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| hash160                                  | decoded text          |

| 0ef9a7cbca3166b61bdaaf1f0652a90b36c661141ec4abe1579c5a939fc94119 |
| 2f323532395c4973616163204173696d6f762028 | /2529\Isaac Asimov (
| 4a616e7561727920322c203139323020e2809320 | January 2, 1920
| 417072696c20362c203139393229207761732061 | April 6, 1992) was a
| 6e20416d65726963616e20617574686f7220616e | n American author an
| 642070726f666573736f72206f662062696f6368 | d professor of bioch
| 656d697374727920617420426f73746f6e20556e | emistry at Boston Un
| 69766572736974792c2062657374206b6e6f776e | iversity, best known
| 20666f722068697320776f726b73206f66207363 | for his works of sc
| 69656e63652066696374696f6e20616e6420666f | ience fiction and fo
| 722068697320706f70756c617220736369656e63 | r his popular scienc
| 6520626f6f6b732e204173696d6f762077617320 | e books. Asimov was
| 6f6e65206f6620746865206d6f73742070726f6c | one of the most prol
| 696669632077726974657273206f6620616c6c20 | ific writers of all
| 74696d652c20686176696e67207772697474656e | time, having written
| 206f7220656469746564206d6f7265207468616e | or edited more than
| 2035303020626f6f6b7320616e6420616e206573 | 500 books and an es
| 74696d617465642039302c303030206c65747465 | timated 90,000 lette
| 727320616e6420706f737463617264732e204869 | rs and postcards. Hi
| 7320626f6f6b732068617665206265656e207075 | s books have been pu
| 626c697368656420696e2039206f662074686520 | blished in 9 of the
| 3130206d616a6f722063617465676f7269657320 | 10 major categories
| 6f662074686520446577657920446563696d616c | of the Dewey Decimal
| 20436c617373696669636174696f6e2e0d0a0d0a | Classification.
| 4173696d6f7620697320776964656c7920636f6e | Asimov is widely con
| 736964657265642061206d6173746572206f6620 | sidered a master of
| 6861726420736369656e63652066696374696f6e | hard science fiction
| 20616e642c20616c6f6e67207769746820526f62 | and, along with Rob
| 65727420412e204865696e6c65696e20616e6420 | ert A. Heinlein and
| 41727468757220432e20436c61726b652c206865 | Arthur C. Clarke, he
| 2077617320636f6e73696465726564206f6e6520 | was considered one
| 6f66207468652022426967205468726565222073 | of the "Big Three" s
| 6369656e63652066696374696f6e207772697465 | cience fiction write
| 727320647572696e6720686973206c6966657469 | rs during his lifeti
| 6d652e204173696d6f762773206d6f7374206661 | me. Asimov's most fa
| 6d6f757320776f726b2069732074686520466f75 | mous work is the Fou
| 6e646174696f6e205365726965733b2068697320 | ndation Series; his
| 6f74686572206d616a6f72207365726965732061 | other major series a
| 7265207468652047616c616374696320456d7069 | re the Galactic Empi
| 72652073657269657320616e642074686520526f | re series and the Ro
| 626f74207365726965732e205468652047616c61 | bot series. The Gala
| 6374696320456d70697265206e6f76656c732061 | ctic Empire novels a
| 7265206578706c696369746c792073657420696e | re explicitly set in
| 206561726c69657220686973746f7279206f6620 | earlier history of
| 7468652073616d652066696374696f6e616c2075 | the same fictional u
| 6e6976657273652061732074686520466f756e64 | niverse as the Found
| 6174696f6e207365726965732e204c617465722c | ation series. Later,
| 20626567696e6e696e67207769746820466f756e | beginning with Foun
| 646174696f6e277320456467652c206865206c69 | dation's Edge, he li
| 6e6b656420746869732064697374616e74206675 | nked this distant fu
| 7475726520746f2074686520526f626f7420616e | ture to the Robot an
| 64205370616365722073746f726965732c206372 | d Spacer stories, cr
| 656174696e67206120756e696669656420226675 | eating a unified "fu
| 7475726520686973746f72792220666f72206869 | ture history" for hi
| 732073746f72696573206d756368206c696b6520 | s stories much like
| 74686f73652070696f6e65657265642062792052 | those pioneered by R
| 6f6265727420412e204865696e6c65696e20616e | obert A. Heinlein an
| 642070726576696f75736c792070726f64756365 | d previously produce
| 6420627920436f72647761696e657220536d6974 | d by Cordwainer Smit
| 6820616e6420506f756c20416e646572736f6e2e | h and Poul Anderson.
