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| THIBA - Things/Texts Hidden In Bitcoin Addresses      readme >>> |
| hash160                                  | decoded text          |

| 0010d9f72419eded2c73b3f3caec774862f46e718941705bd80b63c00b4af4c6 |
| 7c313437372f4a616e2048656e6472696b204f6f | |1477/Jan Hendrik Oo
| 72742028323820417072696c203139303020e280 | rt (28 April 1900
| 932035204e6f76656d6265722031393932292077 | 5 November 1992) w
| 6173206120447574636820617374726f6e6f6d65 | as a Dutch astronome
| 722077686f206d616465207369676e6966696361 | r who made significa
| 6e7420636f6e747269627574696f6e7320746f20 | nt contributions to
| 74686520756e6465727374616e64696e67206f66 | the understanding of
| 20746865204d696c6b792057617920616e642061 | the Milky Way and a
| 2070696f6e65657220696e20746865206669656c | pioneer in the fiel
| 64206f6620726164696f20617374726f6e6f6d79 | d of radio astronomy
| 2e20486973204e657720596f726b2054696d6573 | . His New York Times
| 206f626974756172792063616c6c65642068696d | obituary called him
| 20e2809c6f6e65206f66207468652063656e7475 | one of the centu
| 7279277320666f72656d6f7374206578706c6f72 | ry's foremost explor
| 657273206f662074686520756e6976657273653b | ers of the universe;
| e2809d20746865204575726f7065616e20537061 | the European Spa
| 6365204167656e63792077656273697465206465 | ce Agency website de
| 736372696265732068696d2061732c20e2809c6f | scribes him as, o
| 6e65206f66207468652067726561746573742061 | ne of the greatest a
| 7374726f6e6f6d657273206f6620746865203230 | stronomers of the 20
| 74682063656e747572792ce2809d20616e642073 | th century, and s
| 7461746573207468617420686520e2809c726576 | tates that he rev
| 6f6c7574696f6e6973656420617374726f6e6f6d | olutionised astronom
| 79207468726f756768206869732067726f756e64 | y through his ground
| 2d627265616b696e6720646973636f7665726965 | -breaking discoverie
| 732ee2809d20496e20313935352c204f6f7274e2 | s. In 1955, Oort
| 809973206e616d6520617070656172656420696e | s name appeared in
| 204c696665204d6167617a696e65e2809973206c | Life Magazine s l
| 697374206f662074686520313030206d6f737420 | ist of the 100 most
| 66616d6f7573206c6976696e672070656f706c65 | famous living people
| 2e20486520686173206265656e20646573637269 | . He has been descri
| 62656420617320e2809c70757474696e67207468 | bed as putting th
| 65204e65746865726c616e647320696e20746865 | e Netherlands in the
| 20666f726566726f6e74206f6620706f73747761 | forefront of postwa
| 6f72742064657465726d696e6564207468617420 | ort determined that
| 746865204d696c6b792057617920726f74617465 | the Milky Way rotate
| 7320616e64206f7665727475726e656420746865 | s and overturned the
| 20696465612074686174207468652073756e2069 | idea that the sun i
| 73206174206974732063656e7465723b20686520 | s at its center; he
| 646973636f7665726564206d7973746572696f75 | discovered mysteriou
| 7320696e76697369626c6520276461726b206d61 | s invisible 'dark ma
| 747465722720696e203139333220776869636820 | tter' in 1932 which
| 69732062656c696576656420746f206d616b6520 | is believed to make
| 757020726f7567686c792038342e3525206f6620 | up roughly 84.5% of
| 74686520746f74616c206d617474657220696e20 | the total matter in
| 74686520756e69766572736520616e642077686f | the universe and who
| 7365206772617669746174696f6e616c2070756c | se gravitational pul
| 6c2063617573657320e2809c74686520636c7573 | l causes the clus
| 746572696e67206f6620737461727320696e746f | tering of stars into
| 2067616c617869657320616e642067616c617869 | galaxies and galaxi
| 657320696e746f20636f6e6e656374696e672073 | es into connecting s
| 7472696e6773206f662067616c61786965732ee2 | trings of galaxies.
| 809d20486520646973636f766572656420746865 | He discovered the
| 2067616c61637469632068616c6f2c2061206772 | galactic halo, a gr
| 6f7570206f66207374617273206f72626974696e | oup of stars orbitin
| 6720746865204d696c6b79205761792062757420 | g the Milky Way but
| 6f75747369646520746865206d61696e20646973 | outside the main dis
| 6b2e204164646974696f6e616c6c79204f6f7274 | k. Additionally Oort
| 20697320726573706f6e7369626c6520666f7220 | is responsible for
| 61206e756d626572206f6620696d706f7274616e | a number of importan
| 7420696e7369676874732061626f757420636f6d | t insights about com
| 6574732c20696e636c7564696e67207468652072 | ets, including the r
| 65616c697a6174696f6e20746861742074686569 | ealization that thei
| 72206f726269747320e2809c696d706c69656420 | r orbits implied
| 7468657265207761732061206c6f74206d6f7265 | there was a lot more
| 20736f6c61722073797374656d207468616e2074 | solar system than t
| 686520726567696f6e206f636375706965642062 | he region occupied b
| 0a546865204f6f727420636c6f75642c20746865 | The Oort cloud, the
| 204f6f727420636f6e7374616e74732c20616e64 | Oort constants, and
| 207468652041737465726f69642c203136393120 | the Asteroid, 1691
| 4f6f72742c207765726520616c6c206e616d6564 | Oort, were all named
| 2061667465722068696d2e202d2d57696b697065 | after him. --Wikipe
| 6469614a616e4f6f72742e6a70677c393838393c | diaJanOort.jpg|9889<
| 5061696e742e4e45542076332e352e3131000001 | Paint.NET v3.5.11
| 2e2a2a2e5e4347384d6f6275736d626c6a7b8ab1 | .**.^CG8Mobusmblj{
| 35363738393a434445464748494a535455565758 | 56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWX
| 595a636465666768696a737475767778797a8384 | YZcdefghijstuvwxyz
| 38393a434445464748494a535455565758595a63 | 89:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZc
| 6465666768696a737475767778797a8283848586 | defghijstuvwxyz

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| 3030313064396637323431396564656432633733 | 0010d9f72419eded2c73
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| 3839343137303562643830623633633030623461 | 8941705bd80b63c00b4a
| 663463363c3236345c3030313064396637323431 | f4c6<264\0010d9f7241
| 3965646564326337336233663363616563373734 | 9eded2c73b3f3caec774
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| 623633633030623461663463360d0a3964303337 | b63c00b4af4c6 9d037
| 6139653066353066616639623262623932326632 | a9e0f50faf9b2bb922f2
| 3964316235343235393232306333316561333437 | 9d1b54259220c31ea347
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| 3434313635613461643561393531333631386262 | 44165a4ad5a9513618bb
| 62653535623566643465610d0a37584d73554600 | be55b5fd4ea 7XMsUF