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| hash160 | decoded text |
| 43e744ed3f798ee41e3b9d828b08a6ba2dec345144d2c53c39b51437fdbaf32d |
| 23292e3b32292c382c2324334634383d3f424342 | #).;2),8,#$3F48=?BCB
| 3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f | ????????????????????
| 571503a0c83a550632887c31ed7d511a6662b34a443d94d93e5b0022ef48c944 |
| 3a323530362a414c4c454e204c45452056414e44 | :2506*ALLEN LEE VAND
| 455645520d0a0d0a417274697374205374617465 | EVER Artist State
| 6d656e74202d202020202049206665656c20616e | ment - I feel an
| 206172746973747320626f6479206f6620776f72 | artists body of wor
| 6b2069732068697320756e7772697474656e2062 | k is his unwritten b
| 696f6772617068792c20617263686976696e6720 | iography, archiving
| 6869732070726f677265737320696e20626f7468 | his progress in both
| 206372616674736d616e7368697020616e642073 | craftsmanship and s
| 656c662d646973636f766572792c20616c6c2074 | elf-discovery, all t
| 6865207768696c6520636170747572696e672074 | he while capturing t
| 6865206d6f737420706572736f6e616c20616e64 | he most personal and
| 20657373656e7469616c206d6f6d656e74732069 | essential moments i
| 6e20686973206c6966652c20616e642072657665 | n his life, and reve
| 616c696e672068697320706572736f6e616c2072 | aling his personal r
| 65666c656374696f6e732e496e206d7920706169 | eflections.In my pai
| 6e74696e672c2049206665656c20667265652066 | nting, I feel free f
| 726f6d20746865206a756d626c65206f6620776f | rom the jumble of wo
| 72647320616c6c20746f6f206c696d6974656420 | rds all too limited
| 696e207468656972206162696c69747920746f20 | in their ability to
| 66756c6c7920696c6c7573747261746520616e20 | fully illustrate an
| 696d616765206f66206d792073656e736174696f | image of my sensatio
| 6e7320616e64207265666c656374696f6e732e20 | ns and reflections.
| 5061696e74696e6720697320612077617920746f | Painting is a way to
| 20627970617373207468652066696c746572206f | bypass the filter o
| 6620636f6e7363696f757320616e616c79736973 | f conscious analysis
| 20627970617373696e672074686520706f696e74 | bypassing the point
| 20776865726520776520617474656d707420746f | where we attempt to
| 206e616d6520616e6420636174616c6f67206f75 | name and catalog ou
| 7220726573706f6e7365732c207768696368206f | r responses, which o
| 6674656e2064696d696e69736865732074686520 | ften diminishes the
| 7472756520676c6f7279206f6620746865206d6f | true glory of the mo
| 6d656e742e4920616d206672656520746f206578 | ment.I am free to ex
| 706c6f7265206d7920647265616d732c20766572 | plore my dreams, ver
| 79206f6674656e20736f20696e74656e73656c79 | y often so intensely
| 20616c6976652074686174207468657920636f6e | alive that they con
| 74696e756520746f20657869737420696e206d79 | tinue to exist in my
| 20736967687420696e20746865206d6174657269 | sight in the materi
| 616c20776f726c642e2049206861766520796574 | al world. I have yet
| 20746f2066696e642074686520776f7264732063 | to find the words c
| 617061626c65206f6620696c6c75737472617469 | apable of illustrati
| 6e67207375636820676c6f72696f757320766973 | ng such glorious vis
| 696f6e732c20736f2049207061696e7420746865 | ions, so I paint the
| 6d20746861742049206d61792072656c69766520 | m that I may relive
| 7468656d2c20616e6420746861742049206d6967 | them, and that I mig
| 6874206170706c7920612070696e707269636b20 | ht apply a pinprick
| 696e746f20746865207665696c20626574776565 | into the veil betwee
| 6e206f757220776f726c647320616c6c6f77696e | n our worlds allowin
| 67206120737065636b206f66206c696768742074 | g a speck of light t
| 6f20696c6c756d696e6174652069747320657869 | o illuminate its exi
| 7374656e636520746f206f74686572732e204920 | stence to others. I
| 61737069726520746f2072657665616c20737563 | aspire to reveal suc
| 6820776f726c647320746f206d7920736f6e2c20 | h worlds to my son,
| 746861742074686520696d616765732066726f6d | that the images from
| 206d79206a6f75726e657920696e737069726520 | my journey inspire
| 68696d20746f20626567696e20686973206f776e | him to begin his own
| 206578706c6f726174696f6e2c20666f72206120 | exploration, for a
| 6d65726520736c69766572206f66206c69676874 | mere sliver of light
| 20697320656e6f75676820746f206272696e6720 | is enough to bring
| 74686520776f726c642067757368696e6720666f | the world gushing fo
| 7274682c2064656d6f6c697368696e6720746865 | rth, demolishing the
| 2077616c6c73207468617420636f6e66696e6520 | walls that confine
| 6f75722074686f75676874732e416c74686f7567 | our thoughts.Althoug
| 682049206661696c20746f2066696e6420746865 | h I fail to find the
| 20776f72647320746f20636f6e766579206d7920 | words to convey my
| 70617373696f6e2c20492063616e6e6f74206465 | passion, I cannot de
| 6e7920746865697220726f6c6520696e206d7920 | ny their role in my
| 7265666c656374696f6e2c20666f7220776f7264 | reflection, for word
| 73206861766520616c6c6f776564206d6520746f | s have allowed me to
| 2066757274686572206578706c6f726520746865 | further explore the
| 20696d6167657320492068617665206265656e20 | images I have been
| 6d6f76656420746f206372656174652e20466f72 | moved to create. For
| 207768656e20492077726974652c204920616d20 | when I write, I am
| 7472616e73706f7274656420696e746f20746865 | transported into the
| 2073696c656e74207265616c6d206f6620746865 | silent realm of the
| 206d696e642c2077686572652074686520766f69 | mind, where the voi
| 636573206f662068756d616e20726561736f6e20 | ces of human reason
| 616e642070617373696f6e2063616e2062652068 | and passion can be h
| 6561726420696e20696e74696d61746520636f6e | eard in intimate con
| 766572736174696f6e2c20636f6e74656d706c61 | versation, contempla
| 74696e672074686520696e66696e697465206469 | ting the infinite di
| 6d656e73696f6e73206f66206265696e672e0d0a | mensions of being.
