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| 6e696b612050617276613a204b2e4d2e2047616e | nika Parva: K.M. Gan
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| 0d0a3c5449544c453e546865204d616861626861 | <TITLE>The Mahabha
| 726174612c20426f6f6b2031383a205376617267 | rata, Book 18: Svarg
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| 2f703e20200d0a3c703e4a616e616d656a617961 | /p> <p>Janamejaya
| 20736169642c202242686973686d6120616e6420 | said, "Bhishma and
| 44726f6e612c2074686f73652074776f20686967 | Drona, those two hig
| 682d736f756c656420706572736f6e732c206b69 | h-souled persons, ki
| 6e6720446872697461726173687472612c20616e | ng Dhritarashtra, an
| 642056697261746120616e642044727570616461 | d Virata and Drupada
| 2c20616e642053616e6b686120616e6420557474 | , and Sankha and Utt
| 6172612e2044687269736874616b65747520616e | ara. Dhrishtaketu an
| 64204a6179617473656e6120616e64206b696e67 | d Jayatsena and king
| 2053617479616a69742c2074686520736f6e7320 | Satyajit, the sons
| 6f6620447572796f6468616e612c20616e642053 | of Duryodhana, and S
| 68616b756e692074686520736f6e206f66205375 | hakuni the son of Su
| 62616c612c204b61726e6126233134363b732073 | bala, Karna’s s
| 6f6e73206f662067726561742070726f77657373 | ons of great prowess
| 2c206b696e67204a6179616472617468612c2047 | , king Jayadratha, G
| 6861746f746b61636120616e64206f7468657273 | hatotkaca and others
| 2077686f6d2074686f752068617374206e6f7420 | whom thou hast not
| 6d656e74696f6e65642c20746865206f74686572 | mentioned, the other
| 206865726f6963206b696e6773206f6620626c61 | heroic kings of bla
| 7a696e6720666f726d7326233135313b74656c6c | zing forms—tell
| 206d6520666f72207768617420706572696f6420 | me for what period
| 746865792072656d61696e656420696e20486561 | they remained in Hea
| 76656e2e204f20666f72656d6f7374206f662072 | ven. O foremost of r
| 6567656e657261746520706572736f6e732c2077 | egenerate persons, w
| 61732074686569727320616e20657465726e616c | as theirs an eternal
| 20706c61636520696e2048656176656e3f205768 | place in Heaven? Wh
| 6174207761732074686520656e64206174746169 | at was the end attai
| 6e656420746f2062792074686f736520666f7265 | ned to by those fore
| 6d6f7374206f66206d656e207768656e20746865 | most of men when the
| 697220616374732063616d6520746f20616e2065 | ir acts came to an e
| 6e643f20492064657369726520746f2068656172 | nd? I desire to hear
| 20746869732c204f20666f72656d6f7374206f66 | this, O foremost of
| 20726567656e657261746520706572736f6e732c | regenerate persons,
| 20616e64207468657265666f7265206861766520 | and therefore have
| 492061736b656420746865652e205468726f7567 | I asked thee. Throug
| 682074687920626c617a696e672070656e616e63 | h thy blazing penanc
| 65732074686f7520736565737420616c6c207468 | es thou seest all th
| 696e67732e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e53617574 | ings.</p> <p>Saut
| 6920736169643a2054687573207175657374696f | i said: Thus questio
| 6e65642c207468617420726567656e6572617465 | ned, that regenerate
| 2052697368692c20726563656976696e67207468 | Rishi, receiving th
| 65207065726d697373696f6e206f662074686520 | e permission of the
| 686967682d736f756c65642056796173612c2073 | high-souled Vyasa, s
| 65742068696d73656c6620746f20616e73776572 | et himself to answer
| 20746865207175657374696f6e206f6620746865 | the question of the
| 206b696e672e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e566169 | king.</p> <p>Vai
| 7368616d706179616e6120736169642c20224576 | shampayana said, "Ev
| 657279206f6e652c204f206b696e67206f66206d | ery one, O king of m
| 656e2c206973206e6f742063617061626c65206f | en, is not capable o
| 662072657475726e696e6720746f20686973206f | f returning to his o
| 776e206e61747572652061742074686520656e64 | wn nature at the end
| 206f66206869732064656564732e205768657468 | of his deeds. Wheth
| 6572207468697320697320736f206f72206e6f74 | er this is so or not
| 2c2069732c20696e64656564206120676f6f6420 | , is, indeed a good
| 7175657374696f6e2061736b6564206279207468 | question asked by th
| 65652e20486561722c204f206b696e672c207468 | ee. Hear, O king, th
| 69732077686963682069732061206d7973746572 | is which is a myster
| 79206f662074686520676f64732c204f20636869 | y of the gods, O chi
| 6566206f66204268617261746126233134363b73 | ef of Bharata’s
| 20726163652e20497420776173206578706c6169 | race. It was explai
| 6e65642028746f20757329206279205679617361 | ned (to us) by Vyasa
| 206f66206d696768747920656e657267792c2063 | of mighty energy, c
| 656c65737469616c20766973696f6e20616e6420 | elestial vision and
| 67726561742070726f776573732c207468617420 | great prowess, that
| 616e6369656e7420617363657469632c204f204b | ancient ascetic, O K
| 617572617679612c2077686f2069732074686520 | auravya, who is the
| 736f6e206f6620506172617361726120616e6420 | son of Parasara and
| 77686f20616c77617973206f6273657276657320 | who always observes
| 6869676820766f77732c2077686f206973206f66 | high vows, who is of
| 20696d6d656173757261626c6520756e64657273 | immeasurable unders
| 74616e64696e672c2077686f206973206f6d6e69 | tanding, who is omni
| 736369656e742c20616e642077686f2c20746865 | scient, and who, the
| 7265666f7265206b6e6f77732074686520656e64 | refore knows the end
| 20617474616368656420746f20616c6c20616374 | attached to all act
| 732e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e2242686973686d | s.</p> <p>"Bhishm
| 61206f66206d696768747920656e657267792061 | a of mighty energy a
| 6e6420677265617420656666756c67656e636520 | nd great effulgence
| 61747461696e656420746f207468652073746174 | attained to the stat
| 7573206f66207468652056617375732e20456967 | us of the Vasus. Eig
| 68742056617375732c204f206368696566206f66 | ht Vasus, O chief of
| 204268617261746126233134363b732072616365 | Bharata’s race
| 2c20617265206e6f77207365656e2e2044726f6e | , are now seen. Dron
| 6120656e746572656420696e746f204272696861 | a entered into Briha
| 73706174692c207468617420666f72656d6f7374 | spati, that foremost
| 206f6e65206f6620416e67697261736126233134 | one of Angirasa
| 363b732064657363656e64616e74732e20487269 | 6;s descendants. Hri
| 64696b6126233134363b7320736f6e204b726974 | dika’s son Krit
| 617661726d6120656e746572656420746865204d | avarma entered the M
| 61727574732e205072616479756d6e6120656e74 | aruts. Pradyumna ent
| 657265642053616e61746b756d61726120776865 | ered Sanatkumara whe
| 6e636520686520686164206973737565642e2044 | nce he had issued. D
| 687269746172617368747261206f627461696e65 | hritarashtra obtaine
| 642074686520726567696f6e732c20736f206469 | d the regions, so di
| 66666963756c74206f6620616371756973697469 | fficult of acquisiti
| 6f6e2c20746861742062656c6f6e6720746f2074 | on, that belong to t
| 6865204c6f7264206f6620747265617375726573 | he Lord of treasures
| 2e205468652066616d6f75732047616e64686172 | . The famous Gandhar
| 69206f627461696e6564207468652073616d6520 | i obtained the same
| 726567696f6e7320776974682068657220687573 | regions with her hus
| 62616e6420446872697461726173687472612e20 | band Dhritarashtra.
| 57697468206869732074776f2077697665732c20 | With his two wives,
| 50616e64752070726f63656564656420746f2074 | Pandu proceeded to t
| 68652061626f6465206f66207468652067726561 | he abode of the grea
| 7420496e6472612e20426f746820566972617461 | t Indra. Both Virata
| 20616e6420447275706164612c20746865206b69 | and Drupada, the ki
| 6e672044687269736874616b6574752c20617320 | ng Dhrishtaketu, as
| 616c736f204e697368617468612c20416b727572 | also Nishatha, Akrur
| 612c2053616d76612c204268616e756b616d7061 | a, Samva, Bhanukampa
| 2c20616e64205669647572617468612c20616e64 | , and Viduratha, and
| 20426875726973687261766120616e642053616c | Bhurishrava and Sal
| 6120616e64206b696e672042687572692c20616e | a and king Bhuri, an
| 64204b616e73612c20616e64205567726173656e | d Kansa, and Ugrasen
| 612c20616e642056617375646576612c20616e64 | a, and Vasudeva, and
| 205574746172612c207468617420666f72656d6f | Uttara, that foremo
| 7374206f66206d656e2c20776974682068697320 | st of men, with his
| 62726f746865722053616e6b686126233135313b | brother Sankha—
| 616c6c20746865736520666f72656d6f7374206f | all these foremost o
| 6620706572736f6e7320656e7465726564207468 | f persons entered th
| 6520646569746965732e20536f6d612623313436 | e deities. Soma’
| 3b7320736f6e206f662067726561742070726f77 | ;s son of great prow
| 6573732c206e616d65642056617263686173206f | ess, named Varchas o
| 66206d696768747920656e657267792c20626563 | f mighty energy, bec
| 616d6520416268696d616e79752c207468652073 | ame Abhimanyu, the s
| 6f6e206f66205068616c67756e612c2074686174 | on of Phalguna, that
| 206c696f6e20616d6f6e67206d656e2e20486176 | lion among men. Hav
| 696e6720666f756768742c20616772656561626c | ing fought, agreeabl
| 7920746f204b7368617472697961207072616374 | y to Kshatriya pract
| 696365732c207769746820627261766572792073 | ices, with bravery s
| 756368206173206e6f6e6520656c736520686164 | uch as none else had
| 2065766572206265656e2061626c6520746f2073 | ever been able to s
| 686f772c2074686174206d69676874792d61726d | how, that mighty-arm
| 656420616e64207269676874656f75732d736f75 | ed and righteous-sou
| 6c6564206265696e6720656e746572656420536f | led being entered So
| 6d612e20536c61696e206f6e2074686520666965 | ma. Slain on the fie
| 6c64206f6620626174746c652c204f20666f7265 | ld of battle, O fore
| 6d6f7374206f66206d656e2c204b61726e612065 | most of men, Karna e
| 6e74657265642053757279612e205368616b756e | ntered Surya. Shakun
| 69206f627461696e6564206162736f727074696f | i obtained absorptio
| 276878861676c70702d9744b960c27c5948f795dc45197bc569be8d8dc73b8c4 |
| 706f7274696f6e206f6620746865204d61686162 | portion of the Mahab
| 6861726174612e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e5468 | harata.</p> <p>Th
| 6520686967682072616365206f66207468652042 | e high race of the B
| 686172617461732069732069747320746f706963 | haratas is its topic
| 2e2048656e63652069742069732063616c6c6564 | . Hence it is called
| 20426861726174612e20416e6420626563617573 | Bharata. And becaus
| 65206f662069747320677261766520696d706f72 | e of its grave impor
| 742c20617320616c736f206f6620746865204268 | t, as also of the Bh
| 617261746173206265696e672069747320746f70 | aratas being its top
| 69632c2069742069732063616c6c6564203c693e | ic, it is called <i>
| 4d616861626861726174612e203c2f693e486520 | Mahabharata. </i>He
| 77686f2069732076657273656420696e20696e74 | who is versed in int
| 6572707265746174696f6e73206f662074686973 | erpretations of this
| 2067726561742074726561746973652c20626563 | great treatise, bec
| 6f6d657320636c65616e736564206f6620657665 | omes cleansed of eve
| 72792073696e2e20537563682061206d616e206c | ry sin. Such a man l
| 6976657320696e207269676874656f75736e6573 | ives in righteousnes
| 732c207765616c74682c20616e6420706c656173 | s, wealth, and pleas
| 7572652c20616e642061747461696e7320746f20 | ure, and attains to
| 456d616e6369706174696f6e20616c736f2c204f | Emancipation also, O
| 206368696566206f662042686172617461262331 | chief of Bharata
| 34363b7320726163652e3c2f703e20200d0a3c70 | 46;s race.</p> <p
| 3e54686174207768696368206f63637572732068 | >That which occurs h
| 657265206f636375727320656c73657768657265 | ere occurs elsewhere
| 2e205468617420776869636820646f6573206e6f | . That which does no
| 74206f636375722068657265206f636375727320 | t occur here occurs
| 6e6f776865726520656c73652e20546869732068 | nowhere else. This h
| 6973746f7279206973206b6e6f776e2062792074 | istory is known by t
| 6865206e616d65206f66204a6179612e20497420 | he name of Jaya. It
| 73686f756c642062652068656172642062792065 | should be heard by e
| 76657279206f6e652064657369726f7573206f66 | very one desirous of
| 20456d616e6369706174696f6e2e204974207368 | Emancipation. It sh
| 6f756c6420626520726561642062792042726168 | ould be read by Brah
| 6d616e61732c206279206b696e67732c20616e64 | manas, by kings, and
| 20627920776f6d656e20717569636b2077697468 | by women quick with
| 206368696c6472656e2e20486520746861742064 | children. He that d
| 6573697265732048656176656e2061747461696e | esires Heaven attain
| 7320746f2048656176656e3b20616e6420686520 | s to Heaven; and he
| 74686174206465736972657320766963746f7279 | that desires victory
| 2061747461696e7320746f20766963746f72792e | attains to victory.
