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| 612050617276613c2f7469746c653e0d0a3c2f68 | a Parva</title> </h
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| 65723e0d0a3c683120616c69676e3d2243454e54 | er> <h1 align="CENT
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| 544552223e426f6f6b2031383a20537661726761 | TER">Book 18: Svarga
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| 0a3c683320616c69676e3d2243454e544552223e | <h3 align="CENTER">
| 5472616e736c6174656420746f20656e676c6973 | Translated to englis
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| 6e736b7269743c2f613e5d3c62723e0d0a3c6120 | nskrit</a>]<br> <a
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| 3b266e6273703b266e6273703b266e6273703b20 | ;
| 647572796f6468616e61e1b98320707261746920 | duryodhana prati
| 63656461e1b983207661636f206d616d613c4252 | ceda vaco mama<BR
| 3e0d0a266e6273703b3c464f4e5420434f4c4f52 | > <FONT COLOR
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| 613c42523e0d0a266e6273703b266e6273703b26 | a<BR> &
| 6e6273703b266e6273703b20736164626869c59b | nbsp; sadbhi
| 2063612072c4816a617072617661726169722079 | ca r japravarair y
| 6120696d652073766172676176c48173696e61e1 | a ime svargav sina
| b8a53c42523e0d0a266e6273703b3c464f4e5420 | <BR> <FONT
| 434f4c4f523d22475245454e222053495a453d22 | COLOR="GREEN" SIZE="
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| 616c6f6b6167617469e1b983207072c48170746f | alokagati pr pto
| 207975646468652068757476c481746d616e6173 | yuddhe hutv tmanas
| 2074616e756d3c42523e0d0a266e6273703b266e | tanum<BR> &n
| 6273703b266e6273703b266e6273703b2079c5ab | bsp; y
| 7961e1b98320737661726765207375726173616d | ya svarge surasam
| c4812079656ec481207975646468652073616dc4 | yen yuddhe sam
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| 646861726d65e1b9876120737468c4816e616d20 | dharme a sth nam
| 65746164206176c48170746176c4816e3c42523e | etad av ptav n<BR>
| 0d0a266e6273703b266e6273703b266e6273703b |
| 266e6273703b206268617965206d616861746920 | bhaye mahati
| 796f20276268c4ab746f2062616268c5ab766120 | yo 'bh to babh va
| 3110113854abe9f25302de1273c539bafa9c06e6f962e38ef4340d5ce082905b |
| 737572726f756e64656420627920626561757469 | surrounded by beauti
| 66756c206f626a65637473206f66206469766572 | ful objects of diver
| 7365206b696e64732c2074686174206973206465 | se kinds, that is de
| 636b656420776974682067656d7320616e642063 | cked with gems and c
| 6f72616c732c2074686174206d6f766573206174 | orals, that moves at
| 207468652077696c6c206f662074686520726964 | the will of the rid
| 65722c20616e642074686174207465656d732077 | er, and that teems w
| 6974682077616974696e6720417073617261732c | ith waiting Apsaras,
| 20686520726f766573207468726f75676820616c | he roves through al
| 6c2074686520726567696f6e73206f662066656c | l the regions of fel
| 69636974792c206c696b652061207365636f6e64 | icity, like a second
| 206465697479206f66207468652053756e2e3c2f | deity of the Sun.</
| 703e20200d0a3c703e2241742074686520656967 | p> <p>"At the eig
| 687420506172616e612c20686520616371756972 | ht Parana, he acquir
| 65732074686520667275697473206f6620746865 | es the fruits of the
| 2052616a6173757961207361637269666963652e | Rajasuya sacrifice.
| 20486520617363656e6473206120636172206173 | He ascends a car as
| 2062656175746966756c20617320746865207269 | beautiful as the ri
| 73696e67206d6f6f6e2c20616e6420756e746f20 | sing moon, and unto
| 77686963682061726520796f6b65642073746565 | which are yoked stee
| 6473207768697465206173207468652072617973 | ds white as the rays
| 206f6620746865206d6f6f6e20616e6420656e64 | of the moon and end
| 756564207769746820746865207370656564206f | ued with the speed o
| 662074686f756768742e20486520697320736572 | f thought. He is ser
| 76656420627920776f6d656e206f662074686520 | ved by women of the
| 666f72656d6f73742062656175747920616e6420 | foremost beauty and
| 77686f736520666163657320617265206d6f7265 | whose faces are more
| 20636861726d696e67207468616e20746865206d | charming than the m
| 6f6f6e2e20486520686561727320746865206d75 | oon. He hears the mu
| 736963206f6620746865206761726c616e647320 | sic of the garlands
| 7468617420656e636972636c6520746865697220 | that encircle their
| 77616973747320616e6420746865204e75707572 | waists and the Nupur
| 617320656e636972636c696e6720746865697220 | as encircling their
| 616e6b6c65732e20536c656570696e6720776974 | ankles. Sleeping wit
| 682068697320686561642072657374696e67206f | h his head resting o
| 6e20746865206c617073206f6620776f6d656e20 | n the laps of women
| 6f66207472616e7363656e64656e742062656175 | of transcendent beau
| 74792c206865206177616b65732067726561746c | ty, he awakes greatl
| 79207265667265736865642e3c2f703e20200d0a | y refreshed.</p>
| 3c703e22417420746865206e696e746820506172 | <p>"At the ninth Par
| 616e612c2068652061637175697265732c204f20 | ana, he acquires, O
| 426861726174612c207468652066727569747320 | Bharata, the fruits
| 6f66207468617420666f72656d6f7374206f6620 | of that foremost of
| 736163726966696365732c2076697a2e2c207468 | sacrifices, viz., th
| 6520486f7273652d7361637269666963652e2041 | e Horse-sacrifice. A
| 7363656e64696e67206f6e206120636172206571 | scending on a car eq
| 7569707420776974682061206368616d62657220 | uipt with a chamber
| 636f6e73697374696e67206f66206120746f7020 | consisting of a top
| 737570706f7274656420627920636f6c756d6e73 | supported by columns
| 206f6620676f6c642c206675726e697368656420 | of gold, furnished
| 7769746820612073656174206d616465206f6620 | with a seat made of
| 73746f6e6573206f66206c61706973206c617a75 | stones of lapis lazu
| 6c692c20776974682077696e646f7773206f6e20 | li, with windows on
| 616c6c207369646573206d616465206f66207075 | all sides made of pu
| 726520676f6c642c20616e64207465656d696e67 | re gold, and teeming
| 20776974682077616974696e6720417073617261 | with waiting Apsara
| 7320616e642047616e6468617276617320616e64 | s and Gandharvas and
| 206f746865722063656c65737469616c732c2068 | other celestials, h
| 6520626c617a657320666f72746820696e207370 | e blazes forth in sp
| 6c656e646f75722e2057656172696e672063656c | lendour. Wearing cel
| 65737469616c206761726c616e647320616e6420 | estial garlands and
| 726f6265732c20616e64206465636b6564207769 | robes, and decked wi
