MD5 hash img a66f26898c9e7dd232a0adf3036464d3 l****** caccf81dd0ceb055d1da9a0b8b149c91 m*************** e94571ab4c8acb72ebe13d7914c723dc a************ 82ca9aeccee2caec2c17aa97f576ed61 j************* 12b78d49d360733968a5287a190a9f6e r************ 2d712e814dc1f7520b9f9251feb42040 p***** 8c5ee9ab2130179b48d24e8b47e90b18 a************ c10ed385c509cc2c7ba59b2eb4c4947a r******** f1618d06b5847dd9de3a2a2439bfe3d7 b********* 6c5acf1f807ca7d261850f81ad615939 c******** 97ad96d7698c2be7fbde68ce82bf3020 f********** 2b8665804f199caef88fa185e1f15cb2 h************ 70f2b6b4065ed1bd37cf203ae65fdbe1 j************ 73767c97ab038992f3a63cc2a2df0ab3 a********** 3a33673d9906105fed9d1e0bc2668b3d d********* 4db94ebb579cef3bead05c1930d6123b d************* aa2cd283acda6254ed4a0bdb291fc240 e*********** 21884872d92573ad15dc7c159a70a85b c************** 9282baf2392b559ec2159693116679f7 n****** b17b66835fa5639233784ade2fb38e8a r********
Autor: prodwald
Randomly chosen e-mail addresses recovered from Gravatars on the website / Losowo wybierane adresy e-mail odtworzone z Gravatarów w serwisie
MD5 hash img a2bdb16f3f614fc82571abd7c4c7c660 s******* f63d07de292fea91681dbec0af963169 m***** 3a3cc4f5ec8f4ffb6136d500d4d6a020 m************ e49beb869d7f8182b0fab95d72371101 r******** b06e419b57a8fa5916232de5e5713fa0 s*************** 497e7dda1dce85520ead7d70db741754 m********* f38cc799268f324818f04f9662f43ff3 a****** c11b65a3203ab9c983fbfb0acc8cd7a2 z******** 26f9b45a482620cba3cf64428da5200f j******* 966d3ea27a727510751d89d8e6d50377 m******************** a98192d9d270a466153f15fa8624d914 t*********** 03995d9620fd10327de783a802d089e8 k**************** 06aabe9b6703b635553853696b1d2055 m** 2161000e233bb9dabacb84a15e3d1335 b****** be2e74c20283872795e1752d22fea5e3 j********* a9c36c23eb47c861a51f906fab466bc5 s******** 75dbc9d71484bd0f262f4d77b2956897 e********* 0c67a82a327fb5e7de3d1b6e2afe2943 j****** c4937925df72b447e4dc6b69e4a29273 r*** 17f2db54983713f6b20dc4acf6c4f33f t*****
Zabezpieczanie haseł w systemach informatycznych
Celem artykułu jest usystematyzowanie metod zabezpieczania statycznych haseł przechowywanych na potrzeby systemów informatycznych, w szczególności serwisów internetowych, wskazanie słabych stron zaprezentowanych metod oraz wyciągnięcie wniosków w postaci zaleceń dla projektantów systemów informatycznych. Na wstępie przedstawiono pojęcie kryptograficznej funkcji skrótu, a następnie omówiono kolejne metody przechowywania haseł, pokazując ich ewolucję oraz podatności na współczesne ataki. Pokazano wyniki badań nad hasłami maskowanymi w polskich bankach oraz przedstawiono najciekawsze przykłady współczesnych funkcji adaptacyjnych. Następnie dokonano autorskiej systematyzacji metod zabezpieczania haseł oraz wskazano kierunki dalszych badań. Słowa kluczowe: informatyka, hasła, uwierzytelnianie, zabezpieczanie danych, funkcje skrótu.
Password protection in IT systems
The aim of the article is to systematise the methods of securing static passwords stored in IT systems. Pros and cons of those methods are presented and conclusions as a recommendation for IT system designers are proposed. At the beginning, the concept of cryptographic hash function is presented, following discussion of methods of storing passwords showing their evolution and susceptibility to modern attacks. Results of research on masked passwords of Polish banks IT systems
are presented, as well as the most interesting examples of adaptive password functions are given. Then, the systematisation of password protection methods was carried out. Finally, the directions for
further research are indicated.
DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0011.8036
GICID: 01.3001.0011.8036
Biuletyn WAT 2018; 67 (1): 73-92
Kryptograficzne funkcje skrótu
Celem artykułu jest przegląd informacji dotyczących funkcji skrótu oraz przedstawienie najnowszych osiągnięć kryptografii w tym zakresie. Wyjaśnione są podstawowe pojęcia dotyczące funkcji skrótu, ich zastosowanie oraz metody ataków. Pokazany jest bieżący stan kryptoanalizy znanych i powszechnie stosowanych funkcji skrótu: MD4, MD5, SHA. Na zakończenie omówiona jest przyszłość funkcji skrótu i zakończony konkurs na nowy standard funkcji SHA-3.
Cryptographic hash functions
The article presents a synthesis of information about the hash function and shows the latest developments in this field of cryptography. Basic concepts of the hash function are explained: definition, properties, classification, usage of the hash function and methods of attacks. The current state of cryptanalysis of known and commonly used hash functions (MD, SHA) is shown as well as consequences coming from this. At the end the attention will be paid to the future of the hash function and the current state of art in the competition for developing the new standard of SHA-3 function.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej, 2 (193), 2013, 91-102
Survey PNA 2018
The results of the password security survey conducted among students at the Polish Naval Academy in 2018.
The survey was conducted at all faculties, both among military and civil students, both among Polish students (460 questionnaires) and foreign (50 questionnaires) as part of the diploma thesis.
1. The first group of questions concerns general issues related to passwords.
Do you use the same password on different websites?
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
T | YES | 257 | 55.87 % |
N | NO | 203 | 44.13 % |
How many unique passwords do you have to protect your Internet accounts/profiles?
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
=1 | =1 | 29 | 6.30 % |
2-3 | 2-3 | 237 | 51.52 % |
4-5 | 4-5 | 130 | 28.26 % |
6- | 6- | 64 | 13.91 % |
Have you ever thought about the safety of your Internet passwords?
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
T | YES | 338 | 73.48 % |
N | NO | 122 | 26.52 % |
2. The second group of questions concerns the level of difficulty for passwords belonging to particular categories.
Set the level of difficulty of the password you use (or you would use) for the following categories of Internet services: Financial services for example Internet banks
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 2 | 0.43 % |
2 | Weak | 4 | 0.87 % |
3 | Medium | 42 | 9.13 % |
4 | Strong | 135 | 29.35 % |
5 | Very strong | 277 | 60.22 % |
Set the level of difficulty of the password you use (or you would use) for the following categories of Internet services: Social networks for example Facebook
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 3 | 0.65 % |
2 | Weak | 20 | 4.35 % |
3 | Medium | 118 | 25.65 % |
4 | Strong | 218 | 47.39 % |
5 | Very strong | 101 | 21.96 % |
Set the level of difficulty of the password you use (or you would use) for the following categories of Internet services: Access to email for example Gmail
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 6 | 1.30 % |
2 | Weak | 23 | 5.00 % |
3 | Medium | 116 | 25.22 % |
4 | Strong | 206 | 44.78 % |
5 | Very strong | 109 | 23.70 % |
Set the level of difficulty of the password you use (or you would use) for the following categories of Internet services: Entertainment services for example Netflix
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 17 | 3.70 % |
2 | Weak | 48 | 10.43 % |
3 | Medium | 173 | 37.61 % |
4 | Strong | 156 | 33.91 % |
5 | Very strong | 66 | 14.35 % |
Set the level of difficulty of the password you use (or you would use) for the following categories of Internet services: Electronic commerce services for example Amazon
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 13 | 2.83 % |
2 | Weak | 26 | 5.65 % |
3 | Medium | 140 | 30.43 % |
4 | Strong | 171 | 37.17 % |
5 | Very strong | 110 | 23.91 % |
All above presented results on one figure (from left to right):
