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| 2728292a35363738393a434445464748494a5354 | '()*56789:CDEFGHIJST
| 55565758595a636465666768696a737475767778 | UVWXYZcdefghijstuvwx
| 2a29600c463ad20233293d38ab7a3b6f69a02321 | *)` F: 3)=8 z;oi #!
| 688a72445385df424c4cb59a94a3637f6bbd4beedf85ab374a05e7f11e0154e5 |
| 7c32383733224d617274696e204c757468657220 | |2873"Martin Luther
| 4b696e672c204a722e20284a616e756172792031 | King, Jr. (January 1
| 352c203139323920e2809320417072696c20342c | 5, 1929 April 4,
| 2031393638292077617320616e20416d65726963 | 1968) was an Americ
| 616e20706173746f722c2061637469766973742c | an pastor, activist,
| 2068756d616e6974617269616e2c20616e64206c | humanitarian, and l
| 656164657220696e20746865204166726963616e | eader in the African
| 2d416d65726963616e20436976696c2052696768 | -American Civil Righ
| 7473204d6f76656d656e742e2048652069732062 | ts Movement. He is b
| 657374206b6e6f776e20666f722068697320726f | est known for his ro
| 6c6520696e2074686520616476616e63656d656e | le in the advancemen
| 74206f6620636976696c20726967687473207573 | t of civil rights us
| 696e67206e6f6e76696f6c656e7420636976696c | ing nonviolent civil
| 206469736f62656469656e636520626173656420 | disobedience based
| 6f6e206869732043687269737469616e2062656c | on his Christian bel
| 696566732e0d0a0d0a48652077617320626f726e | iefs. He was born
| 204d69636861656c204b696e672c206275742068 | Michael King, but h
| 697320666174686572206368616e676564206869 | is father changed hi
| 73206e616d6520696e20686f6e6f72206f662074 | s name in honor of t
| 6865204765726d616e207265666f726d6572204d | he German reformer M
| 617274696e204c75746865722e20412042617074 | artin Luther. A Bapt
| 697374206d696e69737465722c204b696e672062 | ist minister, King b
| 6563616d65206120636976696c20726967687473 | ecame a civil rights
| 206163746976697374206561726c7920696e2068 | activist early in h
| 6973206361726565722e204865206c6564207468 | is career. He led th
| 652031393535204d6f6e74676f6d657279204275 | e 1955 Montgomery Bu
| 7320426f79636f747420616e642068656c706564 | s Boycott and helped
| 20666f756e642074686520536f75746865726e20 | found the Southern
| 43687269737469616e204c656164657273686970 | Christian Leadership
| 20436f6e666572656e6365202853434c43292069 | Conference (SCLC) i
| 6e20313935372c2073657276696e672061732069 | n 1957, serving as i
| 747320666972737420707265736964656e742e20 | ts first president.
| 57697468207468652053434c432c204b696e6720 | With the SCLC, King
| 6c656420616e20756e7375636365737366756c20 | led an unsuccessful
| 7374727567676c6520616761696e737420736567 | struggle against seg
| 7265676174696f6e20696e20416c62616e792c20 | regation in Albany,
| 47656f726769612c20696e20313936322c20616e | Georgia, in 1962, an
| 64206f7267616e697a6564206e6f6e76696f6c65 | d organized nonviole
| 6e742070726f746573747320696e204269726d69 | nt protests in Birmi
| 6e6768616d2c20416c6162616d612c2074686174 | ngham, Alabama, that
| 20617474726163746564206e6174696f6e616c20 | attracted national
| 617474656e74696f6e20666f6c6c6f77696e6720 | attention following
| 74656c65766973696f6e206e65777320636f7665 | television news cove
| 72616765206f66207468652062727574616c2070 | rage of the brutal p
| 6f6c69636520726573706f6e73652e204b696e67 | olice response. King
| 20616c736f2068656c70656420746f206f726761 | also helped to orga
| 6e697a65207468652031393633204d6172636820 | nize the 1963 March
| 6f6e2057617368696e67746f6e2c207768657265 | on Washington, where
| 2068652064656c69766572656420686973206661 | he delivered his fa
| 6d6f75732022492048617665206120447265616d | mous "I Have a Dream
| 22207370656563682e2054686572652c20686520 | " speech. There, he
| 65737461626c6973686564206869732072657075 | established his repu
| 746174696f6e206173206f6e65206f6620746865 | tation as one of the
| 206772656174657374206f7261746f727320696e | greatest orators in
| 20416d65726963616e20686973746f72792e204a | American history. J
| 2e20456467617220486f6f76657220636f6e7369 | . Edgar Hoover consi
| 64657265642068696d2061207261646963616c20 | dered him a radical
| 616e64206d6164652068696d20616e206f626a65 | and made him an obje
| 6374206f6620746865204665646572616c204275 | ct of the Federal Bu
| 72656175206f6620496e7665737469676174696f | reau of Investigatio
| 6e277320434f494e54454c50524f20666f722074 | n's COINTELPRO for t
| 68652072657374206f6620686973206c6966652e | he rest of his life.
| 0d0a0d0a4f6e204f63746f6265722031342c2031 | On October 14, 1
| 3936342c204b696e672072656365697665642074 | 964, King received t
| 6865204e6f62656c205065616365205072697a65 | he Nobel Peace Prize
| 20666f7220636f6d626174696e67207261636961 | for combating racia
| 6c20696e657175616c697479207468726f756768 | l inequality through
| 206e6f6e76696f6c656e63652e20496e20313936 | nonviolence. In 196
| 352c20686520616e64207468652053434c432068 | 5, he and the SCLC h
| 656c70656420746f206f7267616e697a65207468 | elped to organize th
| 652053656c6d6120746f204d6f6e74676f6d6572 | e Selma to Montgomer
| 79206d61726368657320616e642074686520666f | y marches and the fo
| 6c6c6f77696e6720796561722c20686520746f6f | llowing year, he too
| 6b20746865206d6f76656d656e74206e6f727468 | k the movement north
| 20746f204368696361676f20746f20776f726b20 | to Chicago to work
| 6f6e207365677265676174656420686f7573696e | on segregated housin
| 672e20496e207468652066696e616c2079656172 | g. In the final year
| 73206f6620686973206c6966652c204b696e6720 | s of his life, King
| 657870616e6465642068697320666f6375732074 | expanded his focus t
| 6f20696e636c75646520706f766572747920616e | o include poverty an
| 642074686520566965746e616d205761722c2061 | d the Vietnam War, a
| 6c69656e6174696e67206d616e79206f66206869 | lienating many of hi
| 73206c69626572616c20616c6c69657320776974 | s liberal allies wit
| 682061203139363720737065656368207469746c | h a 1967 speech titl
| 656420224265796f6e6420566965746e616d222e | ed "Beyond Vietnam".