| 74682063656c65737469616c20756e6775656e74 | th celestial unguent
| 732c2068652073706f72747320696e20626c6973 | s, he sports in blis
| 732c2077697468206465697469657320666f7220 | s, with deities for
| 68697320636f6d70616e696f6e732c20696e2048 | his companions, in H
| 656176656e2c206c696b652061207365636f6e64 | eaven, like a second
| 2064656974792068696d73656c662e3c2f703e20 | deity himself.</p>
| 200d0a3c703e225265616368696e672074686520 | <p>"Reaching the
| 74656e746820506172616e6120616e6420677261 | tenth Parana and gra
| 74696679696e6720427261686d616e61732c2068 | tifying Brahmanas, h
| 6520616371756972657320612063617220776869 | e acquires a car whi
| 63682074696e6b6c6573207769746820696e6e75 | ch tinkles with innu
| 6d657261626c652062656c6c732c207768696368 | merable bells, which
| 206973206465636b6564207769746820666c6167 | is decked with flag
| 7320616e642062616e6e6572732c207768696368 | s and banners, which
| 2069732065717569707420776974682061207365 | is equipt with a se
| 6174206d616465206f662070726563696f757320 | at made of precious
| 67656d732c20776869636820686173206d616e79 | gems, which has many
| 20617263686573206d616465206f66206c617069 | arches made of lapi
| 73206c617a756c692c2077686963682068617320 | s lazuli, which has
| 61206e65742d776f726b206f6620676f6c642061 | a net-work of gold a
| 6c6c20726f756e642c2077686963682068617320 | ll round, which has
| 74757272657473206d616465206f6620636f7261 | turrets made of cora
| 6c732c2077686963682069732061646f726e6564 | ls, which is adorned
| 20776974682047616e6468617276617320616e64 | with Gandharvas and
| 20417073617261732077656c6c2d736b696c6c65 | Apsaras well-skille
| 6420696e2073696e67696e672c20616e64207768 | d in singing, and wh
| 6963682069732066697420666f72207468652072 | ich is fit for the r
| 65736964656e6365206f66207468652052696768 | esidence of the Righ
| 74656f75732e2043726f776e6564207769746820 | teous. Crowned with
| 612064696164656d206f662074686520636f6d70 | a diadem of the comp
| 6c6578696f6e206f6620666972652c206465636b | lexion of fire, deck
| 65642077697468206f726e616d656e7473206f66 | ed with ornaments of
| 20676f6c642c2068697320706572736f6e20736d | gold, his person sm
| 656172656420776974682063656c65737469616c | eared with celestial
| 2073616e64616c70617374652c206761726e6973 | sandalpaste, garnis
| 68656420776974682063656c65737469616c2077 | hed with celestial w
| 7265617468732c20686520726f76657320746872 | reaths, he roves thr
| 6f75676820616c6c2063656c65737469616c2072 | ough all celestial r
| 6567696f6e732c20656e6a6f79696e6720616c6c | egions, enjoying all
| 2063656c65737469616c206f626a65637473206f | celestial objects o
| 6620656e6a6f796d656e742c20616e6420656e64 | f enjoyment, and end
| 75656420776974682067726561742073706c656e | ued with great splen
| 646f75722c207468726f75676820746865206772 | dour, through the gr
| 616365206f662074686520646569746965732e3c | ace of the deities.<
| 2f703e20200d0a3c703e2254687573206163636f | /p> <p>"Thus acco
| 75747265642c2068652072656365697665732068 | utred, he receives h
| 69676820686f6e6f75727320696e204865617665 | igh honours in Heave
| 6e20666f72206d616e79206c6f6e672079656172 | n for many long year
| 732e20576974682047616e646861727661732069 | s. With Gandharvas i
| 6e2068697320636f6d70616e792c20666f722066 | n his company, for f
| 756c6c2032312c3030302079656172732c206865 | ull 21,000 years, he
| 2073706f72747320696e20626c69737320776974 | sports in bliss wit
| 6820496e6472612068696d73656c6620696e2061 | h Indra himself in a
| 626f6465206f6620496e6472612e20486520726f | bode of Indra. He ro
| 76657320617420706c6561737572652065766572 | ves at pleasure ever
| 7920646179207468726f75676820746865206469 | y day through the di
| 766572736520726567696f6e73206f6620746865 | verse regions of the
| 20676f64732c20726964696e67206f6e2063656c | gods, riding on cel
| 65737469616c206361727320616e6420636f6e76 | estial cars and conv
| 6579616e6365732c20616e6420737572726f756e | eyances, and surroun
| 6465642062792063656c65737469616c2064616d | ded by celestial dam
| 73656c73206f66207472616e7363656e64656e74 | sels of transcendent
| 206265617574792e2048652069732061626c6520 | beauty. He is able
| 746f20676f20746f207468652061626f6465206f | to go to the abode o
| 662074686520736f6c61722064656974792c206f | f the solar deity, o
| 6620746865206c756e61722064656974792c2061 | f the lunar deity, a
| 6e64206f6620536976612c204f206b696e672e20 | nd of Siva, O king.
| 496e646565642c20686520737563636565647320 | Indeed, he succeeds
| 696e206c6976696e6720696e207468652073616d | in living in the sam
| 6520726567696f6e207769746820566973686e75 | e region with Vishnu
| 2068696d73656c662e204974206973206576656e | himself. It is even
| 20736f2c204f206d6f6e617263682e2054686572 | so, O monarch. Ther
| 65206973206e6f20646f75627420696e20746869 | e is no doubt in thi
| 732e204120706572736f6e206c697374656e696e | s. A person listenin
| 6720776974682066616974682c206265636f6d65 | g with faith, become
| 73206576656e20736f2e204d7920707265636570 | s even so. My precep
| 746f7220686173207361696420746869732e2055 | tor has said this. U
| 6e746f2074686520726563697465722073686f75 | nto the reciter shou
| 6c6420626520676976656e20616c6c2073756368 | ld be given all such
| 206f626a65637473206173206865206d61792077 | objects as he may w
| 6973682e20456c657068616e747320616e642073 | ish. Elephants and s
| 746565647320616e64206361727320616e642063 | teeds and cars and c
| 6f6e766579616e6365732c20657370656369616c | onveyances, especial
| 6c7920616e696d616c7320616e64207468652076 | ly animals and the v
| 656869636c6573207468657920647261772c2061 | ehicles they draw, a
| 2062726163656c6574206f6620676f6c642c2061 | bracelet of gold, a
| 2070616972206f66206561722d72696e67732c20 | pair of ear-rings,
| 73616372656420746872656164732c2062656175 | sacred threads, beau
| 746966756c20726f6265732c20616e6420706572 | tiful robes, and per
| 66756d657320696e20657370656369616c202873 | fumes in especial (s
| 686f756c6420626520676976656e292e20427920 | hould be given). By
| 776f727368697070696e672068696d2061732061 | worshipping him as a
| 206465697479206f6e652061747461696e732074 | deity one attains t
| 6f2074686520726567696f6e73206f6620566973 | o the regions of Vis