| 2054686520776f6d616e20717569636b20776974 | The woman quick wit
| 68206368696c6420676574732065697468657220 | h child gets either
| 6120736f6e206f72206120646175676874657220 | a son or a daughter
| 686967686c7920626c65737365642e2054686520 | highly blessed. The
| 7075697373616e742049736c616e642d626f726e | puissant Island-born
| 204b726973686e612c2077686f2077696c6c206e | Krishna, who will n
| 6f74206861766520746f20636f6d65206261636b | ot have to come back
| 2c20616e642077686f20697320456d616e636970 | , and who is Emancip
| 6174696f6e20696e6361726e6174652c206d6164 | ation incarnate, mad
| 6520616e206162737472616374206f6620746865 | e an abstract of the
| 20426861726174612c206d6f7665642062792074 | Bharata, moved by t
| 686520646573697265206f6620616964696e6720 | he desire of aiding
| 746865206361757365206f66207269676874656f | the cause of righteo
| 75736e6573732e204865206d61646520616e6f74 | usness. He made anot
| 68657220636f6d70696c6174696f6e20636f6e73 | her compilation cons
| 697374696e67206f66207369787479206c616b68 | isting of sixty lakh
| 73206f66207665727365732e2054686972747920 | s of verses. Thirty
| 6c616b6873206f66207468657365207765726520 | lakhs of these were
| 706c6163656420696e2074686520726567696f6e | placed in the region
| 206f662074686520646569746965732e20496e20 | of the deities. In
| 74686520726567696f6e206f6620746865205069 | the region of the Pi
| 74726973206669667465656e206c616b68732c20 | tris fifteen lakhs,
| 69742073686f756c64206265206b6e6f776e2c20 | it should be known,
| 6172652063757272656e743b207768696c652069 | are current; while i
| 6e2074686174206f66207468652059616b736861 | n that of the Yaksha
| 7320666f75727465656e206c616b687320617265 | s fourteen lakhs are
| 20696e20766f6775652e204f6e65206c616b6820 | in vogue. One lakh
| 69732063757272656e7420616d6f6e672068756d | is current among hum
| 616e206265696e67732e3c2f703e20200d0a3c70 | an beings.</p> <p
| 3e4e617261646120726563697465642074686520 | >Narada recited the
| 4d6168616268617261746120746f207468652067 | Mahabharata to the g
| 6f64733b2041736974612d446576616c6120746f | ods; Asita-Devala to
| 20746865205069747269733b2053756b6120746f | the Pitris; Suka to
| 207468652052616b73686173617320616e642074 | the Rakshasas and t
| 68652059616b736861733b20616e642056616973 | he Yakshas; and Vais
| 68616d706179616e6120746f2068756d616e2062 | hampayana to human b
| 65696e67732e205468697320686973746f727920 | eings. This history
| 6973207361637265642c20616e64206f66206869 | is sacred, and of hi
| 676820696d706f72742c20616e64207265676172 | gh import, and regar
| 64656420617320657175616c20746f2074686520 | ded as equal to the
| 56656461732e2054686174206d616e2c204f2053 | Vedas. That man, O S
| 61756e616b612c2077686f206865617273207468 | aunaka, who hears th
| 697320686973746f72792c20706c6163696e6720 | is history, placing
| 6120427261686d616e61206265666f7265206869 | a Brahmana before hi
| 6d2c20616371756972657320626f74682066616d | m, acquires both fam
| 6520616e6420746865206672756974696f6e206f | e and the fruition o
| 6620616c6c20686973207769736865732e204865 | f all his wishes. He
| 2077686f2c207769746820666572766964206465 | who, with fervid de
| 766f74696f6e2c206c697374656e7320746f2061 | votion, listens to a
| 2072656369746174696f6e206f6620746865204d | recitation of the M
| 616861626861726174612c2061747461696e7320 | ahabharata, attains
| 286865726561667465722920746f206869676820 | (hereafter) to high
| 7375636365737320696e20636f6e73657175656e | success in consequen
| 6365206f6620746865206d657269742074686174 | ce of the merit that
| 206265636f6d657320686973207468726f756768 | becomes his through
| 20756e6465727374616e64696e67206576656e20 | understanding even
| 61207665727920736d616c6c20706f7274696f6e | a very small portion
| 2074686572656f662e20416c6c20746865207369 | thereof. All the si
| 6e73206f662074686174206d616e2077686f2072 | ns of that man who r
| 656369746573206f72206c697374656e7320746f | ecites or listens to
| 207468697320686973746f727920776974682064 | this history with d
| 65766f74696f6e2061726520776173686564206f | evotion are washed o
| 66662e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e496e20666f72 | ff.</p> <p>In for
| 6d65722074696d65732c20746865206772656174 | mer times, the great
| 2052697368692056796173612c20686176696e67 | Rishi Vyasa, having
| 20636f6d706f7365642074686973207472656174 | composed this treat
| 6973652c206361757365642068697320736f6e20 | ise, caused his son
| 53756b6120746f20726561642069742077697468 | Suka to read it with
| 2068696d2c20616c6f6e67207769746820746865 | him, along with the
| 736520666f7572205665727365732e2026233135 | se four Verses. 
| 313b54686f7573616e6473206f66206d6f746865 | 1;Thousands of mothe
| 727320616e6420666174686572732c20616e6420 | rs and fathers, and
| 68756e6472656473206f6620736f6e7320616e64 | hundreds of sons and
| 20776976657320617269736520696e2074686520 | wives arise in the
| 776f726c6420616e64206465706172742066726f | world and depart fro
| 6d2069742e204f74686572732077696c6c202861 | m it. Others will (a
| 7269736520616e64292073696d696c61726c7920 | rise and) similarly
| 6465706172742e20546865726520617265207468 | depart. There are th
| 6f7573616e6473206f66206f63636173696f6e73 | ousands of occasions
| 20666f72206a6f7920616e642068756e64726564 | for joy and hundred
| 73206f66206f63636173696f6e7320666f722066 | s of occasions for f
| 6561722e20546865736520616666656374206f6e | ear. These affect on
| 6c792068696d20746861742069732069676e6f72 | ly him that is ignor
| 616e7420627574206e657665722068696d207468 | ant but never him th
| 617420697320776973652e20576974682075706c | at is wise. With upl
| 69667465642061726d73204920616d2063727969 | ifted arms I am cryi
| 6e6720616c6f756420627574206e6f626f647920 | ng aloud but nobody
| 6865617273206d652e2046726f6d205269676874 | hears me. From Right
| 656f75736e657373206973205765616c74682061 | eousness is Wealth a
| 7320616c736f20506c6561737572652e20576879 | s also Pleasure. Why
| 2073686f756c64206e6f74205269676874656f75 | should not Righteou
| 736e6573732c207468657265666f72652c206265 | sness, therefore, be
| 20636f75727465643f20466f7220746865207361 | courted? For the sa
| 6b65206e656974686572206f6620706c65617375 | ke neither of pleasu
| 72652c206e6f72206f6620666561722c206e6f72 | re, nor of fear, nor
| 206f662063757069646974792073686f756c6420 | of cupidity should
| 616e79206f6e652063617374206f666620526967 | any one cast off Rig
| 6874656f75736e6573732e20496e646565642c20 | hteousness. Indeed,
| 666f72207468652073616b65206f66206576656e | for the sake of even
| 206c696665206f6e652073686f756c64206e6f74 | life one should not
| 2063617374206f6666205269676874656f75736e | cast off Righteousn
| 6573732e205269676874656f75736e6573732069 | ess. Righteousness i
| 7320657465726e616c2e20506c65617375726520 | s eternal. Pleasure
| 616e64205061696e20617265206e6f7420657465 | and Pain are not ete
| 726e616c2e204a69766120697320657465726e61 | rnal. Jiva is eterna
| 6c2e205468652063617573652c20686f77657665 | l. The cause, howeve
| 722c206f66204a69766126233134363b73206265 | r, of Jiva’s be
| 696e6720696e7665737465642077697468206120 | ing invested with a
| 626f6479206973206e6f7420736f2e3c2f703e20 | body is not so.</p>
| 200d0a3c703e54686174206d616e2077686f2c20 | <p>That man who,
| 77616b696e67207570206174206461776e2c2072 | waking up at dawn, r
| 656164732074686973205361766974747269206f | eads this Savittri o
| 662074686520426861726174612c206163717569 | f the Bharata, acqui
| 72657320616c6c20746865207265776172647320 | res all the rewards
| 617474616368656420746f206120726563697461 | attached to a recita
| 74696f6e206f66207468697320686973746f7279 | tion of this history
| 20616e6420756c74696d6174656c792061747461 | and ultimately atta
| 696e7320746f2074686520686967686573742042 | ins to the highest B
| 7261686d612e2041732074686520736163726564 | rahma. As the sacred
| 204f6365616e2c206173207468652048696d6176 | Ocean, as the Himav
| 6174206d6f756e7461696e2c2061726520626f74 | at mountain, are bot
| 68207265676172646564206173206d696e657320 | h regarded as mines
| 6f662070726563696f75732067656d732c206576 | of precious gems, ev
| 656e20736f206973207468697320426861726174 | en so is this Bharat
| 61202872656761726465642061732061206d696e | a (regarded as a min
| 31a2301596dbe5bd82ae6dcd140e0fac7e6ef714d00220092997507198fdfe16 |
| 6420696e20746869732073747265616d2c207468 | d in this stream, th
| 6f752077696c7420626520646976657374656420 | ou wilt be divested
| 6f66207468792068756d616e206e61747572652e | of thy human nature.
| 20496e646565642c207468792067726965662064 | Indeed, thy grief d
| 697370656c6c65642c207468792061696c6d656e | ispelled, thy ailmen
| 747320636f6e7175657265642c2074686f752077 | ts conquered, thou w
| 696c742062652066726565642066726f6d20616c | ilt be freed from al
| 6c20656e6d69746965732e26233134363b3c2f70 | l enmities.’</p
| 3e20200d0a3c703e225768696c652c204f204b75 | > <p>"While, O Ku
| 7275206b696e672c20746865206368696566206f | ru king, the chief o
| 662074686520676f64732077617320736179696e | f the gods was sayin
| 6720736f20756e746f2059756468697368746869 | g so unto Yudhishthi
| 72612c20746865206465697479206f6620526967 | ra, the deity of Rig
| 6874656f75736e6573732c20696e206869732065 | hteousness, in his e
| 6d626f6469656420666f726d2c207468656e2061 | mbodied form, then a
| 646472657373656420686973206f776e20736f6e | ddressed his own son
| 20616e6420736169642c2026233134353b4f206b | and said, ‘O k
| 696e672c204920616d2067726561746c7920706c | ing, I am greatly pl
| 65617365642c204f2074686f75206f6620677265 | eased, O thou of gre
| 617420776973646f6d2c20776974682074686565 | at wisdom, with thee
| 2c204f20736f6e2c20627920746879206465766f | , O son, by thy devo
| 74696f6e20746f206d652c206279207468792074 | tion to me, by thy t
| 7275746866756c6e657373206f66207370656563 | ruthfulness of speec
| 682c20616e6420666f72676976656e6573732c20 | h, and forgiveness,
| 616e642073656c662d726573747261696e742e20 | and self-restraint.
| 546869732c20696e646565642c20697320746865 | This, indeed, is the
| 20746869726420746573742c204f206b696e672c | third test, O king,
| 20746f2077686963682049207075742074686565 | to which I put thee
| 2e2054686f752061727420696e63617061626c65 | . Thou art incapable
| 2c204f20736f6e206f66205072697468612c206f | , O son of Pritha, o
| 66206265696e6720737765727665642066726f6d | f being swerved from
| 20746879206e6174757265206f7220726561736f | thy nature or reaso
| 6e2e204265666f726520746869732c2049206861 | n. Before this, I ha
| 64206578616d696e6564207468656520696e2074 | d examined thee in t
| 68652044776169746120776f6f6473206279206d | he Dwaita woods by m
| 79207175657374696f6e732c207768656e207468 | y questions, when th
| 6f7520686164737420636f6d6520746f20746861 | ou hadst come to tha
| 74206c616b6520666f72207265636f766572696e | t lake for recoverin
| 67206120636f75706c65206f6620666972652073 | g a couple of fire s
| 7469636b732e2054686f752073746f6f64737420 | ticks. Thou stoodst
| 69742077656c6c2e20417373756d696e67207468 | it well. Assuming th
| 65207368617065206f66206120646f672c204920 | e shape of a dog, I
| 6578616d696e65642074686565206f6e6365206d | examined thee once m
| 6f72652c204f20736f6e2c207768656e20746879 | ore, O son, when thy
| 2062726f74686572732077697468204472617570 | brothers with Draup
| 616469206861642066616c6c656e20646f776e2e | adi had fallen down.
