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| hash160 | decoded text |
| 06b91b11b15df519994c8876cd4146a2fa868389cd9769fcaa22d9cbcfac9cee |
| 202c20232627292a29191f2d302d283025282928 | , #&')*) -0-(0%()(
| 2828282828282828282828282828282828282828 | ((((((((((((((((((((
| 2dc726ddc1b33e70575a00fb1ee83b3199b9a64bfe9cb55d4cb37fe0b1fac6f6 |
| 3a323539392a416c626572742045696e73746569 | :2599*Albert Einstei
| 6e20283134204d61726368203138373920e28093 | n (14 March 1879
| 20313820417072696c2031393535292077617320 | 18 April 1955) was
| 61204765726d616e2d626f726e207468656f7265 | a German-born theore
| 746963616c2070687973696369737420616e6420 | tical physicist and
| 7068696c6f736f70686572206f6620736369656e | philosopher of scien
| 63652e20486520646576656c6f70656420746865 | ce. He developed the
| 2067656e6572616c207468656f7279206f662072 | general theory of r
| 656c617469766974792c206f6e65206f66207468 | elativity, one of th
| 652074776f2070696c6c617273206f66206d6f64 | e two pillars of mod
| 65726e20706879736963732028616c6f6e677369 | ern physics (alongsi
| 6465207175616e74756d206d656368616e696373 | de quantum mechanics
| 292e2048652069732062657374206b6e6f776e20 | ). He is best known
| 696e20706f70756c61722063756c747572652066 | in popular culture f
| 6f7220686973206d617373e28093656e65726779 | or his mass energy
| 206571756976616c656e636520666f726d756c61 | equivalence formula
| 2045203d206d6332202877686963682068617320 | E = mc2 (which has
| 6265656e20647562626564202274686520776f72 | been dubbed "the wor
| 6c642773206d6f73742066616d6f757320657175 | ld's most famous equ
| 6174696f6e22292e204865207265636569766564 | ation"). He received
| 207468652031393231204e6f62656c205072697a | the 1921 Nobel Priz
| 6520696e20506879736963732022666f72206869 | e in Physics "for hi
| 7320736572766963657320746f207468656f7265 | s services to theore
| 746963616c20706879736963732c20616e642065 | tical physics, and e
| 7370656369616c6c7920666f7220686973206469 | specially for his di
| 73636f76657279206f6620746865206c6177206f | scovery of the law o
| 66207468652070686f746f656c65637472696320 | f the photoelectric
| 656666656374222e20546865206c617474657220 | effect". The latter
| 776173207069766f74616c20696e206573746162 | was pivotal in estab
| 6c697368696e67207175616e74756d207468656f | lishing quantum theo
| 72792e0d0a0d0a4e656172207468652062656769 | ry. Near the begi
| 6e6e696e67206f6620686973206361726565722c | nning of his career,
| 2045696e737465696e2074686f75676874207468 | Einstein thought th
| 6174204e6577746f6e69616e206d656368616e69 | at Newtonian mechani
| 637320776173206e6f206c6f6e67657220656e6f | cs was no longer eno
| 75676820746f207265636f6e63696c6520746865 | ugh to reconcile the
| 206c617773206f6620636c6173736963616c206d | laws of classical m
| 656368616e696373207769746820746865206c61 | echanics with the la
| 7773206f662074686520656c656374726f6d6167 | ws of the electromag
| 6e65746963206669656c642e2054686973206c65 | netic field. This le
| 6420746f2074686520646576656c6f706d656e74 | d to the development
| 206f6620686973207370656369616c207468656f | of his special theo
| 7279206f662072656c617469766974792e204865 | ry of relativity. He
| 207265616c697a65642c20686f77657665722c20 | realized, however,
| 7468617420746865207072696e6369706c65206f | that the principle o
| 662072656c6174697669747920636f756c642061 | f relativity could a
| 6c736f20626520657874656e64656420746f2067 | lso be extended to g
| 72617669746174696f6e616c206669656c64732c | ravitational fields,
| 20616e6420776974682068697320737562736571 | and with his subseq
| 75656e74207468656f7279206f66206772617669 | uent theory of gravi
| 746174696f6e20696e20313931362c2068652070 | tation in 1916, he p
| 75626c69736865642061207061706572206f6e20 | ublished a paper on
| 7468652067656e6572616c207468656f7279206f | the general theory o
| 662072656c617469766974792e20486520636f6e | f relativity. He con
| 74696e75656420746f206465616c207769746820 | tinued to deal with
| 70726f626c656d73206f66207374617469737469 | problems of statisti
| 63616c206d656368616e69637320616e64207175 | cal mechanics and qu