| 686e752e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e2241667465 | hnu.</p> <p>"Afte
| 7220746869732049207368616c6c206465636c61 | r this I shall decla
| 726520776861742073686f756c64206265206769 | re what should be gi
| 76656e20617761792c2061732065616368203c69 | ven away, as each <i
| 3e7061727661203c2f693e697320726561636865 | >parva </i>is reache
| 64206f6620746865203c693e4268617261746120 | d of the <i>Bharata
| 3c2f693e696e20636f75727365206f6620697473 | </i>in course of its
| 2072656369746174696f6e2c20756e746f203c69 | recitation, unto <i
| 6a72aed991f7cb10c29dab995de70a78ec76c387c594b742744a802c906faf60 |
| 6273703b266e6273703b3c464f4e5420434f4c4f | bsp; <FONT COLO
| 523d22475245454e222053495a453d222d31223e | R="GREEN" SIZE="-1">
| 373c2f464f4e543e0d0a2062727576616e6e2075 | 7</FONT> bruvann u
| 63636169722076616361732074c4816e20766169 | ccair vacas t n vai
| 206ec4816861e1b98320647572796f6468616e65 | n ha duryodhane
| 6e61207661693c42523e0d0a266e6273703b266e | na vai<BR> &n
| 6273703b266e6273703b266e6273703b266e6273 | bsp; &nbs
| 703b20736168697461e1b8a5206bc4816d617965 | p; sahita k maye
| 3e0d0a266e6273703b266e6273703b3c464f4e54 | > <FONT
| 20434f4c4f523d22475245454e222053495a453d | COLOR="GREEN" SIZE=
| 222d31223e383c2f464f4e543e0d0a207961746b | "-1">8</FONT> yatk
| 73703b266e6273703b266e6273703b266e627370 | sp;  
| 3b266e6273703b20686174c481736dc481626869 | ; hat sm bhi
| e1b8a52070726173616879c4816a6175206b6c69 | prasahy jau kli
| 83206d6168c48176616e653c42523e0d0a266e62 | mah vane<BR> &nb
| 73703b266e6273703b3c464f4e5420434f4c4f52 | sp; <FONT COLOR
| 3d22475245454e222053495a453d222d31223e39 | ="GREEN" SIZE="-1">9
| 3c2f464f4e543e0d0a2064726175706164c4ab20 | </FONT> draupad
| 63612073616268c4816d61646879652070c481c3 | ca sabh madhye p
| 703b266e6273703b266e6273703b266e6273703b | p;
| 20677572757361e1b9836e69646861753c42523e | gurusa nidhau<BR>
| 0d0a266e6273703b266e6273703b3c464f4e5420 | <FONT
| 434f4c4f523d22475245454e222053495a453d22 | COLOR="GREEN" SIZE="
| 2d31223e31303c2f464f4e543e0d0a2073766173 | -1">10</FONT> svas
| 746920646576c481206e61206d65206bc4816d61 | ti dev na me k ma
| e1b8a5207375796f6468616e616d207564c4ab6b | suyodhanam ud k
| e1b9a36974756d3c42523e0d0a266e6273703b26 | itum<BR> &
| 6e6273703b266e6273703b266e6273703b207461 | nbsp; ta
| 7472c4816861e1b9832067616e74756d20696363 | tr ha gantum icc
| 68c4816d6920796174726120746520626872c481 | h mi yatra te bhr
| 7461726f206d616d613c42523e0d0a266e627370 | taro mama<BR>  
| 3b3c464f4e5420434f4c4f523d22475245454e22 | ;<FONT COLOR="GREEN"
| 2053495a453d222d31223e31313c2f464f4e543e | SIZE="-1">11</FONT>
| 0d0a206d616976616d20697479206162726176c4 | maivam ity abrav
| b8a520707261686173616e6e206976613c42523e | prahasann iva<BR>
| 0d0a266e6273703b266e6273703b266e6273703b |
| 266e6273703b20737661726765206e6976c48173 | svarge niv s
| 6f2072c4816a656e647261207669727564646861 | o r jendra viruddha
| 523e0d0a266e6273703b3c464f4e5420434f4c4f | R> <FONT COLO
| 880962b2be61f3ffd1053bff45b9ca13ce348caae7a929b18a567de9dce35b14 |
| 3e0d0a266e6273703b3c464f4e5420434f4c4f52 | > <FONT COLOR
| 3d22475245454e222053495a453d222d31223e31 | ="GREEN" SIZE="-1">1
| 363c2f464f4e543e0d0a206e612074616e206d61 | 6</FONT> na tan ma
| 6e617369206b61727461767961e1b98320707574 | nasi kartavya put
| 726120796164206479c5ab74616bc48172697461 | ra yad dy tak rita
| 6d3c42523e0d0a266e6273703b266e6273703b26 | m<BR> &
| 6e6273703b266e6273703b206472617570616479 | nbsp; draupady
| 83206e612063696e7461796174756d2061726861 | na cintayatum arha
| 73693c42523e0d0a266e6273703b3c464f4e5420 | si<BR> <FONT
| 434f4c4f523d22475245454e222053495a453d22 | COLOR="GREEN" SIZE="
| 2d31223e31373c2f464f4e543e0d0a2079652063 | -1">17</FONT> ye c
| c4816e79652027706920706172696b6c65c59bc4 | nye 'pi parikle
| 6e6273703b266e6273703b266e6273703b266e62 | nbsp; &nb
| 617468612076c4816e79c481747261206e612074 | atha v ny tra na t
| c4816e207361e1b983736d617274756d20617268 | n sa smartum arh
| 6173693c42523e0d0a266e6273703b3c464f4e54 | asi<BR> <FONT
| 20434f4c4f523d22475245454e222053495a453d | COLOR="GREEN" SIZE=
| 222d31223e31383c2f464f4e543e0d0a2073616d | "-1">18</FONT> sam
| 68616e656e61207661693c42523e0d0a266e6273 | hanena vai<BR> &nbs
| 703b266e6273703b266e6273703b266e6273703b | p;
| 2073766172676f20277961e1b983206e65686120 | svargo 'ya neha
| 76616972c481e1b987692062686176616e746920 | vair i bhavanti
| 6d616e756ac48164686970613c42523e0d0a266e | manuj dhipa<BR> &n
| 6273703b3c464f4e5420434f4c4f523d22475245 | bsp;<FONT COLOR="GRE
| 454e222053495a453d222d31223e31393c2f464f | EN" SIZE="-1">19</FO
| 4e543e0d0a206ec481726164656e616976616d20 | NT> n radenaivam
| 756b746173207475206b75727572c4816a6f2079 | uktas tu kurur jo y
| 3e0d0a266e6273703b266e6273703b266e627370 | >  
| 3b266e6273703b20626872c48174e1b99d6e2070 | ; bhr t n p
| 6170726163636861206d656468c48176c4ab2076 | apraccha medh v v
| c4816b79616d2065746164207576c48163612068 | kyam etad uv ca h
| 613c42523e0d0a266e6273703b3c464f4e542043 | a<BR> <FONT C
| 4f4c4f523d22475245454e222053495a453d222d | OLOR="GREEN" SIZE="-
| 31223e32303c2f464f4e543e0d0a207961646920 | 1">20</FONT> yadi
| 647572796f6468616e617379616974652076c4ab | duryodhanasyaite v
| e1b8a53c42523e0d0a266e6273703b266e627370 | <BR>  
| 3b266e6273703b266e6273703b2061646861726d | ; adharm
| 616ac3b1617379612070c48170617379612070e1 | aj asya p pasya p
| 756861e1b8a53c42523e0d0a266e6273703b3c46 | uha <BR> <F
| 4f4e5420434f4c4f523d22475245454e22205349 | ONT COLOR="GREEN" SI
| 5a453d222d31223e32313c2f464f4e543e0d0a20 | ZE="-1">21</FONT>
| 736172617468612064766970c4813c42523e0d0a | saratha dvip <BR>
| 266e6273703b266e6273703b266e6273703b266e | &n
| 6273703b2076617961e1b983206361206d616e79 | bsp; vaya ca many
| b8a53c42523e0d0a266e6273703b3c464f4e5420 | <BR> <FONT
| 8d5a9d3b29721f6544189d554770cf5e0e4e782f6b634df9fe7dc451abcee4d5 |
| 6e6273703b3c464f4e5420434f4c4f523d224752 | nbsp;<FONT COLOR="GR
| 45454e222053495a453d222d31223e32363c2f46 | EEN" SIZE="-1">26</F
| 0a266e6273703b266e6273703b266e6273703b26 | &
| 6e6273703b20616268696d616e7975e1b9832063 | nbsp; abhimanyu c
| 81726164613c42523e0d0a3c2f54443e0d0a3c2f | rada<BR> </TD> </
| 54523e0d0a3c2f5441424c453e0d0a3c503e3c48 | TR> </TABLE> <P><H