| 205468697320686173206265656e207468792074 | This has been thy t
| 6869726420746573743b2074686f752068617374 | hird test; thou hast
| 2065787072657373656420746879207769736820 | expressed thy wish
| 746f20737461792061742048656c6c20666f7220 | to stay at Hell for
| 7468652073616b65206f66207468792062726f74 | the sake of thy brot
| 686572732e2054686f752068617374206265636f | hers. Thou hast beco
| 6d6520636c65616e7365642c204f20686967686c | me cleansed, O highl
| 7920626c6573736564206f6e652e205075726966 | y blessed one. Purif
| 696564206f662073696e2c2062652074686f7520 | ied of sin, be thou
| 68617070792e203c2f703e20200d0a3c703e4f20 | happy. </p> <p>O
| 736f6e206f66205072697468612c207468792062 | son of Pritha, thy b
| 726f74686572732c204f206b696e672c20776572 | rothers, O king, wer
| 65206e6f74207375636820617320746f20646573 | e not such as to des
| 657276652048656c6c2e20416c6c207468697320 | erve Hell. All this
| 686173206265656e20616e20696c6c7573696f6e | has been an illusion
| 2063726561746564206279207468652063686965 | created by the chie
| 66206f662074686520676f64732e20576974686f | f of the gods. Witho
| 757420646f7562742c20616c6c206b696e67732c | ut doubt, all kings,
| 204f20736f6e2c206d757374206f6e6365206265 | O son, must once be
| 686f6c642048656c6c2e2048656e636520686173 | hold Hell. Hence has
| 742074686f7520666f722061206c6974746c6520 | t thou for a little
| 7768696c65206265656e207375626a6563746564 | while been subjected
| 20746f2074686973206772656174206166666c69 | to this great affli
| 6374696f6e2e204f206b696e672c206e65697468 | ction. O king, neith
| 65722041726a756e612c206e6f72204268696d61 | er Arjuna, nor Bhima
| 2c206e6f7220616e79206f662074686f73652066 | , nor any of those f
| 6f72656d6f7374206f66206d656e2c2076697a2e | oremost of men, viz.
| 2c20746865207477696e732c206e6f72204b6172 | , the twins, nor Kar
| 6e612c206576657220747275746866756c20696e | na, ever truthful in
| 2073706565636820616e6420706f737365737365 | speech and possesse
| 64206f6620677265617420636f75726167652c20 | d of great courage,
| 636f756c6420626520646573657276696e67206f | could be deserving o
| 662048656c6c20666f722061206c6f6e67207469 | f Hell for a long ti
| 6d652e20546865207072696e63657373204b7269 | me. The princess Kri
| 73686e6120746f6f2c204f205975646869736874 | shna too, O Yudhisht
| 686972612c20636f756c64206e6f742062652064 | hira, could not be d
| 6573657276696e67206f66207468617420706c61 | eserving of that pla
| 6365206f662073696e6e6572732e20436f6d652c | ce of sinners. Come,
| 20636f6d652c204f20666f72656d6f7374206f6e | come, O foremost on
| 65206f66207468652042686172617461732c2062 | e of the Bharatas, b
| 65686f6c642047616e67612077686f2073707265 | ehold Ganga who spre
| 616473206865722063757272656e74206f766572 | ads her current over
| 2074686520746872656520776f726c64732e2623 | the three worlds.&#
| 3134363b3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e2254687573 | 146;</p> <p>"Thus
| 206164647265737365642c207468617420726f79 | addressed, that roy
| 616c20736167652c2076697a2e2c207468792067 | al sage, viz., thy g
| 72616e64736972652c2070726f63656564656420 | randsire, proceeded
| 7769746820446861726d6120616e6420616c6c20 | with Dharma and all
| 746865206f7468657220676f64732e2048617669 | the other gods. Havi
| 6e672062617468656420696e207468652063656c | ng bathed in the cel
| 65737469616c2072697665722047616e67612c20 | estial river Ganga,
| 73616372656420616e642073616e637469667969 | sacred and sanctifyi
| 6e6720616e6420657665722061646f7265642062 | ng and ever adored b
| 7920746865205269736869732c20686520636173 | y the Rishis, he cas
| 74206f6666206869732068756d616e20626f6479 | t off his human body
| 2e20417373756d696e67207468656e2061206365 | . Assuming then a ce
| 6c65737469616c20666f726d2c206b696e672059 | lestial form, king Y
| 756468697368746869726120746865206a757374 | udhishthira the just
| 2c20696e20636f6e73657175656e6365206f6620 | , in consequence of
| 7468617420626174682c20626563616d65206469 | that bath, became di
| 766573746564206f6620616c6c2068697320656e | vested of all his en
| 6d697469657320616e642067726965662e205375 | mities and grief. Su
| 72726f756e646564206279207468652064656974 | rrounded by the deit
| 6965732c20746865204b757275206b696e672059 | ies, the Kuru king Y
| 7564686973687468697261207468656e2070726f | udhishthira then pro
| 6365656465642066726f6d20746861742073706f | ceeded from that spo
| 742e20486520776173206163636f6d70616e6965 | t. He was accompanie
| 6420627920446861726d612c20616e6420746865 | d by Dharma, and the
| 2067726561742052697368697320757474657265 | great Rishis uttere
| 642068697320707261697365732e20496e646565 | d his praises. Indee
| 642c206865207265616368656420746861742070 | d, he reached that p
| 6c6163652077686572652074686f736520666f72 | lace where those for
| 656d6f7374206f66206d656e2c2074686f736520 | emost of men, those
| 6865726f65732c2076697a2e2c20746865205061 | heroes, viz., the Pa
| 6e646176617320616e6420746865204468617274 | ndavas and the Dhart
| 6172617368747261732c2066726565642066726f | arashtras, freed fro
| 6d202868756d616e292077726174682c20776572 | m (human) wrath, wer
| 6520656e6a6f79696e6720656163682068697320 | e enjoying each his
| 72657370656374697665207374617475732e3c2f | respective status.</
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| 20616c69676e3d2263656e746572223e3c623e32 | align="center"><b>2
| 3c2f623e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e2259756468 | </b></p> <p>"Yudh
| 697368746869726120736169642c202623313435 | ishthira said, ‘
| 3b596520646569746965732c204920646f206e6f | ;Ye deities, I do no
| 8baa32b8eb5cf17b2bdb3ca885e160820b9dbccc75040f0419dce7f338a849f2 |
| 6e20696e746f20447761706172612c20616e6420 | n into Dwapara, and
| 44687269736874616479756d6e6120696e746f20 | Dhrishtadyumna into
| 746865206465697479206f6620666972652e2054 | the deity of fire. T
| 686520736f6e73206f6620446872697461726173 | he sons of Dhritaras
| 68747261207765726520616c6c2052616b736861 | htra were all Raksha
| 736173206f6620666965726365206d696768742e | sas of fierce might.
| 2053616e63746966696564206279206465617468 | Sanctified by death
| 2063617573656420627920776561706f6e732c20 | caused by weapons,
| 74686f736520686967682d736f756c6564206265 | those high-souled be
| 696e6773206f662070726f737065726974792061 | ings of prosperity a
| 6c6c2073756363656564656420696e2061747461 | ll succeeded in atta
| 696e696e6720746f2048656176656e2e20426f74 | ining to Heaven. Bot
| 68204b7368617474726920616e64206b696e6720 | h Kshattri and king
| 59756468697368746869726120656e7465726564 | Yudhishthira entered
| 20696e746f2074686520676f64206f6620526967 | into the god of Rig
| 6874656f75736e6573732e2054686520686f6c79 | hteousness. The holy
| 20616e6420696c6c75737472696f757320416e61 | and illustrious Ana
| 6e7461202877686f206861642074616b656e2062 | nta (who had taken b
| 697274682061732042616c6172616d6129207072 | irth as Balarama) pr
| 6f63656564656420746f2074686520726567696f | oceeded to the regio
| 6e2062656c6f77207468652045617274682e2054 | n below the Earth. T
| 68726f7567682074686520636f6d6d616e64206f | hrough the command o
| 6620746865204772616e64736972652c2068652c | f the Grandsire, he,
| 2061696465642062792068697320596f67612070 | aided by his Yoga p
| 6f7765722c20737570706f727465642074686520 | ower, supported the
| 45617274682e2056617375646576612077617320 | Earth. Vasudeva was
| 6120706f7274696f6e206f662074686174206574 | a portion of that et
| 65726e616c20676f64206f6620676f6473206361 | ernal god of gods ca
| 6c6c6564204e61726179616e612e204163636f72 | lled Narayana. Accor
| 64696e676c792c20686520656e74657265642069 | dingly, he entered i
| 6e746f204e61726179616e612e2031362c303030 | nto Narayana. 16,000
| 20776f6d656e20686164206265656e206d617272 | women had been marr
| 69656420746f2056617375646576612061732068 | ied to Vasudeva as h
| 69732077697665732e205768656e207468652074 | is wives. When the t
| 696d652063616d652c204f204a616e616d656a61 | ime came, O Janameja
| 79612c20746865792c20706c756e67656420696e | ya, they, plunged in
| 746f20746865205361726173766174692e204361 | to the Sarasvati. Ca
| 7374696e67206f6666207468656972202868756d | sting off their (hum
| 616e2920626f646965732074686572652c207468 | an) bodies there, th
| 65792072652d617363656e64656420746f204865 | ey re-ascended to He
| 6176656e2e205472616e73666f726d656420696e | aven. Transformed in
| 746f20417073617261732c207468657920617070 | to Apsaras, they app
| 726f6163686564207468652070726573656e6365 | roached the presence
| 206f662056617375646576612e2054686f736520 | of Vasudeva. Those
| 6865726f696320616e64206d6967687479206361 | heroic and mighty ca
| 722d77617272696f72732c20476861746f746b61 | r-warriors, Ghatotka
| 636120616e64206f74686572732c2077686f2077 | ca and others, who w
| 65726520736c61696e20696e2074686520677265 | ere slain in the gre
| 617420626174746c652c2061747461696e656420 | at battle, attained
| 746f20746865207374617475732c20736f6d6520 | to the status, some
| 6f6620676f647320616e6420736f6d65206f6620 | of gods and some of
| 59616b736861732e2054686f7365207468617420 | Yakshas. Those that
| 68616420666f75676874206f6e20746865207369 | had fought on the si
| 6465206f6620447572796f6468616e6120617265 | de of Duryodhana are
| 207361696420746f2068617665206265656e2052 | said to have been R
| 616b7368617361732e204772616475616c6c792c | akshasas. Gradually,
| 204f206b696e672c207468657920686176652061 | O king, they have a
| 6c6c2061747461696e656420746f20657863656c | ll attained to excel
| 6c656e7420726567696f6e73206f662066656c69 | lent regions of feli
| 636974792e2054686f736520666f72656d6f7374 | city. Those foremost
| 206f66206d656e20686176652070726f63656564 | of men have proceed
| 65642c20736f6d6520746f207468652061626f64 | ed, some to the abod
| 65206f6620496e6472612c20736f6d6520746f20 | e of Indra, some to
| 74686174206f66204b7576657261206f66206772 | that of Kuvera of gr
| 65617420696e74656c6c6967656e63652c20616e | eat intelligence, an
| 6420736f6d6520746f2074686174206f66205661 | d some to that of Va
| 72756e612e20492068617665206e6f7720746f6c | runa. I have now tol
| 6420746865652c204f2074686f75206f66206772 | d thee, O thou of gr
| 6561742073706c656e646f75722c206576657279 | eat splendour, every
| 7468696e672061626f7574207468652061637473 | thing about the acts
| 2c204f20426861726174612c206f6620626f7468 | , O Bharata, of both
| 20746865204b7572757320616e64207468652050 | the Kurus and the P
| 616e64617661732e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e53 | andavas.</p> <p>S
| 6175746920736169643a2048656172696e672074 | auti said: Hearing t
| 6869732c20796520666f72656d6f7374206f6620 | his, ye foremost of
| 726567656e6572617465206f6e65732c20617420 | regenerate ones, at
| 74686520696e74657276616c73206f6620736163 | the intervals of sac
| 726966696369616c2072697465732c206b696e67 | rificial rites, king
| 204a616e616d656a61796120626563616d652066 | Janamejaya became f
| 696c6c6564207769746820776f6e6465722e2054 | illed with wonder. T
| 686520736163726966696369616c207072696573 | he sacrificial pries
| 7473207468656e2066696e697368656420746865 | ts then finished the
| 20726974657320746861742072656d61696e6564 | rites that remained
| 20746f20626520676f6e65207468726f7567682e | to be gone through.
| 20417374696b612c20686176696e672072657363 | Astika, having resc
| 7565642074686520736e616b6573202866726f6d | ued the snakes (from
| 206669657279206465617468292c20626563616d | fiery death), becam
| 652066696c6c65642077697468206a6f792e204b | e filled with joy. K
| 696e67204a616e616d656a617961207468656e20 | ing Janamejaya then
| 67726174696669656420616c6c20746865204272 | gratified all the Br
| 61686d616e6173207769746820636f70696f7573 | ahmanas with copious
| 2070726573656e74732e205468757320776f7273 | presents. Thus wors
| 68697070656420627920746865206b696e672c20 | hipped by the king,
| 746865792072657475726e656420746f20746865 | they returned to the
| 697220726573706563746976652061626f646573 | ir respective abodes
| 2e20486176696e67206469736d69737365642074 | . Having dismissed t
| 686f7365206c6561726e656420427261686d616e | hose learned Brahman
| 61732c206b696e67204a616e616d656a61796120 | as, king Janamejaya
| 63616d65206261636b2066726f6d2054616b7368 | came back from Taksh
| 6173696c6120746f207468652063697479206e61 | asila to the city na
| 6d65642061667465722074686520656c65706861 | med after the elepha
| 6e742e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e492068617665 | nt.</p> <p>I have
| 206e6f7720746f6c642065766572797468696e67 | now told everything
| 2074686174205661697368616d706179616e6120 | that Vaishampayana
| 6e617272617465642c2061742074686520636f6d | narrated, at the com
| 6d616e64206f662056796173612c20756e746f20 | mand of Vyasa, unto
| 746865206b696e672061742068697320736e616b | the king at his snak
| 65207361637269666963652e2043616c6c656420 | e sacrifice. Called
| 6120686973746f72792c20697420697320736163 | a history, it is sac
| 7265642c2073616e6374696679696e6720616e64 | red, sanctifying and
| 20657863656c6c656e742e204974206861732062 | excellent. It has b
| 65656e20636f6d706f7365642062792074686520 | een composed by the
| 61736365746963204b726973686e612c204f2042 | ascetic Krishna, O B
| 7261686d616e612c206f6620747275746866756c | rahmana, of truthful
| 207370656563682e204865206973206f6d6e6973 | speech. He is omnis
| 6369656e742c20636f6e76657273616e74207769 | cient, conversant wi
| 746820616c6c206f7264696e616e6365732c2070 | th all ordinances, p
| 6f73736573736564206f662061206b6e6f776c65 | ossessed of a knowle
| 646765206f6620616c6c206475746965732c2065 | dge of all duties, e
| 6e6475656420776974682070696574792c206361 | ndued with piety, ca
| 7061626c65206f662070657263656976696e6720 | pable of perceiving
| 77686174206973206265796f6e6420746865206b | what is beyond the k
| 656e206f66207468652073656e7365732c207075 | en of the senses, pu
| 72652c20686176696e67206120736f756c20636c | re, having a soul cl
| 65616e7365642062792070656e616e6365732c20 | eansed by penances,
| 706f73736573736564206f662074686520736978 | possessed of the six
| 206869676820617474726962757465732c20616e | high attributes, an
| 64206465766f74656420746f2053616e6b687961 | d devoted to Sankhya
| 20596f67612e2048652068617320636f6d706f73 | Yoga. He has compos
| 656420746869732c206265686f6c64696e672065 | ed this, beholding e
| 766572797468696e67207769746820612063656c | verything with a cel
| 65737469616c2065796520746861742068617320 | estial eye that has
| 6265656e20636c65616e7365642028737472656e | been cleansed (stren
| 677468656e65642920627920766172696564206c | gthened) by varied l
| 6f72652e2048652068617320646f6e6520746869 | ore. He has done thi
| 732c206465736972696e6720746f207370726561 | s, desiring to sprea
| 64207468652066616d652c207468726f7567686f | d the fame, througho
| 75742074686520776f726c642c206f6620746865 | ut the world, of the
| 20686967682d736f756c65642050616e64617661 | high-souled Pandava
| 732c20617320616c736f206f66206f7468657220 | s, as also of other
| 4b73686174726979617320706f73736573736564 | Kshatriyas possessed
| 206f66206162756e64616e74207765616c746820 | of abundant wealth
| 6f6620656e657267792e3c2f703e20200d0a3c70 | of energy.</p> <p
| 3e54686174206c6561726e6564206d616e207768 | >That learned man wh
| 6f2072656369746573207468697320686973746f | o recites this histo
| 7279206f6620736163726564206461797320696e | ry of sacred days in
| 20746865206d69647374206f662061206c697374 | the midst of a list
| 656e696e672061756469746f7279206265636f6d | ening auditory becom
| 657320636c65616e736564206f66206576657279 | es cleansed of every
| 2073696e2c20636f6e7175657273204865617665 | sin, conquers Heave
| 6e2c20616e642061747461696e7320746f207468 | n, and attains to th
| 6520737461747573206f6620427261686d612e20 | e status of Brahma.
| 4f662074686174206d616e2077686f206c697374 | Of that man who list
| 656e732077697468207261707420617474656e74 | ens with rapt attent
| 696f6e20746f207468652072656369746174696f | ion to the recitatio
| 6e206f66207468652077686f6c65206f66207468 | n of the whole of th
| 6973205665646120636f6d706f73656420627920 | is Veda composed by
| 287468652049736c616e642d626f726e29204b72 | (the Island-born) Kr
| 6973686e612c2061206d696c6c696f6e2073696e | ishna, a million sin
| 732c206e756d626572696e672073756368206772 | s, numbering such gr
| 617665206f6e657320617320427261686d616e69 | ave ones as Brahmani
| 6369646520616e642074686520726573742c2061 | cide and the rest, a
| 726520776173686564206f66662e205468652050 | re washed off. The P
| 6974726973206f662074686174206d616e207768 | itris of that man wh
| 93dd18f3c0d9fa3251dba2757b33fef4bd7c70a1247450bf3ae7f2f3b75069d5 |
| 65616e73696e6720616e64207361637265642e20 | eansing and sacred.
| 496e207468652042686172617461206172652064 | In the Bharata are d
| 69766572736520746f706963732e205468652042 | iverse topics. The B
| 68617261746120697320776f7273686970706564 | harata is worshipped
| 20627920746865207665727920676f64732e2054 | by the very gods. T
| 6865204268617261746120697320746865206869 | he Bharata is the hi
| 676865737420676f616c2e205468652042686172 | ghest goal. The Bhar
| 6174612c204f206368696566206f662074686520 | ata, O chief of the
| 42686172617461732c2069732074686520666f72 | Bharatas, is the for
| 656d6f7374206f6620616c6c2073637269707475 | emost of all scriptu
| 7265732e204f6e652061747461696e7320746f20 | res. One attains to
| 456d616e6369706174696f6e207468726f756768 | Emancipation through
| 2074686520426861726174612e20546869732074 | the Bharata. This t
| 68617420492074656c6c20746865652069732063 | hat I tell thee is c
| 65727461696e2074727574682e204f6e65207468 | ertain truth. One th
| 61742070726f636c61696d7320746865206d6572 | at proclaims the mer
| 697473206f66207468697320686973746f727920 | its of this history
| 63616c6c656420746865204d6168616268617261 | called the Mahabhara
| 74612c206f66207468652045617274682c206f66 | ta, of the Earth, of
| 2074686520636f772c206f662053617261737661 | the cow, of Sarasva
| 7469202874686520676f6464657373206f662073 | ti (the goddess of s
| 7065656368292c206f6620427261686d616e6173 | peech), of Brahmanas
| 2c20616e64206f66204b6573686176612c206861 | , and of Keshava, ha
| 73206e6576657220746f206c616e67756973682e | s never to languish.
| 3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e22496e207468652056 | </p> <p>"In the V
| 656461732c20696e207468652052616d6179616e | edas, in the Ramayan
| 612c20616e6420696e2074686520736163726564 | a, and in the sacred
| 20426861726174612c204f206368696566206f66 | Bharata, O chief of
| 204268617261746126233134363b732072616365 | Bharata’s race
| 2c20486172692069732073756e6720696e207468 | , Hari is sung in th
| 6520626567696e6e696e672c20746865206d6964 | e beginning, the mid
| 646c652c20616e642061742074686520656e642e | dle, and at the end.
| 205468617420696e207768696368206f63637572 | That in which occur
| 20657863656c6c656e742073746174656d656e74 | excellent statement
| 732072656c6174696e6720746f20566973686e75 | s relating to Vishnu
| 2c20616e642074686520657465726e616c205372 | , and the eternal Sr
| 757469732c2073686f756c64206265206c697374 | utis, should be list
| 656e656420746f206279206d656e206465736972 | ened to by men desir
| 6f7573206f662061747461696e696e6720746f20 | ous of attaining to
| 746865206869676865737420676f616c2e205468 | the highest goal. Th
| 69732074726561746973652069732073616e6374 | is treatise is sanct
| 696679696e672e20546869732069732074686520 | ifying. This is the
| 6869676865737420696e64696361746f72206173 | highest indicator as
| 2072656761726473206475746965733b20746869 | regards duties; thi
| 7320697320656e64756564207769746820657665 | s is endued with eve
| 7279206d657269742e204f6e652064657369726f | ry merit. One desiro
| 7573206f662070726f737065726974792073686f | us of prosperity sho
| 756c64206c697374656e20746f2069742e205369 | uld listen to it. Si
| 6e7320636f6d6d6974746564206279206d65616e | ns committed by mean
| 73206f662074686520626f64792c206279206d65 | s of the body, by me
| 616e73206f6620776f7264732c20616e64206279 | ans of words, and by
| 206d65616e73206f6620746865206d696e642c20 | means of the mind,
| 61726520616c6c2064657374726f796564202874 | are all destroyed (t
| 68726f756768206c697374656e696e6720746f20 | hrough listening to
| 746865204268617261746129206173204461726b | the Bharata) as Dark
| 6e6573732061742073756e726973652e204f6e65 | ness at sunrise. One
| 206465766f74656420746f20566973686e752061 | devoted to Vishnu a
| 6371756972657320287468726f75676820746869 | cquires (through thi
| 73292074686174206d6572697420776869636820 | s) that merit which
| 6973206163717569726564206279206c69737465 | is acquired by liste
| 6e696e6720746f2074686520656967687465656e | ning to the eighteen
| 20507572616e61732e205468657265206973206e | Puranas. There is n
| 6f20646f75627420696e20746869732e204d656e | o doubt in this. Men
| 20616e6420776f6d656e20286279206c69737465 | and women (by liste
| 6e696e6720746f20746869732920776f756c6420 | ning to this) would
| 6365727461696e6c792061747461696e20746f20 | certainly attain to
| 74686520737461747573206f6620566973686e75 | the status of Vishnu
| 2e20576f6d656e2064657369726f7573206f6620 | . Women desirous of
| 686176696e67206368696c6472656e2073686f75 | having children shou
| 6c64206365727461696e6c79206c697374656e20 | ld certainly listen
| 746f20746869732077686963682070726f636c61 | to this which procla
| 696d73207468652066616d65206f662056697368 | ims the fame of Vish
| 6e752e204f6e652064657369726f7573206f6620 | nu. One desirous of
| 61747461696e696e6720746f2074686520667275 | attaining to the fru
| 69747320746861742061747461636820746f2061 | its that attach to a
| 2072656369746174696f6e206f66207468652042 | recitation of the B
| 6861726174612073686f756c642c206163636f72 | harata should, accor
| 64696e6720746f206f6e6526233134363b732070 | ding to one’s p
| 6f7765722c206769766520756e746f2074686520 | ower, give unto the
| 726563697465722044616b7368696e612c206173 | reciter Dakshina, as
| 20616c736f20616e20686f6e6f72617269756d20 | also an honorarium
| 696e20676f6c642e204f6e652064657369726f75 | in gold. One desirou
| 73206f66206f6e6526233134363b73206f776e20 | s of one’s own
| 676f6f642073686f756c64206769766520756e74 | good should give unt
| 6f2074686520726563697465722061204b617069 | o the reciter a Kapi
| 6c6120636f77207769746820686f726e73206361 | la cow with horns ca
| 73656420696e20676f6c6420616e64206163636f | sed in gold and acco
| 6d70616e696564206279206865722063616c662c | mpanied by her calf,
| 20636f76657265642077697468206120636c6f74 | covered with a clot
| 682e204f726e616d656e74732c204f2063686965 | h. Ornaments, O chie
| 66206f66204268617261746126233134363b7320 | f of Bharata’s
| 726163652c20666f72207468652061726d732c20 | race, for the arms,
| 617320616c736f2074686f736520666f72207468 | as also those for th
| 6520656172732c2073686f756c64206265206769 | e ears, should be gi
| 76656e2e20426573696465732074686573652c20 | ven. Besides these,
| 6f74686572206b696e6473206f66207765616c74 | other kinds of wealt
| 682073686f756c642062652070726573656e7465 | h should be presente
| 642e20556e746f2074686520726563697465722c | d. Unto the reciter,
| 204f206b696e67206f66206d656e2c2067696674 | O king of men, gift
| 206f66206c616e642073686f756c64206265206d | of land should be m
| 6164652e204e6f2067696674206c696b65207468 | ade. No gift like th
| 6174206f66206c616e6420636f756c6420657665 | at of land could eve
| 72206265206f722077696c6c2062652e20546865 | r be or will be. The
| 206d616e2074686174206c697374656e73202874 | man that listens (t
| 6f20746865204268617261746129206f72207468 | o the Bharata) or th
| 6174207265636974657320697420746f206f7468 | at recites it to oth
| 65722070656f706c652c206265636f6d65732063 | er people, becomes c
| 6c65616e736564206f6620616c6c206869732073 | leansed of all his s
| 696e7320616e642061747461696e73206174206c | ins and attains at l
| 61737420746f2074686520737461747573206f66 | ast to the status of
| 20566973686e752e20537563682061206d616e20 | Vishnu. Such a man
| 726573637565732068697320616e636573746f72 | rescues his ancestor
| 7320746f2074686520656c6576656e7468206465 | s to the eleventh de
| 677265652c20617320616c736f2068696d73656c | gree, as also himsel
| 6620776974682068697320776976657320616e64 | f with his wives and
| 20736f6e732c204f206368696566206f66204268 | sons, O chief of Bh
| 617261746126233134363b7320726163652e2041 | arata’s race. A
| 6674657220636f6e636c7564696e672061207265 | fter concluding a re
| 6369746174696f6e206f66207468652042686172 | citation of the Bhar
| 6174612c206f6e652073686f756c642c204f206b | ata, one should, O k
| 696e672c20706572666f726d206120486f6d6120 | ing, perform a Homa
| 7769746820616c6c206974732074656e20706172 | with all its ten par
| 74732e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e224920686176 | ts.</p> <p>"I hav
| 6520746875732c204f206368696566206f66206d | e thus, O chief of m
| 656e2c20746f6c642065766572797468696e6720 | en, told everything
| 696e207468792070726573656e63652e20486520 | in thy presence. He
| 74686174206c697374656e732077697468206465 | that listens with de
| 766f74696f6e20746f2074686973204268617261 | votion to this Bhara
| 74612066726f6d2074686520626567696e6e696e | ta from the beginnin
| 67206265636f6d657320636c65616e736564206f | g becomes cleansed o
| 662065766572792073696e206576656e20696620 | f every sin even if
| 6865206265206775696c7479206f662042726168 | he be guilty of Brah
| 6d616e6963696465206f72207468652076696f6c | manicide or the viol
| 6174696f6e206f66206869732070726563657074 | ation of his precept
| 6f7226233134363b73206265642c206f72206576 | or’s bed, or ev
| 656e2069662068652062652061206472696e6b65 | en if he be a drinke
| 72206f6620616c636f686f6c206f72206120726f | r of alcohol or a ro
| 62626572206f66206f746865722070656f706c65 | bber of other people
| 26233134363b732077617265732c206f72206576 | ’s wares, or ev
| 656e20696620686520626520626f726e20696e20 | en if he be born in
| 746865204368616e64616c61206f726465722e20 | the Chandala order.
| 44657374726f79696e6720616c6c206869732073 | Destroying all his s
| 696e73206c696b6520746865206d616b6572206f | ins like the maker o
| 66206461792064657374726f79696e6720646172 | f day destroying dar
| 6b6e6573732c20737563682061206d616e2c2077 | kness, such a man, w
| 6974686f757420646f7562742c2073706f727473 | ithout doubt, sports
| 20696e2066656c696369747920696e2074686520 | in felicity in the
| 726567696f6e206f6620566973686e75206c696b | region of Vishnu lik
| 6520566973686e752068696d73656c662e223c2f | e Vishnu himself."</
| 703e20200d0a3c7020616c69676e3d2263656e74 | p> <p align="cent
| 6572223e3c693e54686520456e64206f66207468 | er"><i>The End of th
| 6520537661726761726f68616e696b612d706172 | e Svargarohanika-par
| 76613c2f693e3c2f703e20200d0a3c7020616c69 | va</i></p> <p ali
| 676e3d2263656e746572223e3c693e5468652045 | gn="center"><i>The E
| 6967687465656e20706172766173206f66207468 | ighteen parvas of th
| 65204d6168616268617261746120617265207468 | e Mahabharata are th
| 757320636f6d706c657465643c2f693e3c2f703e | us completed</i></p>
| 20203c2f6469763e20203c2f424f44593e0d0a3c | </div> </BODY> <
| 2f48544d4c3e0d0a6531383030352e68746d5c31 | /HTML> e18005.htm\1
| 303934332f3c48544d4c3e0d0a3c484541443e0d | 0943/<HTML> <HEAD>
| 0a3c4d45544120485454502d45515549563d2243 | <META HTTP-EQUIV="C
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| 3d5554462d38223e0d0a3c4d455441206e616d65 | =UTF-8"> <META name
| b583c0b2c68d6e890faf01604ff959bef9b4ff14b1090b8318d6ef9d1b9d1982 |
| 737573207769746820746865207477696e204173 | sus with the twin As
| 6876696e69732c2074686520536164687961732c | hvinis, the Sadhyas,
| 20746865205275647261732c2074686520416469 | the Rudras, the Adi
| 747961732c20616e6420746865206f7468657220 | tyas, and the other
| 64656e697a656e73206f662048656176656e2c20 | denizens of Heaven,
| 617320616c736f20746865205369646468617320 | as also the Siddhas
| 616e642074686520677265617420526973686973 | and the great Rishis
| 2c20616c6c2063616d6520746865726520776865 | , all came there whe
| 726520446861726d6126233134363b7320726f79 | re Dharma’s roy
| 616c20736f6e206f6620677265617420656e6572 | al son of great ener
| 6779207761732e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e2254 | gy was.</p> <p>"T
| 68656e205368616b72612c20746865206c6f7264 | hen Shakra, the lord
| 206f662074686520646569746965732c20656e64 | of the deities, end
| 756564207769746820626c617a696e672070726f | ued with blazing pro
| 737065726974792c206164647265737365642059 | sperity, addressed Y
| 756468697368746869726120616e6420636f6d66 | udhishthira and comf
| 6f7274696e672068696d2c20736169642c202623 | orting him, said, &#
| 3134353b4f20597564686973687468697261206f | 145;O Yudhishthira o
| 66206d69676874792061726d732c20636f6d652c | f mighty arms, come,
| 20636f6d652c204f206368696566206f66206d65 | come, O chief of me
| 6e2e20546865736520696c6c7573696f6e732068 | n. These illusions h
| 61766520656e6465642c204f207075697373616e | ave ended, O puissan
| 74206f6e652e2053756363657373206861732062 | t one. Success has b
| 65656e2061747461696e65642062792074686565 | een attained by thee
| 2c204f206d69676874792d61726d6564206f6e65 | , O mighty-armed one
| 2c20616e6420657465726e616c20726567696f6e | , and eternal region
| 7320286f662066656c6963697479292068617665 | s (of felicity) have
| 206265636f6d65207468696e652e2054686f7520 | become thine. Thou
| 73686f756c647374206e6f74207969656c642074 | shouldst not yield t
| 6f2077726174682e204c697374656e20746f2074 | o wrath. Listen to t
| 6865736520776f726473206f66206d696e652e20 | hese words of mine.
| 48656c6c2c204f20736f6e2c2073686f756c6420 | Hell, O son, should
| 776974686f757420646f75627420626520626568 | without doubt be beh
| 656c64206279206576657279206b696e672e204f | eld by every king. O
| 6620626f746820676f6f6420616e642062616420 | f both good and bad
| 7468657265206973206162756e64616e63652c20 | there is abundance,
| 4f206368696566206f66206d656e2e2048652077 | O chief of men. He w
| 686f20656e6a6f79732066697273742074686520 | ho enjoys first the
| 667275697473206f662068697320676f6f642061 | fruits of his good a
| 637473206d757374206166746572776172647320 | cts must afterwards
| 656e647572652048656c6c2e2048652c206f6e20 | endure Hell. He, on
| 746865206f746865722068616e642c2077686f20 | the other hand, who
| 666972737420656e64757265732048656c6c2c20 | first endures Hell,
| 6d757374206166746572776172647320656e6a6f | must afterwards enjo
| 792048656176656e2e2048652077686f73652073 | y Heaven. He whose s
| 696e66756c206163747320617265206d616e7920 | inful acts are many
| 656e6a6f79732048656176656e2066697273742e | enjoys Heaven first.
| 20497420697320666f7220746869732c204f206b | It is for this, O k
| 696e672c20746861742064657369726f7573206f | ing, that desirous o
| 6620646f696e67207468656520676f6f642c2049 | f doing thee good, I
| 20636175736564207468656520746f2062652073 | caused thee to be s
| 656e7420666f7220686176696e67206120766965 | ent for having a vie
| 77206f662048656c6c2e2054686f752068616473 | w of Hell. Thou hads
| 742c20627920612070726574656e63652c206465 | t, by a pretence, de
| 6365697665642044726f6e6120696e2074686520 | ceived Drona in the
| 6d6174746572206f662068697320736f6e2e2054 | matter of his son. T
| 686f7520686173742c20696e20636f6e73657175 | hou hast, in consequ
| 656e63652074686572656f662c206265656e2073 | ence thereof, been s
| 686f776e2048656c6c20627920616e2061637420 | hown Hell by an act
| 6f6620646563657074696f6e2e20416674657220 | of deception. After
| 746865206d616e6e6572206f662074687973656c | the manner of thysel
| 662c204268696d6120616e642041726a756e612c | f, Bhima and Arjuna,
| 20616e642044726175706164692c206861766520 | and Draupadi, have
| 616c6c206265656e2073686f776e207468652070 | all been shown the p
| 6c616365206f662073696e6e6572732062792061 | lace of sinners by a
| 6e20616374206f6620646563657074696f6e2e20 | n act of deception.
| 436f6d652c204f206368696566206f66206d656e | Come, O chief of men
| 2c20616c6c206f66207468656d20686176652062 | , all of them have b
| 65656e20636c65616e736564206f662074686569 | een cleansed of thei
| 722073696e732e20416c6c2074686f7365206b69 | r sins. All those ki
| 6e67732077686f20686164206169646564207468 | ngs who had aided th
| 656520616e642077686f2068617665206265656e | ee and who have been
| 20736c61696e20696e20626174746c652c206861 | slain in battle, ha
| 766520616c6c2061747461696e656420746f2048 | ve all attained to H
| 656176656e2e20436f6d6520616e64206265686f | eaven. Come and beho
| 6c64207468656d2c204f20666f72656d6f737420 | ld them, O foremost
| 6f6e65206f66204268617261746126233134363b | one of Bharata’
| 7320726163652e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e2226 | s race.</p> <p>"&
| 233134353b4b61726e612c20746865206d696768 | #145;Karna, the migh
| 747920626f776d616e2c207468617420666f7265 | ty bowman, that fore
| 6d6f7374206f6620616c6c207769656c64657273 | most of all wielders
| 206f6620776561706f6e7320666f722077686f6d | of weapons for whom
| 2074686f7520617274206772696576696e672c20 | thou art grieving,
| 68617320616c736f2061747461696e656420746f | has also attained to
| 206869676820737563636573732e204265686f6c | high success. Behol
| 642c204f207075697373616e74206f6e652c2074 | d, O puissant one, t
| 68617420666f72656d6f7374206f66206d656e2c | hat foremost of men,
| 2076697a2e2c2074686520736f6e206f66205375 | viz., the son of Su
| 7279612e20486520697320696e20746861742070 | rya. He is in that p
| 6c61636520776869636820697320686973206f77 | lace which is his ow
| 6e2c204f206d69676874792d61726d6564206f6e | n, O mighty-armed on
| 652e204b696c6c2074686973206772696566206f | e. Kill this grief o
| 66207468696e652c204f206368696566206f6620 | f thine, O chief of
| 6d656e2e204265686f6c64207468792062726f74 | men. Behold thy brot
| 6865727320616e64206f74686572732c2074686f | hers and others, tho
| 7365206b696e67732c20746861742069732c2077 | se kings, that is, w
| 686f20686164206573706f757365642074687920 | ho had espoused thy
| 736964652e2054686579206861766520616c6c20 | side. They have all
| 61747461696e656420746f207468656972207265 | attained to their re
| 737065637469766520706c6163657320286f6620 | spective places (of
| 66656c6963697479292e204c6574207468652066 | felicity). Let the f
| 65766572206f6620746879206865617274206265 | ever of thy heart be
| 2064697370656c6c65642e20486176696e672065 | dispelled. Having e
| 6e64757265642061206c6974746c65206d697365 | ndured a little mise
| 72792066697273742c2066726f6d207468697320 | ry first, from this
| 74696d652c204f20736f6e206f66204b75727526 | time, O son of Kuru&
| 233134363b7320726163652c20646f2074686f75 | #146;s race, do thou
| 2073706f72742077697468206d6520696e206861 | sport with me in ha
| 7070696e6573732c206469766573746564206f66 | ppiness, divested of
| 20677269656620616e6420616c6c207468792061 | grief and all thy a
| 696c6d656e74732064697370656c6c65642e204f | ilments dispelled. O
| 206d69676874792d61726d6564206f6e652c2064 | mighty-armed one, d
| 6f2074686f75206e6f7720656e6a6f792c204f20 | o thou now enjoy, O
| 6b696e672c207468652072657761726473206f66 | king, the rewards of
| 20616c6c20746879206465656473206f66207269 | all thy deeds of ri
| 676874656f75736e657373206f662074686f7365 | ghteousness of those
| 20726567696f6e732077686963682074686f7520 | regions which thou
| 686173742061637175697265642074687973656c | hast acquired thysel
| 66206279207468792070656e616e63657320616e | f by thy penances an
| 64206f6620616c6c207468792067696674732e20 | d of all thy gifts.
| 4c6574206465697469657320616e642047616e64 | Let deities and Gand
| 6861727661732c20616e642063656c6573746961 | harvas, and celestia
| 6c20417073617261732c206465636b656420696e | l Apsaras, decked in
| 207075726520726f62657320616e642065786365 | pure robes and exce
| 6c6c656e74206f726e616d656e74732c20776169 | llent ornaments, wai
| 742075706f6e20616e6420736572766520746865 | t upon and serve the
| 6520666f72207468792068617070696e6573732e | e for thy happiness.
| 20446f2074686f752c204f206d69676874792d61 | Do thou, O mighty-a
| 726d6564206f6e652c20656e6a6f79206e6f7720 | rmed one, enjoy now
| 74686f736520726567696f6e7320286f66206665 | those regions (of fe
| 6c69636974792920776869636820686176652062 | licity) which have b
| 65636f6d65207468696e65207468726f75676820 | ecome thine through
| 7468652052616a61737579612073616372696669 | the Rajasuya sacrifi
| 636520706572666f726d65642062792074686565 | ce performed by thee
| 20616e642077686f73652066656c696369746965 | and whose felicitie
| 732068617665206265656e20656e68616e636564 | s have been enhanced
| 2062792074686520736163726966696369616c20 | by the sacrificial
| 7363696d6974617220656d706c6f796564206279 | scimitar employed by
| 20746865652e204c657420746865206869676820 | thee. Let the high
| 667275697473206f66207468792070656e616e63 | fruits of thy penanc
| 657320626520656e6a6f79656420627920746865 | es be enjoyed by the
| 652e2054687920726567696f6e732c204f205975 | e. Thy regions, O Yu
| 646869736874686972612c206172652061626f76 | dhishthira, are abov
| 652c2074686f7365206f66206b696e67732e2054 | e, those of kings. T
| 6865792061726520657175616c20746f2074686f | hey are equal to tho
| 7365206f6620486172697363616e6472612c204f | se of Hariscandra, O
| 20736f6e206f66205072697468612e20436f6d65 | son of Pritha. Come
| 2c20616e642073706f727420746865726520696e | , and sport there in
| 20626c6973732e20546865726520776865726520 | bliss. There where
| 74686520726f79616c2073616765204d616e6468 | the royal sage Mandh
| 617472692069732c207468657265207768657265 | atri is, there where
| 206b696e6720426861676972617468612069732c | king Bhagiratha is,
| 20746865726520776865726520447573686d616e | there where Dushman
| 746126233134363b7320736f6e20426861726174 | ta’s son Bharat
| 612069732c2074686572652077696c742074686f | a is, there wilt tho
| 752073706f727420696e20626c6973732e204865 | u sport in bliss. He
| 7265206973207468652063656c65737469616c20 | re is the celestial
| 72697665722c2073616372656420616e64207361 | river, sacred and sa
| 6e6374696679696e672074686520746872656520 | nctifying the three
| 776f726c64732e2049742069732063616c6c6564 | worlds. It is called
| 2048656176656e6c792047616e67612e20506c75 | Heavenly Ganga. Plu
| 6e67696e6720696e746f2069742c2074686f7520 | nging into it, thou
| 77696c7420676f20746f20746879206f776e2072 | wilt go to thy own r
| 6567696f6e732e20486176696e67206261746865 | egions. Having bathe
| bf9f3d9afc2045efb4f4134c5d0f7ac45f5a133a6409de497732a366543f2453 |
| 65206f662070726563696f75732067656d73292e | e of precious gems).
| 20546865206d616e206f66206c6561726e696e67 | The man of learning
| 2c206279207265636974696e6720746f206f7468 | , by reciting to oth
| 65727320746869732056656461206f7220416761 | ers this Veda or Aga
| 6d6120636f6d706f736564206279202874686520 | ma composed by (the
| 49736c616e642d626f726e29204b726973686e61 | Island-born) Krishna
| 2c206561726e73207765616c74682e2054686572 | , earns wealth. Ther
| 65206973206e6f20646f75627420696e20746869 | e is no doubt in thi
| 7320746861742068652077686f2c207769746820 | s that he who, with
| 7261707420617474656e74696f6e2c2072656369 | rapt attention, reci
| 746573207468697320686973746f72792063616c | tes this history cal
| 6c656420426861726174612c2061747461696e73 | led Bharata, attains
| 20746f206869676820737563636573732e205768 | to high success. Wh
| 6174206e656564206861732074686174206d616e | at need has that man
| 206f66206120737072696e6b6c696e67206f6620 | of a sprinkling of
| 74686520776174657273206f6620507573686b61 | the waters of Pushka
| 72612077686f20617474656e746976656c79206c | ra who attentively l
| 697374656e7320746f2074686973204268617261 | istens to this Bhara
| 74612c207768696c652069742069732072656369 | ta, while it is reci
| 74656420746f2068696d3f204974207265707265 | ted to him? It repre
| 73656e747320746865206e656374617220746861 | sents the nectar tha
| 742066656c6c2066726f6d20746865206c697073 | t fell from the lips
| 206f66207468652049736c616e642d626f726e2e | of the Island-born.
| 20497420697320696d6d656173757261626c652c | It is immeasurable,
| 207361637265642c2073616e6374696679696e67 | sacred, sanctifying
| 2c2073696e2d636c65616e73696e672c20616e64 | , sin-cleansing, and
| 20617573706963696f75732e3c2f703e20200d0a | auspicious.</p>
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| 743d22546865204d616861626861726174612c20 | t="The Mahabharata,
| 426f6f6b2031383a20537661726761726f68616e | Book 18: Svargarohan
| 696b612050617276613a204b2e4d2e2047616e67 | ika Parva: K.M. Gang
| 756c69207472616e736c6174696f6e223e0d0a3c | uli translation"> <
| 4d455441206e616d653d226b6579776f72647322 | META name="keywords"
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| 612048696e647569736d20657465787420537661 | a Hinduism etext Sva
| 726761726f68616e696b61205061727661223e0d | rgarohanika Parva">
| 0a3c5449544c453e546865204d61686162686172 | <TITLE>The Mahabhar
| 6174612c20426f6f6b2031383a20537661726761 | ata, Book 18: Svarga
| 726f68616e696b612050617276613a2053656374 | rohanika Parva: Sect
| 696f6e20343c2f5449544c453e0d0a3c2f484541 | ion 4</TITLE> </HEA
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| 703e20200d0a3c703e5661697368616d70617961 | p> <p>Vaishampaya
| 6e6120736169642c20224b696e67205975646869 | na said, "King Yudhi
| 736874686972612c207468757320707261697365 | shthira, thus praise
| 642062792074686520676f64732c20746865204d | d by the gods, the M
| 617275747320616e642074686520526973686973 | aruts and the Rishis
| 2c2070726f63656564656420746f207468617420 | , proceeded to that
| 706c6163652077686572652074686f736520666f | place where those fo
| 72656d6f7374206f6e6573206f66204b75727526 | remost ones of Kuru&
| 233134363b73207261636520776572652e204865 | #146;s race were. He
| 20626568656c6420476f76696e646120656e6475 | beheld Govinda endu
| 656420776974682068697320427261686d612d66 | ed with his Brahma-f
| 6f726d2e20497420726573656d626c6564207468 | orm. It resembled th
| 617420666f726d206f6620686973207768696368 | at form of his which
| 20686164206265656e207365656e206265666f72 | had been seen befor
| 6520616e642077686963682c207468657265666f | e and which, therefo
| 72652c2068656c70656420746865207265636f67 | re, helped the recog
| 6e6974696f6e2e20426c617a696e6720666f7274 | nition. Blazing fort
| 6820696e207468617420666f726d206f66206869 | h in that form of hi
| 732c206865207761732061646f726e6564207769 | s, he was adorned wi
| 74682063656c65737469616c20776561706f6e73 | th celestial weapons
| 2c20737563682061732074686520746572726962 | , such as the terrib
| 6c652064697363757320616e64206f7468657273 | le discus and others
| 20696e2074686569722072657370656374697665 | in their respective
| 20656d626f6469656420666f726d732e20486520 | embodied forms. He
| 776173206265696e672061646f72656420627920 | was being adored by
| 746865206865726f6963205068616c67756e612c | the heroic Phalguna,
| 2077686f20616c736f2077617320656e64756564 | who also was endued
| 2077697468206120626c617a696e672065666675 | with a blazing effu
| 6c67656e63652e2054686520736f6e206f66204b | lgence. The son of K
| 756e746920626568656c642074686520736c6179 | unti beheld the slay
| 6572206f66204d6164687520616c736f20696e20 | er of Madhu also in
| 686973206f776e20666f726d2e2054686f736520 | his own form. Those
| 74776f20666f72656d6f7374206f66204265696e | two foremost of Bein
| 67732c2061646f72656420627920616c6c207468 | gs, adored by all th
| 6520676f64732c206265686f6c64696e67205975 | e gods, beholding Yu
| 646869736874686972612c207265636569766564 | dhishthira, received
| 2068696d20776974682070726f70657220686f6e | him with proper hon
| 6f7572732e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e22496e20 | ours.</p> <p>"In
| 616e6f7468657220706c6163652c207468652064 | another place, the d
| 656c696768746572206f6620746865204b757275 | elighter of the Kuru
| 7320626568656c64204b61726e612c2074686174 | s beheld Karna, that
| 20666f72656d6f7374206f6e6520616d6f6e6720 | foremost one among
| 616c6c207769656c64657273206f662077656170 | all wielders of weap
| 6f6e732c20726573656d626c696e67206120646f | ons, resembling a do
| 7a656e2053757279617320696e2073706c656e64 | zen Suryas in splend
| 6f75722e20496e20616e6f746865722070617274 | our. In another part
| 20686520626568656c64204268696d6173656e61 | he beheld Bhimasena
| 206f66206772656174207075697373616e63652c | of great puissance,
| 2073697474696e6720696e20746865206d696473 | sitting in the mids
| 74206f6620746865204d61727574732c20616e64 | t of the Maruts, and
| 20656e647565642077697468206120626c617a69 | endued with a blazi
| 6e6720666f726d2e204865207761732073697474 | ng form. He was sitt
| 696e67206279207468652073696465206f662074 | ing by the side of t
| 686520476f64206f662057696e6420696e206869 | he God of Wind in hi
| 7320656d626f6469656420666f726d2e20496e64 | s embodied form. Ind
| 6565642c20686520776173207468656e20696e20 | eed, he was then in
| 612063656c65737469616c20666f726d20656e64 | a celestial form end
| 7565642077697468206772656174206265617574 | ued with great beaut
| 792c20616e64206861642061747461696e656420 | y, and had attained
| 746f207468652068696768657374207375636365 | to the highest succe
| 73732e20496e20706c6163652062656c6f6e6769 | ss. In place belongi
| 6e6720746f207468652041736876696e69732c20 | ng to the Ashvinis,
| 7468652064656c696768746572206f6620746865 | the delighter of the
| 204b7572757320626568656c64204e616b756c61 | Kurus beheld Nakula
| 20616e642053616861646576612c206561636820 | and Sahadeva, each
| 626c617a696e67207769746820686973206f776e | blazing with his own
| 20656666756c67656e63652e3c2f703e20200d0a | effulgence.</p>
| 3c703e22486520616c736f20626568656c642074 | <p>"He also beheld t
| 6865207072696e63657373206f662050616e6361 | he princess of Panca
| 6c612c206465636b656420696e206761726c616e | la, decked in garlan
| 6473206f66206c6f74757365732e20486176696e | ds of lotuses. Havin
| 672061747461696e656420746f2048656176656e | g attained to Heaven
| 2c20736865207761732073697474696e67207468 | , she was sitting th
| 6572652c20656e64756564207769746820612066 | ere, endued with a f
| 6f726d20706f73736573736564206f6620736f6c | orm possessed of sol
| 61722073706c656e646f75722e204b696e672059 | ar splendour. King Y
| 75646869736874686972612073756464656e6c79 | udhishthira suddenly
| 2077697368656420746f207175657374696f6e20 | wished to question
| 6865722e205468656e2074686520696c6c757374 | her. Then the illust
| 72696f757320496e6472612c2074686520636869 | rious Indra, the chi
| 6566206f662074686520676f64732c2073706f6b | ef of the gods, spok
| 6520746f2068696d2c2026233134353b54686973 | e to him, ‘This
| 206f6e6520697320537265652068657273656c66 | one is Sree herself
| 2e2049742077617320666f7220796f7572207361 | . It was for your sa
| 6b6520746861742073686520746f6f6b20626972 | ke that she took bir
| 74682c2061732074686520646175676874657220 | th, as the daughter
| 6f6620447275706164612c20616d6f6e67206875 | of Drupada, among hu
| 6d616e206265696e67732c2069737375696e6720 | man beings, issuing
| 6e6f742066726f6d20616e79206d6f7468657226 | not from any mother&
| 233134363b7320776f6d622c204f205975646869 | #146;s womb, O Yudhi
| 736874686972612c20656e647565642077697468 | shthira, endued with
| 20616772656561626c652070657266756d652061 | agreeable perfume a
| 6e642063617061626c65206f662064656c696768 | nd capable of deligh
| 74696e67207468652077686f6c6520776f726c64 | ting the whole world
| 2e20466f7220796f757220706c6561737572652c | . For your pleasure,
| 2073686520776173206372656174656420627920 | she was created by
| 746865207769656c646572206f66207468652074 | the wielder of the t
