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| 5758595a636465666768696a737475767778797a | WXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz
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| 6a6f7920616e6420737566666572696e672c2074 | joy and suffering, t
| 686f7573616e6473206f6620636f6e666964656e | housands of confiden
| 742072656c6967696f6e732c206964656f6c6f67 | t religions, ideolog
| 6965732c20616e642065636f6e6f6d696320646f | ies, and economic do
| 637472696e65732c2065766572792068756e7465 | ctrines, every hunte
| 7220616e6420666f72616765722c206576657279 | r and forager, every
| 206865726f20616e6420636f776172642c206576 | hero and coward, ev
| 6572792063726561746f7220616e642064657374 | ery creator and dest
| 726f796572206f6620636976696c697a6174696f | royer of civilizatio
| 6e2c206576657279206b696e6720616e64207065 | n, every king and pe
| 6173616e742c20657665727920796f756e672063 | asant, every young c
| 6f75706c6520696e206c6f76652c206576657279 | ouple in love, every
| 206d6f7468657220616e64206661746865722c20 | mother and father,
| 686f706566756c206368696c642c20696e76656e | hopeful child, inven
| 746f7220616e64206578706c6f7265722c206576 | tor and explorer, ev
| 6572792074656163686572206f66206d6f72616c | ery teacher of moral
| 732c20657665727920636f727275707420706f6c | s, every corrupt pol
| 6974696369616e2c206576657279202273757065 | itician, every "supe
| 72737461722c2220657665727920227375707265 | rstar," every "supre
| 6d65206c65616465722c22206576657279207361 | me leader," every sa
| 696e7420616e642073696e6e657220696e207468 | int and sinner in th
| 6520686973746f7279206f66206f757220737065 | e history of our spe
| 63696573206c6976656420746865726520e28093 | cies lived there
| 206f6e2061206d6f7465206f6620647573742073 | on a mote of dust s
| 757370656e64656420696e20612073756e626561 | uspended in a sunbea
| 6d2e0d0a0d0a5468652045617274682069732061 | m. The Earth is a
| 207665727920736d616c6c20737461676520696e | very small stage in
| 2061207661737420636f736d6963206172656e61 | a vast cosmic arena
| 2e205468696e6b206f6620746865207269766572 | . Think of the river
| 73206f6620626c6f6f64207370696c6c65642062 | s of blood spilled b
| 7920616c6c2074686f73652067656e6572616c73 | y all those generals
| 20616e6420656d7065726f727320736f20746861 | and emperors so tha
| 7420696e20676c6f727920616e6420747269756d | t in glory and trium
| 7068207468657920636f756c64206265636f6d65 | ph they could become
| 20746865206d6f6d656e74617279206d61737465 | the momentary maste
| 7273206f662061206672616374696f6e206f6620 | rs of a fraction of
| 6120646f742e205468696e6b206f662074686520 | a dot. Think of the
| 656e646c65737320637275656c74696573207669 | endless cruelties vi
| 73697465642062792074686520696e6861626974 | sited by the inhabit
| 616e7473206f66206f6e6520636f726e6572206f | ants of one corner o
| 66207468697320706978656c206f6e2074686520 | f this pixel on the
| 7363617263656c792064697374696e6775697368 | scarcely distinguish
| 61626c6520696e6861626974616e7473206f6620 | able inhabitants of
| 736f6d65206f7468657220636f726e65722e2048 | some other corner. H
| 6f77206672657175656e74207468656972206d69 | ow frequent their mi
| 73756e6465727374616e64696e67732c20686f77 | sunderstandings, how
| 20656167657220746865792061726520746f206b | eager they are to k
| 696c6c206f6e6520616e6f746865722c20686f77 | ill one another, how
| 2066657276656e74207468656972206861747265 | fervent their hatre
| 64732e204f757220706f73747572696e67732c20 | ds. Our posturings,
| 6f757220696d6167696e65642073656c662d696d | our imagined self-im
| 706f7274616e63652c207468652064656c757369 | portance, the delusi
| 6f6e2074686174207765206861766520736f6d65 | on that we have some
| 2070726976696c6567656420706f736974696f6e | privileged position
| 20696e2074686520756e6976657273652c206172 | in the universe, ar
| 65206368616c6c656e6765642062792074686973 | e challenged by this
| 20706f696e74206f662070616c65206c69676874 | point of pale light