| 2048652077726f74652068756e6472656473206f | He wrote hundreds o
| 662073686f72742073746f726965732c20696e63 | f short stories, inc
| 6c7564696e672074686520736f6369616c207363 | luding the social sc
| 69656e63652066696374696f6e20224e69676874 | ience fiction "Night
| 66616c6c222c20776869636820696e2031393634 | fall", which in 1964
| 2077617320766f74656420627920746865205363 | was voted by the Sc
| 69656e63652046696374696f6e20577269746572 | ience Fiction Writer
| 73206f6620416d65726963612074686520626573 | s of America the bes
| 742073686f727420736369656e63652066696374 | t short science fict
| 696f6e2073746f7279206f6620616c6c2074696d | ion story of all tim
| 652e204173696d6f762077726f74652074686520 | e. Asimov wrote the
| 4c75636b7920537461727220736572696573206f | Lucky Starr series o
| 66206a7576656e696c6520736369656e63652d66 | f juvenile science-f
| 696374696f6e206e6f76656c73207573696e6720 | iction novels using
| 7468652070656e206e616d65205061756c204672 | the pen name Paul Fr
| 656e63682e0d0a0d0a4173696d6f7620616c736f | ench. Asimov also
| 2077726f7465206d797374657269657320616e64 | wrote mysteries and
| 2066616e746173792c2061732077656c6c206173 | fantasy, as well as
| 206d756368206e6f6e66696374696f6e2e204d6f | much nonfiction. Mo
| 7374206f662068697320706f70756c6172207363 | st of his popular sc
| 69656e636520626f6f6b73206578706c61696e20 | ience books explain
| 736369656e746966696320636f6e636570747320 | scientific concepts
| 696e206120686973746f726963616c207761792c | in a historical way,
| 20676f696e6720617320666172206261636b2061 | going as far back a
| 7320706f737369626c6520746f20612074696d65 | s possible to a time
| 207768656e2074686520736369656e636520696e | when the science in
| 207175657374696f6e2077617320617420697473 | question was at its
| 2073696d706c6573742073746167652e20486520 | simplest stage. He
| 6f6674656e2070726f7669646573206e6174696f | often provides natio
| 6e616c69746965732c2062697274682064617465 | nalities, birth date
| 732c20616e642064656174682064617465732066 | s, and death dates f
| 6f722074686520736369656e7469737473206865 | or the scientists he
| 206d656e74696f6e732c2061732077656c6c2061 | mentions, as well a
| 73206574796d6f6c6f6769657320616e64207072 | s etymologies and pr
| 6f6e756e63696174696f6e206775696465732066 | onunciation guides f
| 6f7220746563686e6963616c207465726d732e20 | or technical terms.