| 726964656e742e205368652077617320626f726e | rident. She was born
| 20696e207468652072616365206f662044727570 | in the race of Drup
| 61646120616e642077617320656e6a6f79656420 | ada and was enjoyed
| 627920796f7520616c6c2e205468657365206669 | by you all. These fi
| c6cb876fa020ac4354bbd1b816c6b0ab333b9133749dcbd13c8f1edaa34ee9bc |
| 6f2072656369746573206576656e206120736d61 | o recites even a sma
| 6c6c20706f7274696f6e206f6620746869732068 | ll portion of this h
| 6973746f7279206174206120537261646468612c | istory at a Sraddha,
| 206f627461696e20696e6578686175737469626c | obtain inexhaustibl
| 6520666f6f6420616e64206472696e6b2e205468 | e food and drink. Th
| 652073696e732074686174206f6e6520636f6d6d | e sins that one comm
| 69747320647572696e6720746865206461792062 | its during the day b
| 79206f6e6526233134363b732073656e73657320 | y one’s senses
| 6f7220746865206d696e642061726520616c6c20 | or the mind are all
| 776173686564206f6666206265666f7265206576 | washed off before ev
| 656e696e67206279207265636974696e67206120 | ening by reciting a
| 706f7274696f6e206f6620746865204d61686162 | portion of the Mahab
| 6861726174612e2057686174657665722073696e | harata. Whatever sin
| 73206120427261686d616e61206d617920636f6d | s a Brahmana may com
| 6d6974206174206e6967687420696e2074686520 | mit at night in the
| 6d69647374206f6620776f6d656e206172652061 | midst of women are a
| 6c6c20776173686564206f6666206265666f7265 | ll washed off before
| 206461776e206279207265636974696e67206120 | dawn by reciting a
| ca0983e5ffd59a3ac5457a21adfe925d00a1bd192e059a86de549074575c16ac |
| 766520686967686c7920626c6573736564204761 | ve highly blessed Ga
| 6e6468617276617320656e647565642077697468 | ndharvas endued with
| 2074686520656666756c67656e6365206f662066 | the effulgence of f
| 6972652c20616e6420706f73736573736564206f | ire, and possessed o
| 6620677265617420656e657267792c2077657265 | f great energy, were
| 2c204f206b696e672c2074686520736f6e73206f | , O king, the sons o
| 6620447261757061646920616e6420796f757273 | f Draupadi and yours
| 656c662e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e224265686f | elf.</p> <p>"Beho
| 6c6420446872697461726173687472612c207468 | ld Dhritarashtra, th
| 65206b696e67206f66207468652047616e646861 | e king of the Gandha
| 727661732c20706f73736573736564206f662067 | rvas, possessed of g
| 7265617420776973646f6d2e204b6e6f77207468 | reat wisdom. Know th
| 61742074686973206f6e65207761732074686520 | at this one was the
| 656c646573742062726f74686572206f66207468 | eldest brother of th
| 7920736972652e2054686973206f6e6520697320 | y sire. This one is
| 74687920656c646573742062726f746865722c20 | thy eldest brother,
| 74686520736f6e206f66204b756e74692c20656e | the son of Kunti, en
| 64756564207769746820656666756c67656e6365 | dued with effulgence
| 206f6620666972652e2054686520736f6e206f66 | of fire. The son of
| 2053757279612c2074687920656c646573742062 | Surya, thy eldest b
| 726f746865722c2074686520666f72656d6f7374 | rother, the foremost
| 206f66206d656e2c206576656e2074686973206f | of men, even this o
| 6e6520776173206b6e6f776e2061732074686520 | ne was known as the
| 736f6e206f662052616468612e204865206d6f76 | son of Radha. He mov
| 657320696e2074686520636f6d70616e79206f66 | es in the company of
| 2053757279612e204265686f6c64207468697320 | Surya. Behold this
| 666f72656d6f7374206f66204265696e67732e20 | foremost of Beings.
| 416d6f6e672074686520747269626573206f6620 | Among the tribes of
| 7468652053616464687961732c2074686520676f | the Saddhyas, the go
| 64732c2074686520566973776564657661732c20 | ds, the Viswedevas,
| 616e6420746865204d61727574732c206265686f | and the Maruts, beho
| 6c642c204f206b696e67206f66206b696e67732c | ld, O king of kings,
| 20746865206d6967687479206361722d77617272 | the mighty car-warr
| 696f7273206f66207468652056726973686e6973 | iors of the Vrishnis
| 20616e642074686520416e6468616b61732c2076 | and the Andhakas, v
| 697a2e2c2074686f7365206865726f6573206861 | iz., those heroes ha
| 76696e672053617479616b6920666f7220746865 | ving Satyaki for the
| 69722066697273742c20616e642074686f736520 | ir first, and those
| 6d6967687479206f6e657320616d6f6e67207468 | mighty ones among th
| 652042686f6a61732e204265686f6c6420746865 | e Bhojas. Behold the
| 20736f6e206f662053756268616472612c20696e | son of Subhadra, in
| 76696e6369626c6520696e20626174746c652c20 | vincible in battle,
| 6e6f772073746179696e67207769746820536f6d | now staying with Som
| 612e204576656e20686520697320746865206d69 | a. Even he is the mi
| 6768747920626f776d616e20416268696d616e79 | ghty bowman Abhimany
| 752c206e6f7720656e6475656420776974682074 | u, now endued with t
| 68652067656e746c6520656666756c67656e6365 | he gentle effulgence
| 206f6620746865206772656174206c756d696e61 | of the great lumina
| 7279206f6620746865206e696768742e20486572 | ry of the night. Her
| 6520697320746865206d696768747920626f776d | e is the mighty bowm
| 616e2050616e64752c206e6f7720756e69746564 | an Pandu, now united
| 2077697468204b756e746920616e64204d616472 | with Kunti and Madr
| 692e205468792073697265206672657175656e74 | i. Thy sire frequent
| 6c7920636f6d657320746f206d65206f6e206869 | ly comes to me on hi
| 7320657863656c6c656e74206361722e20426568 | s excellent car. Beh
| 6f6c642074686520726f79616c2042686973686d | old the royal Bhishm
| 612c2074686520736f6e206f662053616e74616e | a, the son of Santan
| 752c206e6f7720696e20746865206d6964737420 | u, now in the midst
| 6f66207468652056617375732e204b6e6f772074 | of the Vasus. Know t
| 6861742074686973206f6e652062792074686520 | hat this one by the
| 73696465206f6620427269686173706174692069 | side of Brihaspati i
| 732074687920707265636570746f722044726f6e | s thy preceptor Dron
| 612e20546865736520616e64206f74686572206b | a. These and other k
| 696e67732c204f20736f6e206f662050616e6475 | ings, O son of Pandu
| 2c2077686f2068616420776172726564206f6e20 | , who had warred on
| 7468792073696465206e6f772077616c6b207769 | thy side now walk wi
| 7468207468652047616e64686172766173206f72 | th the Gandharvas or
| 2059616b73686173206f72206f74686572207361 | Yakshas or other sa
| 63726564206265696e67732e20536f6d65206861 | cred beings. Some ha
| 76652061747461696e656420746f207468652073 | ve attained to the s
| 7461747573206f662047756879616b61732c204f | tatus of Guhyakas, O
| 206b696e672e20486176696e672063617374206f | king. Having cast o
| 666620746865697220626f646965732c20746865 | ff their bodies, the
| 79206861766520636f6e71756572656420486561 | y have conquered Hea
| 76656e20627920746865206d6572697420746865 | ven by the merit the
| 7920686164206163717569726564207468726f75 | y had acquired throu
| 676820776f72642c2074686f7567687420616e64 | gh word, thought and
| 20646565642e26233134363b3c2f703e20200d0a | deed.’</p>
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| 743d22546865204d616861626861726174612c20 | t="The Mahabharata,
| 426f6f6b2031383a20537661726761726f68616e | Book 18: Svargarohan
| 696b612050617276613a204b2e4d2e2047616e67 | ika Parva: K.M. Gang
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| 726f68616e696b612050617276613a2053656374 | rohanika Parva: Sect
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| 703e20200d0a3c703e5661697368616d70617961 | p> <p>Vaishampaya
| 6e6120736169642c20224b696e67205975646869 | na said, "King Yudhi
| 7368746869726120746865206a7573742c207468 | shthira the just, th
| 6520736f6e206f66205072697468612c20686164 | e son of Pritha, had
| 206e6f742073746179656420746865726520666f | not stayed there fo
| 72206d6f7265207468616e2061206d6f6d656e74 | r more than a moment
| 207768656e2c204f2074686f75206f66204b7572 | when, O thou of Kur
| 7526233134363b7320726163652c20616c6c2074 | u’s race, all t
| 686520676f6473207769746820496e6472612061 | he gods with Indra a
| 7420746865697220686561642063616d6520746f | t their head came to
| 20746861742073706f742e205468652064656974 | that spot. The deit
| 79206f66205269676874656f75736e6573732069 | y of Righteousness i
| 6e2068697320656d626f6469656420666f726d20 | n his embodied form
| 616c736f2063616d6520746f207468617420706c | also came to that pl
| 61636520776865726520746865204b757275206b | ace where the Kuru k
| 696e67207761732c20666f7220736565696e6720 | ing was, for seeing
| 74686174206d6f6e617263682e2055706f6e2074 | that monarch. Upon t
| 686520616476656e74206f662074686f73652064 | he advent of those d
| 656974696573206f6620726573706c656e64656e | eities of resplenden
| 7420626f6469657320616e642073616e63746966 | t bodies and sanctif
| 69656420616e64206e6f626c652064656564732c | ied and noble deeds,
| 20746865206461726b6e65737320746861742068 | the darkness that h
| 6164206f7665727768656c6d6564207468617420 | ad overwhelmed that
| 726567696f6e20696d6d6564696174656c792064 | region immediately d
| 697361707065617265642e2054686520746f726d | isappeared. The torm
| 656e747320756e646572676f6e65206279206265 | ents undergone by be
| 696e6773206f662073696e66756c206465656473 | ings of sinful deeds
| 2077657265206e6f206c6f6e676572207365656e | were no longer seen
| 2e2054686520726976657220566169746172616e | . The river Vaitaran
| 692c207468652074686f726e792053616c6d616c | i, the thorny Salmal
| 692c207468652069726f6e206a6172732c20616e | i, the iron jars, an
| 642074686520626f756c64657273206f6620726f | d the boulders of ro
| 636b2c20736f207465727269626c6520746f2062 | ck, so terrible to b
| 65686f6c642c20616c736f2076616e6973686564 | ehold, also vanished
| 2066726f6d2073696768742e2054686520646976 | from sight. The div
| 6572736520726570756c7369766520636f727073 | erse repulsive corps
| 657320616c736f2c20776869636820746865204b | es also, which the K
| 757275206b696e6720686164207365656e2c2064 | uru king had seen, d
| 6973617070656172656420617420746865207361 | isappeared at the sa
| 6d652074696d652e205468656e20612062726565 | me time. Then a bree
| 7a652c2064656c6963696f757320616e64206672 | ze, delicious and fr
| 6175676874207769746820706c656173616e7420 | aught with pleasant
| 70657266756d65732c20706572666563746c7920 | perfumes, perfectly
| 7075726520616e642064656c6967687466756c6c | pure and delightfull
| 7920636f6f6c2c204f20426861726174612c2062 | y cool, O Bharata, b
| 6567616e20746f20626c6f77206f6e2074686174 | egan to blow on that
| 2073706f7420696e20636f6e73657175656e6365 | spot in consequence
| 206f66207468652070726573656e6365206f6620 | of the presence of
| 74686520676f64732e20546865204d6172757473 | the gods. The Maruts
| 2c207769746820496e6472612c20746865205661 | , with Indra, the Va
| fd1274872024ef17b11a9308f3014e7fe1156a0e5ae9efc4d9a25ebb0c2c90fb |
| 686176697379612e3c2f693e3c2f703e20200d0a | havisya.</i></p>
| 3c703e225768656e20746865203c693e4d617573 | <p>"When the <i>Maus
| 616c61203c2f693e697320726561636865642c20 | ala </i>is reached,
| 7363656e747320616e64206761726c616e647320 | scents and garlands
| 706f73736573736564206f662061677265656162 | possessed of agreeab
| 6c65207175616c69746965732073686f756c6420 | le qualities should
| 626520676976656e20617761792e3c2f703e2020 | be given away.</p>
| 0d0a3c703e22447572696e6720746865203c693e | <p>"During the <i>
| 4d616861707261737468616e696b612c203c2f69 | Mahaprasthanika, </i
| 3e73696d696c61722070726573656e7473207368 | >similar presents sh
| 6f756c64206265206d6164652c20706f73736573 | ould be made, posses
| 736564206f66206576657279207175616c697479 | sed of every quality
| 206f6620616e20616772656561626c65206b696e | of an agreeable kin
| 642e3c2f703e20200d0a3c703e225768656e2074 | d.</p> <p>"When t
| 6865203c693e5376617267612d7061727661203c | he <i>Svarga-parva <
| 2f693e697320726561636865642c20746865203c | /i>is reached, the <
| 693e627261686d616e6173203c2f693e73686f75 | i>brahmanas </i>shou
| 6c64206265206665642077697468203c693e6861 | ld be fed with <i>ha
| 76697379612e3c2f693e3c2f703e20200d0a3c70 | visya.</i></p> <p
| 3e2255706f6e2074686520636f6e636c7573696f | >"Upon the conclusio
| 6e206f6620746865204861726976616e73612c20 | n of the Harivansa,
| 6120312c303030203c693e627261686d616e6173 | a 1,000 <i>brahmanas
| 203c2f693e73686f756c64206265206665642e20 | </i>should be fed.
| 556e746f2065616368206f66207468656d207368 | Unto each of them sh
| 6f756c642062652070726573656e746564206120 | ould be presented a
| 636f77206163636f6d70616e6965642077697468 | cow accompanied with
| 2061207069656365206f6620676f6c642e204861 | a piece of gold. Ha
| 6c66206f6620746869732073686f756c64206265 | lf of this should be
| 2070726573656e74656420746f20656163682070 | presented to each p
| 6f6f72206d616e2c204f206b696e672e3c2f703e | oor man, O king.</p>
| 20200d0a3c703e2255706f6e2074686520636f6e | <p>"Upon the con
| 636c7573696f6e206f6620616c6c207468652050 | clusion of all the P
| 61727661732c2074686520686f7573652d686f6c | arvas, the house-hol
| 646572206f6620776973646f6d2073686f756c64 | der of wisdom should
| 206769766520756e746f20746865207265636974 | give unto the recit
| 6572206120636f7079206f6620746865204d6168 | er a copy of the Mah
| 6162686172617461207769746820612070696563 | abharata with a piec
| 65206f6620676f6c642e205768656e2074686520 | e of gold. When the
| 4861726976616e73612050617276612069732062 | Harivansa Parva is b
| 65696e6720726563697465642c20427261686d61 | eing recited, Brahma
| 6e61732073686f756c6420626520666564207769 | nas should be fed wi
| 7468206672756d656e7479206174206561636820 | th frumenty at each
| 7375636365737369766520506172616e612c204f | successive Parana, O
| 206b696e672e20486176696e672066696e697368 | king. Having finish
| 656420616c6c20746865205061727661732c206f | ed all the Parvas, o
| 6e652076657273656420696e2074686520736372 | ne versed in the scr
| 697074757265732c20726f62696e672068696d73 | iptures, robing hims
| 656c6620696e2077686974652c2077656172696e | elf in white, wearin
| 67206761726c616e64732c206465636b65642077 | g garlands, decked w
| 697468206f726e616d656e74732c20616e642070 | ith ornaments, and p
| 726f7065726c792070757269666965642c207368 | roperly purified, sh
| 6f756c6420706c616365206120636f7079206f66 | ould place a copy of
| 20746865204d61686162686172617461206f6e20 | the Mahabharata on
| 616e20617573706963696f75732073706f742061 | an auspicious spot a
| 6e6420636f766572206974207769746820612070 | nd cover it with a p
| 69656365206f662073696c6b656e20636c6f7468 | iece of silken cloth
| 20616e6420776f72736869702069742c20616363 | and worship it, acc
| 6f7264696e6720746f206475652072697465732c | ording to due rites,
| 2077697468207363656e747320616e6420676172 | with scents and gar
| 6c616e64732c206f66666572696e672065616368 | lands, offering each
| 20617420612074696d652e20496e646565642c20 | at a time. Indeed,
| 4f206b696e672c20746865207365766572616c20 | O king, the several
| 766f6c756d6573206f6620746869732074726561 | volumes of this trea
| 746973652073686f756c6420626520776f727368 | tise should be worsh
| 6970706564206279206f6e652077697468206465 | ipped by one with de
| 766f74696f6e20616e6420636f6e63656e747261 | votion and concentra
| 746564206d696e642e204f66666572696e677320 | ted mind. Offerings
| 73686f756c64206265206d61646520756e746f20 | should be made unto
| 7468656d206f662064697665727365206b696e64 | them of diverse kind
| 73206f6620666f6f6420616e64206761726c616e | s of food and garlan
| 647320616e64206472696e6b7320616e64206469 | ds and drinks and di
| 766572736520617573706963696f757320617274 | verse auspicious art
| 69636c6573206f6620656e6a6f796d656e742e20 | icles of enjoyment.
| 476f6c6420616e64206f74686572207072656369 | Gold and other preci
| 6f7573206d6574616c732073686f756c64206265 | ous metals should be
| 20676976656e2061732044616b7368696e612e20 | given as Dakshina.
| 546865206e616d65732073686f756c6420746865 | The names should the
| 6e2062652074616b656e206f6620616c6c207468 | n be taken of all th
| 65206465697469657320617320616c736f206f66 | e deities as also of
| 204e61726120616e64204e61726179616e612e20 | Nara and Narayana.
| 5468656e2c2061646f726e696e67207468652070 | Then, adorning the p
| 6572736f6e73206f6620736f6d6520666f72656d | ersons of some forem
| 6f7374206f6620427261686d616e617320776974 | ost of Brahmanas wit
| 68207363656e747320616e64206761726c616e64 | h scents and garland
| 732c20746865792073686f756c64206265206772 | s, they should be gr
| 6174696669656420776974682064697665727365 | atified with diverse
| 206b696e6473206f66206769667473206f662065 | kinds of gifts of e
| 6e6a6f7961626c6520616e642076657279207375 | njoyable and very su
| 706572696f72206f7220636f73746c7920617274 | perior or costly art
| 69636c65732e20427920646f696e672074686973 | icles. By doing this
| 2c206f6e652061747461696e7320746f20746865 | , one attains to the
| 206d6572697473206f6620746865204174697261 | merits of the Atira
| 747261207361637269666963652e20496e646565 | tra sacrifice. Indee
| 642c206174206561636820737563636573736976 | d, at each successiv
| 652050617276612c206865206163717569726573 | e Parva, he acquires
| 20746865206d6572697473207468617420617474 | the merits that att
| 61636820746f2074686520706572666f726d616e | ach to the performan
| 6365206f662061207361637269666963652e2054 | ce of a sacrifice. T
| 686520726563697465722c204f20636869656620 | he reciter, O chief
| 6f66207468652042686172617461732c2073686f | of the Bharatas, sho
| 756c6420626520706f73736573736564206f6620 | uld be possessed of
| 6c6561726e696e6720616e6420656e6475656420 | learning and endued
| 77697468206120676f6f6420766f69636520616e | with a good voice an
| 64206120636c656172207574746572616e636520 | d a clear utterance
| 72657370656374696e6720626f7468206c657474 | respecting both lett
| 65727320616e6420776f7264732e204576656e20 | ers and words. Even
| 737563682061206d616e2073686f756c642c204f | such a man should, O
| 206368696566206f662074686520426861726174 | chief of the Bharat
| 61732c2072656369746520746865204268617261 | as, recite the Bhara
| 74612e20416674657220656e7465727461696e69 | ta. After entertaini
| 6e672061206e756d626572206f6620666f72656d | ng a number of forem
| 6f737420427261686d616e61732c207072657365 | ost Brahmanas, prese
| 6e74732073686f756c64206265206d6164652075 | nts should be made u
| 6e746f207468656d206163636f7264696e672074 | nto them according t
| 6f20746865206f7264696e616e6365732e205468 | o the ordinances. Th
| 65207265636974657220616c736f2c204f206368 | e reciter also, O ch
| 696566206f66207468652042686172617461732c | ief of the Bharatas,
| 2073686f756c64206265206465636b6564207769 | should be decked wi
| 7468206f726e616d656e747320616e6420666564 | th ornaments and fed
| 2073756d7074756f75736c792e20546865207265 | sumptuously. The re
| 6369746572206265696e67206772617469666965 | citer being gratifie
| 642c2074686520686f7573652d686f6c64657220 | d, the house-holder
| 61747461696e7320746f20616e20657863656c6c | attains to an excell
| 656e7420616e6420617573706963696f75732063 | ent and auspicious c
| 6f6e74656e746d656e742e204966207468652042 | ontentment. If the B
| 7261686d616e6173206172652067726174696669 | rahmanas are gratifi
| 65642c20616c6c20746865206465697469657320 | ed, all the deities
| 617265206772617469666965642e204166746572 | are gratified. After
| 20746869732c204f206368696566206f66207468 | this, O chief of th
| 652042686172617461732c20427261686d616e61 | e Bharatas, Brahmana
| 732073686f756c642062652064756c7920656e74 | s should be duly ent
| 65727461696e6564207769746820646976657273 | ertained with divers
| 65206b696e6473206f6620656e6a6f7961626c65 | e kinds of enjoyable
| 2061727469636c657320616e6420737570657269 | articles and superi
| 6f72207468696e67732e3c2f703e20200d0a3c70 | or things.</p> <p
| 3e22492068617665207468757320696e64696361 | >"I have thus indica
| 74656420746865206f7264696e616e6365732c20 | ted the ordinances,
| 4f20666f72656d6f7374206f66206d656e2c2028 | O foremost of men, (
| 61626f757420746865206d616e6e6572206f6620 | about the manner of
| 7265636974696e67207468657365207363726970 | reciting these scrip
| 74757265732920696e20616e7377657220746f20 | tures) in answer to
| 74687920656e717569726965732e2054686f7520 | thy enquiries. Thou
| 73686f756c647374206f62736572766520746865 | shouldst observe the
| 6d20776974682066616974682e20496e206c6973 | m with faith. In lis
| 74656e696e6720746f2061207265636974617469 | tening to a recitati
| 6f6e206f6620746865204268617261746120616e | on of the Bharata an
| 64206174206561636820506172616e612c204f20 | d at each Parana, O
| 62657374206f66206b696e67732c206f6e652074 | best of kings, one t
| 686174206465736972657320746f206174746169 | hat desires to attai
| 6e20746f20746865206869676865737420676f6f | n to the highest goo
| 642073686f756c64206c697374656e2077697468 | d should listen with
| 2074686520677265617465737420636172652061 | the greatest care a
| 6e6420617474656e74696f6e2e204f6e65207368 | nd attention. One sh
| 6f756c64206c697374656e20746f207468652042 | ould listen to the B
| 686172617461206576657279206461792e204f6e | harata every day. On
| 652073686f756c642070726f636c61696d207468 | e should proclaim th
| 65206d6572697473206f66207468652042686172 | e merits of the Bhar
| 617461206576657279206461792e204f6e652069 | ata every day. One i
| 6e2077686f736520686f75736520746865204268 | n whose house the Bh
| 6172617461206f63637572732c2068617320696e | arata occurs, has in
| 206869732068616e647320616c6c2074686f7365 | his hands all those
| 2073637269707475726573207768696368206172 | scriptures which ar
| 65206b6e6f776e20627920746865206e616d6520 | e known by the name
| 6f66203c693e4a6179612e203c2f693e54686520 | of <i>Jaya. </i>The
| 3c693e42686172617461203c2f693e697320636c | <i>Bharata </i>is cl