- Financial services
- Social networks
- Access to email
- Entertainment services
- Electronic commerce
3. The third group of questions concerns a subjective opinion on the strength of passwords.
Password strenght 1467234690
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 44 | 9.57 % |
2 | Weak | 93 | 20.22 % |
3 | Medium | 162 | 35.22 % |
4 | Strong | 120 | 26.09 % |
5 | Very strong | 41 | 8.91 % |
Password strenght 19860425
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 55 | 11.96 % |
2 | Weak | 140 | 30.43 % |
3 | Medium | 168 | 36.52 % |
4 | Strong | 76 | 16.52 % |
5 | Very strong | 21 | 4.57 % |
Password strenght zxcvbn12
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 16 | 3.48 % |
2 | Weak | 77 | 16.74 % |
3 | Medium | 155 | 33.70 % |
4 | Strong | 152 | 33.04 % |
5 | Very strong | 60 | 13.04 % |
Password strenght Q2W3E4R5
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 18 | 3.91 % |
2 | Weak | 87 | 18.91 % |
3 | Medium | 160 | 34.78 % |
4 | Strong | 142 | 30.87 % |
5 | Very strong | 53 | 11.52 % |
Password strenght qazwsxed
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 39 | 8.48 % |
2 | Weak | 126 | 27.39 % |
3 | Medium | 190 | 41.30 % |
4 | Strong | 86 | 18.70 % |
5 | Very strong | 19 | 4.13 % |
Password strenght KasiaNowak
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 348 | 75.65 % |
2 | Weak | 75 | 16.30 % |
3 | Medium | 24 | 5.22 % |
4 | Strong | 5 | 1.09 % |
5 | Very strong | 8 | 1.74 % |
Password strenght K@$i@N0w@k
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 35 | 7.61 % |
2 | Weak | 94 | 20.43 % |
3 | Medium | 107 | 23.26 % |
4 | Strong | 141 | 30.65 % |
5 | Very strong | 83 | 18.04 % |
Password strenght KawonAisak
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 65 | 14.13 % |
2 | Weak | 173 | 37.61 % |
3 | Medium | 171 | 37.17 % |
4 | Strong | 44 | 9.57 % |
5 | Very strong | 7 | 1.52 % |
Password strenght iwonka21
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 196 | 42.61 % |
2 | Weak | 186 | 40.43 % |
3 | Medium | 61 | 13.26 % |
4 | Strong | 10 | 2.17 % |
5 | Very strong | 7 | 1.52 % |
Password strenght KarOlcia9
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 119 | 25.87 % |
2 | Weak | 188 | 40.87 % |
3 | Medium | 119 | 25.87 % |
4 | Strong | 23 | 5.00 % |
5 | Very strong | 11 | 2.39 % |
Password strenght Aizuz1996!
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 47 | 10.22 % |
2 | Weak | 154 | 33.48 % |
3 | Medium | 158 | 34.35 % |
4 | Strong | 76 | 16.52 % |
5 | Very strong | 25 | 5.43 % |
Password strenght RDE1095Ja
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 8 | 1.74 % |
2 | Weak | 45 | 9.78 % |
3 | Medium | 152 | 33.04 % |
4 | Strong | 180 | 39.13 % |
5 | Very strong | 75 | 16.30 % |
Password strenght passw0rd
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 167 | 36.30 % |
2 | Weak | 174 | 37.83 % |
3 | Medium | 87 | 18.91 % |
4 | Strong | 22 | 4.78 % |
5 | Very strong | 10 | 2.17 % |
Password strenght Q5!gH$?aWd
Answer | Number of answers | ||
code | meaning | quantity | percentage |
1 | Very weak | 6 | 1.30 % |
2 | Weak | 9 | 1.96 % |
3 | Medium | 29 | 6.30 % |
4 | Strong | 123 | 26.74 % |
5 | Very strong | 293 | 63.70 % |
Comparison of strength of passwords which belongs to particular group.
In the real survey, passwords belonging to the same group were not
one next to the other.
Group 1
The first group of passwords consists of numbers only: 19860425 (8-digits) and 1467234690 (10-digits).
Group 2
The second group of passwords consists of a combination of keys located close to each other on the keyboard : zxcvbn12, Q2W3E4R5, qazwsxed.
Group 3
The third group of passwords consists of string made only from first and last names in three different forms: KasiaNowak (name and surname), K@$i@N0w@k (name and surname enriched with LeetSpeek – exchange of selected letters for special characters), KawonAisak (name and last name is a reverse).
Grupa 4
The fourth group of passwords consists of name only, enriched with: digits iwonka21; uppercase letters and digitKarOlcia9; reverse, digits and special sign Aizuz1996!.