| 4578616d706c657320696e636c75646520477569 | Examples include Gui
| 646520746f20536369656e63652c207468652074 | de to Science, the t
| 687265652d766f6c756d652073657420556e6465 | hree-volume set Unde
| 727374616e64696e6720506879736963732c2061 | rstanding Physics, a
| 6e64204173696d6f762773204368726f6e6f6c6f | nd Asimov's Chronolo
| 6779206f6620536369656e636520616e64204469 | gy of Science and Di
| 73636f766572792c2061732077656c6c20617320 | scovery, as well as
| 776f726b73206f6e20617374726f6e6f6d792c20 | works on astronomy,
| 6d617468656d61746963732c2074686520426962 | mathematics, the Bib
| 6c652c2057696c6c69616d205368616b65737065 | le, William Shakespe
| 61726527732077726974696e672c20616e642063 | are's writing, and c
| 68656d69737472792e0d0a0d0a4173696d6f7620 | hemistry. Asimov
| 7761732061206c6f6e672d74696d65206d656d62 | was a long-time memb
| 657220616e64207669636520707265736964656e | er and vice presiden
| 74206f66204d656e736120496e7465726e617469 | t of Mensa Internati
| 6f6e616c2c20616c626569742072656c75637461 | onal, albeit relucta
| 6e746c793b206865206465736372696265642073 | ntly; he described s
| 6f6d65206d656d62657273206f66207468617420 | ome members of that
| 6f7267616e697a6174696f6e2061732022627261 | organization as "bra
| 696e2d70726f756420616e642061676772657373 | in-proud and aggress
| 6976652061626f75742074686569722049517322 | ive about their IQs"
| 2e20486520746f6f6b206d6f7265206a6f792069 | . He took more joy i
| 6e206265696e6720707265736964656e74206f66 | n being president of
| 2074686520416d65726963616e2048756d616e69 | the American Humani
| 7374204173736f63696174696f6e2e2054686520 | st Association. The
| 61737465726f69642035303230204173696d6f76 | asteroid 5020 Asimov
| 2c206120637261746572206f6e2074686520706c | , a crater on the pl
| 616e6574204d6172732c20612042726f6f6b6c79 | anet Mars, a Brookly
| 6e2c204e657720596f726b20656c656d656e7461 | n, New York elementa
| 7279207363686f6f6c2c20616e642061206c6974 | ry school, and a lit
| 657261727920617761726420617265206e616d65 | erary award are name
| 6420696e2068697320686f6e6f722e4973616163 | d in his honor.Isaac
| 4173696d6f762e6a70673c31313738315cffd8ff | Asimov.jpg<11781\
| 78000000015061696e742e4e45542076332e352e | x Paint.NET v3.5.
| 4645505a736250556d5645466488656d777b8182 | FEPZsbPUmVEFd emw{
| 1e1a1e3b21213b7c5346537c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c | ;!!;|SFS|||||||||
| 7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c | ||||||||||||||||||||

| 3c667e40667c496ff7c220b3abc3db391e8a3ebc158ead91f6b2d9a2b486c6b7 |
| 3065663961376362636133313636623631626461 | 0ef9a7cbca3166b61bda
| 6166316630363532613930623336633636313134 | af1f0652a90b36c66114
| 3165633461626531353739633561393339666339 | 1ec4abe1579c5a939fc9
| 343131392a3333303a3065663961376362636133 | 4119*330:0ef9a7cbca3
| 3136366236316264616166316630363532613930 | 166b61bdaaf1f0652a90
| 6233366336363131343165633461626531353739 | b36c661141ec4abe1579
| 633561393339666339343131390d0a3961646533 | c5a939fc94119 9ade3
| 3632326435373861326237306666393432303463 | 622d578a2b70ff94204c
| 3535383864353432643631613438633839303331 | 5588d542d61a48c89031
| 313366346637366237326231656636323936320d | 13f4f76b72b1ef62962
| 0a37316464376538623861643039303262646131 | 71dd7e8b8ad0902bda1
| 6137363438666533306236356465613235333762 | a7648fe30b65dea2537b
| 3730396365633238323366383732373061356262 | 709cec2823f87270a5bb
| 30653634300d0a32393765313732633636306237 | 0e640 297e172c660b7
| 6162643133396562633634653836656462623839 | abd139ebc64e86edbb89
| 3530303030376330316239363665383865653766 | 500007c01b966e88ee7f
| 61653437313464363164320d0a34333161663336 | ae4714d61d2 431af36
| 6565363035376439626462313433363135353032 | ee6057d9bdb143615502
| 6665636362313430613430316264616239306337 | feccb140a401bdab90c7
| 38393466636462356138366437303039320d0a00 | 894fcdb5a86d70092

| 9ade3622d578a2b70ff94204c5588d542d61a48c8903113f4f76b72b1ef62962 |
| 7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c7c | ||||||||||||||||||||
| 2728292a3435363738393a434445464748494a53 | '()*456789:CDEFGHIJS
| 5455565758595a636465666768696a7374757677 | TUVWXYZcdefghijstuvw
| 292a35363738393a434445464748494a53545556 | )*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUV
| 5758595a636465666768696a737475767778797a | WXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz