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| 22313332323f426c657373656420546572657361 | "1322?Blessed Teresa
| 206f662043616c63757474612c204d2e432e2c20 | of Calcutta, M.C.,
| 636f6d6d6f6e6c79206b6e6f776e206173204d6f | commonly known as Mo
| 7468657220546572657361202832362041756775 | ther Teresa (26 Augu
| 7374203139313020e2809320352053657074656d | st 1910 5 Septem
| 6265722031393937292c20776173206120526f6d | ber 1997), was a Rom
| 616e20436174686f6c69632052656c6967696f75 | an Catholic Religiou
| 732053697374657220616e64206d697373696f6e | s Sister and mission
| 617279206f6620416c62616e69616e206f726967 | ary of Albanian orig
| 696e2077686f206c6976656420666f72206d6f73 | in who lived for mos
| 74206f6620686572206c69666520696e20496e64 | t of her life in Ind
| 69612e0d0a0d0a4d6f7468657220546572657361 | ia. Mother Teresa
| 20666f756e64656420746865204d697373696f6e | founded the Mission
| 6172696573206f6620436861726974792c206120 | aries of Charity, a
| 526f6d616e20436174686f6c69632072656c6967 | Roman Catholic relig
| 696f757320636f6e677265676174696f6e2c2077 | ious congregation, w
| 6869636820696e203230313220636f6e73697374 | hich in 2012 consist
| 6564206f66206f76657220342c35303020736973 | ed of over 4,500 sis
| 7465727320616e64206973206163746976652069 | ters and is active i
| 6e2031333320636f756e74726965732e20546865 | n 133 countries. The
| 792072756e20686f73706963657320616e642068 | y run hospices and h
| 6f6d657320666f722070656f706c652077697468 | omes for people with
| 204849562f414944532c206c6570726f73792061 | HIV/AIDS, leprosy a
| 6e6420747562657263756c6f7369733b20736f75 | nd tuberculosis; sou
| 70206b69746368656e733b2064697370656e7361 | p kitchens; dispensa
| 7269657320616e64206d6f62696c6520636c696e | ries and mobile clin
| 6963733b206368696c6472656e277320616e6420 | ics; children's and
| 66616d696c7920636f756e73656c6c696e672070 | family counselling p
| 726f6772616d6d65733b206f727068616e616765 | rogrammes; orphanage
| 733b20616e64207363686f6f6c732e204d656d62 | s; and schools. Memb
| 657273206f6620746865206f72646572206d7573 | ers of the order mus
| 742061646865726520746f2074686520766f7773 | t adhere to the vows
| 206f662063686173746974792c20706f76657274 | of chastity, povert
| 7920616e64206f62656469656e63652c20616e64 | y and obedience, and
| 2074686520666f7572746820766f772c20746f20 | the fourth vow, to
| 67697665202277686f6c65686561727465642066 | give "wholehearted f
| 726565207365727669636520746f207468652070 | ree service to the p
| 6f6f72657374206f662074686520706f6f72222e | oorest of the poor".
| 0d0a0d0a4d6f7468657220546572657361207761 | Mother Teresa wa
| 732074686520726563697069656e74206f66206e | s the recipient of n
| 756d65726f757320686f6e6f75727320696e636c | umerous honours incl
| 7564696e67207468652031393739204e6f62656c | uding the 1979 Nobel
| 205065616365205072697a652e20496e20323030 | Peace Prize. In 200
| 332c207368652077617320626561746966696564 | 3, she was beatified
| 2061732022426c65737365642054657265736120 | as "Blessed Teresa
| 6f662043616c6375747461222e2041207365636f | of Calcutta". A seco
| 6e64206d697261636c6520637265646974656420 | nd miracle credited
| 746f2068657220696e74657263657373696f6e20 | to her intercession
| 6973207265717569726564206265666f72652073 | is required before s
| 68652063616e206265207265636f676e69736564 | he can be recognised
| 2061732061207361696e74206279207468652043 | as a saint by the C
| 6174686f6c6963204368757263682e0d0a0d0a41 | atholic Church. A
| 20636f6e74726f7665727369616c206669677572 | controversial figur
| 6520626f746820647572696e6720686572206c69 | e both during her li
| 666520616e642061667465722068657220646561 | fe and after her dea
| 74682c204d6f7468657220546572657361207761 | th, Mother Teresa wa
| 7320776964656c792061646d6972656420627920 | s widely admired by
| 6d616e7920666f72206865722063686172697461 | many for her charita
| 626c6520776f726b732c2062757420616c736f20 | ble works, but also
| 776964656c7920637269746963697365642c2070 | widely criticised, p
| 6172746963756c61726c7920666f722068657220 | articularly for her
| 6566666f727473206f70706f73696e6720636f6e | efforts opposing con
| 74726163657074696f6e20616e6420666f722073 | traception and for s
| 75627374616e6461726420636f6e646974696f6e | ubstandard condition
| 7320696e2074686520686f73706963657320666f | s in the hospices fo
| 7220776869636820736865207761732072657370 | r which she was resp
| 6f6e7369626c652e4d6f74686572546572657361 | onsible.MotherTeresa
| 201c1a1c24222026305034302c2c3062464a3a50 | $" &0P40,,0bFJ:P