| 523e0d0a3c43454e5445523e0d0a3c4120485245 | R> <CENTER> <A HRE
| 463d227331383030322e68746d223e4e6578743a | F="s18002.htm">Next:
| 204368617074657220323c2f413e3c2f43454e54 | Chapter 2</A></CENT
| 45523e0d0a3c2f424f44593e0d0a3c2f48544d4c | ER> </BODY> </HTML
| 3e0d0a4d616861626861726174612e6a70672231 | > Mahabharata.jpg"1
| 90845262265d84b48ea73f8187aa6bc399e8e977ae0aa3444fbbcea4a11c2125 |
| 434f4c4f523d22475245454e222053495a453d22 | COLOR="GREEN" SIZE="
| 2d31223e32323c2f464f4e543e0d0a2079652074 | -1">22</FONT> ye t
| 20626872c4817461726f206d65206d6168c48176 | bhr taro me mah v
| 266e6273703b266e6273703b266e6273703b2073 | s
| 6174796170726174696ac3b1c481206c6f6b6173 | atyapratij lokas
| 703b3c464f4e5420434f4c4f523d22475245454e | p;<FONT COLOR="GREEN
| 222053495a453d222d31223e32333c2f464f4e54 | " SIZE="-1">23</FONT
| 68616d3c42523e0d0a266e6273703b266e627370 | ham<BR>  
| 3b266e6273703b266e6273703b206b6172e1b987 | ; kar
| 7479617361e1b983676172616d3c42523e0d0a26 | tyasa garam<BR> &
| 6e6273703b3c464f4e5420434f4c4f523d224752 | nbsp;<FONT COLOR="GR
| 45454e222053495a453d222d31223e32343c2f46 | EEN" SIZE="-1">24</F
| 6e617379612063c481746d616ac4816e3c42523e | nasya c tmaj n<BR>
| 0d0a266e6273703b266e6273703b266e6273703b |
| 266e6273703b20796520636120c59b6173747261 | ye ca astra
| 0d0a266e6273703b3c464f4e5420434f4c4f523d | <FONT COLOR=
| 22475245454e222053495a453d222d31223e3235 | "GREEN" SIZE="-1">25
| 3c2f464f4e543e0d0a206b7661206e7520746520 | </FONT> kva nu te
| 70c4817274686976c48120627261686d616e6e20 | p rthiv brahmann
| 6164613c42523e0d0a266e6273703b266e627370 | ada<BR>  
| 3b266e6273703b266e6273703b20766972c481e1 | ; vir
| b9ad616472757061646175206361697661206468 | adrupadau caiva dh
| a1bb1d48d6aa62c7f83cf7c18e15d0c5fdca5113acc0ae2c88d29c6d5e693e23 |
| 3e627261686d616e61732c203c2f693e61667465 | >brahmanas, </i>afte
| 722061736365727461696e696e67207468656972 | r ascertaining their
| 2062697274682c20636f756e7472792c20747275 | birth, country, tru
| 746866756c6e6573732c20616e64206772656174 | thfulness, and great
| 6e6573732c204f206368696566206f6620426861 | ness, O chief of Bha
| 7261746126233134363b7320726163652c206173 | rata’s race, as
| 20616c736f20746865697220696e636c696e6174 | also their inclinat
| 696f6e20666f722070696574792c20616e642075 | ion for piety, and u
| 6e746f203c693e6b736861747269796173203c2f | nto <i>kshatriyas </
| 693e746f6f2c204f206b696e672c206166746572 | i>too, O king, after
| 2061736365727461696e6d656e74206f66207369 | ascertainment of si
| 6d696c617220706172746963756c6172732e2043 | milar particulars. C
| 617573696e672074686520427261686d616e6173 | ausing the Brahmanas
| 20746f2075747465722062656e6564696374696f | to utter benedictio
| 6e732c2074686520627573696e657373206f6620 | ns, the business of
| 72656369746174696f6e2073686f756c64206265 | recitation should be
| 20626567756e2e205768656e2061203c693e7061 | begun. When a <i>pa
| 727661203c2f693e69732066696e69736865642c | rva </i>is finished,
| 20746865203c693e627261686d616e6173203c2f | the <i>brahmanas </
| 693e73686f756c6420626520776f727368697070 | i>should be worshipp
| 656420746f207468652062657374206f66206f6e | ed to the best of on
| 6526233134363b7320706f7765722e2041742066 | e’s power. At f
| 697273742c2074686520726563697465722c2063 | irst, the reciter, c
| 6c616420696e20676f6f6420726f62657320616e | lad in good robes an
| 6420736d65617265642077697468207065726675 | d smeared with perfu
| 6d65642070617374652c2073686f756c642c204f | med paste, should, O
| 206b696e672c2062652064756c79206665642077 | king, be duly fed w
| 69746820686f6e657920616e64206672756d656e | ith honey and frumen
| 7479206f66207468652062657374206b696e642e | ty of the best kind.
| 3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e225768656e20746865 | </p> <p>"When the
| 203c693e417374696b612d7061727661203c2f69 | <i>Astika-parva </i
| 3e6973206265696e6720726563697465642c203c | >is being recited, <
| 693e627261686d616e6173203c2f693e73686f75 | i>brahmanas </i>shou
| 6c6420626520656e7465727461696e6564207769 | ld be entertained wi
| 74682066727569747320616e6420726f6f74732c | th fruits and roots,
| 20616e64206672756d656e74792c20616e642068 | and frumenty, and h
| 6f6e657920616e6420636c617269666965642062 | oney and clarified b
| 75747465722c20616e64207269636520626f696c | utter, and rice boil
| 65642077697468207261772073756761722e3c2f | ed with raw sugar.</
| 703e20200d0a3c703e225768656e20746865203c | p> <p>"When the <
| 693e53616268612d7061727661203c2f693e6973 | i>Sabha-parva </i>is
| 206265696e6720726563697465642c203c693e62 | being recited, <i>b
| 7261686d616e6173203c2f693e73686f756c6420 | rahmanas </i>should
| 6265206665642077697468203c693e6861626973 | be fed with <i>habis
| 7961203c2f693e616c6f6e672077697468203c69 | ya </i>along with <i
| 3e617075706173203c2f693e616e64203c693e70 | >apupas </i>and <i>p
| 75706173203c2f693e616e64203c693e6d6f6461 | upas </i>and <i>moda
| 6b61732c203c2f693e4f206b696e672e3c2f703e | kas, </i>O king.</p>
| 20200d0a3c703e225768656e20746865203c693e | <p>"When the <i>
| 4172616e79616b612d7061727661203c2f693e69 | Aranyaka-parva </i>i
| 73206265696e6720726563697465642c20737570 | s being recited, sup
| 6572696f72203c693e627261686d616e6173203c | erior <i>brahmanas <
| 2f693e73686f756c642062652066656420776974 | /i>should be fed wit
| 682066727569747320616e6420726f6f74732e3c | h fruits and roots.<
| 2f703e20200d0a3c703e225768656e2074686520 | /p> <p>"When the
| 3c693e4172616e692d7061727661203c2f693e69 | <i>Arani-parva </i>i
| 7320726561636865642c2077617465722d706f74 | s reached, water-pot
| 732066756c6c206f662077617465722073686f75 | s full of water shou
| 6c6420626520676976656e20617761792e204d61 | ld be given away. Ma
| 6e79207375706572696f72206b696e6473206f66 | ny superior kinds of
| 2064656c6963696f757320666f6f642c20616c73 | delicious food, als
| 6f207269636520616e642066727569747320616e | o rice and fruits an
| 6420726f6f74732c20616e6420666f6f6420706f | d roots, and food po
| 73736573736564206f6620657665727920616772 | ssessed of every agr
| 656561626c65206174747269627574652c207368 | eeable attribute, sh
| 6f756c642062652070726573656e74656420756e | ould be presented un
| 746f20746865203c693e627261686d616e61732e | to the <i>brahmanas.