| 2e204f757220706c616e65742069732061206c6f | . Our planet is a lo
| 6e656c7920737065636b20696e20746865206772 | nely speck in the gr
| 65617420656e76656c6f70696e6720636f736d69 | eat enveloping cosmi
| 63206461726b2e20496e206f7572206f62736375 | c dark. In our obscu
| 7269747920e2809320696e20616c6c2074686973 | rity in all this
| 20766173746e65737320e2809320746865726520 | vastness there
| 6973206e6f2068696e7420746861742068656c70 | is no hint that help
| 2077696c6c20636f6d652066726f6d20656c7365 | will come from else
| 776865726520746f20736176652075732066726f | where to save us fro
| 6d206f757273656c7665732e0d0a0d0a54686520 | m ourselves. The
| 456172746820697320746865206f6e6c7920776f | Earth is the only wo
| 726c64206b6e6f776e2c20736f206661722c2074 | rld known, so far, t
| 6f20686172626f72206c6966652e205468657265 | o harbor life. There
| 206973206e6f776865726520656c73652c206174 | is nowhere else, at
| 206c6561737420696e20746865206e6561722066 | least in the near f
| 75747572652c20746f207768696368206f757220 | uture, to which our
| 7370656369657320636f756c64206d6967726174 | species could migrat
| 652e2056697369742c207965732e20536574746c | e. Visit, yes. Settl
| 652c206e6f74207965742e204c696b6520697420 | e, not yet. Like it
| 6f72206e6f742c20666f7220746865206d6f6d65 | or not, for the mome
| 6e742c2074686520456172746820697320776865 | nt, the Earth is whe
| 7265207765206d616b65206f7572207374616e64 | re we make our stand
| 2e20497420686173206265656e20736169642074 | . It has been said t
| 68617420617374726f6e6f6d7920697320612068 | hat astronomy is a h
| 756d626c696e6720616e64206368617261637465 | umbling and characte
| 722d6275696c64696e6720657870657269656e63 | r-building experienc
| 652e205468657265206973207065726861707320 | e. There is perhaps
| 6e6f206265747465722064656d6f6e7374726174 | no better demonstrat
| 696f6e206f662074686520666f6c6c79206f6620 | ion of the folly of
| 68756d616e20636f6e6365697473207468616e20 | human conceits than
| 746869732064697374616e7420696d616765206f | this distant image o
| 66206f75722074696e7920776f726c642e20546f | f our tiny world. To
| 206d652c20697420756e64657273636f72657320 | me, it underscores
| 6f757220726573706f6e736962696c6974792074 | our responsibility t
| 6f206465616c206d6f7265206b696e646c792077 | o deal more kindly w
| 697468206f6e6520616e6f7468657220616e6420 | ith one another and
| 746f20707265736572766520616e642063686572 | to preserve and cher
| 697368207468652070616c6520626c756520646f | ish the pale blue do
| 742c20746865206f6e6c7920686f6d6520776527 | t, the only home we'
| 944361726c20536167616e2c2050616c6520426c | Carl Sagan, Pale Bl
| 756520446f743a204120566973696f6e206f6620 | ue Dot: A Vision of
| 7468652048756d616e2046757475726520696e20 | the Human Future in
| 53706163652c20313939372072657072696e742c | Space, 1997 reprint,
| 2070702e207876e2809378766950616c65426c75 | pp. xv xviPaleBlu
| 2e313100323030363a31303a30392031353a3039 | .11 2006:10:09 15:09
| 3e3b353a39434b605143475a48393a5371545a63 | >;5:9CK`QCGZH9:SqTZc
| 666b6c6b4050767e74687d60696b67ffdb004301 | fklk@Pv~th}`ikg C
| 6767676767676767676767676767676767676767 | gggggggggggggggggggg
| af047083779c39bc9e2eda1da6ff740c5863a15f0b07b75802bc671a96302e0c |
| 6767676767676767676767676767676767676767 | gggggggggggggggggggg
| 1a25262728292a3435363738393a434445464748 | %&'()*456789:CDEFGH
| 494a535455565758595a636465666768696a7374 | IJSTUVWXYZcdefghijst
| 262728292a35363738393a434445464748494a53 | &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJS
| 5455565758595a636465666768696a7374757677 | TUVWXYZcdefghijstuvw
| 02519a5e32474a423140076c528205273d714628 | Q ^2GJB1@ lR '=qF(
| 6e6a30996e548a9376464d26f2707b5508632f5e | nj0 nT vFM& p{U c/^
| bcf6433166eb5cce9c97837c878200bb6e83e3fb0ad9bb3db6ce6aabfabab725 |
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| 633735357c3532385c6464373962393736386633 | c755|528\dd79b9768f3
| 3037303030656433343234316338393965356539 | 07000ed34241c899e5e9