| 0d0a0d0a496e20313936382c204b696e67207761 | In 1968, King wa
| 7320706c616e6e696e672061206e6174696f6e61 | s planning a nationa
| 6c206f636375706174696f6e206f662057617368 | l occupation of Wash
| 696e67746f6e2c20442e432e2c20746f20626520 | ington, D.C., to be
| 63616c6c65642074686520506f6f722050656f70 | called the Poor Peop
| 6c6527732043616d706169676e2c207768656e20 | le's Campaign, when
| 68652077617320617373617373696e6174656420 | he was assassinated
| 6f6e20417072696c203420696e204d656d706869 | on April 4 in Memphi
| 732c2054656e6e65737365652e20486973206465 | s, Tennessee. His de
| 6174682077617320666f6c6c6f77656420627920 | ath was followed by
| 72696f747320696e206d616e7920552e532e2063 | riots in many U.S. c
| 69746965732e20416c6c65676174696f6e732074 | ities. Allegations t
| 686174204a616d6573204561726c205261792c20 | hat James Earl Ray,
| 746865206d616e20636f6e766963746564206f66 | the man convicted of
| 206b696c6c696e67204b696e672c206861642062 | killing King, had b
| 65656e206672616d6564206f7220616374656420 | een framed or acted
| 696e20636f6e63657274207769746820676f7665 | in concert with gove
| 726e6d656e74206167656e747320706572736973 | rnment agents persis
| 74656420666f7220646563616465732061667465 | ted for decades afte
| 72207468652073686f6f74696e672e2054686520 | r the shooting. The
| 6a757279206f662061203139393920636976696c | jury of a 1999 civil
| 20747269616c20666f756e64204c6f7964204a6f | trial found Loyd Jo
| 7765727320746f20626520636f6d706c69636974 | wers to be complicit
| 20696e206120636f6e7370697261637920616761 | in a conspiracy aga
| 696e7374204b696e672e205468652072756c696e | inst King. The rulin
| 67206861732073696e6365206265656e20646973 | g has since been dis
| 637265646974656420616e642061207369737465 | credited and a siste
| 72206f66204a6f776572732061646d6974746564 | r of Jowers admitted
| 2074686174206865206861642066616272696361 | that he had fabrica
| 746564207468652073746f727920736f20686520 | ted the story so he
| 636f756c64206d616b6520243330302c30303020 | could make $300,000
| 66726f6d2073656c6c696e67207468652073746f | from selling the sto
| 72792c20616e642073686520696e207475726e20 | ry, and she in turn
| 636f72726f626f7261746564206869732073746f | corroborated his sto
| 727920696e206f7264657220746f206765742073 | ry in order to get s
| 6f6d65206d6f6e657920746f2070617920686572 | ome money to pay her
| 20696e636f6d65207461782e0d0a0d0a4b696e67 | income tax. King
| 2077617320706f737468756d6f75736c79206177 | was posthumously aw
| 61726465642074686520507265736964656e7469 | arded the Presidenti
| 616c204d6564616c206f662046726565646f6d20 | al Medal of Freedom
| 616e642074686520436f6e6772657373696f6e61 | and the Congressiona
| 6c20476f6c64204d6564616c2e204d617274696e | l Gold Medal. Martin
| 204c7574686572204b696e672c204a722e204461 | Luther King, Jr. Da
| 79207761732065737461626c6973686564206173 | y was established as
| 206120686f6c6964617920696e206e756d65726f | a holiday in numero
| 75732063697469657320616e6420737461746573 | us cities and states
| 20626567696e6e696e6720696e20313937312c20 | beginning in 1971,
| 616e64206173206120552e532e20666564657261 | and as a U.S. federa
| 6c20686f6c6964617920696e20313938362e2048 | l holiday in 1986. H
| 756e6472656473206f6620737472656574732069 | undreds of streets i
| 6e2074686520552e532e2068617665206265656e | n the U.S. have been
| 2072656e616d656420696e2068697320686f6e6f | renamed in his hono
| 722e20496e206164646974696f6e2c206120636f | r. In addition, a co
| 756e747920776173207265646564696361746564 | unty was rededicated
| 20696e2068697320686f6e6f722e2041206d656d | in his honor. A mem
| 6f7269616c20737461747565206f6e2074686520 | orial statue on the
| 4e6174696f6e616c204d616c6c20776173206f70 | National Mall was op
| 656e656420746f20746865207075626c69632069 | ened to the public i
| 6e20323031312e202d2057696b6970656469614d | n 2011. - WikipediaM
| 617274696e4c75746865724b696e674a722e6a70 | artinLutherKingJr.jp
| 4d454c4a56617c69565c755d4a4c6c936d758084 | MELJVa|iV\u]JLl mu