| 3c2f693e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e2244757269 | </i></p> <p>"Duri
| 6e67207468652072656369746174696f6e206f66 | ng the recitation of
| 20746865203c693e5669726174612d7061727661 | the <i>Virata-parva
| 203c2f693e64697665727365206b696e6473206f | </i>diverse kinds o
| 6620726f6265732073686f756c64206265206769 | f robes should be gi
| 76656e20617761793b20616e6420647572696e67 | ven away; and during
| 2074686174206f6620746865203c693e5564796f | that of the <i>Udyo
| 67612d70617276612c203c2f693e4f2063686965 | ga-parva, </i>O chie
| 66206f66207468652042686172617461732c2074 | f of the Bharatas, t
| 68652074776963652d626f726e206f6e65732c20 | he twice-born ones,
| 6166746572206265696e67206465636b65642077 | after being decked w
| 6974682070657266756d657320616e6420676172 | ith perfumes and gar
| 6c616e64732c2073686f756c6420626520656e74 | lands, should be ent
| 65727461696e6564207769746820666f6f642070 | ertained with food p
| 6f73736573736564206f66206576657279206167 | ossessed of every ag
| 72656561626c65207175616c6974792e3c2f703e | reeable quality.</p>
| 20200d0a3c703e22447572696e67207468652072 | <p>"During the r
| 656369746174696f6e206f6620746865203c693e | ecitation of the <i>
| 42686973686d612d70617276612c203c2f693e4f | Bhishma-parva, </i>O
| 206b696e67206f66206b696e67732c2061667465 | king of kings, afte
| 7220676976696e67207468656d20657863656c6c | r giving them excell
| 656e74206361727320616e6420636f6e76657961 | ent cars and conveya
| 6e6365732c20666f6f642073686f756c64206265 | nces, food should be
| 20676976656e2074686174206973207075726520 | given that is pure
| 616e642077656c6c2d636f6f6b656420616e6420 | and well-cooked and
| 706f73736573736564206f662065766572792064 | possessed of every d
| 6573697261626c65206174747269627574652e3c | esirable attribute.<
| 2f703e20200d0a3c703e22447572696e67207468 | /p> <p>"During th
| 65203c693e44726f6e612d7061727661203c2f69 | e <i>Drona-parva </i
| 3e666f6f64206f66207665727920737570657269 | >food of very superi
| 6f72206b696e642073686f756c64206265206769 | or kind should be gi
| 76656e20746f206c6561726e6564203c693e6272 | ven to learned <i>br
| 61686d616e61732c203c2f693e617320616c736f | ahmanas, </i>as also
| 20626564732c204f206d6f6e617263682c20616e | beds, O monarch, an
| 6420626f777320616e6420676f6f642073776f72 | d bows and good swor
| 64732e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e22447572696e | ds.</p> <p>"Durin
| 67207468652072656369746174696f6e206f6620 | g the recitation of
| 746865203c693e4b61726e612d70617276612c20 | the <i>Karna-parva,
| 3c2f693e666f6f64206f662074686520666f7265 | </i>food of the fore
| 6d6f7374206b696e642c20626573696465732062 | most kind, besides b
| 65696e67207075726520616e642077656c6c2d63 | eing pure and well-c
| 6f6f6b65642c2073686f756c6420626520707265 | ooked, should be pre
| 73656e74656420756e746f20746865203c693e62 | sented unto the <i>b
| 7261686d616e6173203c2f693e62792074686520 | rahmanas </i>by the
| 686f7573652d686f6c6465722077697468207261 | house-holder with ra
| 7074206d696e642e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e22 | pt mind.</p> <p>"
| 447572696e67207468652072656369746174696f | During the recitatio
| 6e206f6620746865203c693e5368616c79612d70 | n of the <i>Shalya-p
| 617276612c203c2f693e4f206b696e67206f6620 | arva, </i>O king of
| 6b696e67732c20666f6f64207769746820636f6e | kings, food with con
| 66656374696f6e65727920616e64207269636520 | fectionery and rice
| 626f696c65642077697468207261772073756761 | boiled with raw suga
| 722c20617320616c736f2063616b6573206f6620 | r, as also cakes of
| 776865617420616e6420736f6f7468696e672061 | wheat and soothing a
| 6e64206e7574726974697665207669616e647320 | nd nutritive viands
| 616e64206472696e6b732073686f756c64206265 | and drinks should be
| 2070726573656e7465642e3c2f703e20200d0a3c | presented.</p> <
| 703e22447572696e672074686520726563697461 | p>"During the recita
| 74696f6e206f6620746865203c693e476164612d | tion of the <i>Gada-
| 70617276612c20627261686d616e6173203c2f69 | parva, brahmanas </i
| 3e73686f756c6420626520656e7465727461696e | >should be entertain
| 6564207769746820666f6f64206d697865642077 | ed with food mixed w
| 697468203c693e6d756467612e3c2f693e3c2f70 | ith <i>mudga.</i></p
| 3e20200d0a3c703e22447572696e672074686520 | > <p>"During the
| 72656369746174696f6e206f6620746865203c69 | recitation of the <i
| 3e537472692d70617276612c203c2f693e666f72 | >Stri-parva, </i>for
| 656d6f7374206f66203c693e627261686d616e61 | emost of <i>brahmana
| 73203c2f693e73686f756c6420626520656e7465 | s </i>should be ente
| 727461696e656420776974682067656d7320616e | rtained with gems an
| 642070726563696f75732073746f6e65733b2061 | d precious stones; a
| 6e6420647572696e672074686520726563697461 | nd during the recita
| 74696f6e206f6620746865203c693e4169736869 | tion of the <i>Aishi
| 6b612d70617276612c203c2f693e726963652062 | ka-parva, </i>rice b
| 6f696c656420696e20676865652073686f756c64 | oiled in ghee should
| 20666972737420626520676976656e2c20616e64 | first be given, and
| 207468656e20666f6f64207075726520616e6420 | then food pure and
| 77656c6c2d636f6f6b65642c20616e6420706f73 | well-cooked, and pos
| 736573736564206f662065766572792064657369 | sessed of every desi
| 7261626c65207175616c6974792c2073686f756c | rable quality, shoul
| 642062652070726573656e7465642e3c2f703e20 | d be presented.</p>
| 200d0a3c703e22447572696e6720746865207265 | <p>"During the re
| 6369746174696f6e206f6620746865203c693e53 | citation of the <i>S
| 68616e74692d70617276612c203c2f693e746865 | hanti-parva, </i>the
| 203c693e627261686d616e6173203c2f693e7368 | <i>brahmanas </i>sh
| 6f756c64206265206665642077697468203c693e | ould be fed with <i>
| 686176697379612e3c2f693e3c2f703e20200d0a | havisya.</i></p>
| 3c703e225768656e20746865203c693e41737661 | <p>"When the <i>Asva
| 6d656468696b612d7061727661203c2f693e6973 | medhika-parva </i>is
| 20726561636865642c20666f6f6420706f737365 | reached, food posse
| 73736564206f6620657665727920616772656561 | ssed of every agreea
| 626c65207175616c6974792073686f756c642062 | ble quality should b
| 6520676976656e3b20616e64207768656e207468 | e given; and when th
| 65203c693e417372616d766173696b61203c2f69 | e <i>Asramvasika </i
| 3e697320726561636865642c203c693e62726168 | >is reached, <i>brah
| 6d616e6173203c2f693e73686f756c6420626520 | manas </i>should be
| 656e7465727461696e65642077697468203c693e | entertained with <i>
| bfe7f7fb6984620c0a832eae5bdde7d7d5d1c424daa4882a732a7514482e5441 |
| 7074696f6e2220636f6e74656e743d2254686520 | ption" content="The
| 4d616861626861726174612c20426f6f6b203138 | Mahabharata, Book 18
| 3a20537661726761726f68616e696b6120506172 | : Svargarohanika Par
| 76613a204b2e4d2e2047616e67756c6920747261 | va: K.M. Ganguli tra
| 6e736c6174696f6e223e0d0a3c4d455441206e61 | nslation"> <META na
| 6d653d226b6579776f7264732220636f6e74656e | me="keywords" conten
| 743d224d616861626861726174612048696e6475 | t="Mahabharata Hindu
| 69736d20657465787420537661726761726f6861 | ism etext Svargaroha
| 6e696b61205061727661223e0d0a3c5449544c45 | nika Parva"> <TITLE
| 3e546865204d616861626861726174612c20426f | >The Mahabharata, Bo
| 6f6b2031383a20537661726761726f68616e696b | ok 18: Svargarohanik
| 612050617276613a2053656374696f6e20363c2f | a Parva: Section 6</
| 5449544c453e0d0a3c2f484541443e0d0a3c424f | TITLE> </HEAD> <BO
| 44593e0d0a3c43454e5445523e0d0a3c41204852 | DY> <CENTER> <A HR
| 45463d22696e6465782e68746d6c223e3c494d47 | EF="index.html"><IMG
| 205352433d224d616861626861726174612e6a70 | SRC="Mahabharata.jp
| 672220424f524445523d2230223e3c2f413e3c42 | g" BORDER="0"></A><B
| 523e0d0a3c4120485245463d22696e6465782e68 | R> <A HREF="index.h
| 746d6c223e496e6465783c2f413e266e6273703b | tml">Index</A>
| 0d0a3c4120485245463d226531383030352e6874 | <A HREF="e18005.ht
| 6d223e50726576696f75733c2f413e266e627370 | m">Previous</A> 
| 3c2f703e20200d0a3c7020616c69676e3d226365 | </p> <p align="ce
| 6e746572223e3c623e363c2f623e3c2f703e2020 | nter"><b>6</b></p>
| 0d0a3c703e4a616e616d656a6179612073616964 | <p>Janamejaya said
| 2c20224f20686f6c79206f6e652c206163636f72 | , "O holy one, accor
| 64696e6720746f20776861742072697465732073 | ding to what rites s
| 686f756c6420746865206c6561726e6564206c69 | hould the learned li
| 7374656e20746f2074686520426861726174613f | sten to the Bharata?