| 0d0a42696f202d20496e206120726563656e7420 | Bio - In a recent
| 696e746572766965772c20416c6c656e2056616e | interview, Allen Van
| 6465766572207374617465733a20224920686176 | dever states: "I hav
| 65206e65766572206265656e206e6f726d616c2e | e never been normal.
| 2049206861766520746872656520776f6e646572 | I have three wonder
| 66756c2073657473206f6620706172656e747320 | ful sets of parents
| 616e642068617665206c6976656420696e203133 | and have lived in 13
| 20646966666572656e7420686f6d657320776869 | different homes whi
| 6c652067726f77696e672075702e204564756361 | le growing up. Educa
| 74696f6e2077617320696e746572657374696e67 | tion was interesting
| 202d20666f6f7462616c6c207363686f6c617273 | - football scholars
| 6869702c207370696e616c20696e6a7572792c20 | hip, spinal injury,
| 6368656d6973747279206d616a6f722c20617274 | chemistry major, art
| 206d616a6f722c2070737963686f6c6f6779206d | major, psychology m
| 696e6f722c20796f6761207363686f6f6c20616e | inor, yoga school an
| 642070696d70207363686f6f6c2e204927766520 | d pimp school. I've
| 6265656e2061204e6577204f726c65616e732073 | been a New Orleans s
| 7472656574206172746973742c206661726d2068 | treet artist, farm h
| 616e642c20686f737069636520776f726b65722c | and, hospice worker,
| 20616e642061206c6561746865722053264d2073 | and a leather S&M s
| 746f7265206d616e616765722e20492776652077 | tore manager. I've w
| 6f726b656420666f72206120776f6d656e277320 | orked for a women's
| 73706972697475616c697479206d6167617a696e | spirituality magazin
| 652c20612054562073747564696f2c2047726565 | e, a TV studio, Gree
| 6e70656163652c20206172742067616c6c657269 | npeace, art galleri
| 65732e2049277665206265656e20616e206f776e | es. I've been an own
| 6572206f6620616e20696d706f72742062757369 | er of an import busi
| 6e65737320616e6420612066756c6c2074696d65 | ness and a full time
| 206172746973742e20492068617665206265656e | artist. I have been
| 20726963682e20492068617665206265656e2070 | rich. I have been p
| 6f6f722e2049277665206c6976656420696e2061 | oor. I've lived in a
| 2056572062757320616e6420696e206120626561 | VW bus and in a bea
| 75746966756c20636f6e646f206f6e2074686520 | utiful condo on the
| 626561636820696e204861776169692e20492068 | beach in Hawaii. I h
| 617665206d61737465726564206c756369642064 | ave mastered lucid d
| 7265616d696e6720616e6420616d20776f726b69 | reaming and am worki
| 6e67206f6e206c75636964206177616b656e6573 | ng on lucid awakenes
| 732e204d7920676f616c20696e206c6966652074 | s. My goal in life t
| 6f20626520746865206265737420706572736f6e | o be the best person
| 206661746865722f706172746e65722f61727469 | father/partner/arti
| 737420706f737369626c652e0d0a0d0a47656e65 | st possible. Gene
| 72616c20496e666f726d6174696f6e3a0d0a426f | ral Information: Bo
| 726e203139373120415052494c20313354484765 | rn 1971 APRIL 13THGe
| 6e646572203a20204d616c650d0a4c6f63617469 | nder : Male Locati
| 6f6e3a204368696361676f2049416d54696d654c | on: Chicago IAmTimeL