736f206861642074686520696e | 78, also had the in
| 64697265637420676f616c206f66207072657373 | direct goal of press
| 7572696e6720496e64696120746f20706179206f | uring India to pay o
| 757420736f6d6520636173682061737365747320 | ut some cash assets
| 6f77656420746f2050616b697374616e2e20536f | owed to Pakistan. So
| 6d6520496e6469616e732074686f756768742047 | me Indians thought G
| 616e6468692077617320746f6f206163636f6d6d | andhi was too accomm
| 6f646174696e672e20416d6f6e67207468656d20 | odating. Among them
| 776173204e6174687572616d20476f6473652c20 | was Nathuram Godse,
| 612048696e6475206e6174696f6e616c6973742c | a Hindu nationalist,
| 2077686f20617373617373696e61746564204761 | who assassinated Ga
| 6e646869206f6e203330204a616e756172792031 | ndhi on 30 January 1
| 39343820627920666972696e6720746872656520 | 948 by firing three
| 62756c6c65747320696e746f2068697320636865 | bullets into his che
| 737420617420706f696e742d626c616e6b207261 | st at point-blank ra
| 6e67652e0d0a0d0a47616e64686920697320636f | nge. Gandhi is co
| 6d6d6f6e6c792c2074686f756768206e6f74206f | mmonly, though not o
| 6666696369616c6c792c20636f6e736964657265 | fficially, considere
| 642074686520466174686572206f662074686520 | d the Father of the
| 4e6174696f6e20696e20496e6469612e20486973 | Nation in India. His
| 2062697274686461792c2032204f63746f626572 | birthday, 2 October
| 2c20697320636f6d6d656d6f7261746564207468 | , is commemorated th
| 6572652061732047616e646869204a6179616e74 | ere as Gandhi Jayant
| 692c2061206e6174696f6e616c20686f6c696461 | i, a national holida
| 792c20616e6420776f726c642d77696465206173 | y, and world-wide as
| 2074686520496e7465726e6174696f6e616c2044 | the International D
| 6179206f66204e6f6e76696f6c656e63652e202d | ay of Nonviolence. -
| 2057696b6970656469614d616861746d6147616e | WikipediaMahatmaGan
| e80cbe3ecbda89dd0009ec4fcf47fb9d221664829f07c8ca55a9505bf5b36240 |
| 6432326638663336623437343839333632336562 | d22f8f36b474893623eb
| 3964646131383530646663343034363430363466 | 9dda1850dfc40464064f
| 3337313530613537333161646137616364613766 | 37150a5731ada7acda7f
| 65656238223339365c6432326638663336623437 | eeb8"396\d22f8f36b47
| 3438393336323365623964646131383530646663 | 4893623eb9dda1850dfc
| 3430343634303634663337313530613537333161 | 40464064f37150a5731a
| 646137616364613766656562380d0a3134613363 | da7acda7feeb8 14a3c
| 6436343338353265333161313639653130643832 | d643852e31a169e10d82
| 6136323063336461613837636333626534653336 | a620c3daa87cc3be4e36
| 663139323463633161633837646230653732620d | f1924cc1ac87db0e72b
| 0a61303966306336376362636438303633353131 | a09f0c67cbcd8063511
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| 3361303434313739653631666330363231326334 | 3a044179e61fc06212c4
| 34363932640d0a36666532656665663633626232 | 4692d 6fe2efef63bb2
| 6430623938656434633833653431333438623364 | d0b98ed4c83e41348b3d
| 6663333731303661383135343562303166366331 | fc37106a81545b01f6c1
| 38333937653530343834340d0a66306234633434 | 8397e504844 f0b4c44
| 3538323265306530313266623961626562376335 | 5822e0e012fb9abeb7c5
| 6335643333633930396566363861666532396530 | c5d33c909ef68afe29e0
| 39363631643634653330323162323438330d0a35 | 9661d64e3021b2483 5
| 6337356338633138613530343631336337343933 | c75c8c18a504613c7493
| 6133656533396332393064623361373037366337 | a3ee39c290db3a7076c7
| 6336323061633432316266613437396466613335 | c620ac421bfa479dfa35
| 6637640d0a3630306b7647615156323262786500 | f7d 600kvGaQV22bxe