| 2057686174206172652074686520667275697473 | What are the fruits
| 202861637175697261626c652062792068656172 | (acquirable by hear
| 696e67206974293f205768617420646569746965 | ing it)? What deitie
| 732061726520746f20626520776f727368697070 | s are to be worshipp
| 656420647572696e672074686520736576657261 | ed during the severa
| 6c203c693e706172616e61733f203c2f693e5768 | l <i>paranas? </i>Wh
| 61742073686f756c642062652074686520676966 | at should be the gif
| 74732074686174206f6e652073686f756c64206d | ts that one should m
| 616b652c204f20686f6c79206f6e652c20617420 | ake, O holy one, at
| 6576657279203c693e7061727661203c2f693e6f | every <i>parva </i>o
| 7220736163726564206461792028647572696e67 | r sacred day (during
| 2074686520636f6e74696e75616e6365206f6620 | the continuance of
| 7468652072656369746174696f6e293f20576861 | the recitation)? Wha
| 742073686f756c6420626520746865207175616c | t should be the qual
| 696669636174696f6e206f662074686520726563 | ification of the rec
| 6974657220746f20626520656e67616765643f20 | iter to be engaged?
| 54656c6c206d6520616c6c2074686973213c2f70 | Tell me all this!</p
| 3e20200d0a3c703e5661697368616d706179616e | > <p>Vaishampayan
| 6120736169642c2022486561722c204f206b696e | a said, "Hear, O kin
| 672c2077686174207468652070726f6365647572 | g, what the procedur
| 652069732c20616e642077686174207468652066 | e is, and what the f
| 72756974732c204f20426861726174612c206172 | ruits, O Bharata, ar
| 6520746861742077696c6c20737072696e672066 | e that will spring f
| 726f6d206f6e6526233134363b73206c69737465 | rom one’s liste
| 6e696e672028746f20612072656369746174696f | ning (to a recitatio
| 6e206f66207468652042686172617461292e2045 | n of the Bharata). E
| 76656e20746869732c204f206b696e67206f6620 | ven this, O king of
| 6b696e67732c20697320776861742074686f7520 | kings, is what thou
| 61736b657374206d652e20546865206465697469 | askest me. The deiti
| 6573206f662048656176656e2c204f2072756c65 | es of Heaven, O rule
| 72206f662045617274682c2063616d6520746f20 | r of Earth, came to
| 7468697320776f726c6420666f722073706f7274 | this world for sport
| 2e20486176696e67206163686965766564207468 | . Having achieved th
| 656972207461736b2c207468657920617363656e | eir task, they ascen
| 646564206f6e6365206d6f726520746f20486561 | ded once more to Hea
| 76656e2e204c697374656e20746f207768617420 | ven. Listen to what
| 49207368616c6c2074656c6c207468656520696e | I shall tell thee in
| 2062726965662e20496e20746865204d61686162 | brief. In the Mahab
| 68617261746120697320746f20626520666f756e | harata is to be foun
| 642074686520626972746873206f662052697368 | d the births of Rish
| 697320616e642064656974696573206f6e207468 | is and deities on th
| 652045617274682e20496e207468697320747265 | e Earth. In this tre
| 61746973652c2063616c6c656420426861726174 | atise, called Bharat
| 612c204f20666f72656d6f7374206f6e65206f66 | a, O foremost one of
| 204268617261746126233134363b732072616365 | Bharata’s race
| 2c2061726520746f206265207365656e20696e20 | , are to be seen in
| 6f6e6520706c6163652074686520657465726e61 | one place the eterna
| 6c205275647261732c2074686520536164646879 | l Rudras, the Saddhy
| 61732c20616e6420746865205669737765646576 | as, and the Viswedev
| 61733b2074686520416469747961732c20746865 | as; the Adityas, the
| 2074776f2064656974696573206e616d65642074 | two deities named t
| 68652041736876696e69732c2074686520726567 | he Ashvinis, the reg
| 656e7473206f662074686520576f726c642c2074 | ents of the World, t
| 6865206772656174205269736869732c20746865 | he great Rishis, the
| 2047756879616b61732c207468652047616e6468 | Guhyakas, the Gandh
| 61727661732c20746865204e616761732c207468 | arvas, the Nagas, th
| 652056696479616468617261732c207468652053 | e Vidyadharas, the S
| 6964646861732c20746865206469766572736520 | iddhas, the diverse
| 646569746965732c207468652053656c662d626f | deities, the Self-bo
| 726e2076697369626c6520696e206120626f6479 | rn visible in a body
| 2c2077697468206d616e79206173636574696373 | , with many ascetics
| 3b207468652048696c6c7320616e64204d6f756e | ; the Hills and Moun
| 7461696e732c204f6365616e7320616e64205365 | tains, Oceans and Se
| 617320616e64205269766572732c207468652064 | as and Rivers, the d
| 69766572736520747269626573206f6620417073 | iverse tribes of Aps
| 617261733b2074686520506c616e6574732c2074 | aras; the Planets, t
| 68652059656172732c207468652048616c662d79 | he Years, the Half-y
| 656172732c20616e642074686520536561736f6e | ears, and the Season
| 733b20616e64207468652077686f6c6520756e69 | s; and the whole uni
| 7665727365206f66206d6f62696c6520616e6420 | verse of mobile and
| 696d6d6f62696c6520656e7469746965732c2077 | immobile entities, w
| 69746820616c6c2074686520676f647320616e64 | ith all the gods and
| 204173757261732e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e22 | Asuras.</p> <p>"
| 48656172696e672074686569722063656c656272 | Hearing their celebr
| 6974792c20616e6420696e20636f6e7365717565 | ity, and in conseque
| 6e6365206f6620612072656369746174696f6e20 | nce of a recitation
| 6f66207468656972206e616d657320616e642061 | of their names and a
| 6368696576656d656e74732c2061206d616e2074 | chievements, a man t
| 6861742068617320636f6d6d6974746564206576 | hat has committed ev
| 656e207465727269626c652073696e732c207769 | en terrible sins, wi
| 6c6c20626520636c65616e7365642e2048617669 | ll be cleansed. Havi
| 6e672c2077697468206120636f6e63656e747261 | ng, with a concentra
| 74656420736f756c20616e6420636c65616e7365 | ted soul and cleanse
| 6420626f64792c20686561726420746869732068 | d body, heard this h
| 6973746f72792064756c792c2066726f6d207468 | istory duly, from th
| 6520626567696e6e696e672c20616e6420686176 | e beginning, and hav
| 696e6720726561636865642069747320656e642c | ing reached its end,
| 206f6e652073686f756c64206d616b6520537261 | one should make Sra
| 64646861206f66666572696e67732c204f204268 | ddha offerings, O Bh
| 61726174612c20756e746f2074686f7365202866 | arata, unto those (f
| 6f72656d6f7374206f6620706572736f6e732077 | oremost of persons w
| 686f2068617665206265656e206d656e74696f6e | ho have been mention
| 656420696e206974292e20556e746f2074686520 | ed in it). Unto the
| 427261686d616e617320616c736f2c204f206368 | Brahmanas also, O ch
| 696566206f66204268617261746126233134363b | ief of Bharata’
| 7320726163652c2073686f756c642c2077697468 | s race, should, with
| 20647565206465766f74696f6e20616e64206163 | due devotion and ac
| 636f7264696e6720746f206f6e6526233134363b | cording to one’
| 7320706f7765722c206265206d616465206c6172 | s power, be made lar
| 676520676966747320616e642064697665727365 | ge gifts and diverse
| 206b696e6473206f662067656d732c20616e6420 | kinds of gems, and
| 6b696e652c20616e642076657373656c73206f66 | kine, and vessels of
| 20776869746520627261737320666f72206d696c | white brass for mil
| 6b696e67206b696e652c20616e64206d61696465 | king kine, and maide
| 6e73206465636b65642077697468206576657279 | ns decked with every
| 206f726e616d656e742c20616e6420706f737365 | ornament, and posse
| 73736564206f66206576657279206163636f6d70 | ssed of every accomp
| 6c6973686d656e742073756974656420746f2065 | lishment suited to e
| 6e6a6f796d656e742c20617320616c736f206469 | njoyment, as also di
| 7665727365206b696e6473206f6620636f6e7665 | verse kinds of conve
| 79616e6365732c2062656175746966756c206d61 | yances, beautiful ma
| 6e73696f6e732c20706c6f7473206f66206c616e | nsions, plots of lan
| 642c20616e6420636c6f7468732e20416e696d61 | d, and cloths. Anima
| 6c7320616c736f2073686f756c64206265206769 | ls also should be gi
| 76656e2c207375636820617320686f7273657320 | ven, such as horses
| 616e6420656c657068616e747320696e20726167 | and elephants in rag
| 652c20616e6420626564732c20616e6420636f76 | e, and beds, and cov
| 6572656420636f6e766579616e63657320626f72 | ered conveyances bor
| 6e65206f6e207468652073686f756c6465727320 | ne on the shoulders
| 6f66206d656e2c20616e642077656c6c2d646563 | of men, and well-dec
| 6b656420636172732e205768617465766572206f | ked cars. Whatever o
| 626a65637473206f6363757220696e2074686520 | bjects occur in the
| 686f7573652c206f662074686520666f72656d6f | house, of the foremo
| 7374206b696e642c207768617465766572207765 | st kind, whatever we
| 616c7468206f662067726561742076616c756520 | alth of great value
| 6f636375727320696e2069742c2073686f756c64 | occurs in it, should
| 20626520676976656e206177617920756e746f20 | be given away unto
| 427261686d616e61732e20496e646565642c206f | Brahmanas. Indeed, o
| 6e652073686f756c642067697665206177617920 | ne should give away
| 6f6e6526233134363b73206f776e2073656c662c | one’s own self,
| 2077697665732c20616e64206368696c6472656e | wives, and children
| 2e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e224f6e6520646573 | .</p> <p>"One des
| 69726f7573206f662068656172696e6720746865 | irous of hearing the
| 20426861726174612c2073686f756c6420686561 | Bharata, should hea
| 7220697420776974686f7574206120646f756274 | r it without a doubt
| 696e672068656172742c20776974682063686565 | ing heart, with chee
| d9b1e8f8991b413c840cdef9c986d2991a28b613d298aae3a464eb62c4a99fe0 |
| 7266756c6e65737320616e64206a6f793b20616e | rfulness and joy; an
| 642061732c2068652070726f6365656473206c69 | d as, he proceeds li
| 7374656e696e6720746f20697473207265636974 | stening to its recit
| 6174696f6e2c2068652073686f756c6420616363 | ation, he should acc
| 6f7264696e6720746f2074686520657874656e74 | ording to the extent
| 206f662068697320706f7765722c206d616b6520 | of his power, make
| 6769667473207769746820677265617420646576 | gifts with great dev
| 6f74696f6e2e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e224865 | otion.</p> <p>"He
| 617220686f77206120706572736f6e2074686174 | ar how a person that
| 206973206465766f74656420746f207472757468 | is devoted to truth
| 20616e642073696e6365726974792c2074686174 | and sincerity, that
| 2069732073656c662d726573747261696e65642c | is self-restrained,
| 20707572652028696e206d696e64292c20616e64 | pure (in mind), and
| 206f6273657276616e74206f662074686f736520 | observant of those
| 61637473207768696368206c65616420746f2070 | acts which lead to p
| 7572697479206f6620626f64792c207468617420 | urity of body, that
| 697320656e647565642077697468206661697468 | is endued with faith
| 2c20616e64207468617420686173207375626a75 | , and that has subju
| 67617465642077726174682c2061747461696e73 | gated wrath, attains
| 20746f20737563636573732028696e2074686520 | to success (in the
| 6d6174746572206f662061207265636974617469 | matter of a recitati
| 6f6e206f66207468652042686172617461292e20 | on of the Bharata).
| 48652073686f756c64206170706f696e74206173 | He should appoint as
| 2072656369746572206f6e652074686174206973 | reciter one that is
| 207075726520286f6620626f6479292c20746861 | pure (of body), tha
| 7420697320656e64756564207769746820676f6f | t is endued with goo
| 6420616e642070696f757320636f6e647563742c | d and pious conduct,
| 20746861742073686f756c6420626520726f6265 | that should be robe
| 6420696e2077686974652c20746861742073686f | d in white, that sho
| 756c642068617665206120636f6d706c65746520 | uld have a complete
| 6d617374657279206f7665722068697320706173 | mastery over his pas
| 73696f6e732c207468617420697320636c65616e | sions, that is clean
| 736564206f6620616c6c206f6666656e6365732c | sed of all offences,
| 207468617420697320636f6e76657273616e7420 | that is conversant
| 77697468206576657279206272616e6368206f66 | with every branch of
| 206c6561726e696e672c20746861742069732065 | learning, that is e
| 6e6475656420776974682066616974682c207468 | ndued with faith, th
| 617420697320667265652066726f6d206d616c69 | at is free from mali
| 63652c207468617420697320706f737365737365 | ce, that is possesse
| 64206f662068616e64736f6d6520666561747572 | d of handsome featur
| 65732c207468617420697320626c65737365642c | es, that is blessed,
| 2073656c662d726573747261696e65642c207472 | self-restrained, tr
| 75746866756c2c20616e64207769746820706173 | uthful, and with pas
| 73696f6e7320756e64657220636f6e74726f6c2c | sions under control,
| 20616e6420746861742069732062656c6f766564 | and that is beloved
| 206f6620616c6c20666f72207468652067696674 | of all for the gift
| 73206865206d616b657320616e64207468652068 | s he makes and the h
| 6f6e6f757273206f662077686963682068652069 | onours of which he i
| 732074686520706f73736573736f722e3c2f703e | s the possessor.</p>
| 20200d0a3c703e2254686520726563697465722c | <p>"The reciter,
| 207365617465642061742068697320656173652c | seated at his ease,
| 20667265652066726f6d20616c6c20626f64696c | free from all bodil
| 7920636f6d706c61696e74732c20616e64207769 | y complaints, and wi
| 7468207261707420617474656e74696f6e2c2073 | th rapt attention, s
| 686f756c64207265636974652074686520746578 | hould recite the tex
| 7420776974686f757420746f6f206d7563682073 | t without too much s
| 6c6f776e6573732c20776974686f75742061206c | lowness, without a l
| 61626f7572696e6720766f6963652c2077697468 | abouring voice, with
| 6f7574206265696e672066617374206f72207175 | out being fast or qu
| 69636b2c2071756965746c792c20776974682073 | ick, quietly, with s
| 756666696369656e7420656e657267792c207769 | ufficient energy, wi
| 74686f757420636f6e667573696e672074686520 | thout confusing the
| 6c65747465727320616e6420776f72647320746f | letters and words to
| 6765746865722c20696e20612073776565742069 | gether, in a sweet i