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| 0a61663034373038333737396333396263396532 | af047083779c39bc9e2
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| 33343539623063363563320d0a33396430386666 | 3459b0c65c2 39d08ff
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| 62376136653464316263376562316563310d0a32 | b7a6e4d1bc7eb1ec1 2
| 3038393234376236303632306237343639383836 | 089247b60620b7469886
| 3163663136616536366666386330383766373233 | 1cf16ae66ff8c087f723
| 6362346432653930646666383365613363333761 | cb4d2e90dff83ea3c37a
| 6234620d0a323761343535653166643235396231 | b4b 27a455e1fd259b1
| 6630366435383537393130383533656561613266 | f06d5857910853eeaa2f
| 3864333139666239653630613933313039636163 | 8d319fb9e60a93109cac
| 3363663166616463640d0a316365363633376661 | 3cf1fadcd 1ce6637fa
| 6665646563366138383132343732616437636636 | fedec6a8812472ad7cf6
| 3831383064356637376431353035613962323166 | 8180d5f77d1505a9b21f
| 3363616430383435313133356334380d0a784a00 | 3cad08451135c48 xJ
| dd79b9768f307000ed34241c899e5e9e8037eedf2b9ad3f7d5266a313347c755 |
| 2235333037224361726c20456477617264205361 | "5307"Carl Edward Sa
| 67616e20284e6f76656d62657220392c20313933 | gan (November 9, 193
| 3420e2809320446563656d6265722032302c2031 | 4 December 20, 1
| 393936292077617320616e20416d65726963616e | 996) was an American
| 20617374726f6e6f6d65722c20617374726f7068 | astronomer, astroph
| 797369636973742c20636f736d6f6c6f67697374 | ysicist, cosmologist
| 2c20617574686f722c20736369656e636520706f | , author, science po
| 70756c6172697a65722c20616e6420736369656e | pularizer, and scien
| 636520636f6d6d756e696361746f7220696e2061 | ce communicator in a
| 7374726f6e6f6d7920616e64206f74686572206e | stronomy and other n
| 61747572616c20736369656e6365732e20486973 | atural sciences. His
| 20636f6e747269627574696f6e73207765726520 | contributions were
| 63656e7472616c20746f2074686520646973636f | central to the disco
| 76657279206f6620746865206869676820737572 | very of the high sur
| 666163652074656d706572617475726573206f66 | face temperatures of
| 2056656e75732e20486f77657665722c20686520 | Venus. However, he
| 69732062657374206b6e6f776e20666f72206869 | is best known for hi
| 7320636f6e747269627574696f6e7320746f2074 | s contributions to t
| 686520736369656e746966696320726573656172 | he scientific resear
| 6368206f66206578747261746572726573747269 | ch of extraterrestri
| 616c206c6966652c20696e636c7564696e672065 | al life, including e
| 78706572696d656e74616c2064656d6f6e737472 | xperimental demonstr
| 6174696f6e206f66207468652070726f64756374 | ation of the product
| 696f6e206f6620616d696e6f2061636964732066 | ion of amino acids f
| 726f6d206261736963206368656d6963616c7320 | rom basic chemicals
| 627920726164696174696f6e2e20536167616e20 | by radiation. Sagan
| 617373656d626c65642074686520666972737420 | assembled the first
| 706879736963616c206d65737361676573207468 | physical messages th
| 617420776572652073656e7420696e746f207370 | at were sent into sp
| 6163653a207468652050696f6e65657220706c61 | ace: the Pioneer pla
| 71756520616e642074686520566f796167657220 | que and the Voyager
| 476f6c64656e205265636f72642c20756e697665 | Golden Record, unive
| 7273616c206d6573736167657320746861742063 | rsal messages that c
| 6f756c6420706f74656e7469616c6c7920626520 | ould potentially be
| 756e64657273746f6f6420627920616e79206578 | understood by any ex
| 747261746572726573747269616c20696e74656c | traterrestrial intel
| 6c6967656e63652074686174206d696768742066 | ligence that might f
| 696e64207468656d2e0d0a0d0a4865207075626c | ind them. He publ
| 6973686564206d6f7265207468616e2036303020 | ished more than 600
| 736369656e74696669632070617065727320616e | scientific papers an
| 642061727469636c657320616e64207761732061 | d articles and was a
| 7574686f722c20636f2d617574686f72206f7220 | uthor, co-author or
| 656469746f72206f66206d6f7265207468616e20 | editor of more than
| 323020626f6f6b732e20536167616e206973206b | 20 books. Sagan is k
| 6e6f776e20666f72206d616e79206f6620686973 | nown for many of his
| 20706f70756c617220736369656e636520626f6f | popular science boo
| 6b732c2073756368206173205468652044726167 | ks, such as The Drag
| 6f6e73206f66204564656e2c2042726f63612773 | ons of Eden, Broca's
| 20427261696e20616e642050616c6520426c7565 | Brain and Pale Blue
| 20446f742c20616e6420666f7220746865206177 | Dot, and for the aw
| 6172642d77696e6e696e6720313938302074656c | ard-winning 1980 tel
| 65766973696f6e2073657269657320436f736d6f | evision series Cosmo
| 733a204120506572736f6e616c20566f79616765 | s: A Personal Voyage
| 2c207768696368206865206e6172726174656420 | , which he narrated
| 616e6420636f2d77726f74652e20546865206d6f | and co-wrote. The mo
| 737420776964656c792077617463686564207365 | st widely watched se
| 7269657320696e2074686520686973746f727920 | ries in the history
| 6f6620416d65726963616e207075626c69632074 | of American public t
| 656c65766973696f6e2c20436f736d6f73206861 | elevision, Cosmos ha
| 73206265656e207365656e206279206174206c65 | s been seen by at le
| 61737420353030206d696c6c696f6e2070656f70 | ast 500 million peop
| 6c65206163726f73732036302064696666657265 | le across 60 differe
| 6e7420636f756e74726965732e2054686520626f | nt countries. The bo
| 6f6b20436f736d6f7320776173207075626c6973 | ok Cosmos was publis
| 68656420746f206163636f6d70616e7920746865 | hed to accompany the
| 207365726965732e20486520616c736f2077726f | series. He also wro
| 74652074686520736369656e6365206669637469 | te the science ficti
| 6f6e206e6f76656c20436f6e746163742c207468 | on novel Contact, th
| 6520626173697320666f72206120313939372066 | e basis for a 1997 f
| 696c6d206f66207468652073616d65206e616d65 | ilm of the same name
| 2e0d0a0d0a536167616e20616c77617973206164 | . Sagan always ad
| 766f636174656420736369656e74696669632073 | vocated scientific s
| 6b6570746963616c20696e717569727920616e64 | keptical inquiry and
| 2074686520736369656e7469666963206d657468 | the scientific meth
| 6f642c2070696f6e65657265642065786f62696f | od, pioneered exobio
| 6c6f677920616e642070726f6d6f746564207468 | logy and promoted th
| 652053656172636820666f722045787472612d54 | e Search for Extra-T
| 6572726573747269616c20496e74656c6c696765 | errestrial Intellige
| 6e6365202853455449292e204865207370656e74 | nce (SETI). He spent
| 206d6f7374206f66206869732063617265657220 | most of his career
| 617320612070726f666573736f72206f66206173 | as a professor of as
| 74726f6e6f6d7920617420436f726e656c6c2055 | tronomy at Cornell U
| 6e69766572736974792c20776865726520686520 | niversity, where he
| 646972656374656420746865204c61626f726174 | directed the Laborat
| 6f727920666f7220506c616e6574617279205374 | ory for Planetary St
| 75646965732e20536167616e20616e6420686973 | udies. Sagan and his
| 20776f726b73207265636569766564206e756d65 | works received nume
| 726f75732061776172647320616e6420686f6e6f | rous awards and hono
| 72732c20696e636c7564696e6720746865204e41 | rs, including the NA
| 53412044697374696e6775697368656420507562 | SA Distinguished Pub
| 6c69632053657276696365204d6564616c2c2074 | lic Service Medal, t
| 6865204e6174696f6e616c2041636164656d7920 | he National Academy
| 6f6620536369656e636573205075626c69632057 | of Sciences Public W
| 656c66617265204d6564616c2c20746865205075 | elfare Medal, the Pu
| 6c69747a6572205072697a6520666f722047656e | litzer Prize for Gen
| 6572616c204e6f6e2d46696374696f6e20666f72 | eral Non-Fiction for
| 2068697320626f6f6b2054686520447261676f6e | his book The Dragon
| 73206f66204564656e2c20616e642c2072656761 | s of Eden, and, rega
| 7264696e6720436f736d6f733a20412050657273 | rding Cosmos: A Pers
| 6f6e616c20566f796167652c2074776f20456d6d | onal Voyage, two Emm
| 79204177617264732c2074686520506561626f64 | y Awards, the Peabod
| 7920417761726420616e6420746865204875676f | y Award and the Hugo
| 2041776172642e204865206d6172726965642074 | Award. He married t
| 687265652074696d657320616e64206861642066 | hree times and had f
| 697665206368696c6472656e2e20416674657220 | ive children. After
| 737566666572696e672066726f6d206d79656c6f | suffering from myelo
| 647973706c617369612c20536167616e20646965 | dysplasia, Sagan die
| 64206f6620706e65756d6f6e6961206174207468 | d of pneumonia at th
| 6520616765206f66203632206f6e20446563656d | e age of 62 on Decem
| 68652050616c6520426c756520446f7420697320 | he Pale Blue Dot is
| 612070686f746f6772617068206f6620706c616e | a photograph of plan
| 65742045617274682074616b656e20696e203139 | et Earth taken in 19
| 39302062792074686520566f7961676572203120 | 90 by the Voyager 1
| 73706163652070726f62652066726f6d20612072 | space probe from a r
| 65636f72642064697374616e6365206f66206162 | ecord distance of ab
| 6f757420362062696c6c696f6e206b696c6f6d65 | out 6 billion kilome
| 746572732028332e372062696c6c696f6e206d69 | ters (3.7 billion mi
| 6c65732c203430204155292066726f6d20456172 | les, 40 AU) from Ear
| 74682c2061732070617274206f66207468652073 | th, as part of the s
| 6f6c61722073797374656d2046616d696c792050 | olar system Family P
| 6f72747261697420736572696573206f6620696d | ortrait series of im
| 616765732e20496e207468652070686f746f6772 | ages. In the photogr
| 6170682c2045617274682069732073686f776e20 | aph, Earth is shown
| 61732061206672616374696f6e206f6620612070 | as a fraction of a p
| 6978656c2028302e313220706978656c20696e20 | ixel (0.12 pixel in
| 73697a652920616761696e737420746865207661 | size) against the va
| 73746e657373206f662073706163652e20546865 | stness of space. The
| 20566f7961676572203120737061636563726166 | Voyager 1 spacecraf
| 742c2077686963682068616420636f6d706c6574 | t, which had complet
| 656420697473207072696d617279206d69737369 | ed its primary missi
| 6f6e20616e6420776173206c656176696e672074 | on and was leaving t
| 686520536f6c61722053797374656d2c20776173 | he Solar System, was
| 20636f6d6d616e646564206279204e4153412074 | commanded by NASA t
| 6f207475726e206974732063616d657261206172 | o turn its camera ar
| 6f756e6420616e6420746f2074616b6520612070 | ound and to take a p
| 686f746f6772617068206f662045617274682061 | hotograph of Earth a
| 63726f7373206120677265617420657870616e73 | cross a great expans
| 65206f662073706163652c206174207468652072 | e of space, at the r
| 657175657374206f66204361726c20536167616e | equest of Carl Sagan
| 2e0d0a0d0a496e2068697320626f6f6b2050616c | . In his book Pal
| 6520426c756520446f743a204120566973696f6e | e Blue Dot: A Vision
| 206f66207468652048756d616e20467574757265 | of the Human Future
| 20696e2053706163652c20617374726f6e6f6d65 | in Space, astronome
| 72204361726c20536167616e2072656c61746564 | r Carl Sagan related
| 206869732074686f7567687473206f6e20612064 | his thoughts on a d
| 6565706572206d65616e696e67206f6620746865 | eeper meaning of the
| 2070686f746f67726170683a0d0a0d0a46726f6d | photograph: From
| 20746869732064697374616e742076616e746167 | this distant vantag
| 6520706f696e742c20746865204561727468206d | e point, the Earth m
| 69676874206e6f74207365656d206f6620616e79 | ight not seem of any
| 20706172746963756c617220696e746572657374 | particular interest
| 2e2042757420666f722075732c20697427732064 | . But for us, it's d
| 6966666572656e742e20436f6e73696465722061 | ifferent. Consider a
| 6761696e207468617420646f742e205468617427 | gain that dot. That'
| 7320686572652e2054686174277320686f6d652e | s here. That's home.
| 205468617427732075732e204f6e206974206576 | That's us. On it ev
| 6572796f6e6520796f75206c6f76652c20657665 | eryone you love, eve
| 72796f6e6520796f75206b6e6f772c2065766572 | ryone you know, ever
| 796f6e6520796f75206576657220686561726420 | yone you ever heard
| 6f662c2065766572792068756d616e206265696e | of, every human bein
| 672077686f2065766572207761732c206c697665 | g who ever was, live
| 64206f7574207468656972206c697665732e2054 | d out their lives. T
| 686520616767726567617465206f66206f757220 | he aggregate of our