| 616e74756d207468656f72792c20776869636820 | antum theory, which
| 6c656420746f20686973206578706c616e617469 | led to his explanati
| 6f6e73206f66207061727469636c65207468656f | ons of particle theo
| 727920616e6420746865206d6f74696f6e206f66 | ry and the motion of
| 206d6f6c6563756c65732e20486520616c736f20 | molecules. He also
| 696e766573746967617465642074686520746865 | investigated the the
| 726d616c2070726f70657274696573206f66206c | rmal properties of l
| 69676874207768696368206c6169642074686520 | ight which laid the
| 666f756e646174696f6e206f6620746865207068 | foundation of the ph
| 6f746f6e207468656f7279206f66206c69676874 | oton theory of light
| 2e20496e20313931372c2045696e737465696e20 | . In 1917, Einstein
| 6170706c696564207468652067656e6572616c20 | applied the general
| 7468656f7279206f662072656c61746976697479 | theory of relativity
| 20746f206d6f64656c20746865206c617267652d | to model the large-
| 7363616c6520737472756374757265206f662074 | scale structure of t
| 686520756e6976657273652e0d0a0d0a48652077 | he universe. He w
| 6173207669736974696e672074686520556e6974 | as visiting the Unit
| 656420537461746573207768656e2041646f6c66 | ed States when Adolf
| 204869746c65722063616d6520746f20706f7765 | Hitler came to powe
| 7220696e203139333320616e642c206265696e67 | r in 1933 and, being
| 204a65776973682c20646964206e6f7420676f20 | Jewish, did not go
| 6261636b20746f204765726d616e792c20776865 | back to Germany, whe
| 726520686520686164206265656e20612070726f | re he had been a pro
| 666573736f7220617420746865204265726c696e | fessor at the Berlin
| 2041636164656d79206f6620536369656e636573 | Academy of Sciences
| 2e20486520736574746c656420696e2074686520 | . He settled in the
| 552e532e2c206265636f6d696e6720616e20416d | U.S., becoming an Am
| 65726963616e20636974697a656e20696e203139 | erican citizen in 19
| 34302e204f6e2074686520657665206f6620576f | 40. On the eve of Wo
| 726c64205761722049492c20686520656e646f72 | rld War II, he endor
| 7365642061206c657474657220746f2050726573 | sed a letter to Pres
| 6964656e74204672616e6b6c696e20442e20526f | ident Franklin D. Ro
| 6f736576656c7420616c657274696e672068696d | osevelt alerting him
| 20746f2074686520706f74656e7469616c206465 | to the potential de
| 76656c6f706d656e74206f66202265787472656d | velopment of "extrem
| 656c7920706f77657266756c20626f6d6273206f | ely powerful bombs o
| 662061206e657720747970652220616e64207265 | f a new type" and re
| 636f6d6d656e64696e6720746861742074686520 | commending that the
| 552e532e20626567696e2073696d696c61722072 | U.S. begin similar r
| 657365617263682e2054686973206576656e7475 | esearch. This eventu
| 616c6c79206c656420746f207768617420776f75 | ally led to what wou
| 6c64206265636f6d6520746865204d616e686174 | ld become the Manhat
| 74616e2050726f6a6563742e2045696e73746569 | tan Project. Einstei
| 6e20737570706f7274656420646566656e64696e | n supported defendin
| 672074686520416c6c69656420666f726365732c | g the Allied forces,
| 20627574206c617267656c792064656e6f756e63 | but largely denounc
| 6564207468652069646561206f66207573696e67 | ed the idea of using
| 20746865206e65776c7920646973636f76657265 | the newly discovere
| 64206e75636c6561722066697373696f6e206173 | d nuclear fission as
| 206120776561706f6e2e204c617465722c207769 | a weapon. Later, wi
| 7468207468652042726974697368207068696c6f | th the British philo
| 736f70686572204265727472616e642052757373 | sopher Bertrand Russ
| 656c6c2c2045696e737465696e207369676e6564 | ell, Einstein signed
| 207468652052757373656c6ce2809345696e7374 | the Russell Einst
| 65696e204d616e69666573746f2c207768696368 | ein Manifesto, which
| 20686967686c696768746564207468652064616e | highlighted the dan
| 676572206f66206e75636c65617220776561706f | ger of nuclear weapo
| 6e732e2045696e737465696e2077617320616666 | ns. Einstein was aff
| 696c696174656420776974682074686520496e73 | iliated with the Ins
| 74697475746520666f7220416476616e63656420 | titute for Advanced
| 537475647920696e205072696e6365746f6e2c20 | Study in Princeton,
| 4e6577204a65727365792c20756e74696c206869 | New Jersey, until hi
| 7320646561746820696e20313935352e0d0a0d0a | s death in 1955.
| 45696e737465696e207075626c6973686564206d | Einstein published m
| 6f7265207468616e2033303020736369656e7469 | ore than 300 scienti
| 6669632070617065727320616c6f6e6720776974 | fic papers along wit
| 68206f76657220313530206e6f6e2d736369656e | h over 150 non-scien
| 746966696320776f726b732e2048697320696e74 | tific works. His int
| 656c6c65637475616c20616368696576656d656e | ellectual achievemen
| 747320616e64206f726967696e616c6974792068 | ts and originality h
| 617665206d6164652074686520776f7264202245 | ave made the word "E
| 696e737465696e222073796e6f6e796d6f757320 | instein" synonymous
| 776974682067656e6975732e202d57696b697065 | with genius. -Wikipe
| 6469610d0a416c6265727445696e737465696e2e | dia AlbertEinstein.
| 3b26232020234833362b3b554b5a58544b52515e | ;&# #H36+;UKZXTKRQ^
| 2a3435363738393a434445464748494a53545556 | *456789:CDEFGHIJSTUV
| 5758595a636465666768696a737475767778797a | WXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz
| 3176963fa546f2e83df7a6b010146386e200bf8f60d74d59da61f784eea84902 |
| 3264633732366464633162333365373035373561 | 2dc726ddc1b33e70575a
| 3030666231656538336233313939623961363462 | 00fb1ee83b3199b9a64b
| 6665396362353564346362333766653062316661 | fe9cb55d4cb37fe0b1fa
| 633666367c3236342a3264633732366464633162 | c6f6|264*2dc726ddc1b
| 3333653730353735613030666231656538336233 | 33e70575a00fb1ee83b3
| 3139396239613634626665396362353564346362 | 199b9a64bfe9cb55d4cb
| 333766653062316661633666360d0a3739396363 | 37fe0b1fac6f6 799cc
| 3732636333333266383036343261356564623061 | 72cc332f80642a5edb0a
| 3132616261646466666666643331393932376161 | 12abaddffffd319927aa
| 316137383362306333623935333735343933310d | 1a783b0c3b953754931
| 0a66356536653332353938333430316532636436 | f5e6e325983401e2cd6
| 3865653633633237333933393133346165356361 | 8ee63c273939134ae5ca
| 6136343166623930306266393531333136313630 | a641fb900bf951316160
| 66623536640d0a61333532356434653238616132 | fb56d a3525d4e28aa2
| 3734653434393935363333343337363862653734 | 74e4499563343768be74
| 3666646636323065306535393536323964396636 | 6fdf620e0e595629d9f6
| 32303164323732383734360d0a426d6768473000 | 201d2728746 BmghG0
| 4d1a2fea8512c97519d363d9753b4a4f88244c7fe28fc319b437ece9a55afc35 |
| 3e3130383c74686520756e697665727365206d61 | >108<the universe ma
| 7920626520696e66696e6974652c206275742077 | y be infinite, but w
| 652061726520616c6c20737461727320616e642c | e are all stars and,
| 207468657265666f72652c6d616b652062726967 | therefore,make brig
| 6874207768657265206f6e636520746865726520 | ht where once there
| 776173206461726b6e6573732e416d616e646156 | was darkness.AmandaV
| 5a6d59756b43415800ffe2021c4943435f50524f | ZmYukCAX ICC_PRO
| 6bc1adc034091df7b163099737e9d0abcea2a2c563ea11d157458db67134c39d |
| 2828282828282828282828282828282828282828 | ((((((((((((((((((((
| 799cc72cc332f80642a5edb0a12abaddffffd319927aa1a783b0c3b953754931 |
| 363738393a434445464748494a53545556575859 | 6789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXY
| 5a636465666768696a737475767778797a828384 | Zcdefghijstuvwxyz