| 6e746f6e6174696f6e20616e6420776974682073 | ntonation and with s
| 75636820616363656e7420616e6420656d706861 | uch accent and empha
| 73697320617320776f756c6420696e6469636174 | sis as would indicat
| 65207468652073656e736520676976696e672066 | e the sense giving f
| 756c6c207574746572616e636520746f20746865 | ull utterance to the
| 20746872656520616e64207369787479206c6574 | three and sixty let
| 74657273206f662074686520616c706861626574 | ters of the alphabet
| 2066726f6d2074686520656967687420706c6163 | from the eight plac
| 6573206f6620746865697220666f726d6174696f | es of their formatio
| 6e2e20426f77696e6720756e746f204e61726179 | n. Bowing unto Naray
| 616e612c20616e6420746f204e6172612c207468 | ana, and to Nara, th
| 617420666f72656d6f7374206f66206d656e2c20 | at foremost of men,
| 617320616c736f20746f2074686520676f646465 | as also to the godde
| 7373205361726173766174692c2073686f756c64 | ss Sarasvati, should
| 2074686520776f7264204a617961206265207574 | the word Jaya be ut
| 74657265642e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e224c69 | tered.</p> <p>"Li
| 7374656e696e6720746f20746865204268617261 | stening to the Bhara
| 74612c204f206b696e672c207768656e20726563 | ta, O king, when rec
| 697465642c204f2074686f75206f662042686172 | ited, O thou of Bhar
| 61746126233134363b7320726163652c20627920 | ata’s race, by
| 6120726561646572206f662074686973206b696e | a reader of this kin
| 642c20746865206c697374656e65722c206f6273 | d, the listener, obs
| 657276616e74206f6620766f777320616c6c2074 | ervant of vows all t
| 6865207768696c6520616e6420636c65616e7365 | he while and cleanse
| 64206279207075726966696361746f7279207269 | d by purificatory ri
| 7465732c2061637175697265732076616c756162 | tes, acquires valuab
| 6c65206672756974732e205768656e2074686520 | le fruits. When the
| 666972737420506172616e612069732072656163 | first Parana is reac
| 6865642c20746865206865617265722073686f75 | hed, the hearer shou
| 6c64206772617469667920427261686d616e6173 | ld gratify Brahmanas
| 20776974682070726573656e7473206f6620616c | with presents of al
| 6c20646573697261626c65206f626a656374732e | l desirable objects.
| 20427920646f696e6720746869732c206f6e6520 | By doing this, one
| 6f627461696e732074686520667275697473206f | obtains the fruits o
| 66207468652041676e697368746f6d6120736163 | f the Agnishtoma sac
| 7269666963652e20486520616371756972657320 | rifice. He acquires
| 61206c61726765202863656c65737469616c2920 | a large (celestial)
| 636172207465656d696e67207769746820646976 | car teeming with div
| 65727365206f7264657273206f66204170736172 | erse orders of Apsar
| 617320287468617420776169742075706f6e2068 | as (that wait upon h
| 696d292e2057697468206120676c616420686561 | im). With a glad hea
| 72742c20616e6420776974682074686520646569 | rt, and with the dei
| 7469657320696e2068697320636f6d70616e792c | ties in his company,
| 2068652070726f636565647320746f2048656176 | he proceeds to Heav
| 656e2c2068697320686561727420726170742028 | en, his heart rapt (
| 696e2066656c6963697479292e3c2f703e20200d | in felicity).</p>
| 0a3c703e225768656e20746865207365636f6e64 | <p>"When the second
| 20506172616e6120697320726561636865642c20 | Parana is reached,
| 7468652068656172657220616371756972657320 | the hearer acquires
| 74686520667275697473206f6620746865204174 | the fruits of the At
| 69726174726120766f772e20496e646565642c20 | iratra vow. Indeed,
| 686520617363656e647320612063656c65737469 | he ascends a celesti
| 616c20636172206d61646520656e746972656c79 | al car made entirely
| 206f662070726563696f75732067656d732e2057 | of precious gems. W
| 656172696e672063656c65737469616c20676172 | earing celestial gar
| 6c616e647320616e6420726f6265732c20616e64 | lands and robes, and
| 206465636b656420776974682063656c65737469 | decked with celesti
| 616c20756e6775656e747320616e6420616c7761 | al unguents and alwa
| 7973207368656464696e6720612063656c657374 | ys shedding a celest
| 69616c206672616772616e63652061726f756e64 | ial fragrance around
| 2c20686520726563656976657320686967682068 | , he receives high h
| 6f6e6f75727320696e2048656176656e2e3c2f70 | onours in Heaven.</p
| 3e20200d0a3c703e225768656e20746865207468 | > <p>"When the th
| 69726420506172616e6120697320726561636865 | ird Parana is reache
| 642c206865206163717569726573207468652066 | d, he acquires the f
| 7275697473206f66207468652044776164617361 | ruits of the Dwadasa
| 686120766f772e20496e64656564206265207265 | ha vow. Indeed be re
| 736964657320696e2048656176656e20666f7220 | sides in Heaven for
| 6d797269616473206f662079656172732c206c69 | myriads of years, li
| 6b65206120676f642e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e | ke a god.</p> <p>
| 2241742074686520666f7572746820506172616e | "At the fourth Paran
| 6120686520616371756972657320746865206672 | a he acquires the fr
| 75697473206f66207468652056616a6170657961 | uits of the Vajapeya
| 207361637269666963652e3c2f703e20200d0a3c | sacrifice.</p> <
| 703e224174207468652066696674682c20747769 | p>"At the fifth, twi
| 63652074686f7365206672756974732061726520 | ce those fruits are
| 6869732e20417363656e64696e6720612063656c | his. Ascending a cel
| 65737469616c2063617220746861742072657365 | estial car that rese
| 6d626c65732074686520726973696e672073756e | mbles the rising sun
| 206f72206120626c617a696e6720666972652c20 | or a blazing fire,
| 616e642077697468207468652064656974696573 | and with the deities
| 20666f722068697320636f6d70616e696f6e732c | for his companions,
| 20686520676f657320746f2048656176656e2061 | he goes to Heaven a
| 6e642073706f72747320696e2066656c69636974 | nd sports in felicit
| 7920666f72206d797269616473206f6620796561 | y for myriads of yea
| 727320696e207468652061626f6465206f662049 | rs in the abode of I
| 6e6472612e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e22417420 | ndra.</p> <p>"At
| 74686520736978746820506172616e612c207477 | the sixth Parana, tw
| 6963652c20616e64206174207468652073657665 | ice, and at the seve
| 6e74682c207468726963652074686f7365206672 | nth, thrice those fr
| 75697473206265636f6d65206869732e20417363 | uits become his. Asc
| 656e64696e6720612063656c65737469616c2063 | ending a celestial c
| 6172207468617420726573656d626c6573207468 | ar that resembles th
| 652073756d6d6974206f6620746865204b61696c | e summit of the Kail
| 617361206d6f756e7461696e732028696e206265 | asa mountains (in be
| 61757479292c2074686174206973206571756970 | auty), that is equip
| 74207769746820616e20616c746172206d616465 | t with an altar made
| 206f662073746f6e6573206f66206c6170697320 | of stones of lapis
| 6c617a756c6920616e64206f7468657220707265 | lazuli and other pre
| 63696f75732067656d732c207468617420697320 | cious gems, that is